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Win a Basket: For Those That Take Part, What Will Be In Your Cart?


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Games Workshop's upcoming promotion seems like a fun place to discuss wish-listing and what you'd do with some extra cash exclusive for our hobby. Are you hoping to start a new army? Or would you go on to expand upon your current collection? As per my moniker I know I will not be chosen, but I simultaneously think it would be really fun discussion to see what others are hoping to win.

I am thinking of adding to my current armies Slaves to Darkness (Archaon and ×2 Varanguad) and Ogor Mawtribes (Gnoblars and a Scrap Launcher). Alternatively this seems like a great way to start a new army, particularly the ones with a high cost of entry. However, I would not know where to begin in such a case probably add a centre piece and start collecting with an elite unit choice? 

Again I understand the likelihood of winning is slim but I still am interested in hearing what you are all hoping if you were to win.

But I ain’t got a million,
Fact is, ain’t got a dime—
So just by if-ing
I have a good time!
-Langston Hughes

Edited by Neverchosen
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I have 11 items in my list.

Complete the units that i dont have of two of my armys(fyreslayers and citys)


Berzerker heroe



Karl franz

Gryfon cavalry x2(i  had only 1 but i couldnt adjust the limit)


Fenix guard

Free people big swords

Free people pistolliers

Dwarf longbear

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6 minutes ago, Eldarain said:

The core of the Dark Elves army I want to do next.

2x Witches.

2x Executioners

2x Cold One Cavalry


4x Darkshards

Might steal your list, I am feeling nostalgic and miss my old Dark Elves...

That or maybe I should try and win some demons for Be'Lakor to feel more at home with my S2D army. I will probably stick with my current list though as I think it will be my only chance to add Archaon and the Varanguard to my collection. 

Edited by Neverchosen
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I put various Lumineth models in my basket as I am a sucker for high elves and they are models I like but wouldn't purchase due to their price. 

List is:

Vanari Dawnriders

Alarith Stonemage

Lumineth Battletome


Scinari Cathallar

Vanari Authalan Sentinels

Vanari Authalan Wardens

Some dice

A paint brush

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2 minutes ago, Sunshine said:

I put various Lumineth models in my basket as I am a sucker for high elves and they are models I like but wouldn't purchase due to their price. 

I saw someone speculate that this might be a clever bit of market research.

If they are able to parse people's cart contents and compare it to their order history it might be a good gauge of what ranges have more interest than actual sales leading to potential start collecting/battle box inclusion in the future

* I was almost going to mention price reductions but knew it sounded ludicrous ;)


@Neverchosen Well now you've get me doubting my decision. That new Bel'akor looks amazing...

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12 minutes ago, JackStreicher said:

I actually ahve no clue how much Euros you can put in the basket...so I went with 300@ max.

I put in all the models I wouldn't buy due to their price:

4x Symbaresh Twinsouls
2x Blissbarb Seekers

and a flight stand to get closer to 300€ XD

Yeah, I had to convert Pounds to Canadian Looncoins. And similarly chose models outside of my price range. 

According to Google 300 pounds is 532.15 cad

My basket came to $527 so I am hoping that fits within the criteria. Also, I would apparently have to answer a skill testing question because my Country has an odd sense of humour.  

Edited by Neverchosen
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Tried filling mine up half a dozen times.

 Sisters of Battle, GSC, even Orks for a Ardgitz Orkstodes project but I just have so much unpainted stuff to get through and I had sworn not to start a new army this year barring.


But when I looked at the stuff it just didn't excite me.


So I put a ÂŁ300 e-voucher into the basket. Doesn't seem to be against the T&Cs and would let me get Cursed City plus some Soulblight stuff when it comes out.

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1 hour ago, Clan's Cynic said:

Not Skryre Acolytes? Pff!

I did genuinely consider putting 30 Skyre Acolytes in my basket but reason got the better of me.

Decided to go for a bunch of centre piece models which my collection is a little short of went with:


-Lord-Celestant on Standlake


-Khainite Shadowstalkers

-Lhamean (needed something cheap to make up the numbers, would be used as a proxy for a Hag Queen or Vampire Lord or something)

Edited by mojojojo101
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Got everything I need (including terrain.... wait a minute, I need more time), so I couldn't even really use an extra free 300 bucks to be honest.... If GW wants more of my money, they gotta release more Tzeentch stuff (although the new Be'lakor will get bought as well). Or new Skaven. Or maybe Seraphon.... or the new Undead... which, as a true champion of Tzeentch I would never collect but they do interest me.

But the recent releases aren't armies I'd consider buying into, so yeah.... I'm good.*

* sounds weird to say that... never happened before with GW armies as something crucial was always missing**

** I lied. Give me a plastic Curseling, Fatemaster and Sorcerer-Warriors!

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Well nowhere in the Terms and Condition does it say it has to be 300 Pounds. You just have to have any products in the basket. Could even be more. Your prices don't have to be from the list you created from what I can tell. Interestingly enough for winners outside of UK this could get complicated. They specify that value of the price will be determined by GW. They also give a maximum for Cad and $, but not for Euros. Would be easier to just let people pick from the UK store...

I'm starting Mordheim again so a Cawdor Gang for bits, the warcry box since I would never buy that otherwise but it looks nice, Start Collecting Gloomspite, the guy on giant Squig and Mangler Squigs since those are the models I don't have yet but wouldn't buy since I have plenty of alternatives and don't need the newest models if I'm perfectly honest and Khagras Reavers since I promised myself to buy all Direchasm Warbands used - 28,50 was rich but 32,50€ for a warband... if I buy one I want them all and that's become really expensive. I mean 22,50 was too good to be true but couldn't they have stopped somewhere in the middle? :D 

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2 hours ago, JackStreicher said:

I actually ahve no clue how much Euros you can put in the basket...so I went with 300@ max.

I put in all the models I wouldn't buy due to their price:

4x Symbaresh Twinsouls
2x Blissbarb Seekers

and a flight stand to get closer to 300€ XD

The cap is 300 libras,so i just changed to delivery to england and i got to 300, then i changed to my country(spain) and chose these same items and it was 370€ i think

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8 hours ago, Fuxxx said:

Well nowhere in the Terms and Condition does it say it has to be 300 Pounds. You just have to have any products in the basket. Could even be more. Your prices don't have to be from the list you created from what I can tell. Interestingly enough for winners outside of UK this could get complicated. They specify that value of the price will be determined by GW. They also give a maximum for Cad and $, but not for Euros. Would be easier to just let people pick from the UK store...

I'm starting Mordheim again so a Cawdor Gang for bits, the warcry box since I would never buy that otherwise but it looks nice, Start Collecting Gloomspite, the guy on giant Squig and Mangler Squigs since those are the models I don't have yet but wouldn't buy since I have plenty of alternatives and don't need the newest models if I'm perfectly honest and Khagras Reavers since I promised myself to buy all Direchasm Warbands used - 28,50 was rich but 32,50€ for a warband... if I buy one I want them all and that's become really expensive. I mean 22,50 was too good to be true but couldn't they have stopped somewhere in the middle? :D 

A Blood Bowl team or Necromunda warband is 34, and gives you a lot more models. I used to recommend Underworlds, but that already slowed down  at 28, stopped at 32,50.

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