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I absolutely love all this lore. 

In such a mad, chaotic high fantasy setting, stuff like this really makes you believe it could exist and why people would want to live in it. 

The blend of science, tech and magic is done so well here. It all makes sense.

Also massive massive props to the ladies and gentlemen of the Loremasters who are contextualising all this. 

And it's the knowledge this is just one city in one area of one Realm. The shear amount of variation and diversity there is in the Mortal Realms. I bloody love this world.

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Getting some Final Fantasy vibes from AoS with all the magitech fantasy things happening. Also a Cogfort city sounds like the FF8 Gardens as a military force functioning independently. Never thought much behind it but the similarities are there. I'm not complaining because its by far my favorite game series.

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3 hours ago, Black_Templar_Lad said:

I absolutely love all this lore. 

In such a mad, chaotic high fantasy setting, stuff like this really makes you believe it could exist and why people would want to live in it. 

The blend of science, tech and magic is done so well here. It all makes sense.

Also massive massive props to the ladies and gentlemen of the Loremasters who are contextualising all this. 

And it's the knowledge this is just one city in one area of one Realm. The shear amount of variation and diversity there is in the Mortal Realms. I bloody love this world.

Mate its so damn incredible.

8 hours ago, Gothmaug said:

You know, I think I'll still bet on Lumineth. They've had multiple releases now, lots of models, and I feel like they're the new upcoming poster children of AoS. I'm betting a force based around a different element, Wind? with a bunch of those hurricane kangaroo riders and a spirit of the wind. 

And Ill go out on a limb here. I went back through to 2016 and all the chaos factions have had a box. Khorne, Nurgle, Tzeench, Slanesh, slaves to darkness and even Skaven. But do you know ho hasn't? Beasts of Chaos. So my prediction is that the true meaning of 2022 Era of the beast, is a Beasts of Chaos Battle Force for Christmas!


I agree on BOC being the real reason for Era of the Beast.

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7 minutes ago, Skreech Verminking said:

Maybe, would be great though.

although depedning what they would be putting in I guess the box might not sell.

for example have you guys seen the doombull and bullgors?

terrible models

Agree with you about Bullgors, but the Doombull is sweet!

Usually it's the Razorgor that gets a bad rep for being a terrible model:

Razorgor - Warhammer - The Old World - Lexicanum


BoC are long overdue a range refresh, but I don't think it'll be for a while, and probably not this year. A friend of mine that works for GW with the app teams says they're a little behind on their release schedule atm, and it's all hands on deck to get the DoT and Lumineth releases sorted for this year in AoS. The priority though is going to be 40k - some big changes are coming.

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24 minutes ago, Twisted Firaun said:

Unfortunately that is an old piece of art from 1st edition...... But the new lore provided by the article was much appreciated!

It did mention seraphon and slaan quite a lot, which I always appreciate. Might be more hints towards the next warcry box indeed being lizards versus birds

Edited by GenericEdgyName
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Can any more versed in the lore tell us how/when Tzeentch got what sounds like the mod tools for the Mortal Realms 🤔

"The Architect of Fate likes to help things along by getting his metaphysical hands dirty. He has recently acquired the Codex Astromantica, a relic of the Old Ones that maps the Geomantic Web – the mystical foundations of the Mortal Realms."


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14 minutes ago, CommissarRotke said:

Can any more versed in the lore tell us how/when Tzeentch got what sounds like the mod tools for the Mortal Realms 🤔

"The Architect of Fate likes to help things along by getting his metaphysical hands dirty. He has recently acquired the Codex Astromantica, a relic of the Old Ones that maps the Geomantic Web – the mystical foundations of the Mortal Realms."


As far as I can tell this "Codex Astromantica" is a completely new thing in the lore. Gonna have to wait for the Battletome for more info I reckon.

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44 minutes ago, GenericEdgyName said:

 Might be more hints towards the next warcry box indeed being lizards versus birds

Good catch ! I like when GW gives little clues whose implications we already know.

I also want to know more about this Codex Astromantica. Maybe this is the narrative context for the next Warcry box ?

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Well does anyone have the Lumineth vs Tzeentch box? The Codex might be from there since the Lumineth were guarding vaults containing artifacts they used in the past that tore Hysh asunder.


His Curseling might’ve won that encounter and grabbed the Codex so now Tzeentch can mess with more Realmscapes and shape them to his mad will. This why the article mentions Lumineth trying to stop him.

But I agree with the Seraphon points. Might lead to the Warcry expansion being Tzeentch vs Seraphon and next year the main goal of a Seraphon update to space battle their way through Silver Towers in the aetheric void and take back the Tome.

From last month’s White Dwarf:

”-The cosmos is more than just the Mortal Realms. Beyond the Aetheric Void, there exist many strange worlds, and it's rumored other dimensions as well. A few of the Gods of the Mortal Realms have little knowledge of these alien realities. Of all the races of the Mortal Realms, only the Seraphon and the Slaan starmasters are familiar with what's beyond the Aetheric Void, having embarked on a cosmic journey after the destruction of the World-That-Was. The Slaan not sharing their knowledge of the beyond could be seen as a kindness. The minds of mere mortals are unequipped for the knowledge of what lurks beyond.

 -The Aetheric Void is not entirely devoid of life. Seraphon temple ships sail through the empty expanse of the Void. The  Old One crafted technologies of these ships shield them from the harms of vacuum. The Seraphon are not alone in the dark. The Silver Towers of Tzeentch float in the void, conducting experiments and furthering the agendas of their master. Whenever these two sides meet, they light up the skies of the realms with flashes of laser cannons and cascades of change energy.”

Edit: here’s a summary link for anyone interested in the cosmology explained.


Edited by Baron Klatz
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23 minutes ago, Baron Klatz said:

-The cosmos is more than just the Mortal Realms. Beyond the Aetheric Void, there exist many strange worlds, and it's rumored other dimensions as well. A few of the Gods of the Mortal Realms have little knowledge of these alien realities. Of all the races of the Mortal Realms, only the Seraphon and the Slaan starmasters are familiar with what's beyond the Aetheric Void, having embarked on a cosmic journey after the destruction of the World-That-Was. The Slaan not sharing their knowledge of the beyond could be seen as a kindness. The minds of mere mortals are unequipped for the knowledge of what lurks beyond.

 -The Aetheric Void is not entirely devoid of life. Seraphon temple ships sail through the empty expanse of the Void. The  Old One crafted technologies of these ships shield them from the harms of vacuum. The Seraphon are not alone in the dark. The Silver Towers of Tzeentch float in the void, conducting experiments and furthering the agendas of their master. Whenever these two sides meet, they light up the skies of the realms with flashes of laser cannons and cascades of change energy.

Sounds like an interesting opportunity to introduce a new alien faction into the game at some point. I'm not expecting tyranids or anything, but what about an void born eldritch horror-esque faction? Cthulu might be a bit overdone, but it is incredibly popular and might be a good way to pull in new players with a semi familiar aesthetic. The journeys of the Seraphon have awoken something in the void. They battled and the Seraphon dealt a terrible blow but ultimately had to flee, and now it has finally tracked them to the mortal realms seeking revenge and destruction. Seraphon get a range update and we get a totally new faction completely separate from anything that ever existed in the old world. 

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I’m hoping Void Creatures since Sigmar and Nagash have been tussling with them since the foundation of the Age of Myth:


There are monsters in the deep, hungry things that swim the seas of eternity, seeking anything they might devour. The Ruinous Powers are like them, but younger. They still play with their food.

Zuvass - Champion of an Uknown Chaos God

There are wild rumours about other, stranger things that swim in the oceans of the great dark: slithering alien entities the size of mountain ranges that prowl unseen, periodically sliding forth from the darkness to feed. Indeed, these ravenous entities more primordial than the Chaos Gods, predating thought itself. Whereas the Dark Gods are similar, they are like infants compared to these immense beings. These eldritch beings swim in the seas of eternity seeking anything they might devour. One such being was cast down to the Realm of Shyish, this dead god's final resting place becoming known as the Oasis of Souls, the source of shadeglass and the site upon which Shadespire is told to have been founded.

Another such creature of the void can be found sealed within a Stormvault, having been personally sealed by Sigmar during the Age of Myth. Lashing out with midnight black coils, the creature was surrounded by armoured gargants with shields of pure celestium. When it managed to grasp one gargant, its body was drained away into the absolute nothingness from which the creature was formed. However, the creature was laid low when Sigmar struck it in its center with Ghal Maraz, whereafter it was sealed away with the power of six Penumbral Engines.”

(image below is fan-put but the lore is canon)


The Syrnok Spinebat was a monstrous, black chinopteran creature trapped within one of the Wraith Moons by Nagash. When the Corpse Geometries of Shyish weakened during the Age of Myth, the creature broke free and began to prowl star fields once more.”

And reaffirmed in said last month’s White Dwarf:

It's rumored that nameless alien entities the size of mountains lurk within the darkness of the Aetheric Void. They prowl unseen, revealing themselves only when it's time to feed.”

Edited by Baron Klatz
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14 minutes ago, Grimrock said:

I'm not expecting tyranids or anything, but what about an void born eldritch horror-esque faction? 

Imagining something like the inchoroi from R. Scott Bakker's novels. 

Horrific alien race arriving by accident when their ship crashes. Almost worse in many ways than the factions of the chaos gods, they seek to avert their own damnation by closing the world to gods, heavens and h.ells. 

Edited by Jagged Red Lines
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2 hours ago, CommissarRotke said:

Can any more versed in the lore tell us how/when Tzeentch got what sounds like the mod tools for the Mortal Realms 🤔

"The Architect of Fate likes to help things along by getting his metaphysical hands dirty. He has recently acquired the Codex Astromantica, a relic of the Old Ones that maps the Geomantic Web – the mystical foundations of the Mortal Realms."


Wasn't the Changeling posing as Sigmar's cheif architect for a while? He corrupted some the plans of the larger cities as they were being founded. I think this a new thing but it would be easy to imagine the Changeling putting this to some pretty nefarious ends. 

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Yeah Valius Maliti, the great architect who got his claim to fame by discovering vast Realmstone deposits in Ghyran and turning the small mining camps there into the behemoth Greywater Fastness we know today before he went to work on several other major cities including Brightspear before disappearing after the century timeskip because he was The Changeling and couldn’t blow his cover by not aging.

Greywater makes enough sense, it’s a beacon of change that puts a massive wedge between Order’s allies as it antagonizes Alarielle and the Sylvaneth and it’s economy is so war dependent that Ironwelders from there are notorious for pushing their boundaries and causing strife so they can profit off the wars(basically CoS’ necessary grey evil faction like Knights Excelsior, Morathi-Khaine, Deepkin and the darker piratical Kharadron skyports that pillage but can also be deadly privateers for hire).

The others have yet to be revealed though(ironically Anvilgard & Tempest Eye are probably spared due to the former under new management and the latter torn in half by the Skaven and now battling to defend both it’s ground and sky halves)

But also the Codex looks to be targeting the Geomantic Leylines which the Dawncrusades seek to settle(as opposed to the major cities being on Realmgates for trade) so they can use the energies to power their Ghyranis Nexuses further and cleanse the lands of corruption.

The Changeling could be targeting those too now if his goal is a web of power to put all his buildings to use.


Edit: Since most of his cities outside the Fastness seem to be the Firestorm Campaign cities in Aqshy that could be another hint how the next Realm we go to is the Realm of Fire. Stop the mad daemons and their flamethrower happy units from activating some ritual that has Tzeentch turn the fire cities into daemon portals and take Aqshy from Khorne’s dominance in their great game.

Edited by Baron Klatz
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3 hours ago, GenericEdgyName said:

It did mention seraphon and slaan quite a lot, which I always appreciate. Might be more hints towards the next warcry box indeed being lizards versus birds

Definitely seems like that'll be the case. The terrain that was posted on the rumor engine a while back did look very Tzeentchian.

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10 hours ago, Gitzdee said:

Getting some Final Fantasy vibes from AoS with all the magitech fantasy things happening. Also a Cogfort city sounds like the FF8 Gardens as a military force functioning independently. Never thought much behind it but the similarities are there. I'm not complaining because its by far my favorite game series.

I have honestly nothing of value to add, I am just happy to find a fellow AoS/FF enjoyer in the wild!

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1 hour ago, Baron Klatz said:

Well does anyone have the Lumineth vs Tzeentch box? The Codex might be from there since the Lumineth were guarding vaults containing artifacts they used in the past that tore Hysh asunder.


His Curseling might’ve won that encounter and grabbed the Codex so now Tzeentch can mess with more Realmscapes and shape them to his mad will. This why the article mentions Lumineth trying to stop him.

But I agree with the Seraphon points. Might lead to the Warcry expansion being Tzeentch vs Seraphon and next year the main goal of a Seraphon update to space battle their way through Silver Towers in the aetheric void and take back the Tome.

From last month’s White Dwarf:

”-The cosmos is more than just the Mortal Realms. Beyond the Aetheric Void, there exist many strange worlds, and it's rumored other dimensions as well. A few of the Gods of the Mortal Realms have little knowledge of these alien realities. Of all the races of the Mortal Realms, only the Seraphon and the Slaan starmasters are familiar with what's beyond the Aetheric Void, having embarked on a cosmic journey after the destruction of the World-That-Was. The Slaan not sharing their knowledge of the beyond could be seen as a kindness. The minds of mere mortals are unequipped for the knowledge of what lurks beyond.

 -The Aetheric Void is not entirely devoid of life. Seraphon temple ships sail through the empty expanse of the Void. The  Old One crafted technologies of these ships shield them from the harms of vacuum. The Seraphon are not alone in the dark. The Silver Towers of Tzeentch float in the void, conducting experiments and furthering the agendas of their master. Whenever these two sides meet, they light up the skies of the realms with flashes of laser cannons and cascades of change energy.”

Edit: here’s a summary link for anyone interested in the cosmology explained.


Creatures that travel in the cold darkness of space that come and feed? Sounds...Tyrannid-y!

Jokes aside that makes me super excited, love me some cosmic horror. I assume that if someone "broke" the Realmspheres we'd see the Realms becoming lunch for whatever evil that lurks the Aetheric Void?

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1 hour ago, Public Universal Duardin said:

Jokes aside that makes me super excited, love me some cosmic horror. I assume that if someone "broke" the Realmspheres we'd see the Realms becoming lunch for whatever evil that lurks the Aetheric Void?

Technically the cosmic horrors are the chaos gods themselves....and they destroyed "the old world dimension" in a similar way you said.
It would be interesting though to see an "outer space" faction (like tyranids that comes from another galaxy in 40k) but perhaps not as an endless hive full of monsters (Skaven already fills that niche sort of).

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Let me get this straight, these void monsters are anathema to Chaos, right? (also to all other races obviously) Do you think the Ruinous Powers are afraid of them?

They inhabit the void and the Slaan apparently know them.

Could they be the Old Ones? We know that the Old Ones created the worlds, could they have seeded them with life to "harvest" them in the future? Are the Seraphon their servants without us knowing it, that's why they never ally definitively with the forces of order and that's why they fled to the void during the destruction of the World-that-Was knowing that they would be safe there with their masters? 

Could they be the C'tan? 

Could they be Hive Minds?

Edited by Mungrun
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