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Nurgle steal the show. CoS Knights and Maw-Grunta are fantastic. Stormcasts Questors are all I wanted for Warcry (and Warhammer Quest). FEC and Nighthaunts are very characterful indeed. 

For the rest, Tyranids, Knight-Lancers and BRETONNIAN PALADIN are great ! 


The Roadmaps are packed, and Dawnbringers Crusades supplements with 7 more units ?! I wonder what will come after (spring 2024), for the traditional "end of edition" campaign - Dawnbringers cannot be that so soon ?

1 hour ago, ArkanautDadmiral said:

Anyone know what the little walking snail shell on the CoS knight leaders base is? 

I love it ! Maybe a Mordheim / Monty Python Easter egg ? 

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5 minutes ago, Neverchosen said:

So this preview made me really excited for two things that were not revealed:

1) If they can make a new plastic Knight then I feel like another Gargant Sculpt is not off the table

2) With the Harbinger in plastic what are the odds of getting the whole gang together in plastic?

I think they‘re pretty damn high. 3 books, Khorne Lord on Juggernaut needs a plastic kit, everyone loves boobworm and the Fatemaster is sooner or later bound to get a release too. 👍

Edited by MitGas
I‘m too stupid to spell juggernaut apparently
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30 minutes ago, Mandzak-Miniatures said:

I wonder if that cavaliers box will be a dual box for redone pistoleers. I’d love an option to have a less armored horse.

if they designed it right, the barding could be placed right on top of a horse with belts and straps

I am very much hoping we see some gunpowder units next.

I like the new Freeguild models a lot. But personally, I didn't get into Cities for their knights. I got into them for their tanks and guns.

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3 minutes ago, Neverchosen said:

So this preview made me really excited for two things that were not revealed:

1) If they can make a new plastic Knight then I feel like another Gargant Sculpt is not off the table

2) With the Harbinger in plastic what are the odds of getting the whole gang together in plastic?

A new Mancrusher is sorely needed!! But I would say theyll keep thst for 4.0 if they try and keep 'A new Mini for every Faction. So thats the next 4 years sorted for the Sons if they choose too!!

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51 minutes ago, Clan's Cynic said:

My suspicion is GW has cottoned on to other companies making a tidy profit with their own rank-and-file games - Kings of War, Conquest, Oathmark, ASOI&F, etc - and decided they want that slice of potential pie back.

Kind of like how Aeronautica was obviously a reaction to X-Wing's total dominance of the 'flight game' sub-market. 

Sure it might not beat out 40k, AoS or even 30k for sales, but so long as they're getting people buying their stuff instead of playing/buying from other companies, they'll probably see that as a win.

People are very, very loyal to the Games Workshop 'brand' even if they swear hellfire against the company in the same breath. Judging by the amount of people I've seen since saying "I thought about starting KoW/Conquest/whatever, but now TOW is coming out I'll just wait for them" it'll probably work.

Even if so, it's worth considering if putting people and money into Old World will pay off as good as would using the same resources for 40k or AoS. They are well established, have a huge fan base that always wants more releases. GW invested a lot to make AoS be in the place it's now.

Also new Cities of Sigmar might not do any favor to the Old World as well. I can already tell it will look better than anything from Empire or Bretonnia and "being normal" was one of not too many pros Old World had over AoS.

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5 minutes ago, JerekKruger said:

Thoughts on today's reveals:

Freeguild Cavaliers: they're not my cup of tea (too busy), but I do think they're good. I was hoping for more Cities of Sigmar though.

Nurgle Dude: amazing. I worry he might tip me over the edge onto collecting Nurgle.

Other New Heroes: not bad, but not as good as the Nurgle dude.

the Maw Grunta: people have been asking for a Gore Grunta hero, but I doubt this is what they were expecting. Personally I do not like the sponson mounted Ironjawz, but other than that it's a very cool mini.

The Old World: great minis, but they are resin so I'm not gonna buy them. I hope that The Old World does well and we get Mordheim but I doubt I'll be helping that success. I guess I shall hope the source books are nice, as I'll probably consume those.

Horus Heresy: it's fine, but I've got enough games to collect already.

I might as well throw my two cents in as well.

TOW: Naturally I am excited over the fact that LONG LOST NEHEKHARA!!! is about to return, though I don't really like the pale-green paint scheme the skin has atm (I think it's supposed to be a reference to the original Mummy movie posters, but it just doesn't match the army's aesthetic) but that's an easy fix. I'm sad that it's resin, but not THAT sad if you catch my drift. 

4 Warriors: The heroes are all amazing. Naturally the Harbinger of Decay is the winner this time around, seeing as how he's nailed that perfect balance between eldritch horror, arthurian knight and utter Nurgle goofiness (his tentacle-horns head option). Of the other three my listing is Grimhold Exile (being the first fyreslayer to be a proper duardin and dual wield hammers), the Marrowscroll Herald (tempting me back to FEC), and the Rabble-Rowza (He's goofy, but otherwise not that unique compared to his fellow Gitz heroes). clearly something big is about to hit AOS and I can't wait to see how these heroes effect the narrative.

AOS proper: The new Ironjaws lord is here and he brought home the bacon! Puns aside, I hope that this is a sign that there is more goodies inbound for the orruk community, because you lot deserve more goodies for being such good sports this edition. The Dawnbringer Crusades/Cities of Sigmar are starting to look like a proper medieval crusade, but are not enough for me to give up the unholy quartet or LONG LOST NEHEKHARA!!!!

HH: I want rules to use the Knight Lancer in 40k, both as an imperial and chaos knight. The assault squad will be a must have depending on the number of marines in the box, as they'll be painted in Midnight clad instantly. I'm fairly certain that we're getting volkites for mks.iii & iv if that last image was any indication, but I could be wrong...

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2 minutes ago, JackStreicher said:

image.png.0b78a6b37a1738d6beecd9053d145c24.pngCould I convert him to a Vampire Lord on Zombie Steed 🤔

Out of reacts, love it.

Definitely want to make a Death Knight style Death mini with this. Feel like you'd only really need to change the head and do some work to the shoulderpad. Love that the shield and horse's head guard is like a coffin. 

Could be a Ringwraith style Necromancer/Vampire Lord, but if you wanted him more armoured I guess you could cut the model at the waist and just pop a Blood Knight on top. 

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3 hours ago, Clan's Cynic said:

Seen this doing the rounds.


Love what it says for lizardmen assuming this is accurate.  With them knowing TOW IA coming it doesn't make sense to, for example, make a plastic slann that can't be used in both.  Now base size and if they can be in the 2nd rank of temple guard will be interesting to see. 

As someone before said, hoping for plastic larger dinos, new temple guard (that fit both aos and tow), and resin mazdamundi.

I really want a plastic or resin green knight. I imagine that would sell even for those that don't play TOW.  Certainly many high level/contest painters would have fun with that.

Love the paladin :)


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Looks similar to the Mawkrusha kit. I love me some dual choppas on the rider. The rider with the chains had a really good pose though. I thinks i would change they ardboyz for more spikes or just leave them off. I wonder if there is a third Gorbad inspired option.

Also any idea what the flying squigs boss is used for? We are getting so many support pieces that we dont have any points left for actual units. Even more so after the nerf on Skragrott.

I hope we are also getting a new unit for Ironjawz. This would really blow some fresh air into the faction.

Edited by Gitzdee
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6 minutes ago, Gitzdee said:



Looks similar to the Mawkrusha kit. I love me some dual choppas on the rider. The rider with the chains had a really good pose though. I thinks i would change they ardboyz for more spikes or just leave them off. I wonder if there is a third Gorbad inspired option.

Also any idea what the flying squigs boss is used for? We are getting so many support pieces that we dont have any points left for actual units. Even more so after the nerf on Skragrott.

I hope we are also getting a new unit for Ironjawz. This would really blow some fresh air into the faction.

They said on stream it can be used as normal hero, named and as monster. They compared it to stegadons

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25 minutes ago, Gitzdee said:



Looks similar to the Mawkrusha kit. I love me some dual choppas on the rider. The rider with the chains had a really good pose though. I thinks i would change they ardboyz for more spikes or just leave them off. I wonder if there is a third Gorbad inspired option.

Also any idea what the flying squigs boss is used for? We are getting so many support pieces that we dont have any points left for actual units. Even more so after the nerf on Skragrott.

I hope we are also getting a new unit for Ironjawz. This would really blow some fresh air into the faction.

the article hints that the Rabble-Rowzas can buff (command or Stir) cave creatures specifically mentioning Troggoth which I don't think any Grot character can do currently.

Edited by novakai
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Was thinking, and someone may already have said this before so I apologise if I am parroting. If we can't expect Chorfs for a few years, I wonder if that means it will be a "Use AoS models in OW" deal like it seems LM will be, and the Chorfs are coming in a few years, to AoS, maybe at the tail end of 4th Edition as something like that edition's Cities of Sigmar (Or Soulblight Gravelords if it is really late, though that might have been later than intended due to Covid).

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7 minutes ago, Goatforce said:

Was thinking, and someone may already have said this before so I apologise if I am parroting. If we can't expect Chorfs for a few years, I wonder if that means it will be a "Use AoS models in OW" deal like it seems LM will be, and the Chorfs are coming in a few years, to AoS, maybe at the tail end of 4th Edition as something like that edition's Cities of Sigmar (Or Soulblight Gravelords if it is really late, though that might have been later than intended due to Covid).

Most likely FW will just bring the Legion of Azgorh back into production, since they mentioned all 8th edition armies would receive an Army List in TOW. 

I think if we see Chorfs for AoS they will 100% be an AoS-specific creation with no actual cross-computability outside of people 'unofficially' proxying certain things.

I think at most, Legion of Azgroh might get a second pass of AoS rules since they had a couple of AoS-only releases like Shar'tor and the Warhammer World Daemonsmith, but I wouldn't bet on that.

Edited by Clan's Cynic
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1 hour ago, Neverchosen said:

So this preview made me really excited for two things that were not revealed:

1) If they can make a new plastic Knight then I feel like another Gargant Sculpt is not off the table

2) With the Harbinger in plastic what are the odds of getting the whole gang together in plastic?

I think its likely, mounted hero is a clear weird missing gap in slaanesh (mounted lord and a skirmish light melee mortal unit are legit on things missing) I was actually more expecting that the only "new" kits chaos will get in the old world would have been the classic lords

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5 minutes ago, Clan's Cynic said:

Most likely FW will just bring the Legion of Azgorh back into production, since they mentioned all 8th edition armies would receive an Army List in TOW. 

I think if we see Chorfs for AoS they will 100% be an AoS-specific creation with no actual cross-computability outside of people 'unofficially' proxying certain things.

I think at most, Legion of Azgroh might get a second pass of AoS rules since they had a couple of AoS-only releases like Shar'tor and the Warhammer World Daemonsmith, but I wouldn't bet on that.

Maybe, but then GW has been doing a fair amount with keeping more old school and grounded design, for example the Soulblight stuff are just updated Vampire Counts models with a couple of exceptions (Vengorian Lord for example), the same with Slaves To Darkness and Seraphon. I don't see why they couldn't do the same with the Chaos Dwarfs, as there is very little that needs to be done to that army to make it aesthetically fit into AoS.


Also if they were just re-issuing Legion of Azgorh, why the wait? Why would it be years to bring a model line they have already produced back onto the shelves? Surely that suggests something new, at least in part?

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A thing that has given me reason to speculate and ponder is the symbol on the cover of the second book of the Dawnbringers series. If I´m not mistaken that represents specifically Ironjawz!

A Ironjawz focus for the lore/story in the book? More Ironjawz kits? Just chosen because of the revealed Maw-Grunta, so a more general Orruk/Destruction driven content?

Not that I dare to go hogwild when it comes to hints and teases from GW...as they keep on surprising me.



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14 minutes ago, Clan's Cynic said:

Most likely FW will just bring the Legion of Azgorh back into production, since they mentioned all 8th edition armies would receive an Army List in TOW. 

I think if we see Chorfs for AoS they will 100% be an AoS-specific creation with no actual cross-computability outside of people 'unofficially' proxying certain things.

I think at most, Legion of Azgroh might get a second pass of AoS rules since they had a couple of AoS-only releases like Shar'tor and the Warhammer World Daemonsmith, but I wouldn't bet on that.

@Clan's Cynic, I agree that it seems highly probable that the Legion of Azgorh is coming back (not that I'm complaining), heck I even talked about it with @Baron Klatz a few days and pages ago. I disagree with your idea that chorfs will be 100% AOS, instead we'll get a few cross-compatible units and the LoA will bridge the gap aesthetic wise. As long as we get daemon trains and a Kdaai Destroyer kit, everything will be alright imo.

9 minutes ago, MothmanDraws said:

I think its likely, mounted hero is a clear weird missing gap in slaanesh (mounted lord and a skirmish light melee mortal unit are legit on things missing) I was actually more expecting that the only "new" kits chaos will get in the old world would have been the classic lords

Here's hoping that mystery war cry warband displayed on Saturday is Slaaneshi, as that seems to be the way GW is plugging small holes in army lineups (barring stormcast eternals). A Slaaneshi Chaos Lord mounted on a giant Chaos Cobra ( the infamous "lady bits" being optional) would be cool, but I wonder what they would name it? We have a Lord of Pain, Lord of Hubris.... Maybe Lord of Exhilaration?

Edited by Twisted Firaun
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25 minutes ago, novakai said:

the article hints that the Rabble-Rowzas can buff (command or Stir) cave creatures specifically mentioning Troggoth which I don't think any Grot character can do currently.

Something that could make Troggoths deal more damage would be great. Something similar to the Mirebrute frenzy would be awesome. Deal some damage to self to buff the damage output and potentially heal back up.

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I was playing in the warcry tournament at warhammer fest, so I didn't have a chance to get into the actual reveal shows, but I'd say I'm personally quite impressed with what was shown.

Well, except I don't have any particular interest in ToW, but I hope it finds its audience, the new resin sculpts are quite lovely.

Using Broken Realms to add in surprise units to various over a year or so was a lot of fun, so doing that but moreso (by the sounds of things, at least) I think is a good idea.  The four harbinger heros to kick things off kinda reminds me of the first AoS campaign event thing too (Malign Portents?) so that's a cute throwback.  I love the FEC guy, he's the standout to me personally, and I'm interested in seeing what that means for the rest of the range.  The new Harbinger of Decay is very nice, though I think I might personally prefer the more understated design of the previous sculpt, but there's certainly nothing wrong with this new one either.  Gitz and Fyreslayer heroes are a little less inspiring, certainly nice looking sculpts, and I do like the more characterful look of the Fyreslayer compared to his fellows, but they're both just fine to me.

Bigger Pig is pretty cool, not sure I love the passengers standing on the sides, it might've been cooler if they were hanging off the sides on chains, maybe, but it's a solid, nice looking monster that I think is more exciting than the expected Megaboss on Gore-Grunta.

I'm quite surprised how much I like the look of the CoS Knights, they are a little busy design-wise, but I think it works quite nicely, still wish we could've got human/elves/dwaves mixed in the same units, but I am now quite interested in seeing how the rest of the range shakes out.

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