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36 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

It is fun, indeed, but maybe if an AoS mini takes the first spot it could lead to some top-level decisions in favour of AoS, don't we think? Or am I going too far?

Not unless those votes are pay per click (I hope I haven’t given them any ideas there).


They don’t make decisions based on polls, they do so based on revenue. I guess to an extent some of the armies are not just based on revenue………


Tau 👤

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1 hour ago, Souleater said:

I don’t think they rig the outcome. There are just so many marine players; a lot of whom seem to reflexively vote for Marine models. I saw one chap comment that he’d voted for The Lion because of the story development the character got. 

Meanwhile, as other folks have said, AoS gets a very wide range of excellent models to pick from which dilutes our chances.

Yeah, it‘s rigged in so far, they every second person in the GW hobby plays mahreens. I love space marines as well, they‘re cool, but they still don‘t deserve the win. 😇 And it‘s sad thar mahreen players can‘t look past their pond and honor other models. Hell, even I can congratulate the light of Eltharion or Coolathis! 

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4 hours ago, BarakUrbaz said:

In regards to Grombrindal, here's an important thing from an interview with the author: https://www.trackofwords.com/2022/12/14/rapid-fire-david-guymer-talks-grombrindal/


>ToW: The short stories included in this book were first published in White Dwarf magazine, right? Could you tell us a bit about how that came to be, and what the idea was for them?

>DG: I actually can’t remember! I’ve had to dig into my inbox and found this one from way back in July 2019. Apparently, I was still busy with re-writes for Lord of the First and planning an Anvils of the Heldenhammer novel that seems to have vanished into the aether the way these things do sometimes, but would I also be interested in writing six serialised short stories about Grombrindal to tie in with the release of a new miniature?

So there were plans to make a new Grombrindal miniature dating back to July 2019. The Grombrindal White Dwarf stories released in 2021, which seems to coincide with the two years I heard it takes to get a miniature in production, though if it was the case something must've happened to prevent them from releasing it. 

AHEM. It appears @Whitefang has Liked this post. New White 'Duardin' model alongside 4.0?

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Miniature of the Year doesn't have anything to do with Space Marine players, at least the Loyalist kind. Look who has won for the history of the poll:

2016: Magnus the Red (Thousand Sons)

2017: Mortarion (Death Guard)

2018: Noise Marine (Chaos Space Marines)

2019: Abaddon the Despoiler (Chaos Space Marines)

2020: Ghazghkull Mag Uruk Thraka (Orks)

2021: Be'lakor (Daemons of Chaos)

2022: Avatar of Khaine (Craftworld Eldar)

2023: Lion El'Jonson (Dark Angels)

So the Lion is the first time a Space Marine that isn't Chaos has won Miniature of the Year. 

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42 minutes ago, Ragest said:

Who cares? xD

The artists who design great minis for AoS. The people who like AoS and dont care for 40k. People like me who are curious to see what the community of AoS thinks is the best AoS model. If its supposed to be a fun thing, why should it be another 40k show?

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Whilst I can see both sides here and both are valid I believe the artists get just s much satisfaction seeing all those wonderful pieces across Instagram, etc. 

Also I'm sure the artists know that "hey I sculpted the new snarlfang riders" so pretty sure I'm not going to win this very biased and inconsequential contest. 

I believe the lead sculptor was responsible for Angron for whatever that's worth. 

It's a fun little thing but I don't think it's worth too much attention is all m saying here. 

PS, the snarlfang riders are one of my absolute fav kits of the year so big props to whoever sculpted them!! 🤘🐺🤘

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24 minutes ago, Gitzdee said:

The artists who design great minis for AoS. The people who like AoS and dont care for 40k. People like me who are curious to see what the community of AoS thinks is the best AoS model. If its supposed to be a fun thing, why should it be another 40k show?

It would be so nice and so easy to add the name/ Instagram of each sculptor on the miniature purchase pages...

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4 hours ago, Ragest said:

Who cares?

It's amusing to look retrospectively at the year's models and see which ones people enjoyed. Nobody (I hope) actually cares about what wins; it's just for fun. But there's literally no reason they can't separate 40k from AoS in the voting, which would lift up even more great models that deserve to be recognized.

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1 hour ago, RetconnedLegion said:

It’s to avoid another Matt Ward situation where an unpopular product leads to its designer receiving death threats.

This gets brought up by fans sometimes but there’s never been any evidence for it for artists and writers (where it’s better attributed to GW business and marketing practices), and it’s especially inaccurate for sculptors. They regularly feature interviews on WHC and in WD where folks like Maxime Pastourel talk about particular minis they’ve done and design choices they’ve made.

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2 hours ago, RetconnedLegion said:

It’s to avoid another Matt Ward situation where an unpopular product leads to its designer receiving death threats.

Only it isn't, really. Even Peachy said during a podcast appearance (the one he occasionally co-hosts, name escapes me) that such claims were more of an excuse than the real reason, noting that artists themselves don't take the threat of a Matt Ward scenario seriously and would much rather be credited.

IIRC, he mentioned that they don't credit the artist because they don't want to have another Duncan Rhodes scenario, and want consumers to think about art/models in terms of Games Workshop the brand, rather as the work of an individual artist.

Edited by KingKull
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I watched an interview with Rick Priestly who said that he deliberately left his own name off rule books it was egoistic. As he was a senior member of GW during its formative years, I suspect that it was something that became company culture which is unfortunate. 

It’s this interview. https://youtube.com/clip/Ugkx7Ml5RUWGqsH7KrHae2kII0AOd5LGb5zF?si=tbN4x0nGquNyo687

He didn’t like the ‘cult of personality’ gw had. 

Edited by Chikout
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