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They are a bit of a meh for me, the boss I like and the hoofy-lad is kinda cool but other than that they just aren't hitting the spot, they just aren't quite weird enough for me.

The Marshall on the other hand... a massive 4-armed centaur who is like 3 different types of gladiator all round in to one... hell yeh!!! Love that guy.

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2 hours ago, Baron Klatz said:

Hoping this is the direction with Freeguild soldiers for that mixed Roman & town guard look that’s pretty unique for Warhammer and goes with how AoS likes to throw multiple ideas into a blender for random styles.


Just shave off the Chaos bits and even add a few more points to the buckles to be like the multi-pointed Stormcast belt buckles and they’re good to go for Order. 

Those are the least busiest models of the new unit and that's why they're some of the better looking ones. The overall style isn't bad per se but throw in random horns, some old chainmail and it feels as if you just took perfectly fine Cities of Sigmar models and glued some random Chaos bits on them. That's why I've "complained".

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2 hours ago, Loyal Son of Khemri said:

GW declared Settrus is non-canon and you know it!  Settra will return as a plastic kit in The Old World, and it will be suitably amazing.

I know someone else who whines just like you! Unfortunately he doesn't like sand, so you two can't cry together. 😔 

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1 hour ago, Enoby said:

In all honesty, I'd really like it if Archaon (and Belekor to a lesser extent) took a back seat in Chaos. Character-wise, they're fine, but for an army that is about the selfish desires of the mortals who make up its ranks, it always struck me as a bit narratively weak to have a single big boss (not that everyone follows him, but he's definitely the main chaos character). 

It's hard to explain, but I like chaos because it allows you to look at a person reduced to their most evil and selfish desires, and the destruction they will cause to get what they want. Whether they started with a heroic goal or were always a psychopath, the end choice is the same - glory or damnation. It allows for unique stories and interesting enemies who posses different goals and methods.

While Archaon certainly doesn't stop these stories, it always struck me as a bit milquetoast (for lack of a better word) that there was an Everchosen/leader of Chaos at all. It's hard to articulate why, besides saying that having a big bad guy takes away the focus of the individual Lords with their own tragedies and turns them into pawns in another bloke's plan. Don't get me wrong, I'm fine with them being pawns to the chaos gods, because they're a manifestation of their own human failings, but not to a big armoured man who has conceptually very little to do with them.

TL;DR - I think Archaon is a bit lame and I'm glad the focus of Chaos is moving away from him. 

101% agreed. It might also just be me but I rarely find the big bads all that interesting. Leadership takes a toll on narrative possibilities with them - in the champion of Chaos book back in Warhammer, I also found Archaon to be the least interesting one with the lesser champions like Valnir, Count Mordrek or Aekold to be more interesting.

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Any hints with this ad? Is it a nurgle frog, indigenous frog or maybe seraphon frog? Looks like they're using the old revealed map from one of the earlier articles as a background. I think most of the artwork has been seen... minus the poorly copied pasted frog from probably the rulebook? 
May be an image of text that says 'FIENDLY FROG SAYS DO NOT Stray from the path DONOT DO DisturbANYTHING ANYTHIN DO NOT DONOT Speak to the locals Approach encampments Remember- Only YOU can prevent NARLWOOD DISAPPEARANCES'

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16 minutes ago, DinoJon said:

Is it a nurgle frog, indigenous frog or maybe seraphon frog?

Gonna say indigenous(maybe technically Seraphon since the Realmshaper engine is rewriting the land?), Nurgle froggie on the head alchemist has three-eyes so a sharp tooth one just leans into it being normal with Ghur a very dangerous realm like with the monster squirrel behind Yndraste or how the Snarlfang wolves have Komodo dragon venom.



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2 hours ago, CommissarRotke said:

got a question for the people who think the legionnaire's look too busy or the horns/etc are too much: do you also think that of the new Chosen and Warriors that were leaked? And if not, why?

I think the reason these look so busy is they've got a mix of themes going on. If you stripped out the spikes, horns, etc they'd look like professional soldiers, but they also have the random assortment of mutations, spikes, Chaos armour panels, etc. It all contrasts and looks sort of thrown together.

The Chaos Warriors/Chosen by comparison are more cohesive. They're in a big suit of armour with spikes/extras that tie nicely together into it, fitting the theme coherently. Chaos Warrior armour looks like it's all part of the same suit, whereas the Legionnaires look more like they'd raided a fancy dress store and cobbled it together.

Edited by Clan's Cynic
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5 hours ago, Clan's Cynic said:

They're certainly interesting designs for Chaos models, much more uniform and professional. As was discussed when the StD 'Tome leaked, they look a lot like the Freeguild that appeared on the AoS 2.0 banner. The lore given so far doesn't really suggest they're Traitor Freeguild, but that could change when we get more information of course.



Interesting. My first thought when I saw them was they look cool and I wander how easy it's going to be to trim away/greenstuff over the chaos symbols and marks and incorporate them into Cities.

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1 hour ago, KingBrodd said:

I really enjoy the new models. But am dissapointed it wasnt a Destruction Warband revealed!!

They gotta save non-Chaos warbands for a fancy reveal. I'm sure it'll get a ton of people hyped up for the game. I'm hoping around launch they'll show off at least one other warband coming out for this cycle. 

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Been pondering The Great Plan as of late and so am a little out of the rumor loop. Do we know if non-Chaos warbands are coming to WarCry? I was a bit disappointed to see yet more stinky/burly/horny guys facing off in the new edition. But with it having a season-esque schedule, similar to Kill Team, surely we will see something from the other factions?

And are there are any juicy rumors about major Age of Sigmar releases, aside from the Slaves to Darkness leaks?

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I generally find the warcry boxes don't have quite enough to make them insta-buy for me.

This latest one, I love the Hashut warband, but not too bothered on the terrain and the Rotmire.

Red Harvest I loved the terrain, but wasn't fussed on the warbands.

Catacombs I quite liked the Shadowstalkers but the terrain felt like bad value especially when compared to the first Warcry box.

With hindsight I probably should've picked up the first Warcry box. Was the best value by a mile and I liked both warbands and terrain and extra monsters. Oh well 🤷‍♂️

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12 minutes ago, Magnusaur said:

Been pondering The Great Plan as of late and so am a little out of the rumor loop. Do we know if non-Chaos warbands are coming to WarCry? I was a bit disappointed to see yet more stinky/burly/horny guys facing off in the new edition. But with it having a season-esque schedule, similar to Kill Team, surely we will see something from the other factions?

And are there are any juicy rumors about major Age of Sigmar releases, aside from the Slaves to Darkness leaks?

To catch you up real quick

When the new Warcry was officially revealed they put out a map featuring several locations/camps and there's a good majority that look non-chaos.

Factions we've seen on the map
Orruk Warclans
2 Flavors of Gloomspite Gitz
Free peoples

No specific mention of Stormcast (which is weird for an AoS property) but the new edition of Warcry focuses on the Gnarlwood where a crashed Seraphon void ship, Eye of Chotec serves as the settings MacGuffin. 

Outside of the LRL vs. Tzeentch Box and 2 Destruction factions being released before the new Prisoners with Jobs to Darkness models/book. There havent been much.

As a Seraphon player we did see a very Seraphon Spear and a very jungley fern in the rumor engine. Hopefully this means that Seraphon will see new model(s) sometime in the new year. 

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18 minutes ago, DinoJon said:

To catch you up real quick

When the new Warcry was officially revealed they put out a map featuring several locations/camps and there's a good majority that look non-chaos.

Factions we've seen on the map
Orruk Warclans
2 Flavors of Gloomspite Gitz
Free peoples

No specific mention of Stormcast (which is weird for an AoS property) but the new edition of Warcry focuses on the Gnarlwood where a crashed Seraphon void ship, Eye of Chotec serves as the settings MacGuffin. 

Outside of the LRL vs. Tzeentch Box and 2 Destruction factions being released before the new Prisoners with Jobs to Darkness models/book. There havent been much.

As a Seraphon player we did see a very Seraphon Spear and a very jungley fern in the rumor engine. Hopefully this means that Seraphon will see new model(s) sometime in the new year. 

Fwiw I’m pretty sure someone verified the soulblight map marker was actually FEC heraldry

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19 minutes ago, DinoJon said:

To catch you up real quick

When the new Warcry was officially revealed they put out a map featuring several locations/camps and there's a good majority that look non-chaos.

Factions we've seen on the map
Orruk Warclans
2 Flavors of Gloomspite Gitz
Free peoples

No specific mention of Stormcast (which is weird for an AoS property) but the new edition of Warcry focuses on the Gnarlwood where a crashed Seraphon void ship, Eye of Chotec serves as the settings MacGuffin. 

Outside of the LRL vs. Tzeentch Box and 2 Destruction factions being released before the new Prisoners with Jobs to Darkness models/book. There havent been much.

As a Seraphon player we did see a very Seraphon Spear and a very jungley fern in the rumor engine. Hopefully this means that Seraphon will see new model(s) sometime in the new year. 

On warcry map there are also a Tzeentch and Ossiarch icons.

Destruction  tomes  are likely Gloomspite and Ogors.

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These legionnaire are the third iteration of "basic chaos human" when we could really REALLY benefit from something like a "generic beasts or chaos" warband. I mean we're onto god specific bands so certainly Skaven can get one now to update some horrendously old sculpts but beasts would have already been perfect for a "basically the same but slightly different" chaos undivided warband.

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7 hours ago, The Red King said:

These legionnaire are the third iteration of "basic chaos human" when we could really REALLY benefit from something like a "generic beasts or chaos" warband. I mean we're onto god specific bands so certainly Skaven can get one now to update some horrendously old sculpts but beasts would have already been perfect for a "basically the same but slightly different" chaos undivided warband.

I personally don't hate that, though. I feel like warcry is a good vehicle to introduce a variety of "normal guys" to the setting. That's nice for world building, even though it's not great for game play purposes. Although I would like the variety to be more pronounced most of the time, like the difference between Cypher Lords and Iron Golems.

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To be honest I think that warcry is getting bloated with chaos warbands. Due to the roots of warcry (chaos warbands fighting each other) I understand that one warband of the new boxes would have one chaos warband, but I liked that there was another faction warband in catacombs.

I liked the look of the barbarian warband in red harvest, but it was the third "almost no armor and using primitive weapons" warband in warcry. And the spider warband...is there any faction that has any connection to spiders....humm, let see...how about those grots that could make really awesome spidergrot-models? Wasted possibility to do something new.

So I hope this was the last chaos warband for a long time since the other alliances have so big potential. Just look how cool the khainite shadowstalkers look.

It also give it a higher chance to be used in AoS since it is easy to make good rules for one warband (see again shadowstalkers in DoK) but when you have 8-10 warband that is all going into Slaves to Darkness it will be impossible to give all of them a good role.

Rant over, love warcry!

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Oh I doubt that was the last chaos warband for a long time. But hopefuly it was the last STD warband. I hope for god specific warbands. And we are probably going to get them. Those Rotmire guys are Nurgle I guess and Tzeentch with that Wyrdlights and obelisk from rumour engine is almost guaranteed.

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