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4 minutes ago, Clan's Cynic said:

Would be funny if Skaven saw a update for Fantasy before AoS.

Doubt, after TK and Brets they will focus on some other armies surely like Imperial civil war factions,O&G,elves and dwarves imho.
Still considering the lizard wave in Aos i could see the 4th edition having a renewal for skaven like the Seraphon are getting.

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Now that is some awesome news. TKs and Brets getting confirmed will for sure silence a lot of the haters as now they won‘t feel like AoS killed their stuff or GW abandoned them. I could imagine that this will also benefit AoS. Many armies will definitely be usable in both systems (eg Slaves), so I think a co-existence without „hard feelings“ will be a huge plus to both systems and multiply their respective popularity as you get 2 for 1 (if we get trays for the round bases which I figure is very likely). 

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4 minutes ago, MitGas said:

Now that is some awesome news. TKs and Brets getting confirmed will for sure silence a lot of the haters as now they won‘t feel like AoS killed their stuff or GW abandoned them. I could imagine that this will also benefit AoS. Many armies will definitely be usable in both systems (eg Slaves), so I think a co-existence without „hard feelings“ will be a huge plus to both systems and multiply their respective popularity as you get 2 for 1 (if we get trays for the round bases which I figure is very likely). 

I ran out of reacts but I agree so much with everything in this post. However, we do know that square bases will be a thing, but there are base converters out there, and with (hopefully) bigger bases for ToW, making/using those won't be a problem.

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35 minutes ago, MitGas said:

Now that is some awesome news. TKs and Brets getting confirmed will for sure silence a lot of the haters as now they won‘t feel like AoS killed their stuff or GW abandoned them. I could imagine that this will also benefit AoS. Many armies will definitely be usable in both systems (eg Slaves), so I think a co-existence without „hard feelings“ will be a huge plus to both systems and multiply their respective popularity as you get 2 for 1 (if we get trays for the round bases which I figure is very likely). 

If this is even true, I really hope being usable in both systems doesn't impact AoS negatively. If the models need to be rank and file, they can't have nearly as dynamic poses as AoS sculpts have. Or that factions that can be used in both games have to be toned down aesthetically to make them fit the old world. I also hope it means there won't be priority for armies that are usable in both, or some AoS armies will go yet another edition without anything but a few new heroes.

Edited by Snarff
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38 minutes ago, Clan's Cynic said:

Next week's AdeptiCon lineup. Guessing we'll see the new Underworlds starter and remainder of the Seraphon at least.


Well they are certainly hyping it up, even more than usual


31 minutes ago, Nezzhil said:

It is too soon for the next box

Last one was released together with he last Kill Team box so if that can be here so can Warcry


Edited by Matrindur
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Just now, Matrindur said:

Well they are certainly hyping it up, even more than normal


Last one was released together with he last Kill Team box so if that can be here so can Warcry


The next warcry box is due in May and they've previewed the last 3 boxes a month before so it's a bit early. 

Regarding Brets and tomb Kings in AoS, if I were GW I would update the legend rules so anyone can use the new stuff without having to worry about where the armies fit in the lore. 

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29 minutes ago, Clan's Cynic said:

Next week's AdeptiCon lineup. 


Remaining Seraphon + Soulblight and Ossiarch tome + hero for Aos is probably the safe bet here. I wonder if Seraphon will get the deluxe release box or not, if so they will probably show it as well.

Forgot to add, a new season of war: Gallet is pretty likely as well.

Edited by Arzalyn
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1 minute ago, Arzalyn said:

Remaining Seraphon + Soulblight and Ossiarch tome + hero for Aos is probably the safe bet here. I wonder if Seraphon will get the deluxe release box or not, if so they will probably show it as well.

I think this is reasonable. Dont expect anything new this time. But i like to be surprised.

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17 minutes ago, Snarff said:

If this is even true, I really hope being usable in both systems doesn't impact AoS negatively. If the models need to be rank and file, they can't have nearly as dynamic poses as AoS sculpts have. I also hope it means there won't be priority for armies that are usable in both, or some AoS armies will go yet another edition without anything but a few new heroes.

I know they've said 'square bases' but I just can't envision a world where GW's sculptors design for rank-and-file without any dynamic posing which lets them spread their arms and legs out a bit. It would also let them design cross-compatible kits like afore mentioned Lizardmen, Skaven, WoC, Vampire Counts, etc.

If TOW isn't models on rounds who slot onto square (rectangular?) bases ALA War of the Ring, Conquest, ASOI&F I'll be somewhat surprised. 



Edited by Clan's Cynic
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39 minutes ago, AresX8 said:

@Marcvs This is a huge deal for Khorne, who had almost no way  (only answer was Unfettered Fury command ability) of handling shooting/magic heavy matchups. This is an answer to that and a massive deal.

Also, there is a super strong hint that the army is being redesigned. Look at the last sentence written about the Blood Tithe reward:

"The Blood God has given his followers special permission to use this as many times as they want – if enough blood is shed to earn it."

Blood Tithe rewards never added extra attacks. Extra attack sources were always tied to an aura on a unit, up to 3: Bloodsecrator, Wrathmongers, and Aspiring Deathbringer.

Based on the wording it sounds like the tithe system might be moving over to the recently introduced version from the 40k World Eaters. For them you generate tithe points in the same way, but you spend them to buy persistent army-wide buffs. Stuff like +1 to charge, exploding 6's to hit in combat, 6+ ward save, etc. That would mean a total re-work of the whole tithe table and it would definitely be a huge foundational shift to the army. No free movement or free rounds of combat in the hero phase would be an absolutely massive shake up. It could also mean that the summoning is going away, but I kind of doubt it because GW seems to love having summoning in chaos armies. I'm definitely looking forward to seeing more.

As far as the other rules go I'm not totally sold. A 5+ ward is pretty great, don't get me wrong, but daemons are super fragile as is so it's not like they're going to hit maggotkin levels of resilience. It won't really make them hard to kill at range, it'll just sort of make them normal instead of a total pushover. Now if this is combined with a general improvement to saves for the daemons or maybe a big bump in wounds for the bloodthirsters then we could be looking at something really interesting. The mortal wounds on death look... kinda awful? Like a hero will do a whole mortal wound on average when they die. A ~200 point unit of blood warriors will do maybe 3 when they get wiped out? Extra chip damage is nice but this just feels like a lot of dice rolling and measuring for next to no impact. I'm also worried that this means they'll be removing all the other fight on death style mechanics in the faction.

Finally, those tomb king bits look totally dope. They were my second army in fantasy waaay back in the day and I love to see them getting the attention. The flow and design of the weapons is fantastic and it's definitely getting me to consider the old world again.

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Anyone at GW, after the fact that the system will use square bases has been announced still hearing that people don't think TOW will just use square bases:



Jokes aside, I think a simple increase in base size would be enough to give sculptors the freedom to create designs without them being incredibly static/more restrained than they'd like.

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Hoping with the rest of the Seraphon reveals we get a firmer timeline for them. Like "Arriving May" or something along that lines. 

Hopefully Ossiarch gets the Sylvaneth treatment with a unit or two with the obligatory hero. Soulblight is the one faction that suffers from a lack of foot heroes so I'm sure the players are chomping at the bit for their new model. 

Either way this has been an exciting news day without any lizard reveals! 

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8 minutes ago, Grimrock said:

The mortal wounds on death look... kinda awful? Like a hero will do a whole mortal wound on average when they die. A ~200 point unit of blood warriors will do maybe 3 when they get wiped out? Extra chip damage is nice but this just feels like a lot of dice rolling and measuring for next to no impact.

I'm looking at this as a Stormcast player. I'd kill for our MW on death ability to work more like this. 

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If tow vampires are like they were in wfb and not the wet weekend they are in AoS I may jump back in, I miss those days of 400ish point vampire lords.
Also does anyone else think bar a few models soulblight are actually one of the easier armies for backwards compatibility? 

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7 minutes ago, DinoJon said:

Hoping with the rest of the Seraphon reveals we get a firmer timeline for them. Like "Arriving May" or something along that lines. 

Hopefully Ossiarch gets the Sylvaneth treatment with a unit or two with the obligatory hero. Soulblight is the one faction that suffers from a lack of foot heroes so I'm sure the players are chomping at the bit for their new model. 

Either way this has been an exciting news day without any lizard reveals! 

Yeah, I'm sure we'll see the rest of the Seraphon at Adepticon, along with whatever the SBGL and Bonereapers are going to get. Here's hoping for plenty more.

My main hope for SBGL is that it's not just an updated Necromancer. They're great models, but I'd love to see a different sort of take or rank or something else to give the army some more flexibility. 

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15 minutes ago, DinoJon said:

Hoping with the rest of the Seraphon reveals we get a firmer timeline for them. Like "Arriving May" or something along that lines. 

The UK's Summer doesn't start until the end of June. Seems like they'll be out after 10th 40k if they're consistent with the Roadmap.

Could be we see an Army Box with (some of?) the new kits and the fancy codex in May though?

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23 minutes ago, OkayestDM said:

I'm looking at this as a Stormcast player. I'd kill for our MW on death ability to work more like this. 

The stormcast wounds are exactly what I thought of when I saw the rules. The rules are extremely similar: the 3" range is definitely an improvement over stormcast, but if you have a thunderstrike unit you're looking at doing at at least double the number of wounds for any models that are actually in engagement range. So stormcast get the chance to tigger it less, but generally do more damage when it triggers. I've never actually seen the stormcast wounds make any significant difference in a game (admittedly I have very little experience so maybe it happens more than I think), so I'm not exactly excited to see this ported over to Khorne. Especially when it already had a bunch of similar mechanics that worked perfectly well (and in the case of wrathmongers and skullreapers did significantly more damage on average). 

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24 minutes ago, DinoJon said:

Hoping with the rest of the Seraphon reveals we get a firmer timeline for them. Like "Arriving May" or something along that lines. 

Hopefully Ossiarch gets the Sylvaneth treatment with a unit or two with the obligatory hero. Soulblight is the one faction that suffers from a lack of foot heroes so I'm sure the players are chomping at the bit for their new model. 

Either way this has been an exciting news day without any lizard reveals! 

I am really hoping for a mounted Vampire Lord or Hero on new Abyssal Terror.... Doubt it will happen though until their next book

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