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9 hours ago, KingBrodd said:

New Plastic Slann!! New Saurus Warriors and Saurus Knights!!

I thino @Clan's Cynic has hit the nail on the head with the other images being Khorne and Slaneesh/Malerion Warbands for Warcry and Underworlds respectively.

As a massive Lizardmen fan from WHFB if that is indeed new Saurus and not a Hero Im jumping back to Cold Blood Town!! 

Anyone else think the feathered Mount could be a Therinzosaur inspired critter? Recently also appeared in Jurassic World Dominion.

It’s a darn shame I decided to only focus on the armies I have at least 2000 points of models of, otherwise I’d be jumping on the Dino Hype wagon. I’m really hoping we get a new Slaanesh Hero that’s some kind of mystic ringmaster or acrobat (tying into Slaanesh’s demented circus theme). I personally love the new Squigboss, and might get back into the Gloomspite Gitz once again.

4 hours ago, RyantheFett said:

This is the first half stuff:

"Heard these from a friend, take with an ocean of salt.

Releases 2023

S2D full release

Beast of Chaos:
New Beastlord
No other new models
Some resin kits may get range rotated (not 100%)

General's Handbook with big (bone?) Spider

Gloomspite Gitz:
Snarlfang Riders
Gitmob hero
Snarlfang Chariot with shaman option
Sylvaneth-size release
Completely reworked Bad Moon: constant passive effect with chance to wane/wax depending on amount of friendly losses

New "big dino" with magic structure on top
Razordon/Salamander Pack dual kit (2 bigger lizards)
Saurus Guard with leader options
More Azyr looking Saurus Sunblood/Eternity Warden?

Blades of Khorne vs Hedonites box (again)
New single Hedonite foot hero
New single Khorne foot hero (named?)"


So some of that??? I am awful at figuring out units, but the last two seem to be the two chaos things in April, so that looks like a match? The Seraphon ones as well........... even thought I only see a blob for one lol. Also not sure what that first thing is so it could be the spider......... I mean I see legs maybe??????

So far these leaks are still accurate (barring a few obvious fails). I hope that the Khorne Warcry band is revealed before the new tome, as I’m getting a bit tired of having to hunt down the rules for each warband separately… here’s hoping they’re up against the Soulblight Gravelords’ new Grave Guard!!!

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4 hours ago, Vicar in a tutu said:

My faith in this "leak" took a nose dive when GW revealed the new squigboss. It is not listed in the leak (only a gitmob hero). 

While I'm usually very cynical about leaks, it's worth remembering the massive Bolter and Chainsaw leak which revealed pretty much everything for 2022 still had a few individual items that were slightly off or didn't materialise (CSM bikers, Black Templar Ancient, new Daemon models) so there can be details lost in translation sometimes.

There was also the Dominion/AoS 3 leaker who said we'd get Hobgrot cavalry and Chaos Dwarfs 'soon' which turned out to be nonsense in an otherwise solid leak. 

I think if there's ever a big reason to be sceptical about leaks, it's when they list specific months for releases. That kind of information feels like it would/could change so much and is handled by different people to those handling anything to do with the actual models, that anyone claiming to have dates beyond "some time in the year" makes me raise an eyebrow - even the B&C leak just listed what was coming rather than when.

Edited by Clan's Cynic
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6 hours ago, RyantheFett said:

This is the first half stuff:

"Heard these from a friend, take with an ocean of salt.

Releases 2023

S2D full release

Beast of Chaos:
New Beastlord
No other new models
Some resin kits may get range rotated (not 100%)

General's Handbook with big (bone?) Spider

Gloomspite Gitz:
Snarlfang Riders
Gitmob hero
Snarlfang Chariot with shaman option
Sylvaneth-size release
Completely reworked Bad Moon: constant passive effect with chance to wane/wax depending on amount of friendly losses

New "big dino" with magic structure on top
Razordon/Salamander Pack dual kit (2 bigger lizards)
Saurus Guard with leader options
More Azyr looking Saurus Sunblood/Eternity Warden?

Blades of Khorne vs Hedonites box (again)
New single Hedonite foot hero
New single Khorne foot hero (named?)"


So some of that??? I am awful at figuring out units, but the last two seem to be the two chaos things in April, so that looks like a match? The Seraphon ones as well........... even thought I only see a blob for one lol. Also not sure what that first thing is so it could be the spider......... I mean I see legs maybe??????

Could the Dino mount be a new salamander/razordon kit?!?

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1 hour ago, Jetlife said:

Could the Dino mount be a new salamander/razordon kit?!?

Doubtful? I'm assuming it was something lost in translation. Like maybe the source of the leak said "New plastic for skink and monster" and then leaked assumed salamander/razordon.

I'm still skeptical of that leak due to GSG being so close and not seeing a chariot or more gitmob stuff. 

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10 minutes ago, DinoJon said:

I'm still skeptical of that leak due to GSG being so close and not seeing a chariot or more gitmob stuff. 

It is strange as it feels simultaneously very plausible with a Gitmob hero and potential Khorne hero and a potential Slaanesh hero being teased. The timeline and specific armies also seem very plausible.

But there are some red flags such as the Seraphon release being a little light with models and not necessarily matching what was previewed. Also I am not convinced the model in the preview was for Slaanesh. Also as you mention there seems to be a lack of reveals for the Gitmob and there has been no news on the Spider Incarnate at this time and it should be released/revealed soon. 

I think we need either the Spider or the Chariot for evidence to really get a sense of what is true here.

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My take on the leak is its all educated guesses. 

We knew the gitmob wolf riders were coming so logically a gitmob hero should also be coming. 

For Seraphon, it's just models that need a plastic update listed. 

For khorne and slannesh it's not a stretch to assume they will just get the foot hero treatment. 

Time will tell of course but seems more guess work than anything else to me. 

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22 minutes ago, Ogregut said:

My take on the leak is its all educated guesses. 

We knew the gitmob wolf riders were coming so logically a gitmob hero should also be coming. 


Yeah, I mean if gitmob was getting even a handful of new kits I kinda would have expected them to be on the grots battletome art. They usually do that for new factions. But they are just a minor faction to gits as a whole.

I still have the hope, because it is just WEIRD if they release wolf riders and nothing else. They just stick out like a sour thumb. No way they open up an entire aesthetic and just leave it twisting in the wind.

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5 hours ago, Clan's Cynic said:

While I'm usually very cynical about leaks, it's worth remembering the massive Bolter and Chainsaw leak which revealed pretty much everything for 2022 still had a few individual items that were slightly off or didn't materialise (CSM bikers, Black Templar Ancient, new Daemon models) so there can be details lost in translation sometimes.

Just to clarify that Black Templar ancient came from an image of a converted ancient which was apparently mistaken for a new model so the occasional wrong leak could also be converted models being sent around internally which get mistaken for new models 

The converted Ancient:




Edited by Matrindur
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4 minutes ago, EntMan said:

Do any rules in a Generals Handbook become obsolete once a new GH is released? Or do they remain unless contradicted by the new GH?

They have a bit of lore (few pages, nothing big), and context for what is happening in this "new"zone or what the factions are doing there.

Appart from that, everything else becomes obsolet. The only few things that remain playable are the ones that are printed again in the new GHB.

Edit: I'm trying to send the point leaks to @JackStreicher but I'm sending him a 0kb PDF.

Edited by Beliman
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17 hours ago, CommissarRotke said:

oh really?? got a pic of this? Don't remember this from any of my old Lizardmen tomes 👀

It looks like I'm having issues uploading but it's on page 27 of the 2nd edition battletome, bottom paragraph of the rightmost column on that page.

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16 minutes ago, KingBrodd said:

So do we think we will get reveals on Sunday? Or a tease for 40K?

Well we need another video for 40 k like we got for AoS, i'm hopping it's today.  Question is will they roll in Necromunda and HH in it ? 

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16 minutes ago, Chikout said:

That last figure from the preview isn’t underworlds. There are tufts on the base which underworlds models never have. It could be something for Warcry or the Slannesh hero. 

I believe it is Slaanesh hero . Teaser is AoS only , nor Underworlds neither Warcry. 

There will be two more video teaser : one for 40K and one for HH.

From yesterday's post:

"We’ll be looking ahead to next year in Warhammer 40,000, the Horus Heresy, and Warhammer Animations later this week, and you can already see the biggest Black Library releases coming in 2023."

Edited by cyrus
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2 hours ago, EntMan said:

I'm not really a noob, but as I'm mainly here for the models and lore I'm going to ask a noob rules question.

Do any rules in a Generals Handbook become obsolete once a new GH is released? Or do they remain unless contradicted by the new GH?

In theory they become obsolete.

but in practice you could probably still use it.

the old ghb sometimes have some interesting battleplans and realm rules that can be used to make a fun/lore friendly tournament.

Or for some fun and narrative games that people enjoyed

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1 hour ago, DeLewko said:

Well we need another video for 40 k like we got for AoS, i'm hopping it's today.  Question is will they roll in Necromunda and HH in it ? 


1 hour ago, Draznak said:

With specific videos to each universe, I don't think GW broadcasts a new one for the 1st of the year like in 2021 and 2022. 

Horus Heresy today so 40K tomorrow. Im really pleased with how they did this rather than one big video that could confuse or illicit false hope.

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