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14 minutes ago, Malakithe said:

Same...thats how I feel about all non-real AoS stuff. Wasted opportunities 

Hard disagree. Those models would never have even been made otherwise, and it allows them to easily test new designs without having to commit an entire release to them.

Underworlds and Warcry are a huge boon to AoS, especially now that integration is getting better. Just look at the Hunters of Huanchi and how it translates into multiple AoS units.

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50 minutes ago, Matrindur said:


My first thought: "oh boy, a new Manticore for that looks good. I can put a Chaos Lord or Chaos Sorcerer Lord on it!"

My second thought: "there's absolutely zero chance that's going to fit on a 120x92mm base."

I am a little sad. Gobsprakk is on a 130mm base so I'd guess so is Tahlia. In Gobsprakk's case, you can probably fit him on a 120x92mm base sideways. Maybe the same is true of Tahlia, but I think it'll be a stretch.

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The only thing I was better about  underworlds and warcry is that the units that are native to those game systems usually don't translate that well into AoS, they're usually just too unwieldy with underworlds and warcry tends to just be a low-cost filler unit

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IVMBbRxhoeHLjP3n.jpg.a38809864a789123608acd766b48acf5.jpgIt's quite surprising how much of a disservice they do to their own minis sometimes. This picture shows that there are plenty of options in the steel helms kit. I count at least fifteen different heads, two different leaders, two heads for the priest and two relics. The only disappointment is that the only option for the banner is an alternative icon on the top of the pole. 

Edited by Chikout
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I updated the list with the preview content (italic)



Age of Sigmar
Cities Battletome + Infrantry + Cavalry + Foot Marshall + the Not-Ogor + Alchemist + Manticore
Cities Armybox
Mistery book Winter
Dawnbringer: Orruks?
Dawnbringer: 3
Dawnbringer: 4

Underworlds meets Warcry starter Soulblight vs SCE
3 Warbands (Order vs Destro)
2 Warbands (Order vs Death)
2 Warbands (who knows)
Krule Monsta-hunta

Skaven Pestilens
Core Box
Destro Warband
Rival Deck 2

Horus Heresy
Plastic Lancer
Two more Knights
Assault Squad
Mistery Army
Legion Command Squad
Lords of War

Warhammer 40k
Black Library Sargeant Astra Militarum Minska
Space Marines Codex - Launch Complete army
Tyranids Codex - Launch Complete Army
Adeptus Mechanicus
Dark Angels
Adeptus Custodes
T'au Empire
Chaos Space Marines

Kill Team 

Nazghûl and the Hobbits

Adeptus Titanicus

Old World
Bretonnian Paladin + Standard Bearer
Tomb Kings Hero

Blood Bowl
Grashnak Blackhoof    
Fatty Nurgle Star

Epic HH
The box

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19 minutes ago, Captaniser said:

In hindsight, it kinda makes sense that they didn't reveal anything for the next Dawnbringer book since that might make people not purchase the new sets they came out with today.

But they showed a mini coming in dawnbringers 2 three months ago.


What a meh preview

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11 minutes ago, Captaniser said:

On the topic of the KruleLads, they mentioned Swamp dragon eggs being stolen and raised by them. So now we have 2 references for their inclusion with the Belcha banner

On the one hand I’m happy we’re getting a giant dragon that doesn’t belong to Sigmar….. on the other hand I kinda wanted a Chaos dragon (preferably a Cathayan styled one (ala Flame Fang)). The Kruleboyz warband was my favorite “fantasy” preview, with my second favorite preview being the new knights. Here’s hoping this stuff comes sooner rather than later!

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16 minutes ago, YoghurtKobold said:

It would make sense. Bonesplitters are part of the old world. And 3 orruk factions are too much probably.

Dont think it makes sense at all. Bonesplitterz and Ironjawz are 2 sides of the same coin imho. Getting rid of Bonesplitterz would make the Orruks look real boring combat addicted green things. 

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As for my thoughts on the reveal:

General Thoughts: this might have been a 40k free, but there was a huge amount of 30k. Seriously, did we really need 15 minutes of the presenters telling us that Lemun Russes can have lascannons or heavy bolters for literally every mini in the box. Where was the equivalent of them going through every dude in the Cities box saying "and this guy can carry an axe or a hammer"...

Cities of Sigmar: everything so far looks good. The range isn't to my taste, but it looks great. I hope it ends up good for those who like it. Tahlia is great, I just hope I can cram her onto a 120x92mm base.

Warcry: these are absolutely great. Now if Kruleboyz can get a bit of a range expansion I might even consider collecting them.

Underworlds: great minis, just a shame Skaven as a whole are still lingering in old sculpt purgatory. Touch wood for AoS 4e release box.

The Old World: it's a fine sculpt, though their insistence of sticking to the old disproportionate sizes is annoying. Also resin. I am once again left feeling like the only stuff for TOW that will interest me will be the rule and lore books.

Epic: despite my general thoughts, I am quite excited to see what they do with this. Epic has been consistently been one of GW's better games from a gameplay perspective. Also Epic is just a fun scale for guns, artillery, aircraft etc. That said, given the minis are a larger scale than old epic, and given modern sculpting tech, I am surprised by how not great the details are. Perhaps its the paint job, but I feel like they aren't that much of an improvement over Epic Armageddon's sculpts. Or perhaps that's just nostalgia.

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It will only be one new UW war and for me out of that lot. But I was impressed with the      Legions Imperialis models. Those were a lot better than the epic scale models that I remember. I wonder if we will see a Warmaster reboot with similar quality models in a few years time?

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Pretty weak preview.

Not much new at all for AoS, just re-featuring a bunch of already announced CoS stuff. Manticore looks gorgeous at least. 

I really hate calling something "Not the 40k Stream" and having half of it be 30k. I mean, technically your right... but come on, its literally the same thing. I don't care what anyone says haha.

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1 hour ago, The Lost Sigmarite said:


The Alchemite Warforger looks like a bit of concept art I really from an old rulebook or something where they showcased what other cultures could look like in the realms. Maybe someone will remember the image for me!?

Also would be great if there's a unique model from all the different realms 

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The image reminds me of a rumor long ago that the start collecting boxes were the main non human things  staying.

Pirates and dwarfs now look safe (like the rumors have been saying) while wookd and high elves seem to be gone (once again rumors). Dark elves will be interesting to see how much get cut.


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That Manticore!! What a gorgeous model it is insane looking I absolutely love it!!

Skaven Warband are beautifully hideous.

Kruelboyz Warband are the most Kruelboyz 'feeling' minis yet. I love the Attack Baboons!!


Was a little dissapointed that a lot of the 'Not 40K' stream was devoted to Epic and HH, (They are 40K effectively)

Understandable about not getting Dawnbringers Book II. 

But that Manticore Sweet Sigmar!!

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18 minutes ago, Lich King said:

Is there a guy variant for the Manticore ?

Reading the article it doesn't seem there's a generic version, all the weapon options have some lore to them.


Hammerhal’s Lioness wields enchanted weapons taken from high-ranking traitors she and her allies exposed and slew in her own rise to power.*** The fiery sword Parchtongue, taken from the Archmage Zanta Faloria. The greataxe Justice, wrested from the so-called Bloody Duke. The heavy mace Warmaker, claimed from the corrupt treasurer Venalius. The Hammer of Zeal, a trophy of the ex-Pontifex of the Cults Unberogen.


Edited by Clan's Cynic
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Just catching up with the reveals now.

Would've preferred to see a plastic mini but the Bretonnian is lovely indeed.

Skaven warband. At least 2 of those can pass as Plague Priests. Amazing sculpts, absolutely love the smoke effect. Really makes me excited for more Skaven (hopefully). Oh who am I kidding, I'll get 2 boxes to convert the other into some Dark Mechanicum minions. 

Glorious Knights. My favourite variants and it's going to be fun to easily pose them into some really dynamic poses.

Epic is actually pretty cool, not my cup of tea but does look nice to see how much detail they can pack into something so small.

The Kruleboyz, the monke fellas are the best part, good sculpts all round.

Cities.....love the customisation across the board but especially the infantry kit, looks like a lot of variation and I love that the icon bearer guys look rather unique against the rest of the unit. Loving the different body types. I wasn't a massive fan when we were shown those initial 3 but these look lovely. And that Manticore, oh there's gonna be so much potential with that kit!!

It's not going to be fair of me to say I wish there was more or that different things could have been shown, as that's just because there is so much in store for Age of Sigmar, I want it all! 


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Not nearly as big of a preview as we might have been led to believe. So for AoS they revealed one new wizard hero and the Cities centerpiece model (which is admittedly badass).

Their information drip-feed really hurts their overall hype, in my opinion. Imagine if this had been the big Cities reveal, and it was the first time we'd seen any of that stuff. It would have been incredible. But nowadays they haphazardly show off random models at seemingly random during the week so we've already seen half of the stuff.

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32 minutes ago, KingBrodd said:

That Manticore!! What a gorgeous model it is insane looking I absolutely love it!!

Skaven Warband are beautifully hideous.

Kruelboyz Warband are the most Kruelboyz 'feeling' minis yet. I love the Attack Baboons!!


Was a little dissapointed that a lot of the 'Not 40K' stream was devoted to Epic and HH, (They are 40K effectively)

Understandable about not getting Dawnbringers Book II. 

But that Manticore Sweet Sigmar!!

I agree with you @KingBrodd on multiple points, but let me put them in order of importance:

1. Like many of us I was somewhat disappointed with the lack of reveals in the big “Not 40K” reveal. We got exactly one reveal for each thing besides HH (aka 40K lite), which had the Knight kit and Epic 2.0 revealed. 
2. the Kruleboyz beat wranglers are great! I won’t lie I’m a point concerned that the FEC got a warband with a similar feel to them (feels like laziness on GW’s part), but the baboon/howler monkeys and teases of swamp dragons more then make up for it.

3. New skaven warband! Odds are most of the skaven base are going to pick it up and use each model as their separate roles (new plastic plague priest) but underworlds has been a teaser for what’s to come for quite some time now…. 
4. TOW: nothing from LONG LOST NEHEKHARA!!! So 5/10…. The knight’s cool though, and here’s hoping the Bret players like him. 
All in all here’s hoping we get an actual reveal sometime in the near future, with all the hype of the tenth edition preview and then some!

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1 hour ago, Snarff said:

Hard disagree. Those models would never have even been made otherwise, and it allows them to easily test new designs without having to commit an entire release to them.

Underworlds and Warcry are a huge boon to AoS, especially now that integration is getting better. Just look at the Hunters of Huanchi and how it translates into multiple AoS units.

How dare you apply logic to people wanting to moan about any little thing. 😉


I though the preview could have done with something a little more for Dawnbringers but otherwise was fine. The two new models we saw for Dawnbringers looked good, especially the manticore, and the army box looks like a neat place to start the army from. I must be good and not buy it.

The Underworlds warband looks great, really shows how awesome an updated Clan Pestilens range could look. Hopefully they're part of the 4th edition update.

The Warcry one surprised me a little. The models all look great but it only containing 8 figures felt like it was too few. Then I remembered that some of the 1st edition warbands contained less than 10 models and Orruks and Baboons are probably stronger than the average human. Also glad as it gives Kruleboyz another unit and will hopefully give more variety to lists. It definitely feels like it fits them well, after all someone needs to catch the greater gnashtooths, and sloggoths.

The knights look cool, and it's not surprise Epic got the lions share, it's a whole new game to launch. The infantry and tanks do look better than the older lines did. It'd be a fun project to build a travel 30k set from it.

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2 hours ago, Twisted Firaun said:

Man, as a Chaos player seeing SIGMAR of all people get a manticore before me is kinda funny. The new lady looks interesting, and I bet we’ll see a lot of her in painting competitions and conversions.

Makes me kind of nervous actually. They don't usually share these big centerpiece models across factions so I'm more than a little worried we'll be seeing the chaos manticore sailing off to legends in the next book. Maybe they take the opportunity to give slaves a new big centerpiece mount kit like a chaos dragon. Beautiful model though, if I'm wrong and they resculpt the chaos one I'm sure it'll look amazing. 

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