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8 minutes ago, The Lost Sigmarite said:

We got the confirmation of S2D thanks to a react by our lord and saviour, but is it the same case for Khul ?

There's literally a Dawnbringers short story where we get a vision of Khorgos Khul ascended to Daemon Prince, that's pretty telling. 

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6 minutes ago, The Lost Sigmarite said:

We got the confirmation of S2D thanks to a react by our lord and saviour, but is it the same case for Khul ?

"For a moment, as Lakshar looked upon his master, he could see red. Blood wings spread from Khul’s shoulders; a tail edged with a thousand knives lashed from behind him. Eyes as dark and gleaming as fresh-slit veins. 

Then he blinked, and Khul was mortal once more, ordering his warriors ever forward. 

Lakshar bent to collect his hammer. From the stump of his pale wrist now stretched a clawed, red-skinned hand. He straightened to his full height, hefting his weapon once more."

I think Khul's ascendance will be the catalyst for our Vandus resculpt. Or maybe vice versa.

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8 minutes ago, The Lost Sigmarite said:

We got the confirmation of S2D thanks to a react by our lord and saviour, but is it the same case for Khul ?

I think in the same comment I mentioned Book 6, S2D and Khorgos. Let me check.

A medium size S2D/ Darkoath wave along with book 6 seems to be a very plausible closing ed release now.

True. I didn't mention Khul!

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Just a few bits of comedy in this review.

Warcry - "Nagash hates graverobbers"

Underworlds - "here's a necromancer cracking open graves all over the the realm of beasts trying to find an artifact to cure her beloved"

Callis and Toll box - "totally not a cursed city expansion with molded cobblestone bases and loads of critters and keys"



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Late to the party, I don't have anything to actually add to the discussion regarding the new models that has not already been said here. They're all awesome.

Krethusa just radiates huge amounts of intrigue. I love her. Also, I find it extremely funny because some time ago I was reading up on Morai-Heg and I was thinking of what it would be like if we could have a Morai-Heg based Elven faction, so you can already guess what happened when I saw her.

I am extremely interested in how the storyline with her is going to go, but I am hoping it ends with the badly needed unit revamp. The Daughters of Khaine have been in need for a long time now.

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13 hours ago, HollowHills said:

Sylvaneth, LRL, DoK all getting significant kit support since their initial range launch as well as continued narrative focus.

IDK had no battletome or model release in all of 2nd edition. In 3rd they've had a battletome and a single foot hero.

They are the most neglected faction released specifically for AoS.

Last two RE smell Idoneth by the way 






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1 hour ago, Mutton said:

I think Khul's ascendance will be the catalyst for our Vandus resculpt. Or maybe vice versa.

Khul has been waiting for 3 editions to ascend to daemonhood. He has spilled a lot of blood for the blood god and claimed lots of skulls for the skull throne during that time, he has earned his fancy daemon prince model.

If we get a new Vandus model I hope it's something different that what we have now. I want to see someone obsessed by vengeance when I see his resculpt. Not a noblebright SCE hero like his current model. I want to immediately feel "yeah, this person is deranged and I don't feel safe around this supposed good guy" when I see it.

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37 minutes ago, cyrus said:

Last two RE smell Idoneth by the way 






I was just had a thought about the reveals today - if Morai-Heg has escaped Slaanesh, then other Elven gods from the World-That-Was could have done as well. 

Could that mean that we see Mathlann returning for Idoneth?

Edited by mawhis117
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3 hours ago, Flippy said:

Why is that?

Because a Roadmap is for material in at least a 6 months prior basis. So it would have to incluye AoS new edition on It. But GW really prefers to anounce new editions on proper previews instead of roadmaps.

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3 hours ago, Ejecutor said:

I don't think we would see that multiple-bodies approach. We tend to have more heads and arms than bodies, so we could easily end with a box where you are supposed to build 10 minis but can build 15 or more. And GW dislikes that cause... money.

And because of this I hope we will not see different races in a unit, certainly if you need 20 mini's for a unit, as it would result in to many clones if the bodies are split between human, elf and dwarf.

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3 hours ago, Ejecutor said:

I don't think we would see that multiple-bodies approach. We tend to have more heads and arms than bodies, so we could easily end with a box where you are supposed to build 10 minis but can build 15 or more. And GW dislikes that cause... money.

And because of this I hope we will not see different races in a unit, certainly if you need 20 mini's for a unit, as it would result in to many clones if the bodies are split between human, elf and dwarf.

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7 minutes ago, HollowHills said:

Obviously Wave 3 for LRL. Like I say IDK have been squatted. There is zero interest at GW in supporting them.

I have nothing to back this up of course, but I really really really don't think IDK are going anywhere.  Sure, they might not get any major expansions for a good while, but sooner or later they'll have their day in the sun... or well maybe not the sun since they like the bottom of the ocean, but y'know, their day in the geothermal vents or whatever.

EDIT: Actually I can back it up a little, but only by inference.  At various points in the last 4 years or so people were doom posting about humans in AoS and Ironjawz in AoS.  People doom posted about Sylvaneth.  People doom posted about Skaven and many more.  Today, it's all IDK, Beasts of Chaos and Bonesplitterz.  I mean, obviously I can't see the future and yes GW does deprecate armies occasionally, but especially nowadays they seem to love revitalization... it just takes time.

Edited by willange
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Not sure if it's been said already, but one thing I actually quite like about the Riverblades is their less armoured grunts wearing those rather simple shirts and suspenders, which rather sells them as 'fishermen'.

That's the nicest thing I'll say about an E*f model though. 

Edited by Clan's Cynic
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3 hours ago, Kitsumy said:

i also think water wont get anything more with the excuse they are triying to revive his spirit

There are many water spirits all across Hysh and across the realms, that's why River Temple is supposed to be the most common and numerous of them all. This warband trying to awaken a specific river is of no more consequence than the LRL underworlds warband being sent to pacify the spirit of Beastgrave.

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4 hours ago, Ganigumo said:

Bulls and foxes aren't really humanoid, but they did do interpretations. The new models have a horse head on their helmets, so it might be right in front of us. Its not like there isn't precedent either, LOTR had the scene where the river was turned into horses by galadriel, There's also the kelpies of gaelic mythology.

Right, the thing is making a humanoid looking horse elemental is one thing, strange, but doable. Making a humanoid Seahorse or Hippocampus OTOH...the mind boggles at the complexity of trying to make a humanoid merhorse work visually.

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1 hour ago, HollowHills said:

Obviously Wave 3 for LRL. Like I say IDK have been squatted. There is zero interest at GW in supporting them.

well even despite im the first one calling them the forgotten, i wouldnt go soo far as squatting them.

im sure we will get something new with the citay souls we got from morati, the problem is that it is taking way too long, but i hope we get it on 4.0, 

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Well that was a mostly predictable LVO, for AoS, with the exception of the new DoK hero. The hero is great. I was hoping for something more than just the teasers from December, c'est le vie.

I am definitly keen for the Lumineth water caste, and seem pretty clearly to be the taster for the next wave including a mage and water beast/elemental. I can't imagine we'll get the zenith caste and tyrion alongside water stuff as well, feels too big a release. Maybe something similar in size to the sylvaneth wave from 2022.

I found the descriptions during the LVO reveal, of morthai is "blood" aligned and the new crone model is shadow to be well...dumb. Morthai literally is called the "shadow queen". It feels like DoK are still occupying the conceptul space of aelves with connections to the shadow realm and as such I am less inclined to believe Malerions elves are coming anytime soon though, maybe years away sadly. Feels a lot of their concepts like the warcry shadowstalkers and this new hero could have easily gone to him.

I believe the next big reveal is more likely to be adepticon? March?

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3 hours ago, madmac said:

Right, the thing is making a humanoid looking horse elemental is one thing, strange, but doable. Making a humanoid Seahorse or Hippocampus OTOH...the mind boggles at the complexity of trying to make a humanoid merhorse work visually.

The internet is a wasteland of ideas. It asks, and so too does it provide.






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Something that's been bothering me since the reveal - what could the Nighthaunt model with the posions/potions be for since it wasn't in the Warcry band? It seems those thin wrists are a dead giveaway that surely the advent images were indeed Nighthaunt. Traditionally, aren't advent engines solved relatively early in the year?


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I'm a Deepkin main. I got married spring of 2018, and my wife and I went to the Shedd Aquarium as part of our honeymoon.

We took so many reference photos it's ridiculous.

All this is to say, I don't play them competitively right now, but I still have hope we will see more. We still have the Cythai plot from Broken Realms to sort through. They are one of the first fully fleshed out AOS armies to have a rounded roster. They really just need rules and points tweaks before new models.

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1 minute ago, Nighthaunt Noob said:

Something that's been bothering me since the reveal - what could the Nighthaunt model with the posions/potions be for since it wasn't in the Warcry band? It seems those thin wrists are a dead giveaway that surely the advent images were indeed Nighthaunt. Traditionally, aren't advent engines solved relatively early in the year?


Could still be Nighthaunt, but a later release. Dawnbringers is getting a 6th book if leaks are correct, so there's a possibility. UW warband is always a possibility too, though Nighthaunt have quite a few now

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