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  1. I think it would be awesome to have Aelf and Duardin officers (command models) in CoS units leading a bunch of humans. Aelf officers in charge of ranged units and cavalry, Duardin officers in charge of artillery and infantry.
  2. Man, I love that new ogre! I think some people on here are forgetting that ogres are WAAAAY stronger than even the strongest humans. So carrying that crows nest with a human in it wouldn't even phase an ogre. This is all just my opinion of course.
  3. Sons of Velmorn, would make excellent graveguard, I think.
  4. They look like Chaos knights to me. Actually nevermind, those are definitely NOT chaos knights!
  5. Without the elves Nagash wouldn't exist. He would do well to remember that 😏
  6. I don't know about that, all the female superheroes i've seen are very athletic looking.
  7. I can absolutely relate to this. I also started playing Warhammer with 6th edition Dark Elves. I literally lost every game the first year I played. (2-3 games a week every week) Then, when 7th Edition came. I was destroying those same opponents more often than not.
  8. Armored Azyrite gargants would be pretty cool.
  9. That new Bone reaper guy kinda reminds me of the tree warriors from Maleficent movie. Looks totally awesome. .
  10. I would want Cities of Sigmar freeguilds from different realms in the same vein of the Warcry marauder units. crustacean-riding shock troops for Idoneth
  11. No idea if anyone had mentioned something like what i'm about to say. What I would love to see for the next edition is every army getting specialized units that excel in a particular phase of a turn. Meaning, every army has a unit that can shoot really well, another that can disrupt shooting really well, another that can magic really well, disrupt magic really well, etc... think of it like the ultimate rock, paper, scissors game. So every army CAN specialize in say.... shooting or close combat or magic, but, they could be hard countered. This way, I feel, players are more likely to diversify their lists. It would also make every unit viable depending on what your game plan is.
  12. Has there been any word on when/if Daughters of Khaine warscroll cards are coming? Just find it odd that every other army gets updated card pack but not DoK.
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