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Everything posted by WrathOfTheLion

  1. They did 40k 10E at Adepticon last year, and HH the year before. So I think Adepticon is a solid guess for Age of Sigmar 4E.
  2. Well I guess Rob was right. It is Monday and they are now out Definitely need to give the Skaven one a read. I have a battleforce box from a year or two ago that is waiting to be a Skaven force, although from a skim I don't see Stormfiends, so those may end up in some AoS Skaven later.
  3. He might've just heard it at the Open Day, not sure. It's Honest Wargamer's WFB channel.
  4. Rob from Square Based mentioned they should be coming out Monday, but we'll have to see. I don't know where he has that information from, but we don't exactly have to wait very long to see if it's correct.
  5. I think there's new versions of everything there, at least on the Bretonnian side. It can be a pretty nice way to get an alternative sculpt though. I'll probably pick up a few of them, they do look pretty nice still, and may as well have some fun doing some older stuff.
  6. There's some really fantastic army shots in those as well. I've been constantly referring to the Teclis book for their pretty awesome Zaitrec showcases in there.
  7. River Temple Lumineth look fantastic, definitely picking that up. Skaven or Chaos Dwarves for this reveal are completely unrealistic, not sure why anyone would think they'd see them here. They're not going to release Chaos Dwarves/any new faction this late in the edition with 4E coming, and the 4E stuff won't be shown off until Adepticon if we follow 40k/etc.
  8. Warcry doesn't normally do fully sculpted bases, and the cat is on one, so I think it'll end up being on the Underworlds side of things.
  9. They do rebox sprues, although probably not to constitute a box set from singular kits. The GW store managers do have to unbox the frames and put them in envelopes for reboxing now, when they send kits back. So they do take those sprues back in at the warehouse, such as when reboxing to new box art or when a box set gets broken up and sent back.
  10. I think Tyrion will end up being next edition sometime. I wouldn't be surprised to see it coincide with Malekithe in some way.
  11. I'm glad to hear the PDF factions have effort put into them. I have a Skaven Christmas box from last year I think that will go to being an Old World army, if the rules aren't absolutely terrible. Which it sounds like they have attention to them, so they should be good enough. It's a bit sad to see they're not 'supported', but I suspect that's some sort of conflict with the mainline studio, which I think is where the source of it is. It used to be FW did the Imperial Armour/FW datasheets, then mainline takes them over, then mainline decides they're legends for use in 40k. So I suspect it's mainly driven from mainline's side, or possibly by someone higher up than either. As Square Based has mentioned, nobody has to listen to that 'statement', so events can just allow those armies if they want.
  12. Definitely looks like an Eye of Horus on the standard in the rumor engine, so I'm thinking it'll end up being a FW model for 30k.
  13. I think the old Bretonnian knights will look a lot better if you swap in the arms and heads from the new foot knights, that should add a bit of dynamism to the older models. The new Ionus model is very nice for Stormcast. I think they mentioned he could be used in any Stormcast army, which would certainly be nice if you don't play Hammers of Sigmar.
  14. I think they've been toying with this idea with Galletian Champions. Once I saw that characters could join units again in 10E, I could conclude that a similar change is likely on the AoS team's radar with the current season. As for other mechanics, USRs are fairly obvious. Certain mechanics, like 6s to hit become mortals, etc. are straightforward mechanics to be changed to a USR. OC as a stat also makes a lot of sense. AoS has the same issues/rules interactions that 40k had there, with Giants counting as <X> models on an objective, etc. Handling that in an OC stat would be a straightforward simplification.
  15. Considering in Eddie's statement they don't consider Age of Darkness for Horus Heresy a starter box, then something analogous is likely what we're looking at. Miniatures (some new, some existing), a rulebook, some whippy sticks, some dice and some reference sheets. I think they don't consider it a starter box, as there's no simplified profiles, etc., so you can't actually start playing a game from just the contents of Age of Darkness.
  16. Ivya is definitely a nice model, although I really was hoping for a generic hero instead of another Vyrkos named character.
  17. These texts are new though, from this article So we don't know how relevant any of that is yet until they actually start matching up to miniatures.
  18. I'd guess the rumor engine is something 40k if the flavor text is relevant to it. We won't know how correct that is until these newer ones with the 'sponsored by...' section actually match up to something shown off. As for Forgeworld, I expect they're dropping both Age of Sigmar and 40k entirely. This has been happening for a while, as it has been over 5 years since they even did a kit for 40k. They'll almost certainly go to just providing content for the games that they've decided to support that way, notably Horus Heresy, Middle Earth, Necromunda, Blood Bowl, Titanicus/Aeronautica and later on the Old World.
  19. Very likely Necromunda given the introductory paragraph.
  20. I highly doubt that it will take until the next edition of Age of Sigmar. The thing is, they usually don't start teasing this stuff for really long timelines like that, with The Old World being an exception. The first teaser was from May 2022 at Warhammer Fest, so something like a year-ish from then, give or take some, is about what I would expect. In one of their more recent publications, they talk about it not being this year, with the obvious implication that it'd be next year. Note that while the first teaser was from May 2022, they almost certainly started the project years ago, and probably had almost all the design work done by the time of the announcement. Given the Dawnbreaker crusades are central to the lore of 3E AoS, I would conclude they started designing the faction quite soon after making that call, before 3E even launched. It takes quite a few months to get the molds cut, the miniatures manufactured and boxed, shipped, etc., so I'd expect the design work isn't just done, but that the miniatures are already even being manufactured.
  21. Dawnbreakers was always pretty much guaranteed with how the lore of 3E is. It's such an integral part of the basic setup of the current plot. A new Destruction faction sounds likely to me, I'm not sure about in 2023 though given 10E 40k is probably launching then, and it's already tight with cities in there. Lumineth I think is probably pretty stable for now. They're the faction I'm most familiar with, and basically the things 'missing' are two elemental temples, more melee/Vanari stuff and of course Tyrion. Were we to sketch out releases for them, I'd expect at some point a mid sized kit release with just an elemental temple expansion (three kits - Wizard, Unit, Spirit), and then a big update with Tyrion and the army units. Tyrion might be a paired released with Malerion. Anything else would just be single heroes. I know I predicted Slaves to Darkness a while ago. That one was bound to happen ever since the SC box had newer push fit sculpts.
  22. Yeah, it's the dawnbreaker crusades. I don't think it'll take until 2024, it'll likely be sometime like May or June 2023. They're showing off component renders and all right now, but that miniature range is actually almost certainly done, even painted or in progress with the studio, being manufactured and the battletome hitting print stages soon. Just because that's what they're publishing doesn't mean that's actually where they are in design.
  23. I'd personally recommend waiting and seeing what the new Cities of Sigmar stuff looks like. I think that's got a lot of potential for making your own city, its heraldry, its story, the color palette, etc.
  24. Yeah, they mention Galletian Sharpshooters in the video. Hopefully they've learned a bit and they're a little more in line with what the Galletian Champions and their retinues bring to the table.
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