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8 minutes ago, Flippy said:

Yes, but the point is that currently the only thing setting the Fyreslayer units apart is the weapon. Once you start mixing the weapons...

People already have issues telling apart Auric Hearthguard and Hearthguard Berserkers. Some even complain that every hero and unit look too similar. If every weapon is getting their completely own set of abilities, or multiple weapons mixed within each unit, I'm afraid I myself wouldn't even be able to tell what everything does at a glance.

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39 minutes ago, EntMan said:

😍 I love this! What's the lower half from?

Here’s the hobbyist’s response:

“It's a kitbash from the Seraphon Carnosaur kit, a regular saurus and gotrek himself The Carno kit has 2 pairs of saurus legs, one for the riding oldblood and one for the one on foot. The feet are from the 'on foot' version. I took the tail of a regular saurus (just cur his torso in half) and put it between the legs. for gotrek just build his upper body, the belt divides his upper and lower body. Now take some green stuff, fill the (big) gaps and carve some scaly texture in, that's it :)

I would have loved using the old blood tail, but sadly, the kit only comes with one. Would def. be easier just using the original tail, but sometimes you gotta be creative  😅

It’s part of his Scalecast project of Seraphon being empowered by the Anvil of Apotheosis.



Avatar Gotrek of Grimniathion is his latest project to buff out his Scalecasts on their battles across the stars.

It’s neat because it can work lore-wise too since Fyreslayers believe there’s a possibility Grimnir will return fused to Vulcatrix as their Ur-gold particles mixed making him the supreme duardin-salamander hybrid god of fire and volcanoes. Being his avatar, Gotrek would reflect the salamander god too.

Edited by Baron Klatz
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46 minutes ago, Baron Klatz said:

It’s neat because it can work lore-wise too since Fyreslayers believe there’s a possibility Grimnir will return fused to Vulcatrix as their Ur-gold particles mixed making him the supreme duardin-salamander hybrid god of fire and volcanoes. Being his avatar, Gotrek would reflect the salamander god too.

Is Gotrek even Grimnir's avatar anymore? I haven't read Soulslayer yet but I keep hearing that each writer is kind of flipflopping on what they want Gotrek to be/aim for and what they want Gotrek's master rune to do.

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47 minutes ago, Snarff said:

Is Gotrek even Grimnir's avatar anymore? I haven't read Soulslayer yet but I keep hearing that each writer is kind of flipflopping on what they want Gotrek to be/aim for and what they want Gotrek's master rune to do.

Yeah they do flip-flop at times, Soulslayer is less helpful as it kinda goes off and does it’s own thing focusing on the factions instead of building on the previous plot-points(which makes sense as it was kind of an advertisement for the new Fyreslayer and Deepkin heroes).

Until a more standardized lore point comes across it though he’s still Avatar-Gotrek. 

It being up in the air makes it more convenient for hand-waving these salamander hybrids too( ;) ), just like Grombrindal fighting noted he changed sizes to a massive duardin and Grungni keeps popping up as either a white haired traveler, Ogor-sized smith or a giant head that speaks in the clanks and hisses of a forge.

Similar to Grimnir even appearing in the current Fyreslayer battletome where the Death energies caused him to appear vampiric.


“No, it's just that in this particular image, he is witness to a battle where the Fireslayers are losing. Since the Gods are powered and shaped by belief, the death of the Fireslayers, who picture him as a giant flaming dwarf, is slowly being replaced by the picture of him as whatever the Flesh Eaters might see him as. 

On the other hand, if it was Nagash who was witness to this battle, and the Fireslayers were winning instead of losing, Nagash might appear as a giant, burning skeleton.”

The ethereal changing nature of the gods gives a lot to play with, just like the Realms themselves.

Edited by Baron Klatz
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2 hours ago, Snarff said:

People already have issues telling apart Auric Hearthguard and Hearthguard Berserkers. Some even complain that every hero and unit look too similar. If every weapon is getting their completely own set of abilities, or multiple weapons mixed within each unit, I'm afraid I myself wouldn't even be able to tell what everything does at a glance.

FS would have been so much more exciting if they had some classic duardin with a "fyre" theme. Less monotone and there's tons and tons of cool duardin stuff you can do with fire and war machines. The iconic flame cannon, for example.

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8 hours ago, Vasshpit said:

Concerning fyreslayers and also coming from an outsiders perspective (destro & death here) would a "redo" help like how the stormcast recently had their overhaul? It helped them and made it so both male and female were represented. 

Absolutely. Just primaris the whole range. People have been whaling on OBR, and while I agree with them, fyreslayers are a million times worse.

I actually started painting a fyreslayers army as a sort of retinue for Gotrek when he was released. But I gave up after a couple of units.

I just couldn't make them look cool. No matter what unique skin tones you use, you're effectively just painting a chubby little baby in a medieval nappy with a ridiculous haircut.

At this stage, might as well just redo the whole range. At the very least give them trousers, for pity's sake.


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1 hour ago, Jagged Red Lines said:

Absolutely. Just primaris the whole range. People have been whaling on OBR, and while I agree with them, fyreslayers are a million times worse.

I actually started painting a fyreslayers army as a sort of retinue for Gotrek when he was released. But I gave up after a couple of units.

I just couldn't make them look cool. No matter what unique skin tones you use, you're effectively just painting a chubby little baby in a medieval nappy with a ridiculous haircut.

At this stage, might as well just redo the whole range. At the very least give them trousers, for pity's sake.


I have 5 2000+ Points armies and I usually come up with a list of things for each army and consider investing the time and energy to paint them. FS is the one army I don’t have the urge too. I like the aesthetic a lot, at first glance. But then when you realize magmadroths don’t have a lot of variation and/or decent converting concepts. Then you are like cool 20 orange bearded guys seem cool for a unit, but then realize that EVERY unit. Different profiles but I can’t tell the difference.
As bad as it seems, the rules aren’t terrible. I honestly think 3 kits could make a world of difference. However, all studies and surveys show they are the least popular army, so I can’t imagine them spending resources and money into new kits for them. Even if it could potentially change their popularity.

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Eh, I’ve talked to Chinese tourney goers and they’re a popular army there(along with Sylvaneth, surprise surprise they can ally now) and just the battletome release caused their Reddit to triple in size so I’m sure GW see the potential. This just wasn’t a year they could push on it when all of AoS was on a backburner due to the global situations.

3 hours ago, Jagged Red Lines said:

At the very least give them trousers, for pity's sake.

Can’t, their body heat and rage causing them to breath fire, smoke and sparks burns all that stuff right up.

That’s why they wear leathers, metal and drake scales for stuff that can survive their children-of-a-fire-god bodies. Also was why I specifically pointed out if they got armor it needs to be furnace-like to channel all that stored up heat so it doesn’t melt.

3 hours ago, Jagged Red Lines said:

I just couldn't make them look cool.

Search around Reddit & Twitter, there’s some truly badass Fyreslayers around every hobby corner.


And of course there’s always going Frost-Flames or Ghyran Rootslayers if lava ain’t your thing. ;)




Oh, on to speculations. This guy did a analysis video on Gnarlroots and he picked up on some good stuff like though people pointed out the “Predator” mask might be Silent people they missed that the wearer could be an Aelf.

This actually could be the Camp Fortune Freeguild survivors, that’s why they’re named Gnarlwood Spirits because they went mad from being possessed and still bare the trappings of being city soldiers down to having an city-Aelf tracker apart of their team.

Edited by Baron Klatz
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4 hours ago, Baron Klatz said:

Can’t, their body heat and rage causing them to breath fire, smoke and sparks burns all that stuff right up.

Gotrek has trousers! He at least wouldn't be caught dead in a thong. 

I'll relisten to the audiobook, but I don't remember his trousers falling off when he powered up with grimnir's rune. 

And yeah. Their heros are all decent, by virtue of their luxurious beards, as you've proven by the pictures above. But it's when you start painting the rank and file, the vulkites etc, when you realise how surreal it all is. 

Anyway, I'll stop before grudges start being written.

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16 hours ago, Snarff said:

People already have issues telling apart Auric Hearthguard and Hearthguard Berserkers. Some even complain that every hero and unit look too similar. If every weapon is getting their completely own set of abilities, or multiple weapons mixed within each unit, I'm afraid I myself wouldn't even be able to tell what everything does at a glance.

Surely I can't be the only one to paint my FS units slightly differently? Surely?

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I'm still reading the Arkanaut Oath, but there are "aether-powered mining machines and vehicles" that are not ships. I've got an strong genestealer cults vibes with their descriptions.

Between pirates/traders/mercenaries, beasthunters/big game hunters and chartered companies/corpo goons... that's another theme that could be expanded. I still have hope for another second KO wave to improve our range and themes.

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24 minutes ago, JackStreicher said:

Any idea which color was used for the Skeleton Warband‘s blue cloth?

I fear only the actual painter can tell you for sure as the high quality photographs can be deceiving. I guess any "blue" blue (as in no strong green or purple tint) would work, e.g. Calgar, Alaitoc or Altdorf Blue. Maybe a tiny bit of grey mixed in to desaturate them.... also, looks like the ends got black added to them, maybe just a glaze of a black Contrast paint.... (or normal paint, whatever you got).

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For actual AoS rumors I think we're done until StD are out:

-October is 40k's 35th anniversary (...I feel old now) and the end of the year is packed with 40k stuff (Imperial Guard apparently).

-Next year is 40k 10th edition. So we got until summer 2023 to have something to see.

-And that's not counting on World Eaters release that come before 10th..and..maybe..a serie of books ala Psychic awakening (the 40k Broken Realms...but less impactful). Don't know if they will keep releasing those series.

Again my thoughts are based on everything I see on the internet....and everything is 40k rumors only right now. Surely because big dates are coming for this game.

Adds to that the fact that there is no big rumormongers channels for AoS (we haven't got any leaks of battletomes ..not the one 40k had..) lead me to see the future of AoS as foggy (not saying that it will be bad..just that we can only guess...) where 40k have a pretty clearly leaked release schedule..

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20 hours ago, Gitzdee said:

Unpopular opinion. Edit: maybe not XD

I actually loved the customization available in whfb. It was actually possible to have different builds for the same hero/ unit. I doubt it would ever come back though.

I miss building lists this way and really making an army my own, sweet nostalgia. 

Particularly on lords and heroes. I really miss the Uber customisable Vampire Lords, Chaos Lords etc. 

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40 minutes ago, Harioch said:

For actual AoS rumors I think we're done until StD are out:

-October is 40k's 35th anniversary (...I feel old now) and the end of the year is packed with 40k stuff (Imperial Guard apparently).

-Next year is 40k 10th edition. So we got until summer 2023 to have something to see.

-And that's not counting on World Eaters release that come before 10th..and..maybe..a serie of books ala Psychic awakening (the 40k Broken Realms...but less impactful). Don't know if they will keep releasing those series.

Again my thoughts are based on everything I see on the internet....and everything is 40k rumors only right now. Surely because big dates are coming for this game.

Adds to that the fact that there is no big rumormongers channels for AoS (we haven't got any leaks of battletomes ..not the one 40k had..) lead me to see the future of AoS as foggy (not saying that it will be bad..just that we can only guess...) where 40k have a pretty clearly leaked release schedule..

Yeah, I also don't really see a reason to suspect any large releases other than Slaves to Darkness and eventually Cities of Sigmar right now. But that does not have to mean no meaningful AoS content next year, necessarily.


Warcry and Underworlds seem to be going strong, so that is nice. We can depend on a few cool warbands and a bunch of Ghur terrain from those two.

I think there might also be room for a Sylvaneth-level release here and there. A lot of the yet to be updated factions could benefit from this, like KO and OBR.

We have not yet seen a completely new army this edition.  We might not get one next year or at all, but there always have been several per edition before.I

Also I think it is worth noting that of all the plot points that have been set up in the lead up to 3rd edition, exactly none have been resolved. What is up with Nagash and Arkhan? What are the effects of Alarielle's life surge? What is Grungni up to? What about Morghur? Malerion? I hope at least some of this stuff amounts to something before the edition is over.

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