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2 hours ago, KingBrodd said:



Kharadron playing Warhammer? 

Seems fitting that only the richest army can afford the Hobby!

But I honestly love the model and can't wait to see what the future holds for our capitalistic, atheist, steam punk'd, power armoured, high fantasy squats!

I feel like GW loves Kharadron but also like all the other Duardin seem apprehensive of where to take the force going forward. 

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The Anniversary models are for my favorite AoS and 40k factions! 

(Although I would swap out the sword on the Kin for a forgewrought power axe, something about Dwarfs with swords never looks right)

Papa GW really wants to spoil me this year.  Here's to a new edition of Kharadron this year with new models (not just heroes please)! 

Edited by King Under the Mountain
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15 minutes ago, King Under the Mountain said:

(Although I would swap out the sword on the Kin for a forgewrought power axe, something about Dwarfs with swords never looks right)

I know Warhammer/fantasy rarely makes sense, but I'm glad the Votann have gladius' on several models. A short-sword meant to be thrusted rather than swung (thus good for tunnel fighting) is extremely fitting for Dwarves. 

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3 hours ago, King Under the Mountain said:

The Anniversary models are for my favorite AoS and 40k factions! 

(Although I would swap out the sword on the Kin for a forgewrought power axe, something about Dwarfs with swords never looks right)

Papa GW really wants to spoil me this year.  Here's to a new edition of Kharadron this year with new models (not just heroes please)! 

Hoping for Wave 2 of Votann and Wave 2 of Kharadron for you and @Beliman @EntMan @Public Universal Duardin!!

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Its good to be back on the AOS hype train Mortals!!

With just over 3 weeks till LVO what do we think will be shown off? My bets are

Warcry Boxed Set.

Underworlds Warband.

Seasons of War Gallet.

Next Order and Chaos Tomes announced.

Maaaaaaybe if we are lucky a peek at a new Cities model.

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48 minutes ago, EccentricCircle said:

Oh wow, those are both great. How do you find out when the anniversary is though?

Paying attention to the Facebook pages of any GW stores near to you is the best bet. They tend to advertise the anniversary weekends about four weeks in advance. Alternately I have a list they put out for last years Store anniversaries so if the mods are okay with it I can post it here or somewhere else. It's likely this years will be very similar.

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There have been a couple of rumours mentioned today, please take it with a hand full of salt:

The first one is from Twitter, a TO was told that the priority roll will be gone in the summer ghb.

Now this rumour doesn’t say anything else so it could be for a specific turn only or under certain circumstances, no one knows for sure yet it has already sparked a lot of reaction on the internet.

The second rumour is from ThehonestWargamer who heard that once the Old World  is out a few faction, including BoC, will be removed from AoS or no longer supported and instead be part of the Old World range only. 


Edited by Sigmarusvult
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41 minutes ago, Sigmarusvult said:

There have been a couple of rumours mentioned today, please take it with a hand full of salt:

The first one is from Twitter, a TO was told that the priority roll will be gone in the summer ghb.

Now this rumour doesn’t say anything else so it could be for a specific turn only or under certain circumstances, no one knows for sure yet it has already sparked a lot of reaction on the internet.

The second rumour is from ThehonestWargamer who heard that once the Old World  is out a few faction, including BoC, will be removed from AoS or no longer supported and instead be part of the Old World range only. 


Removing BOC from AOS? That rumour is so salt laden its making me thirsty!!

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1 hour ago, Sigmarusvult said:

The second rumour is from ThehonestWargamer who heard that once the Old World  is out a few faction, including BoC, will be removed from AoS or no longer supported and instead be part of the Old World range only. 

Was there mention of any others? I mean I could see bonesplittaz as an example... 

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1 hour ago, Sigmarusvult said:

The second rumour is from ThehonestWargamer who heard that once the Old World  is out a few faction, including BoC, will be removed from AoS or no longer supported and instead be part of the Old World range only.

I don't really follow TheHonestWargamer so I'm not current on how reliable his information tends to be, but that sounds like nonsense to me.

Unless of course their plan is to re-imagine the BoC in a more AoS-ified manner, as they've done with several other factions already.  Though I don't really see why that would need doing. All the other forms of Chaos made the jump from the Old World into the Age of Sigmar. Be kinda weird if the Beasts of Chaos, the "true sons" of Chaos, are the ones who can't stick the landing.

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Just now, OkayestDM said:

I don't really follow TheHonestWargamer so I'm not current on how reliable his information tends to be, but that sounds like nonsense to me.

He always spouts nonsense and is almost always wrong. Sometimes he'll parrot something a well-known source has already leaked, but he's historically been wildly inaccurate.

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I fail to see why these subfactions with a handfull of models would be better of in the old world.

I do know a handfull of people who would be really mad. Spending money to put everything on rounds only to put em back on squares again. I would be one of those people.

But most of all i dont see why it would be better off in another system. I can understand that some of the kits that still support square bases with rank and file options could get reboxed/allowed play in the old world again.

Edit: also people who build their armies in AoS without rank and file in mind would have a horrible time putting units together in a formation.

Edited by Gitzdee
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3 hours ago, OkayestDM said:

I don't really follow TheHonestWargamer so I'm not current on how reliable his information tends to be, but that sounds like nonsense to me.

Unless of course their plan is to re-imagine the BoC in a more AoS-ified manner, as they've done with several other factions already.  Though I don't really see why that would need doing. All the other forms of Chaos made the jump from the Old World into the Age of Sigmar. Be kinda weird if the Beasts of Chaos, the "true sons" of Chaos, are the ones who can't stick the landing.

I could very well see this…. Tomb Kings were basically reinvented as Bonereapers. While the lore does have them, I don’t believe it would be super difficult to innovate new story lines to adapt to their changes. Typically, they choose a design element from an exsisting unit and just do it up for a whole army. 

However, I would find it odd if they deleted an army that has had a Battletome, especially a new one. I do think BOC does lack its own unique AOS identity and hope to see them get re worked. 

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7 hours ago, Sigmarusvult said:

There have been a couple of rumours mentioned today, please take it with a hand full of salt:

The first one is from Twitter, a TO was told that the priority roll will be gone in the summer ghb.

Now this rumour doesn’t say anything else so it could be for a specific turn only or under certain circumstances, no one knows for sure yet it has already sparked a lot of reaction on the internet.

The second rumour is from ThehonestWargamer who heard that once the Old World  is out a few faction, including BoC, will be removed from AoS or no longer supported and instead be part of the Old World range only. 


There are plenty of priority roll fights alll over this site and elsewhere. Setting that aside, it seems like modifying it in a GHB would really confirm the idea that these bigger changes in the GHB (like bonds of battle) are basically mass play testing potential rules for the next edition. 

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6 hours ago, Mutton said:

He always spouts nonsense and is almost always wrong. Sometimes he'll parrot something a well-known source has already leaked, but he's historically been wildly inaccurate.

He's the original source of the GHB rumour on infantry characters, and that has been spot on.

Edit, he also leaked the new rule on stonehorn monstrous actions and again that was 100% accurate.

Edited by Jagged Red Lines
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3 hours ago, Jetlife said:

I could very well see this…. Tomb Kings were basically reinvented as Bonereapers. While the lore does have them, I don’t believe it would be super difficult to innovate new story lines to adapt to their changes. Typically, they choose a design element from an exsisting unit and just do it up for a whole army. 

However, I would find it odd if they deleted an army that has had a Battletome, especially a new one. I do think BOC does lack its own unique AOS identity and hope to see them get re worked. 

Lol, most people are totally fine with Cities going to legends, but they start to see how terrible it is for the game when their own factions are on the chopping block. 

Edited by Jagged Red Lines
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2 minutes ago, Jagged Red Lines said:

Lol, most people are totally fine with Cities going to legends, but they start to see how terrible it is for the game when their own factions are on the chopping block. 

I played O&G. I got my army split up into 2 armies while some stuff also didnt make the cut to AoS. In AoS some orks and goblins still got into legends at a later time. Bonesplitterz got split up and got souped again. Now we are seeing Gitmob back and at the same time rumours of subfactions getting shifted to the old world. 

Yes i am not happy about this rumour. 

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