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Everything posted by HCMistborn

  1. What do you mean? I only know Conan from the Adventures of Conan TV series. JUST KIDDING, put away the pitchforks. I totally agree, you have made a really thoughtful post about this and it just makes me want to paint up some Darkoath even more. Even the way that the Darkoath hate the worship of a singular god or deity as weak sort of reflects Crom being like "don't ask me for favors or worship me, you weaklings."
  2. I have to say, that Darkoath lore is dope. I really love the duality they are going for with the Dawnbringers and the Darkoath. You can really understand why the Darkoath do what they do, and why they view Sigmar the way they do. It also leaves room for the Darkoath to still have people who just really love being evil in their ranks, but also someone like a darker Conan among them.
  3. I almost said this, I really feel like we are at the point that 99% of wargamers can handle using an app or some form of digital rules in place of these. If not, they can ask a friend to print it for them. One Page Rules and Conquest have done it with success.
  4. Not my faction, but I want a refresh of all the Daemons. Especially after realms of ruin made Tzeentch look cool again, I want all the basic daemons to be refreshed even though I will never play them.
  5. The Prosecutors from that RTS game that came out have the wings like...fold into the backpack like an energy jump pack type thing. It would be cool to see an option for them to have them like that.
  6. These are gorgeous. Does AOS have the rule of three like 40k? Cause I want to run an army of them.
  7. I don't really know how to fix this, but I feel like I have a solution that other people might be able to tell me is stupid or isn't. When I ran a pet supply store we would sell the same product under two different UPCS to track a certain type of packaging, to see if the packaging would make it sell better. Couldn't they do the same thing for these? Have the webstore track if someone adds it to their cart from Warcry tab or the Age of Sigmar tab? Have different UPCs, one on a warcry box and one on a age of sigmar box? Then it would divide sales to calculate better? On rumors, I might have to wait it seems like Malerion and Chorfs seem to be hinted at coming, which are two factions I am most interested in. I might start Kruleboyz since they are cheap to be able to play the game until then lol
  8. All I am getting from these rumors is my best bet for Dorfs is either the Chaos kind of the Old World kind.
  9. Koala, this is great advice. I always try to tell myself that the miniatures don't go bad, they don't expire. I can always paint them in ten years, or a few months. Projects should follow inspiration and not purchase timing, at least within reason.
  10. Did the murder the plague priest in the model cleansing? Maybe a grey seer that can be built as a plague priest, like in Total Warhammer? I seem to remember them being the same model with a different staff and stink lines floating around the plague priest.
  11. I don't have anything constructive to add, I just need to say that these Dwarf models are all amazing. They have had such a strong and incredible range for such a long time and so much of it still looks great. Even the stuff in AOS that might vanish, the Dispossessed or seems to be moving to TOW are still so great looking. Then I see something like the new models like the Kings and the new White Dwarf, and I am starting to wonder if they are just that good, or do I love Dwarfs and I haven't accepted it?
  12. Yeah, I would rather have a 5 or 6 year cycle than these short editions personally. I hate people getting Battletomes/Codexes a month or two before the edition dies. OR, as many have said before, switch to digital rules and drop the BT/Codex system for anything other than lore and art.
  13. This is my struggle too, I am building my dream Dark Angels army right now. I never thought I would have gorgeous Deathwing Knights and the Lion, but I am also using the Deathwing Knights and regular terminator arms to make Deathwing Terminators with robes. But I have zero interest in 10th edition 40k. I am loving all the rules we see in 4th Ed AOS, but I want a classic fantasy style army, and I can't seem to find the inspiration in AOS for that.
  14. Today is a day of beautiful miniatures, my goodness.
  15. This is incredible, and pushing me more towards Dorfs for TOW. Sorry, Bretonnians, you will be on a shelf a little longer.
  16. I am facing the same issue alongside decision paralysis for AOS, and I have decided to just ignore the problem. I have just making myself paint, even if I am not excited about it. It hasn't helped with my AOS hobby block, but is helping to get my ASOIAF armies painted up! I think finding inspiration is really key, but keeping that excitement going is important too. I have recently been listening to audio books while painting to keep me in the right headspace, even if I am listening to stories from Roshar or Randland or Rohan.
  17. On the US GW website there are currently two Skaven models that you can purchase, the Warlock Bomardier and Plague Monks. Doesn't mean anything probably, but I noticed when going to buy a box of Stormfiends.
  18. I said other. I used to only use Citadel, but have switched to Two Thin Coats. I love the line and it keeps getting more colors, which was my original complaint about it. The coverage and consistency is great, and it has great QC in my experience.
  19. Looking at the miniatures they are painting on the stream, the scale between the new clan rats and the new Liberators is exactly what I hoped for.
  20. What would chainmail over a solid plate pauldron do?
  21. Praise the rats!!! These are really gorgeous. I like the old kit so I wasn't sure what to expect, but these are perfect. They are a clear improvement but I feel like they don't make the old ones look completely out of place.
  22. https://www.warhammer-community.com/2024/04/04/terrors-of-the-countryside-how-badgers-and-geese-joined-the-gnome-blood-bowl-team/ Okay here is the real question, what army can I play/proxy these guys as?
  23. I think these new Liberators are kind of ugly, but I like the Giant Sword ones more anyway. Maybe they will grow on me, and not judging those who do like it.
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