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The Rumour Thread

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15 minutes ago, Gothmaug said:

So was there ever any weight to the rumors of wandering monsters of more incarnates for the current game? I remmeber when the current incarnate came out there was speculation that we'd get more, or some big neutral monsters for the age of beasts, yet I dont think any of that materialized. I'm saddened by the lack of beasts in my age of beasts. 


I'll have to go dig up that old Ghur battleplan that allowed for random wandering monsters. I think it was in 2nd edition, or perhaps right at the end of 1st, back when we had real  specific spells and magic items. Ooh Ill pick some subterranean beast (like a dread worm) for the neutral model and give it bonuses to eat Galletian Veterans! Will have to test it out this week at our local path to glory group. 

Got Whitefang talking about the Spider Incarnate here. Dont remember reading anything else.


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39 minutes ago, Gothmaug said:

So was there ever any weight to the rumors of wandering monsters of more incarnates for the current game? I remmeber when the current incarnate came out there was speculation that we'd get more, or some big neutral monsters for the age of beasts, yet I dont think any of that materialized. I'm saddened by the lack of beasts in my age of beasts. 


I'll have to go dig up that old Ghur battleplan that allowed for random wandering monsters. I think it was in 2nd edition, or perhaps right at the end of 1st, back when we had real  specific spells and magic items. Ooh Ill pick some subterranean beast (like a dread worm) for the neutral model and give it bonuses to eat Galletian Veterans! Will have to test it out this week at our local path to glory group. 

Recent Rumour Engine looks a lot like what was Rumoured, an Incarnate Spider which @Whitefang led some credence too!!

Though I agree we need more Beasts in Era of the Beast!! Heres hoping we can get some new Monsters for Warcry!!


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10 hours ago, Clan's Cynic said:

Dawnbringer preview! Nothing too major, just more renders.





These are really nice, I think that between Cities and Guard Games Workshop is proving that even the Neverchosen can like some boring humans. Of course if I ran a cities army I would still make it entirely Duardin and Aelves... but at least I'd genuinely think about adding some boring humans.

Now slap some spikes on them and give them a few Mutations and then we'd be cooking!

Edited by Neverchosen
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16 hours ago, Public Universal Duardin said:

..to the point I feel like I've finally been priced out of the hobby.

At this rate GW will price themselves out of the next couple generations of new players. Once all the old guard are gone/done then thats it. No new players for the foreseeable future due to how the global economy is 

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15 hours ago, EntMan said:

Sigmar will want the best equipment, armour and weapons for his crusaders.

He's got bunches of crazed, half-naked religious fundamentalists literally cleansing the lands with nowt more than their own blood.


" 'ere, lad, this whip has extra-deep cutting barbs, made by Grungni 'imself."

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I just cannot wait to see COS. For me its the most disorganised Faction visually and to me the 'Human' Faction is what sets the baseline for what is AOS.

The more visually striking factions such as KO and IDK will stand out far more when opposed by the Humans of the Mortal Realms!!

I also cannot wait to see what monsters and beasts accompany them to war.


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47 minutes ago, KingBrodd said:

I also cannot wait to see what monsters and beasts accompany them to war.

More gryphs please !!

Although I think these beasts will remain associated with SE. For COS, I imagine that GW will remain classic to stand out from the faction of other more high fantasy races : horses, griffins... or else a surprise out of the hat.

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It was definitely an interesting article/video and I agree that Matthew Rose seems to have a pretty clear understanding of the data he is working with and how he intends to use it to balance the game.

While it is definitely a positive step I really hope they don't get too focused on balancing the game around tournament play. While it is a very important part of the hobby and the easiest data to collect I'm not sure how well it represents the wider game state. In my experience hyper-focussing on top end competitive play at the expense of the 'casual' experience is an extremely easy way to drive people away from the game.

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45 minutes ago, mojojojo101 said:

It was definitely an interesting article/video and I agree that Matthew Rose seems to have a pretty clear understanding of the data he is working with and how he intends to use it to balance the game.

While it is definitely a positive step I really hope they don't get too focused on balancing the game around tournament play. While it is a very important part of the hobby and the easiest data to collect I'm not sure how well it represents the wider game state. In my experience hyper-focussing on top end competitive play at the expense of the 'casual' experience is an extremely easy way to drive people away from the game.

I agree. I think it's fantastic they're talking about it, but casual play can't be ignored. 

From my understand, Blades of Khorne sit at around 47% winrate, which is above the danger zone. However, in a casual environment, I don't know a single person who enjoys playing them. To most, the problem is that they just "play wrong" - they don't feel like rampaging bezerkers, but rather weak strategists who need cheerleaders to stand a chance against a goblin in a fist fight. In a casual sense, they're rubbish and have turned people away from the game as a whole (in my experience). From a competitive standpoint, they're fine.

When they said that they used qualitative data, that's good, but it shouldn't just be from playtesters. If an 'unqualified' community is saying the same thing, then it should at least be investigated. Even some sort of survey a week after the balance updates would help collect voices. 

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Reminder that WarhammerFest tickets go on sale tomorrow at 3pm GMT. WarCom Twitter said the prices and exact events will be unveiled tomorrow, which is admittedly very last minute but what can you do?

Since there's a few thousand tickets you probably don't have to rush for general attendance, but the actual gaming event stuff will probably sell out as lightning quick as usual.

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The internal balance chart, that used the number of scrolls that appeared seemed misleading to me.
Kruleboyz were placed at a very healthy spot with 14/16 scrolls (I'm assuming the killaboss and killaboss on gnashtoof were the two not used).
Anyone who's played with/against kruleboyz knows gutrippaz are pretty much only played as a tax, or that the sloggoth is played mostly in gitz and not kruleboyz. The army construction challenges & external balance issues are hiding the internal balance problems.
With the recent changes I wonder if Gobsprakk isn't in trouble as well, his old claim to fame was actually getting to cast spells, but now that swampcallas can I think his use might drop pretty heavily.

Ogors looked like an outlier to me too, as we've known for ages that the gutbuster side, has struggled.

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