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2 minutes ago, Segersgia said:

It seems we were a little hasty on saying no boxset...

That's a relief! As that earlier post said then maybe army boxes? Hopefully as good value as the Horus Heresy one, though think that would be a bit much to ask for for every army.


But anyway, got back from work recently so haven't had too much time to digest todays stuff. AoS preview seemed generally good (outside of another slap to the face for Fyreslayer players who I deeply pity), until it turned out the 1.5 hour AoS slot only had a preview less than 30 mins as far as I saw.... Which was both mind boggling and dissapointing. The Nurgle model and the pig are pretty sweet though.


Old World was pretty dissapointing, we finally got models but resin.... Should have expected it but still was hoping for plastic.

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9 minutes ago, Hawke said:

Afraid not directly, hopefully something though, since the 2nd narrative book is destruction focused 🤞

Maaaate I hope the Ogors appear narratively as they are one of the most underutilised Factions in AOS!!

8 minutes ago, The Lost Sigmarite said:

Just wanna stress out how huge for AoS this autumn will be. We're going to be getting :
- Cities of Sigmar full release
- 4 Warcry bands (Order vs Destruction)
- 2 Dawnbringers books (one on Destruction) and their accompanying minis. 

Summer is obviously going to be 40k heavy but we've managed to squeeze Seraphon and Dawnbringers book one in it. I feel like 2023 is catching up on the very calm 2022 with a hectic rythm of AoS releases in its second half.

2023 is absolutely smashing it Im so damn happy right now!!

Just now, Aleser said:

Yes but first book has 4 heroes, 1 for each alliance(fyreslayer, nurgle, gloomspite, fec) , Maw Grunta was just bonus from next book

Aww mate if that means we get another 3 or 4 minis just for Destruction Im gunna explode!!

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people criying about only getting a foot hero... and me as idoneth player criying about not getting a foot armored hero, or a hero with a fish/crab pet like goblins. or heronon eel, with some rules to rise army outside the pit they have been with new book.


really hope that seraphons get a new hero as one of the deleted ones, priest, gor rok or chakax( dont remember his names in aos sorry). or even a kroxigor hero!!!


but i think order wont get anything more. since canpaign will be about same 2 crusades, so dont make any sense to more armys appearing on every book as reinforcement. and will be only the bad guys ataking those 2 crusades. by the way they said 1 of those will fail and the other will have succes?

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6 minutes ago, Kitsumy said:

people criying about only getting a foot hero... and me as idoneth player criying about not getting a foot armored hero, or a hero with a fish/crab pet like goblins. or heronon eel, with some rules to rise army outside the pit they have been with new book.


really hope that seraphons get a new hero as one of the deleted ones, priest, gor rok or chakax( dont remember his names in aos sorry). or even a kroxigor hero!!!


but i think order wont get anything more. since canpaign will be about same 2 crusades, so dont make any sense to more armys appearing on every book as reinforcement. and will be only the bad guys ataking those 2 crusades. by the way they said 1 of those will fail and the other will have succes?

Yeah sadly nothing for them. Warcry warband would be nice at least :)

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I wonder what is the plan for selling Old World to people. Honestly.

I hope it's more than relying on sentiment because it won't work. A great majority of people who used to play WFB before have either migrated to other games/systems or have abandoned this hobby. There might be a few people who still keep their minis on a shelf and were faithfully waiting all these years for this setting to come back but how many actually could there be of them?

And how about people new to GW or new to wargames in general? Why would they choose Old World over AoS? Because of the more realistic setting and world design? If I were to guess that's not really that important. Minis are. And those are far better and more fresh on AoS side.

I really don't see how is this going to work if they are about to resell some really old minis, no starter set and poor support with fresh sculpts. Or this is what I assume after presentation of 2 (TWO) new minis for game's presentation. Compare that to AoS start.

Edited by Aeryenn
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6 minutes ago, Aeryenn said:

I wonder what is the plan for selling Old World to people. Honestly.

My suspicion is GW has cottoned on to other companies making a tidy profit with their own rank-and-file games - Kings of War, Conquest, Oathmark, ASOI&F, etc - and decided they want that slice of potential pie back.

Kind of like how Aeronautica was obviously a reaction to X-Wing's total dominance of the 'flight game' sub-market. 

Sure it might not beat out 40k, AoS or even 30k for sales, but so long as they're getting people buying their stuff instead of playing/buying from other companies, they'll probably see that as a win.

People are very, very loyal to the Games Workshop 'brand' even if they swear hellfire against the company in the same breath. Judging by the amount of people I've seen since saying "I thought about starting KoW/Conquest/whatever, but now TOW is coming out I'll just wait for them" it'll probably work.

Edited by Clan's Cynic
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4 minutes ago, Aeryenn said:

I wonder what is the plan for selling Old World to people. Honestly.

I hope it's more than relying on sentiment because it won't work. A great majority of people who used to play WFB before have either migrated to other games/systems or have abandoned this hobby. There might be a few people who still keep their minis on a shelf and were faithfully waiting all these years for this setting to come back but how many actually could there be of them?

And how about people new to GW or new to wargames in general? Why would they choose Old World over AoS? Because of the more realistic setting and world design? If I were to guess that's not really that important. Minis are. And those are far better and more fresh on AoS side.

I really don't see how is this going to work if they are about to resell some really old minis, no starter set and poor support with fresh sculpts. Or this is what I assume after presentation of 2 (TWO) new minis for game's presentation. Compare that to AoS start.

Personally, I like a lot of the older minis that got discontinued before I could buy them, I've played some older Fantasy editions and enjoy the rank n flank style gameplay, and I like Fantasy's lore and TOW could lead to further support. It covers a different niche from AoS and from what they said in the QnA it's aimed toward people who've been playing wargames; I really don't think the potential Total War audience is as big as people say it is. Go to any thread in those communities and see how few people are interested in TT games or have been scared away by what they've heard about GW.

Frankly, I'd play just about any off-brand fantasy rank n flank game if it were fun, but most wargamers I know are only interested if the system has the GW logo and the promise of future support.

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18 minutes ago, Aeryenn said:

I hope it's more than relying on sentiment because it won't work. A great majority of people who used to play WFB before have either migrated to other games/systems or have abandoned this hobby.

That's where I would like you to develop this because I've seen many people on the Internet that are preparing to get back into TOW with their WHFB armies when it drops. There's even a few TWWH players that will take the jump (granted they are very few and almost all also play 40k too, so they already have a wargaming background). WHFB is still regarded with nostalgia among many a hobbyist. 

I've also been told that 9th Age was losing a lot of momentum and players due to really bad balancing. This could play into TOW's hand. I don't know about the state of Oathmark and KoW right now, I would really appreciate it of you told me how these games are faring right now, but I have heard Conquest was growing.

18 minutes ago, Aeryenn said:

And how about people new to GW or new to wargames in general? Why would they choose Old World over AoS? Because of the more realistic setting and world design? If I were to guess that's not really that important. Minis are. And those are far better and more fresh on AoS side.

I feel like GW is primarely trying to catter to the veterans with TOW. And yes, the beginners will likely go for AoS instead of Old World. I feel like that's intentional. AoS is their main fantasy breadmaker and they don't want TOW to compete with it (I know I don't). 

18 minutes ago, Aeryenn said:

I really don't see how is this going to work if they are about to resell done really old minis, no starter set and poor support with fresh sculpts.

The starter set situation is still up in the air, and there's definitely going to be "Start Collecting" boxes akin to the old battalion boxes. And about the support, we can't judge for now. We have 0 roadmap and 0 information right now to judge it "poor" or not.

Edited by The Lost Sigmarite
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52 minutes ago, Baz said:

@Hawke any idea why wanderers were mentioned initially, was there a question about sylvaneth and Kurnothi that led to it? 

A guy asked about whether cities will now be fully human or will there still be other races, and asked will parts like wanderers be cut. The answer was along the lines of "it will now be mostly human but still keep a few units of other races, and the one's cut will be usable maybe as another unit that is kept." I can't remember the exact words but I remember thinking, "oooo nice wanderers aren't totally dead". No one brought up kurnothi or sylvaneth.

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Thoughts on today's reveals:

Freeguild Cavaliers: they're not my cup of tea (too busy), but I do think they're good. I was hoping for more Cities of Sigmar though.

Nurgle Dude: amazing. I worry he might tip me over the edge onto collecting Nurgle.

Other New Heroes: not bad, but not as good as the Nurgle dude.

the Maw Grunta: people have been asking for a Gore Grunta hero, but I doubt this is what they were expecting. Personally I do not like the sponson mounted Ironjawz, but other than that it's a very cool mini.

The Old World: great minis, but they are resin so I'm not gonna buy them. I hope that The Old World does well and we get Mordheim but I doubt I'll be helping that success. I guess I shall hope the source books are nice, as I'll probably consume those.

Horus Heresy: it's fine, but I've got enough games to collect already.

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So, after getting home from work and finally having a good look through the previews I have some thoughts:

Warcry: Love it. Still not a massive fan of the Thunderstrike guys but the FEC absolutely make up for it. I get that the new ghouls aren't massive departures from the existing ones but they look in line with the ones from the Underworlds warband, which, when side-by-side with the old ghouls are masively better. As for the Roadmap, I expect at least one of the Order Warbands to be CoS, hopefully some Orgors in there. Hopefully they also find some space for the currently unseen Chaos races, loads of cool stuff you could do with any of Slaanesh / Beasts / Skaven.

Cities: Really shapping up as a faction I can get behind. Love the new horses, they have so much more movement and dynamism than the older versins... I even quite like their tiny heads. I really like their over the top arms and armor that is still firmly grounded in reality. For me, hits exactly where 'normal' should be in AoS.

Dawnbringers Narrative: Looks really cool, 3rd has been missing this kind of content for me and I think, if we're being fussy, we could of done with this like 6 months a go but happy to see it here. As for the models: The Harbringewr and FEC guy are absolutely awesome. I like the Fyreslayer and the Gobbo is fine... they do kind of feel a bit superfluos though. The regiment boxes do not seem very attractive though. Might pick up the Fyreslayers one as I've been pondering starting an army of them for awhile but not sure yet.

Maw-Grunta: No notes. It's awesome.

Other stuff: Pretty hard confirmation the Old World is is not a product for me. Neither of the models shown seem that interesting, talk of lots of resin and re-released old models is just not something interested in. Underworlds warband is cool, but not enough to make me want to buy it. New Tyranids are cool but Space Marines are soooooooooo boring. Would be interested from people into MESBG to hear where they think it's going right now, because afaik they only have rights to the LoTR + Hobbit film stuff and it seems like they've pretty much done everything they can in that space, where does the game go from here?

Edited by mojojojo101
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2 minutes ago, RyantheFett said:

Seems like they are keeping a lot of things close to the chest with most of the focus on 10ed.

The only thing that seems strange is that the 10k road map goes for almost a year (woohoo my Tau) while Sigmar only got what two quarters?

Probably because 40k is throwing all existing codexes in the bin and starting from scratch. There's not much to 'hide' when you know (or at least, would hope) there's going to be loads of them coming at once. People will be chomping at the bits to find out when their book is coming.

Whereas with AoS we already know we're just waiting on FEC at this point. Anything beyond that is a great unknown, or if there's even going to be many Battletomes left before 4.0.

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24 minutes ago, The Lost Sigmarite said:

That's where I would like you to develop this because I've seen many people on the Internet that are preparing to get back into TOW with their WHFB armies when it drops. There's even a few TWWH players that will take the jump (granted they are very few and almost all also play 40k too, so they already have a wargaming background). WHFB is still regarded with nostalgia among many a hobbyist. 

I've also been told that 9th Age was losing a lot of momentum and players due to really bad balancing. This could play into TOW's hand. I don't know about the state of Oathmark and KoW right now, I would really appreciate it of you told me how these games are faring right now, but I have heard Conquest was growing.

I feel like GW is primarely trying to catter to the veterans with TOW. And yes, the beginners will likely go for AoS instead of Old World. I feel like that's intentional. AoS is their main fantasy breadmaker and they don't want TOW to compete with it (I know I don't). 

The starter set situation is still up in the air, and there's definitely going to be "Start Collecting" boxes akin to the old battalion boxes. And about the support, we can't judge for now. We have 0 roadmap and 0 information right now to judge it "poor" or not.

Internet is kind of an echo chamber, some people can say are doing one thing but don’t follow through when it happens. It can really inflate number and small community voices when the size is much smaller.
like many Total war gamers may express interests in Old world but they can do so without know anything about the TT hobby and the amount of effort it takes to get in.

it not a reliable metric by any means and that probably catering to veterans and expert hobbyists is the more reliable approach in GW minds

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27 minutes ago, JerekKruger said:

the Maw Grunta: people have been asking for a Gore Grunta hero, but I doubt this is what they were expecting. Personally I do not like the sponson mounted Ironjawz, but other than that it's a very cool mini.

I'm getting at least one for my Ironjawz army (probably two for the two variants). I really love the model it reminds me a little of the Gorbad Ironclaw model which is one of my favorites from WHF. But I agree on the side dudes, for at least one I'll just put them on brute bases and use them alongside the 3man warband for a 5 man standard brute squad. maybe I'll put some other guys on there but we'll see. 

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So this preview made me really excited for two things that were not revealed:

1) If they can make a new plastic Knight then I feel like another Gargant Sculpt is not off the table

2) With the Harbinger in plastic what are the odds of getting the whole gang together in plastic?

Edited by Neverchosen
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