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Everything posted by ERHanmer

  1. My friends in Sigmar, For a while now, we have had a lot of hopium and copium about BS and BoC. This is understandable. Nobody likes losing their army or faction. Several of our reliable leakers have guided us to the conclusion that these factions would disappear. This sucks and my heart goes out to you. BS probably should have been cut at the start of 3.0. Kruelboyz seem to be the direction GW wanted to go in, but they didn't rip the band-aid off. BoC were hinted at "going away, but being back in a different way." Kragnos is the most logical rebirth. Two beastly factions in different grand alliances does not visually translate well. The Adepticon preview/interviews suggested the future of AOS is sprinkled across the Dawnbringers narrative in little crumbs. Kragnos is searching for his people. I suggest holding onto your armies a while longer. You may get lucky and have a new home for some of the units. We'll see.
  2. Since Chorfs are coming this edition, I have a feeling the Skaven have accidentally revealed them. They did this with a gnawhole draining an ocean and revealing the existence of the Deepkin to Nagash. I also appreciate that the game is going to allow for more reactive play. It's going to be an interesting time this summer!
  3. Meanwhile... The troll in me wants to cause Skaven-style chaos on Facebook with this "leak". https://youtu.be/zJbRURK3zWo?si=hZgOsQT7HZL3xmiS
  4. I wonder if the new Skaven sigil is for a unified clan. Vince did storytime for Dawnbringers 5, and it sounded like the Skaven clans are being forced to work together to bring about the Master Plan. With rumors about GW stores having narrative campaigns leading into 4th edition, I can't help but wonder if we are getting a narrative arc AFTER Dawnbringers 6.
  5. She did try to seduce Nagash... So there's that.
  6. After Morathi took over Anvilgard, ascended to godhood at the permanent expense of Stormcast and was just an absolute menace, Sigmar started training his troops to kill her people. The Celestant Prime and Morathi almost came to blows at the end of Broken Realms.
  7. Echt cool! Kann ich auch Französisch! I think in the Stormcast book, it talks about Malerion spying on their training in the Gladitorium and he "watches and prepares for the inevitable day the Pantheon fails." In Broken Realms, he and Morathi spoke, and Sigmar is SUPER pissed with her. The Stormcast were training to kill Daughters of Khaine. I think this is also when he hints at the future. I have no information, I'm just guessing at how lore could develop if GW follows the rules for writing of leading to the surprising, but inevitable conclusion.
  8. There have been lore tidbits that he is planning to the day the Pantheon shatters. Maybe this edition is about fracturing Order into camps?
  9. I have a feeling that the Ruination Chamber will lead to the Covenant Chamber. Did Sigmar lie about Azyr being secure, or even lied about the extent of issues with reforging? The Covenant Chamber might be a way of patching broken trust/promises. I personally hope Sigmar "lied" about Azyr being secure. That sounds more interesting to me.
  10. I've read through a lot of chatter about 4th edition. We assumed we would be in Ulgu, but now it's sounding like Aqshy, but Dawnbringers is taking place in Ghyran as well. Do we think this might me a multi-realm edition? Ghur has barely played any role in the narrative. I do wonder if it even matters.
  11. I had a German friend study abroad in college, and she wanted to take a day trip to the other end of our state to an island. I laughed and had to explain it was a long weekend trip at the very least. Other German kids wanted to drive to New York City, which is STATES away from us. Most Europeans don't get it, but I also don't blame them. They have amazing public transit and their countries are packed together like New England states.
  12. Intelligence suggests this is the way. GW is not always intelligent. They have done duplicate reveals of the same thing before, if memory serves.
  13. I've suspected this for a while. He spies on Sigmar's training of his troops and is plotting for when the Grand Alliance of Order breaks apart. I sometimes fear I won't live to see my boy get his day on the tabletop. Chorfs being solidly confirmed before him is a slap in the face to everyone who has been waiting since 2016 for his arrival.
  14. I wouldn't rule out Votann. We have seen rumor engines for AOS that turned out to be for Squats.
  15. As a Deepkin main, we don't NEED new stuff. We need rules reworks. Our army is outclassed by everyone else because our gimmicks are negated by other rules. Shield Eels need to be a 3+ ethereal or 4+ unrendable save with a 3+ save on the charge. Alternatively, a 4+ with 5+ ward would Also be acceptable. Spear Eels should just do impact hits on the charge. The once per game dice roll is useless. The turtle needs to drop to 350 points to be worth it. This alone would buff the army and make it hBe staying power.
  16. KO have been so good this edition. They are a cool, unique and fun faction. BUT They can feel a little oppressive because AoS suffers from design flaws with shooting. This is NOT the fault of the army or players. The number one complaint I hear, is that shooting is more punishing than in even most 40K matchups. Maybe 4.0 will correct this a bit?
  17. Wife: Why are you painting with your pants off? Me: No reason...
  18. Whelp! Whitefang loved my post! Based on the auguries, I'm on the money why we aren't seeing terrain and incarnates.
  19. With talk about production in China being cut, I don't blame GW. Maybe this will provide some perspective. Companies honestly cannot trust their IP to most companies there, because they do not have a business and cultural concept of copyright. There are literal lawsuits over Chinese companies producing counterfeit Chevy and Apple products, or even creating fake Apple stores. GW would rather have the less consequential items be produced there, so it is harder for someone to start making recasts of Space Marines en masse. This clearly hasn't worked out well. One of my previous jobs was with a Chinese owned/partnered company, and it was SUPER shady. Picture faked Kosher certificates and wondering if the product really was what they claimed it to be. Quality control (even on food ingredients) was minimal at best (literal dead lizards in packaging), factories were rationing power under the directive of the Government, and there was always chaos and excuses for everything being delayed. Having to work with suppliers on the other side of the world is frustrating, and even a friend in the tool and die industry said they have to x-ray incoming product to make sure it isn't hollow on the inside. GW wanted endless spells, printing and terrain off their production plate. I don't blame them. A company cannot always produce everything. But, they have unfortunately been burnt repeatedly on this. Remember the Sylvaneth 2.0 book being delayed by months? I'm not trying to bash Chinese manufacturers. There are some VERY good companies there. But contractor factories are super shady. There is a reason the upcoming incarnates and terrain have disappeared. I work in the surgical supply industry now. Most surgical supply manufacturers (think tables, lights etc... for an OR) have things written into contracts NOT to sell to China. Literal lives would be on the line with counterfeit equipment that was sold cheaper with cut corners. This is all to say, I think we will ONLY see single piece terrain from here on out. GW cannot produce everything and forays into outsourcing have not worked well for them. *Edit formatting and a weird typo*
  20. For the future of Beasts of Chaos, I see a few possibilities: 1) They are gone and some models are rolled into other chaos factions. 2) They are wiped and revamped with minimal current models remaining. Everything else would be new. 3) They are gone completely and Beasts players have to move to The Old World or buy new armies. I think a lot of us are excited about 4.0, but also nervous and disappointed by aspects of 3.0. We have seen dead-on-arrival 40K editions before. I'm always nervous about change, because GW also breaks things just to make sales. 3.0 has had a lot of great releases. The rules formatting is AMAZING. But the execution of the "Era of the Beast" has been lackluster. We are in Ghur, but who cares? What has actually happened that has made this the Era of the Beast? I don't see beasts. We just got monstrous actions and a cheap Halloween decoration with some terrain. I would have pushed for Grand Alliance monsters any faction in a grand alliance can take. I would have made monsters more impactful on the table. I would also change to mini narrative series like Dawnbringers periodically in the edition to keep things spicy. I don't se Ghur themed anything other than battle packs that could easily be used in any other realm narratively. COVID may have played a role, but AOS has struggled locally since 3.0 dropped. I've had to resort to bribery with prizes to get people to come to events and help boost sales for my friend's game store. Dawnbringers has been fun, but it is also devolving into a story about two armies bumbling into increasingly ridiculous disasters. The story also literally picks up immediately after Broken Realms. I feel as if no passage of time or real consequences have occurred. Beast of Chaos and Kragnos have felt absolutely neglected and inconsequential. Even if we go to Ulgu, I am not expecting much. The fact that Chaos Dwarves and not Malerion are supported rumors depresses me to no end.
  21. I'm a Dark Elf player for Cities. You and I have been on borrowed time since the first book. I would not plan to have your army for Cities beyond a year. Granted, we each could be rolled into another faction or new book elsewhere. Time will tell.
  22. Void creatures aren't happening. You and I are the void creatures. It's a joke to put players into the setting.
  23. ***Etimos intensifies*** On a side note, Byzantines in Age of Empires 4 hit that Prostagma nostalgia.
  24. Skaven blew up the moon in the End Times. They also fouled Nagash previously. They are a great faction, but GW uses them as a Deus ex Artifact.
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