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I doubt they'd just make an upgrade sprue for a whole new range of models.

It'll probably be like Sisters Novitiates were and trying to sell you a second Troops choice separate of the main wave release by way of encouraging you to buy the big box set.

My money is on Hearthkyn Rangers vs Plague Marine Upgrade Sprue - because it's odd they've gone this long without being a White Dwarf team despite being perfect for it.

Edited by Clan's Cynic
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1 hour ago, Nezzhil said:

I think that the Christmas preview is gonna be Votann/Chapter Approved and Gitz/General's Handbook

Id love that. There are few Faction in 40K I enjoy but I love the aesthetic of the Votann and am very happy for thsir fans who have waited decades for their return. A second or even third wave for them is welcome.

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1 minute ago, KingBrodd said:

Id love that. There are few Faction in 40K I enjoy but I love the aesthetic of the Votann and am very happy for thsir fans who have waited decades for their return. A second or even third wave for them is welcome.

Hold the phone, we don’t want this turning into a Lumineth situation 💩

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2 minutes ago, Talas said:

It seems like there's no Bounty Hunters equivalent... unless they're not showing everything yet.

They mention a counter regiment of snipers in the video but don't elaborate. Since this is fully in line with leaks from months ago I assume the Bounty Hunter equivalent is a regiment that lets ranged units snipe Champions.

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The rules about only picking 1 ability off a trigger only apply to die rolls, so you should be able to combo units that already have these kinds of fight triggers to chain a bunch of combats in a row. I think the wording prevents you from triggering the battalion again off of one of those abilities though.

Also they mention "The infantry unit in this battalion". Infantry is a new keyword, so hopefully bonds of battle is sticking around.

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8 minutes ago, madmac said:

They mention a counter regiment of snipers in the video but don't elaborate. Since this is fully in line with leaks from months ago I assume the Bounty Hunter equivalent is a regiment that lets ranged units snipe Champions.

Yeah, they mention Galletian Sharpshooters in the video. Hopefully they've learned a bit and they're a little more in line with what the Galletian Champions and their retinues bring to the table.

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2 minutes ago, El Syf said:

That seems really counterproductive :(

We’ll give foot heroes protection against getting shot off the board but then make another rule so your opponent can still shoot them off the board. Well played gwz 

the snipers could be required to be 9" away from all allied units or something similar?  there's ways to give the snipers risk if they want a counter to Key to Victory

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I hope "this new keyword applies to all unmounted heroes with a wounds characteristic of less than 10" does not mean that heroes with a companion (considered as a mount) will not be galletian champions. I am thinking about the killaboss with stab grot or the swampcalla shaman with pot-grot for instance...

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9 minutes ago, Zatopek said:

I hope "this new keyword applies to all unmounted heroes with a wounds characteristic of less than 10" does not mean that heroes with a companion (considered as a mount) will not be galletian champions. I am thinking about the killaboss with stab grot or the swampcalla shaman with pot-grot for instance...

Based on what I've seen so far kruleboyz won't get much out of this new season other than BH going away. You can Waagh! and trigger some multi-fighting with the battalion, but shamans and killabosses don't really hit that hard, and gutrippaz are the only option to chain fight with and unless something changes I don't see them being much better than they already are. Plus they already have a very strong anti-shooting option in grinnin blades. That command for an extra attack instead of piling in could be interesting on them.

I think Khorne might make out like bandits with these changes though, their support heroes are known to be weak against shooting, they have a few heroes that actually hit hard I think, and the herald can already trigger chain fighting with bloodletter units. They might not be dominant or anything, but I think the changes really help them out.

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8 minutes ago, Flippy said:

They also mentioned “a stockpile of artefacts”. That’s an instant 👍 from me.


Hmm not too sure I’d get my hopes up about that, love to be wrong but I can see it being 2-3 artefacts at most. Let’s not forget how quick they dumped all the artefacts from malign sorcery. Ethereal amulet I’m looking at you! Although there were heaps of them, so if it’s on par with that good times :)

Edited by El Syf
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30 minutes ago, Zatopek said:

I hope "this new keyword applies to all unmounted heroes with a wounds characteristic of less than 10" does not mean that heroes with a companion (considered as a mount) will not be galletian champions. I am thinking about the killaboss with stab grot or the swampcalla shaman with pot-grot for instance...

The stab grot and pot grot do not count as mounts tho. The pot grot doesn't count as anything other than a cool little model. 

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1 hour ago, El Syf said:

That seems really counterproductive :(

We’ll give foot heroes protection against getting shot off the board but then make another rule so your opponent can still shoot them off the board. Well played gwz 

I mean, it's consistent with the last 2 seasons where the focus unit has been too much of a liability to be worth taking...

Initial impression is that this will be less impactful than Bounty Hunters which is probably a good thing.

It does push even further into the idea that having 10 wounds is a terrible place to be for any hero.

The 1" and wholly within 6" are pretty tight for ranges on these effects, I might have preferred a bit more freedom there.

Hopefully for battleplans/etc they've swapped out the unpopular ones and added more compelling / less unnecessarily complex ones back in.


My hot take is that the army that is going to really thrive in this new season of Tzeentch. They get all the benefits but also the way they tend to kill small heroes with magic, isn't impacted by these rules at all.

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I think there will once again be one or two ideas in here that everyone will want to keep playing with, but as a whole, it's too many rules. 

This game needs to be simpler. It doesn't need a basketful of new things to remember every 6 months.

I say this as someone who has been diligently trying to recruit people into AoS since 3.0. The turnover has been disappointing in the long run--players telling me the game is too tiring/complicated to play. And that's me only teaching people the core rules.

Edited by Mutton
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44 minutes ago, Ogregut said:

The stab grot and pot grot do not count as mounts tho. The pot grot doesn't count as anything other than a cool little model. 

As core rules (22.3.1), they count as Mounts. But Imo, that's related to the previous phrase: when the model is attacking.

So, it'sa rules to point out that you can't buff Companions unless the bonus is aplied to "their mounts" too.

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