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1 hour ago, Chikout said:

There's a little too much doom and gloom about next year. Since when did a new edition release mean a year dominated by that faction. 40k has 3 books left before 10th edition which will probably launch in July. We could easily get Slaves plus two more large releases next year  before 10th hits. We can expect two or three months dominated by 40k then there will be plenty of room for another couple of big AoS releases. 40k got Orks and Black templars after AoS launched last year. 

If AoS has a quiet year next year it's because they don't have product ready not because of anything to do with 40k. 


Yes , I do agree completely. There is enough room for big releases for AoS in 2023.

My personal guesses :

Ossiarch : new hero + new archer unit

Khorne: new sculpts for Valkia and Lord on juggernaut

Soulblight : new hero + new grave guard unit

Gloompspite : new scuttle boss on giant spider/new mad cap shaman/new loonboss with cave squig.

FEC : new hero Carrion king , new ghouls unit , new varghulf

Seraphon : full refresh of old minis

Kharadron : new hero   

Slaanesh : new herald 

BoC : new Morghur , full refresh of old minis

New Cities/dawnbriger crusades : Armybox set + 2nd wave 



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Right now it looks like almost all of Slaves to Darkness will be updated save for the enigma that is the on foot Marauders which I'm still utterly baffled that GW hasn't had them updated through Warcry

Also speaking of Warcry did GW say they were pulling them from sale? Cause a LOT of the warbands on both Warcry and their regular AoS boxed sets are gone from the webstore (sold out). I don't quite recall GW saying they were going to sell out/remove/range rotate warcry stuff. I know they did it for Underworlds semi-recently. 


Otherwise we are approaching a time where Chaos will have all 4 core Chaos Gods with fleshed out human and demon forces; Slaves to Darkness fleshed out. Leaving Skaven and Beastmen. 

The updating and additions are a steady grind with AoS, there's just a lot to get through between small armies needing more and big armies needing range updates. 

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19 minutes ago, Overread said:

Otherwise we are approaching a time where Chaos will have all 4 core Chaos Gods with fleshed out human and demon forces; Slaves to Darkness fleshed out. Leaving Skaven and Beastmen. 

The only Chaos God that truly matters*, Tzeentch, still hasn't got a mortal elite! 😤 😭

* Your opinion may differ but naturally you'd be wrong. 😎

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1 hour ago, Overread said:

Right now it looks like almost all of Slaves to Darkness will be updated save for the enigma that is the on foot Marauders which I'm still utterly baffled that GW hasn't had them updated through Warcry

Also speaking of Warcry did GW say they were pulling them from sale? Cause a LOT of the warbands on both Warcry and their regular AoS boxed sets are gone from the webstore (sold out). I don't quite recall GW saying they were going to sell out/remove/range rotate warcry stuff. I know they did it for Underworlds semi-recently. 


Otherwise we are approaching a time where Chaos will have all 4 core Chaos Gods with fleshed out human and demon forces; Slaves to Darkness fleshed out. Leaving Skaven and Beastmen. 

The updating and additions are a steady grind with AoS, there's just a lot to get through between small armies needing more and big armies needing range updates. 

I agree. I think next year or at least this Edition, that BOC will recieve a large range update with Skaven in 4.0. That brings an entire Alliance up to scratch in terms of minis.

13 minutes ago, Nezzhil said:

My fault, I wanted to write "next year". I think we are going to get a new faction the next year. 😅

Haha oh yeah mate I agree!!

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1 hour ago, EntMan said:

I'd agree they could do with this, but we thought the same about Skaven and they got (almost) nothing.

Haven't they recently had a new hero?

Yes , Skaven did deserve a full refresh range. 

Yes , kharadron had recently  a black library hero (Drekki flynt)

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4 hours ago, Overread said:

Right now it looks like almost all of Slaves to Darkness will be updated save for the enigma that is the on foot Marauders which I'm still utterly baffled that GW hasn't had them updated through Warcry

Also speaking of Warcry did GW say they were pulling them from sale? Cause a LOT of the warbands on both Warcry and their regular AoS boxed sets are gone from the webstore (sold out). I don't quite recall GW saying they were going to sell out/remove/range rotate warcry stuff. I know they did it for Underworlds semi-recently. 


Otherwise we are approaching a time where Chaos will have all 4 core Chaos Gods with fleshed out human and demon forces; Slaves to Darkness fleshed out. Leaving Skaven and Beastmen. 

The updating and additions are a steady grind with AoS, there's just a lot to get through between small armies needing more and big armies needing range updates. 

I hope that the war cry bands from season one are going to be repackaged into 3rd edition boxes (and without the cards), otherwise I'm about to go buy a few Scions of the Flame boxes before they're gone.

4 hours ago, MitGas said:

The only Chaos God that truly matters*, Tzeentch, still hasn't got a mortal elite! 😤 😭

* Your opinion may differ but naturally you'd be wrong. 😎

which is weird because they have a perfect example from Total War that wouldn't take too much effort to port in:


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29 minutes ago, Twisted Firaun said:

which is weird because they have a perfect example from Total War that wouldn't take too much effort to port in:

Doom-Knight.png.webp 526.58 kB · 4 downloads

3d in-game models and 3d miniature models have nothing in common pretty much, not just the polycounts are wrong but so are the overall proportions - so they could only use them for inspiration. And truth be told, sticking a totally generic (ok, they colored him blue/gold) Undivided warrior on a disc is the last thing I want. We got Tzaangors, a Fatemaster (that dude should be a bit more buff like the Curseling and you got your cool armored disc-rider) and a Magister to scratch that particular itch.

But a Tzeentchian mortal elite should be as distinct as the ones from the other gods... And due to Tzaangors, i personally believe they should not be on discs.

A scrappy Undivided warrior with tears in his cape and holes in his boot stuck to a disc? That's cheap and beneath us. 😎  They just need to pump out a unit that leans into the Curseling style (minus the tretchlet), maybe with totally sexy sorcerer robes and we're finally were we need to be! I see an AoS kit similar to the Exalted sorcerers personally with lots of bits as the best inspiration for the overall feel personally. 

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48 minutes ago, novakai said:

And so begin the arm race for anti ward abilities lol

While I agree "ignores wards" shouldn't exist, that started already - abilities like this are not new to the game. Nighthaunt, Kharadron, Orruks, and Fyreslayers already have access to "ignore wards" in some form or another.

Edited by chosen_of_khaine
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Changes seem fun so far. Looks like they really trying to give the units a stronger identity and give us more options then just spearmen and archers in every list.

WIndchargers now being assassins/missiles seems fun. And it will be interesting to see how far they push the cows into the tanky objective holders.

Edited by RyantheFett
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16 minutes ago, Ganigumo said:

Kruleboyz already have it, and look how they're faring.

Nearly Gitz tier.

Because it’s a spell and not easy to get off.

look at where bone splitters is and they have it armywide on their arguably best subfaction. And they are balance by their lack of rend so it only there to boost their measly damage by not getting negated.

this is on a unit that not tied to a subfaction and can be brought in mass who are also not chump in the actual shooting game. Not saying it strong or overpower, but they are clearly putting them on better units as time is going on.

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