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6 minutes ago, DinoJon said:

Yeah, looks like next Saturday to me. I'm curious if we'll get the SBGL too? Seems like they tend to do book and a model releases with 2 armies at a time.

Although now I think about it, it's Easter Weekend at the end of next week, with UK having public holidays on the Friday and Monday. So who knows if things will be on different days to normal?

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7 minutes ago, pnkdth said:

Orcs + BoK tome = TactiCool Orcs. One of the neat things about AoS not having toughness as a stat is that 'count as' rules are much less awkward to use. Also, you might just turn away all the orc players if you suddenly have them stop being the good ol' loveable krumpin' enthusiasts we know and love.

Yeah, but the other problem is the new models having the scrap-metal aesthetic. Believe me, if the Goregruntas had more of that old-school Black Orc armor design, I'd be running the heck out of them as Slave to Darkness!


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1 minute ago, acr0ssth3p0nd said:

Yeah, but the other problem is the new models having the scrap-metal aesthetic. Believe me, if the Goregruntas had more of that old-school Black Orc armor design, I'd be running the heck out of them as Slave to Darkness!


Ah, fair enough. That would be one heck of an extensive hobby project.

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1 hour ago, Flippy said:

This is explored a bit in the Vulture Lord novel. OBR are a very specific type of Undead; they have their own civilisation and while they collect bones (obviously), they mostly do it in an organised, clean and transactional manner. In the novel they simply visit the city of Lament once in every 10 years to collect the tithe, which is prepared and packed by a dedicated order within the city. In return, they effectively wage wars for the citizens and protect them from the forces of Chaos, ensuring peace and prosperity. You can communicate with them normally and reach reasonable agreement. While they may be lawful evil empire, the lawful element is really strong here and people can live relatively good lives under the OBR just rule.

This is true but the context that the battletome provides is to note that while the Tithe is superficially reasonable, it’s always a rigged game when considered on a scale beyond a mortal’s lifespan.

It might ‘work out’ in a grim sort of way for generations, only becoming slightly more onerous in amount or specificity over time, but it’s intentionally set up to eventually become unsustainable for the living. It’s both a resource gathering instrument and a means of slowly, systematically weakening the living in a controlled way.

Eventually they can’t pay and then the Ossiarch forces swoops in to make a new necropolis, more silent lands for Nagash. It’s lawful alright, certainly coldly legalistic, and also a consciously unfair tool of empire, and I love how awful it is.

That said, the OBR do have enough autonomy to run these things in different ways so I can see individual satraps or legion commanders taking different approach, maybe stretching out or maintaining the ‘bone farming’ phase for as long as they can.

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56 minutes ago, JackStreicher said:

I just hope the upcoming SBGL BT won’t be one of those Copy & Paste Tomes 

I fear it will be. Obviously the new units that have been released since the previous one will be in. Not getting my hopes up about much else though.

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58 minutes ago, sandlemad said:

This is true but the context that the battletome provides is to note that while the Tithe is superficially reasonable, it’s always a rigged game when considered on a scale beyond a mortal’s lifespan.

It might ‘work out’ in a grim sort of way for generations, only becoming slightly more onerous in amount or specificity over time, but it’s intentionally set up to eventually become unsustainable for the living. It’s both a resource gathering instrument and a means of slowly, systematically weakening the living in a controlled way.

Eventually they can’t pay and then the Ossiarch forces swoops in to make a new necropolis, more silent lands for Nagash. It’s lawful alright, certainly coldly legalistic, and also a consciously unfair tool of empire, and I love how awful it is.

That said, the OBR do have enough autonomy to run these things in different ways so I can see individual satraps or legion commanders taking different approach, maybe stretching out or maintaining the ‘bone farming’ phase for as long as they can.

You are right, of course. It’s the last paragraph that I really like - I assume that the leaders can choose their own way. But I also support the view that the individual Mortek Guard can visit the Boneshaper’s shop from time to time and order a new facial expression or head shape if he fancies it. This explains the smiling skulls very well 🙂

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So if I cover myself in contrast paint, construct a pentagram from old sprues , and burn a pile of squatted figures, do you think I can summon Whitefang and find out if we'll ever see any Silent People before AoS moves away from Ghur to another realm?


Forget more elves, dwarves, humans, etc. AoS needs an insectoid race. Lets end the era of the beast with an insectoid Destruction army of silent ones and a giant Ur-Grub/beast monster for the army. 




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A proper bug-people faction would be super cool. There's not a lot of fantasy bug races out there that I can remember. Thri-kreen from Pathfinder/DnD... Some bee-people from that same setting... 

Getting something real buggy would be great.

And who knows? Maybe due to the delays, next edition will still be in Ghur :P

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17 minutes ago, RileyArlic said:

A proper bug-people faction would be super cool. There's not a lot of fantasy bug races out there that I can remember. Thri-kreen from Pathfinder/DnD... Some bee-people from that same setting... 

Getting something real buggy would be great.

And who knows? Maybe due to the delays, next edition will still be in Ghur :P

Ulgu would be a cool setting to introduce a destruction insectoid faction. The flutter of insect wings through the thick fog. 

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I’m hoping they show up right as AoS3 ends as they migrated out of the Beastgrave first, especially when the Ossiarchs came knocking for their exo-skeletons & Deepkin wanted their unique souls, and it’s only after the Seraphon black hole bomb went off and sucked up the mountain that the warbands found a underground connection from Lendu to Thondia and ended up in the Gnarlwoods.

The Silent People may have taken those routes first before the warbands did and spread out through Gallet’s labyrinthine catacombs that serve as Thondia’s bowels.

But it’s noted it was only the Necroquake that woke them up from their hibernation cycle early so they might be laying low for a very long time still. And Ulgu could even fit if my “shadow magic in the base of the Seraphon ship crash” theory is right and they hopped through the ship to hide in Ulgu’s eternally dark caverns.

Regardless, hope we get them at some point. AoS needs a slew of new races to really spice things up.(who knows, maybe they’re planning a new races only update year in the future after the refreshes so Gholemkin, Silent People and things like Aetars, Sanskrits, elementals, squid people(both Valay and the savage half-aelf ones) with further Ogroid & Draconith expansions to stand on their own)

2 hours ago, sandlemad said:

This is true but the context that the battletome provides is to note that while the Tithe is superficially reasonable, it’s always a rigged game when considered on a scale beyond a mortal’s lifespan.

It might ‘work out’ in a grim sort of way for generations, only becoming slightly more onerous in amount or specificity over time, but it’s intentionally set up to eventually become unsustainable for the living. It’s both a resource gathering instrument and a means of slowly, systematically weakening the living in a controlled way.

Eventually they can’t pay and then the Ossiarch forces swoops in to make a new necropolis, more silent lands for Nagash. It’s lawful alright, certainly coldly legalistic, and also a consciously unfair tool of empire, and I love how awful it is.

That said, the OBR do have enough autonomy to run these things in different ways so I can see individual satraps or legion commanders taking different approach, maybe stretching out or maintaining the ‘bone farming’ phase for as long as they can.

The great Ossiarch debate. Ordered legions of undeath that can be firm but fair with their treaties or manipulative horrors that only look humanoid to put down your guard as they play the long game.

You decide! ☝️💀





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On 3/29/2023 at 11:05 PM, Jagged Red Lines said:

What's your predictions for the next set of broken realms (dawnbringer crusades?) set of books.

Here's my wishlist:

* Grombrindal/dwarf soup

* Tyrion

* Morghur

* Orion/Kurnothi

Potentially with an Ogor wave in there somewhere - maybe instead of Morghur. 

My wishlist

* No dwarf soup. There is no way to do that without losing the identity of at least one Dwarf faction.

* New Kharadron sets.

* New Fyreslayers sets with actually different looking models (not heroes).

* Valaya dwarves.

* Chaos dwarves.

* Kurnothi as part of Sylvaneth.

* New Ogres.

* Halflings.

* New FEC

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7 hours ago, EntMan said:

Although now I think about it, it's Easter Weekend at the end of next week, with UK having public holidays on the Friday and Monday. So who knows if things will be on different days to normal?

Looks like the GW twitter answered the question earlier today . 


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7 hours ago, Gothmaug said:

So if I cover myself in contrast paint, construct a pentagram from old sprues , and burn a pile of squatted figures, do you think I can summon Whitefang and find out if we'll ever see any Silent People before AoS moves away from Ghur to another realm?


Forget more elves, dwarves, humans, etc. AoS needs an insectoid race. Lets end the era of the beast with an insectoid Destruction army of silent ones and a giant Ur-Grub/beast monster for the army. 




What if they will be a part of Alarielle forces? Trees+Animals+Insects

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What I would do for the next season of war campaign. 

We kick off with the flesh eater courts. As the Era of the Beast has awoken many a monster there is no shortage of a chance for the courts to prove there bravery and nobleity (not to mention no shortage of food). 

During a royal crusade, a hunting court battles againest a group of kurnothi protecting something inside a giant tree. 

The blood spilt along with the Life Bloom spell sweeping the lands awakens Kurnoth. 

Taking up his war horn he calls for the Great Hunt to resume and immediately sets off across the realm.

Kurnothi and Sylvaneth are drawn to this primal force and soon tales begin to spread across Ghur of entire Dawnbringer Crusades slaughtered in a single night, leaving just one survivor to tell the tale. 

The primordial energy in Ghur is now at a fever pitch, the drums of Kragnos can be heard now by more than Greenskins, ogor and gargant and the Spirit of Morghur has visited many a warherd of Beastman riling them up into a frenzy. 

Clashes between Beastman, the forces of destruction and Great Hunt become more frequent as do the attacks of roaming monsters. 

Yet still the Dawnbringer Crusades venture out to tame the land. Dispite the danger and odds stacked against them, towns and cities start to spring up. How long they stand for is another matter. 

It's a constant struggle to survive, each day bringing a new challenge and new way to die. Walls are built tall and thick to keep the maurading armies and monsters at bay. 

Yet as the freeguild look out from their walls they have forgotten an old foe and it's not just in Ghur this is happening. 

Across the realms it seems war has been declared on the forces of order. 

Skyfleets of Kharadron fall from the skies, newly raised temples of the Seraphon are now deserted, temples of Khaine are awash in the blood of the Alves who worship there, even the conclave of the deepkin have felt the hand of this reenergisd enemy. 

Who is this foe who seemingly can appear anywhere?

For once united in purpose the Council of Thirteen are directing the skaven to attack all across the mortal realms. It's almost as if they are searching for something.... 

Hope you enjoy!! 


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7 hours ago, zilberfrid said:

My wishlist

* No dwarf soup. There is no way to do that without losing the identity of at least one Dwarf faction.

* New Kharadron sets.

* New Fyreslayers sets with actually different looking models (not heroes).

* Valaya dwarves.

* Chaos dwarves.

* Kurnothi as part of Sylvaneth.

* New Ogres.

* Halflings.

* New FEC

Defenitely very good list.

I guess first point is the most important. At this point there is absolutely no reason for mixing up factions and their battletomes. Kharadron Overlords and Fyreslayers have nothing in common other than being grouchy and short. It makes as much sense to combine them as bringing together Idoneth with Lumineth or Slaves to Darkness and Cities (because there are many humans in both factions). They are much better alone with all the attention and space for development needed.

So far mixed battletomes were used only to give new rules for older factions to avoi the feeling of them being left behind. That's the opposite to what Fyreslayers need. They need models. Desperately.

For Ironjawz and Spiderfang so far being mixed meant only that these factions are abandoned in terms of further development.


New Kharadron sets - yes please. Mechs, mechs, mechs.

Fyreslayers - of course - golems, cavalery, artillery, magma beasts.

Kurnothi - be it as part of Sylvaneth or a full release, there are many people missing Wood Elves and those with a AoS twist can find home in Kurnothi. Centaur and faun models from Underworlds were really well received. Although I believe that a solo battletome would be more fitting as Sylvaneth already have a really strong and well developed theme.

FEC, Skaven, Spiderfang and Troggoths, Bonesplitterz, Zombies and Skeletons in SBGL need a fresh start or new models as for now they don't feel as full armies. I think that should be the priority of future releases in AoS. Defenitely NOT Stormcasts.

Last but not least - Malerion Aelves. In Fantasy Dark Elves were always perceived as one of major factions and a counterweight to High Elves. The latter are already well developed with two waves of Lumineth and arguably Idoneth. As before I believe them to deserve they own spot separately from DoK and I'm sure it could be easily done with GW AoS team fineness.

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2 hours ago, Ogregut said:

What I would do for the next season of war campaign. 

We kick off with the flesh eater courts. As the Era of the Beast has awoken many a monster there is no shortage of a chance for the courts to prove there bravery and nobleity (not to mention no shortage of food). 

During a royal crusade, a hunting court battles againest a group of kurnothi protecting something inside a giant tree. 

The blood spilt along with the Life Bloom spell sweeping the lands awakens Kurnoth. 

Taking up his war horn he calls for the Great Hunt to resume and immediately sets off across the realm.

Kurnothi and Sylvaneth are drawn to this primal force and soon tales begin to spread across Ghur of entire Dawnbringer Crusades slaughtered in a single night, leaving just one survivor to tell the tale. 

The primordial energy in Ghur is now at a fever pitch, the drums of Kragnos can be heard now by more than Greenskins, ogor and gargant and the Spirit of Morghur has visited many a warherd of Beastman riling them up into a frenzy. 

Clashes between Beastman, the forces of destruction and Great Hunt become more frequent as do the attacks of roaming monsters. 

Yet still the Dawnbringer Crusades venture out to tame the land. Dispite the danger and odds stacked against them, towns and cities start to spring up. How long they stand for is another matter. 

It's a constant struggle to survive, each day bringing a new challenge and new way to die. Walls are built tall and thick to keep the maurading armies and monsters at bay. 

Yet as the freeguild look out from their walls they have forgotten an old foe and it's not just in Ghur this is happening. 

Across the realms it seems war has been declared on the forces of order. 

Skyfleets of Kharadron fall from the skies, newly raised temples of the Seraphon are now deserted, temples of Khaine are awash in the blood of the Alves who worship there, even the conclave of the deepkin have felt the hand of this reenergisd enemy. 

Who is this foe who seemingly can appear anywhere?

For once united in purpose the Council of Thirteen are directing the skaven to attack all across the mortal realms. It's almost as if they are searching for something.... 

Hope you enjoy!! 





Yesssssss give it to us GW!!

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If I have to make a guess based on what we saw on Broken Realms, some copy-paste books with any work on them and some hints my candidates for new rules and minis are those:

SCE: Revamped minis.

OWC: New Ironjawz minis.

Skaven: Updated minis.

DoK: Not sure, but they are the postergirls and the book is a mess so maybe a new hero with a new book.

Ogors: Updated minis.

BoC: Morghur for sure, maybe updated minis.


I have doubts with Lumineth, Sylvaneth, Kruleboyz and Tzeentch, maybe they get first tomes in 4th with their new waves or maybe one or two are added to the final campaign.

And for new armies, I think chorfs are the safest bet, because Malerion is a joke a this point.

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25 minutes ago, Ragest said:

If I have to make a guess based on what we saw on Broken Realms, some copy-paste books with any work on them and some hints my candidates for new rules and minis are those:

SCE: Revamped minis.

OWC: New Ironjawz minis.

Skaven: Updated minis.

DoK: Not sure, but they are the postergirls and the book is a mess so maybe a new hero with a new book.

Ogors: Updated minis.

BoC: Morghur for sure, maybe updated minis.


I have doubts with Lumineth, Sylvaneth, Kruleboyz and Tzeentch, maybe they get first tomes in 4th with their new waves or maybe one or two are added to the final campaign.

And for new armies, I think chorfs are the safest bet, because Malerion is a joke a this point.

Not sure which book you're using but the current DoK battletome is solid being able to make a variety of builds. 

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After seeing the Pincus episode of X files I'm definitely down for an insectoid race!

Some mentioned halflings as mini ogre's in whgf so we deffo need some halflings added to Ogres!

Still hopeful for Umbraneth and an Idoneth expansion for Aelves. No fussed about Kurnothi in Syvaneth bit would like to see them as a new faction with the Wanderers who are Squatted from CoS 

Fyreslayers and KO deserve more models and a third Duardin Faction is a must, even if it's part of a wider Greywater Fastness/Cogfort type force led by dwarves!

Spiderfang and ogres need expansions. New gitmob faction is a must . Goblins and contraptions were a fun memory from WHFB.

I would actually like to see Grotbag scuttlers as a starter set Faction for a dreadfleet game. Instead of in the seas have it in the skies.      Grotbag Vs KO in the starter set. Tzeentch and Undead Pirates soon after!

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