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2 hours ago, Public Universal Duardin said:


40K: Haven't actively played 40K since 5th edition, but those were some beautiful miniatures. Memorable reveal as the information that Sisters of Silence would be rolled into Custodes and mentioned to not be strategically viable as SoS only army caused my phone to blow up from messages from a friend who belongs to the extremely small but fanatically loyal secret society only spoken about in revered tones. You might have heard their name whispered in awe and fear, for their madness and dedication knows no bounds - for they are Sisters of Silence mains.


*waves in happy thoughtmark*

Im actually really happy about armybooks with just one mini tbh. Its not the best thing obviously but the alternative is no army book at all, remember releases are driven entirely by model development not by what books need revising right now. So if there are no Nurgle minis coming down the pipe, no book. 

They used to save things up for a larger release, and single heroes are relatively quick to design, develop and release (and are often side, or passion projects from the sculptors rather than commissioned exactly) so they make a new army book considerably more plausible.

Which is usually good! 

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So I’ve noticed today’s preview was rather Human. Yes, there were variances from xenos to spider xenos and an ogor. But generally everything we saw was rather human in aspect. No tanks, vehicles, or weird creatures from any system, big or small -again the warband is just 4 supporting models.  

Rather odd no large model kits were previewed, not counting the Khan. 

Edited by Kronos
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50 minutes ago, Kronos said:

So I’ve noticed today’s preview was rather Human. Yes, there were variances from xenos to spider xenos and an ogor. But generally everything we saw was rather human in aspect. No tanks, vehicles, or weird creatures from any system, big or small -again the warband is just 4 supporting models.  

Rather odd no large model kits were previewed, not counting the Khan. 

humanoid is the word you're looking for

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4 hours ago, Kronos said:

So I’ve noticed today’s preview was rather Human. Yes, there were variances from xenos to spider xenos and an ogor. But generally everything we saw was rather human in aspect. No tanks, vehicles, or weird creatures from any system, big or small -again the warband is just 4 supporting models.  

Rather odd no large model kits were previewed, not counting the Khan. 

2 Gnoblar, stabmonkey and parrot support an Ogre, not a human.

I do agree there was a lack of dwarves.

Edited by zilberfrid
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Thinking this could have been a new marauder kit to std bul will just be another cultist warscroll with 1 attack on 4+/4+ makes me so sad... But darn it they are cool. You could remove the AoS name and replace with with Conan and nobody would have thought twice. 

I'm already scared of the new nurgle, disease and permanent debuffs and Dot's sounds nasty! 

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I would like to reflect on a question, without going too far OT: now that warcry will be relaunched by the new expansion, do you think it will gain the popularity it deserves? I hope so, because it is one of the funniest rules written by GW and I don't understand why it doesn't have its own circuit 😐

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24 minutes ago, Holy_Diver said:


I would like to reflect on a question, without going too far OT: now that warcry will be relaunched by the new expansion, do you think it will gain the popularity it deserves? I hope so, because it is one of the funniest rules written by GW and I don't understand why it doesn't have its own circuit 😐

I think quite a few people like it, but it hasn't punched through yet. I wonder whether a new edition will actually do good, because it also creates a divide between people happy with the last edition and people that get in now.

As for Bladeborn: Happy to see that Theddra's powermetal band gets a new lease on life.

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16 hours ago, yukishiro1 said:

I'm sympathetic to no new units for Nurgle, it's a complete faction right now honestly and it's hard to think of what they need. I guess you could give them some 1W mortal infantry, but then the question becomes what role they could play that plaguebearers or the various STD options don't. 

More broadly, I think it's fine if new battletomes don't necessarily come with new models. Especially if that gets them out faster after an edition change. I'll repeat my broken record about how they really just need to admit it's 2021 and move to a digital rules distribution system that isn't tied to releasing a physical book every 3-4 years, but if they're truly committed to this antiquated method of delivering rules, they need to be prioritizing updating the rules on an edition shift, not holding back books in order to pair them with miniature releases. 

probably just plastic nurgle toads. 

also I agree with the second point. paper only books are pain. GW is just greedy and clueless carried by the best sculpts and lore in the "game"

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Having a store group pay an exclusivity deal is good way to make sure they try to push your product. And those products are meant for capturing more casual TT customers who never go to their stores in the first place. Putting those in the usual stores isn't an objectif and if the usual customers really want it they can always find a way to get one (even though it can be expensive in a market without any of those exclusivity deals).

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5 hours ago, Holy_Diver said:


I would like to reflect on a question, without going too far OT: now that warcry will be relaunched by the new expansion, do you think it will gain the popularity it deserves? I hope so, because it is one of the funniest rules written by GW and I don't understand why it doesn't have its own circuit 😐

I don’t know but this new box looks to be really expensive just by looking at the shear amount of terrain in the box.
like catecomb it may not be design for new players but for the existing players who want to expand. 

the problem with Warcry is that it get irregular releases compare to the other specialist games and doesn’t have a set schedule. The last significant releases for Warcry was last year with Catecombs and the GA books

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The other big problem with Warcry is that they made all the non warcry specific warbands better than the warcry ones (like, significantly better) so people either used existing minis or bought AoS stuff that couldnt be identified by GW as for use with Warcry. So suddenly warcry has poor sales...

It is in fact the best skirmish game id played in years, but i think they really need some more non chaos warbands to broaden the appeal.

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1 hour ago, Noserenda said:

The other big problem with Warcry is that they made all the non warcry specific warbands better than the warcry ones (like, significantly better) so people either used existing minis or bought AoS stuff that couldnt be identified by GW as for use with Warcry. So suddenly warcry has poor sales...

It is in fact the best skirmish game id played in years, but i think they really need some more non chaos warbands to broaden the appeal.

On the contrary, I would only allow chaos warbands, is like complaining that Necromunda doesn’t feature xenos bands… I think that it would be good for the game, not only from the balance perspective but also for the flavour and the uniqueness of the setting.

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22 minutes ago, Jymmy said:

On the contrary, I would only allow chaos warbands, is like complaining that Necromunda doesn’t feature xenos bands… I think that it would be good for the game, not only from the balance perspective but also for the flavour and the uniqueness of the setting.

Really? Because Necromunda does have a xenos gang...

More seriously, the eightpoints is literally the hub of AoS, thats why its so important and constantly being fought over by everyone, with two recent/ongoing large scale invasions to boot. Anyone can get there and everyone has some good reasons to do so. 

Limiting your range to just chaos cultists is super limiting and its inevitably going to hurt the game from a lack of variety. Plus we get a series of interesting warbands for various races that showcase something interesting, like underworlds but better essentially.

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23 minutes ago, Noserenda said:

Really? Because Necromunda does have a xenos gang...

More seriously, the eightpoints is literally the hub of AoS, thats why its so important and constantly being fought over by everyone, with two recent/ongoing large scale invasions to boot. Anyone can get there and everyone has some good reasons to do so. 

Limiting your range to just chaos cultists is super limiting and its inevitably going to hurt the game from a lack of variety. Plus we get a series of interesting warbands for various races that showcase something interesting, like underworlds but better essentially.

I thought They where doing well when they introduced the Shadowstalkers. I am surprise they didn’t keep making warbands for different armies not just for S2D

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