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  1. I'll be painfully honest with my thoughts here. I really don't understand why so many of you here believe the Gitmob is coming back; they were squated for the same reason the Greenskins were; they were old models without any new ideas or concepts to expand them beyond just that. And you seem to base your belief about their return entirely on the existence of the Snarlfangs. I seriously don't get it.
  2. If the Legion of the First Prince gets expanded upon, then we can fully expect the Chaos Legionnaires to get the Darkoath treatment. In fact, I am fully convinced it's going to happen one day. Unaligned Demons would be such an original and interesting concept. I am legit very interested in how they would be, and I can also see them getting introduced to 40K if they were to become a thing.
  3. While I do love the Gothic Hussite look of the cities and Freeguild, I dislike the fact that they decided to keep the old landsknecht canon with the whole Verdia Reformation concept instead of just retconning them out of existence. Because then you are forced to come up with headcanons, explain some of the design choices. (If they have the technology to make 16th-century-style flintlocks, why are they using 14th-century-style handcannons?)
  4. Ok, I am back! (Reclusians) I like them; they are rather neat, although I am disappointed at the lack of variety in weapons—literally just axes and double axes. Couldn't they give them at least a two-hander? Also, so many people are talking about how their sidekicks look like they belong to the Ecclesiarchy, but no one seems to be talking about the elephant in the room that is their name, "Reclusians. This is the first time a Stormcast unit gets a name that doesn't end in "-tor." Is there a look into the future? I mean, the names of the Stormcast units are always a source for complaints and are hard to memorize, so I can somewhat see this becoming the new norm in the future. Also, this is probably a stretch, but this may also be the first time a Stormcast unit doesn't have a Latin-based name because "Recluse" is actually a French-originating word, although it is derived from Latin. It's meaning in Latin was different from the French one; in Latin, it means "to shut up" or "to be quiet," while in French, it means something shut off from society and distant, which is definitely present in the Reclusians. (Darkoath lore expansion) I knew it! I was expecting they'd have their own names for the chaos gods, just like the marauders of old, and just like them, they are also ignorant of the true powers of chaos. I love this. But I am slightly disappointed by the last words in the article where it says that they are quick to flock to Archaon because that kind of runs contrary to their whole idea about them being suspicious of others that claim to know the true powers of chaos. (Skaven in the eastern parch) This is a perfect opportunity for GeeDubs to finally give some attention and hopefully expansion or revamp the Fyreslayers. Please, GeeDubs, I beg you! Also, the Eastern Parch happens to be where Forge Anathema is located, so this also has potential for the reveal of the Chaos Dwarves into AoS.
  5. I am extremely curious as to what exactly the Ruination Chamber is. So far, we only know that they are Stormcast in their last reforging, but that sounds a little too specific to be their only gig. There's got to be something more to them.
  6. Ok, so about that 4chan leak. Yeah, it doesn't seem credible and outright contradicts itself at times, but I do believe it raises some interesting questions. More specifically, I'm referring to the bit about the vampires/Soulblight because I've been looking at them lately and can't help but feel that the designers and writers probably want to do something with them but can't quite nail down what and how because currently they look and function identical to the vampire counts of old. (Heck, even their new models are literally just remasters of the old Counts models.) The only real difference they have is that all the other undead stuff they originally commanded has been appropriated by the Nighthaunt and the Flesh Eaters.
  7. I think I've noticed something: all the clanrat pairs shown are for the most part consistently painted either red or green. Could this be an indication that they belong to two individual great clans?
  8. I am finally here. These new clanrats look awesome, but I'll have to agree with some of the guys here; they look a bit "mundane," and I would prefer something more over the top. Here's hoping the rest of the new Skaven model list won't be just classic Skaven units but remastered come on GeeDubs give us something more original and wacky.
  9. https://www.reddit.com/r/ageofsigmar/comments/1bwcgxw/the_future_of_orruk_warclans/
  10. Just a Fyreslayers expansion wish list from reddit.
  11. Ok, now I've somewhat sobered up, and I can finally give a calm, analytical rundown of my thoughts regarding this whole thing. Stormcast: Okay, sure, we all fully expected all the oldcast to eventually be replaced by the new thunderstrikecast, but still, that's too soon, and the fact that they are shelving the sacrosanct is extra sad since those were technically the first refreshes before the thunderstrike came into the picture. I will most certainly be missing the sequitors, the evocators, and their dracolines as much as I will also miss the Paladins, but I will not be missing the judicators, though, because the existence of the vigilators had already made them obsolete a while back. Also, I am kind of angry that the Vanguard-Raptors and hunters are not included in the list; those were two units that really didn't have much reason to exist, and I personally would not be including them, but that is probably not good enough for GeeDubs. Skaven: Everything is just as expected; they are already confirmed to be the main actors of the 4th edition. If anything, having most of their range covered is a good thing, as it confirms that lost or new stuff is on the way, and those were ancient anyway. Beastmen: (sigh) Remember how we all kept believing that the beastlord was confirmation that the beasts were staying? Funny how none of us even considered that the beastlord could just be moved to the Old World. This is just sad, man. Bonespliterz: If the Beastmen news was sad, then this one is downright devastating. Yes, the models were old, but they still had some interesting concepts in goodbye. Bone-Gits, I'll miss you very much. Warcry: Now this is just outright infuriating. Who thought this was a good idea? And why are the Horns of Hashut included? If anything, the Darkoath savagers being shelved would have at least been expected, but somehow GeeDubs sees them as more valuable than all the warbands that started this together with a newer one.
  12. https://youtu.be/16gNI8f9yeU?si=3jPqmQX963Yj1c3p Me upon hearing the latest bad news.
  13. So can you guys kind of help me a bit? Now that the Hollowed Knights are replacing the Hammers of Sigmar as the posterboys for the Stormcast, people have been having a lot of discussions about it, but I can't quite understand it because I've been kind of neglecting the lore regarding the Stormhost for awhile now, so I don't quite understand the differences between them. For the most part, I only remember that the Hammers of Sigmar are the first forged Stormhost, and that's it. Can you guys sort of fill me in on one thing?
  14. Ok, so my own thoughts on the new Thunderstrike Liberator: I think he looks fine, but I'm still kind of sad that he looks almost identical to the Vindictors. Yeah, one here already pointed out that there's plenty of different details, but you only really see them if you pay extremely close attention, and you won't get it on first glance. Overall, I am fine with all the Stormcast units getting the Thunderstrike treatment (and some not getting it and just getting squated because the Stormcast already have many more units than they need!!) except maybe the Paladin ones, because I actually really like those, and I am not sure if the redesign will be an upgrade or a downgrade in terms of design.
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