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2 minutes ago, KingBrodd said:

This is what Im hoping for Mawtribes.

New Gluttons.

New Ironguts.

New Leadbelchers.

Dual Build Butcher/Slaughtermaster.

Dual Build Yehtee/Gorger.

Thats 5 kits that updates 7 units.

Throw in Braggoth and Globb as characters and a monster for Beastclaw and that range is nigh perfect!!

If they follow the Soulblight model, they will keep Ironguts unupdated because they are just about the best current sculpt, transforming them into the new worst sculpt.

Where Graveguard, GW?

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31 minutes ago, KingBrodd said:

This is what Im hoping for Mawtribes.

New Gluttons.

New Ironguts.

New Leadbelchers.

Dual Build Butcher/Slaughtermaster.

Dual Build Yehtee/Gorger.

Thats 5 kits that updates 7 units.

Throw in Braggoth and Globb as characters and a monster for Beastclaw and that range is nigh perfect!!

I'm also hoping for the Cities Ogres. And hoping for you destruction folk they are (dual build?) usable in Mawtribes.

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31 minutes ago, KingBrodd said:

This is what Im hoping for Mawtribes.

New Gluttons.

New Ironguts.

New Leadbelchers.

Dual Build Butcher/Slaughtermaster.

Dual Build Yehtee/Gorger.

Thats 5 kits that updates 7 units.

Throw in Braggoth and Globb as characters and a monster for Beastclaw and that range is nigh perfect!!

I will add rhinox/mournfang dualkit, new small beasts(sabres, vultures, gnoblars) and maneaters to the list ofc. 

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2 hours ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

For Skaven, I think updating five unit kits would have a big effect (some of them can easily be dual build) and that leaves a good amount of room for completely new stuff.

What's great is we have a large sample of old Skaven kits that could use an upgrade. Let's say, hypothetically, that only five unit kits get updated (that might be a small number... SBGL had 7 old kits redone). What's most likely is the really old stuff :

- Plague monks (ft. censor bearers ?)
- Weapons teams
- Rat ogres
- Jezzails
- Globadiers

I maintain the fact Eshin Skaven would be better served as a Warcry band. Also, the Doomflayer could see a facelift, or it could go the way of the Razordon. Idk about Clanrats. They still hold ok, but they're from the late 00s (?) (Correct me if I'm wrong there) and GW likes to (re)do the basic battlelines every time a big release happens. 

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2 hours ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

If they follow the Soulblight model, they will keep Ironguts unupdated because they are just about the best current sculpt, transforming them into the new worst sculpt.

Where Graveguard, GW?

I could see Ironguts left un-updated of the 3.

1 hour ago, EntMan said:

I'm also hoping for the Cities Ogres. And hoping for you destruction folk they are (dual build?) usable in Mawtribes.

Oh mate I had forgotten about them!! Absolutely would love to see them have an ALT Mawtribes build, of course if they dont we could just run them as standard Ogors because as we know theyre mercenaries and if the food runs out whose getting eaten?


1 hour ago, cofaxest said:

I will add rhinox/mournfang dualkit, new small beasts(sabres, vultures, gnoblars) and maneaters to the list ofc. 

OFC!! I was trying to temper my expectations I hadnt even started wishlisting!!

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2 hours ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

If they follow the Soulblight model, they will keep Ironguts unupdated because they are just about the best current sculpt, transforming them into the new worst sculpt.

Where Graveguard, GW?

Sons of Velmorn, would make excellent graveguard, I think. 


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I don't see why they wouldn't update ironguts, all of the infantry ogors literally use the same bodies. If anything they'll just get rolled into a dual kit with the gluttons or leadbelchers.
They're basically just gluttons with 2 handers and some shields strapped on.

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1 hour ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

They do, but they are five models, one of which is a Wight King and one of which is on the wrong base size. A typical Graveguard unit has 20 models in it.

My buddy uses the new skeletons as Graveguards and they honestly work great. The old skellies are still very nice and i don't think you can "improve" a basic human skellie with just a shield and spear.

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4 hours ago, KingBrodd said:

This is what Im hoping for Mawtribes.

New Gluttons.

New Ironguts.

New Leadbelchers.

Dual Build Butcher/Slaughtermaster.

Dual Build Yehtee/Gorger.

Thats 5 kits that updates 7 units.

Throw in Braggoth and Globb as characters and a monster for Beastclaw and that range is nigh perfect!!

As someone who recently had to paint Gutter Runners and Night runners but also have an ogor army.
xD gluttons ironguts and leadbelchers are OK and FINE

Best focus on the other older models

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5 hours ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

If they follow the Soulblight model, they will keep Ironguts unupdated because they are just about the best current sculpt, transforming them into the new worst sculpt.

Where Graveguard, GW?

Warcom: We are excited to reveal the upcoming range of Skaven with AOS 4.0 updating all of the previous resin kits and some choice plastic kits. Certain units are too iconic and still hold up too well to be updated so you can continue to purchase the much loved Nightrunner models for Clan Eshin:

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As for Skavens I would like to see more Skryre models. They have the most recent models so why? Exactly that's why. They only need like 2 units and 2 heroes to be a stand alone faction. Other clans on the other hand need like a total remake. The worst case scenario is getting like 1 random unit for every clan which would satisfy nobody and would change very little.

Also Skryre is the most original of all Skaven being the only high tech faction despite Kharadron Overlords. Pestilence is too similar to Nurgle. Eshin is hard to be a separate force. Moulder... well maybe.

But another horde army is not really needed.

Edited by Aeryenn
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55 minutes ago, OnTheSideOfCaution said:

Excuse me for interjecting but do we know the continued status of the new orruk stuff as per the hints by @Whitefang? Was it just the Ironjawz pig or was there more?

Correct me if im wrong but i thought someone said something about being sad that Destruction didnt receive much love this edition and he replied something along the lines of we should expect more before the end of this edition.

Could be anything really.

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2 hours ago, Aeryenn said:

As for Skavens I would like to see more Skryre models. They have the most recent models so why? Exactly that's why. They only need like 2 units and 2 heroes to be a stand alone faction. Other clans on the other hand need like a total remake. The worst case scenario is getting like 1 random unit for every clan which would satisfy nobody and would change very little.

Also Skryre is the most original of all Skaven being the only high tech faction despite Kharadron Overlords. Pestilence is too similar to Nurgle. Eshin is hard to be a separate force. Moulder... well maybe.

But another horde army is not really needed.

I'm sure if I were a more diehard skaven collector I'd have a stronger opinion about neglecting the other clans but as for Skryre there are also neat skaven in powersuit harnesses that are programmed to make them more strong/skilled in combat and prevent fleeing that Ikit Klaw made in the Hamilcar books that would make perfect AoS sculpts.


In fact in the same book Ikit "Skavenified" the reforging process of stormcast while also being described as quite terrifying. Basically shrugging at the fact he was pissing off gods. He'd be an excellent cawl type model update imo.

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5 hours ago, willange said:

Grave guard and saurus guard. The saurus guard kit is the last one in seraphon that really sticks out like a sore thumb

For me, plastic infantry kits as a priority to be redone :

  • Skaven night runners (almost painful to watch as they belong to another age)
  • STD marauders (same as the naughty mice above)
  • Orruks ardboyz (too many stylistic differences from their big brothers)
  • Skaven plague monks (too basic and outdated)
  • SBL grave guards (when removed plastic base skeletons look more modern, there's a problem)
  • Seraphon temple guards (the last thorn in the saurian paw)
  • Slaanesh hellstriders (painful comparison with the new cavalry of the dark prince)
  • ghouls (not the worst but weight of years is starting to take its toll)
  • Savages orruks (same as above)
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2 hours ago, Draznak said:

For me, plastic infantry kits as a priority to be redone :

  • Skaven night runners (almost painful to watch as they belong to another age)
  • STD marauders (same as the naughty mice above)
  • Orruks ardboyz (too many stylistic differences from their big brothers)
  • Skaven plague monks (too basic and outdated)
  • SBL grave guards (when removed plastic base skeletons look more modern, there's a problem)
  • Seraphon temple guards (the last thorn in the saurian paw)
  • Slaanesh hellstriders (painful comparison with the new cavalry of the dark prince)
  • ghouls (not the worst but weight of years is starting to take its toll)
  • Savages orruks (same as above)

Agree with almost all bar the Ghouls, I think they’re a brilliant kit, and lots of build options. Lots of conversion potential. Don’t touch my Ghouls! 😂

Another Skaven kit that needs updating are the Rat Ogres. Which is bizarre because they released two stunning Rat Ogres and pacK master under Island of Blood and never released it as a separate unit. 

I hope when they get round to them they’re as customisable and full of choices as the new Kroxigors.

Edited by Kronos
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Skaven need the following 

Plague monks

Censor bearers

A plauge priest 

Rat ogres

Giant rats

Master moulder 


Weapon teams


Warlock engineer 

Gutter runners


All are either metdl, resin or completely out of dare. 

Add in a couple of new units and it's all reasonable for new edition launch; just think how many units necrons and nighthaunt. Tyranids seem to be getting a huge redo as well. 

I'll defo revisit my skaven army when they get new models. 

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2 hours ago, Ogregut said:

Skaven need the following 

Plague monks

Censor bearers

A plauge priest 

Rat ogres

Giant rats

Master moulder 


Weapon teams


Warlock engineer 

Gutter runners


All are either metdl, resin or completely out of dare. 

Add in a couple of new units and it's all reasonable for new edition launch; just think how many units necrons and nighthaunt. Tyranids seem to be getting a huge redo as well. 

I'll defo revisit my skaven army when they get new models. 

I think it could be a revisition of the Skaven's clan concept with a more unified looking but with utility differences

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One thing I have heard is that there are a LOT of things that are 'done' from a modeling and design standpoint by GW and are just waiting for a proper window of release. IIRC Skaven is one of those. Model range is done, GW are just waiting for a good time to release them to the public. 

We're not even halfway through June and I'm already exhausted of Leviathan content. I just want the points, the rest of the datasheets, and to start playing the new edition, rather than waiting as they continue to drip-feed.

We do have Harbingers and Cities of Sigmar to look forward to, and I hope we start seeing more of all of that as we get to the end of June. 

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