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32 minutes ago, Dingding123 said:

Spears really deserve some manner of compensation, because I'd still really hope the Galletian reach rules would stick around like they're the good idea that they are.  Either that or just make all respective warscrolls' melee attack profiles the same regardless of weapon used for them; why not?

It's the first rule in a long time that makes the game more simple.

More simple but less diverse. Perhaps the biggest strength of AoS is how armies play different from each other. 

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Yeah that’s a slippery slope from streamlined to horribly watered down I’d rather not have them mess with because that’d flip the table on the whole game and kill a lot of flavor which many other wargames already sacrifice for balance.

Even as a Stormcast player who benefits from 2 row pile-ins I don’t think it’s worth making the entire game start from scratch to address a fundamental design(reach vs power).

Just give a lot of the 32mm-60mm units 2” reach attacks on average if they lack a pole-arm option. Just one changed value that many wanted for their big bois, simple as.

Edited by Baron Klatz
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Lol I have no idea what the point of chaos warrior halberds is now though. If Greatblades give -1 rend and Halberds don’t it seems like a no brained to always pick Greatsword in this instance.

However in my humble opinion if you’re kitting then out with offensive weapons like that you may have missed the point. They’ll never do much offensively so I’ll forever take mine with shields to use them as an anvil which appears to be their intended purpose. 

Why take Greatblade Warriors when Chaos Chosen exist? 

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Adding a second check on top of the existing rules doesn't make it simpler. Especially not one that requires you to make two measurements just for that check, in addition to the third measurement for the alternative check. And where it's done model by model as well. 

I applaud the end result of making it easier for (some) 32mm and larger base models to fight in two ranks, but this is such an ugly way of doing it. 


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34 minutes ago, Ravinsild said:

Why take Greatblade Warriors when Chaos Chosen exist?

Huh, I wonder if they new tome will make Chosen battleline? Seems almost 100% with how Stormcasts have Paladin battleline now.

Would make for the next best Chaos small elite army. Varanguard + Chosen with whatever extras you want to fit in and march out with your apocalypse demigods.

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3 hours ago, Dingding123 said:

Spears really deserve some manner of compensation, because I'd still really hope the Galletian reach rules would stick around like they're the good idea that they are.  Either that or just make all respective warscrolls' melee attack profiles the same regardless of weapon used for them; why not?

It's the first rule in a long time that makes the game more simple.

Spears was the way to go for 6 years, blades deserved that compensation and now they have it.

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4 hours ago, Dingding123 said:

Spears really deserve some manner of compensation, because I'd still really hope the Galletian reach rules would stick around like they're the good idea that they are.  Either that or just make all respective warscrolls' melee attack profiles the same regardless of weapon used for them; why not?

It's the first rule in a long time that makes the game more simple.

I'm with you on this one. I would not mind weapon choice becoming purely cosmetic in a lot of cases. Especially when it comes to swords vs spears.

Perhaps even move than that, I would like to see weapon ranges being replaced with a more abstracted system that does not require measuring the attack ranges of individual models. The basis is there in the new GHB, it just needs refinement. When 3rd edition coherency rules were introduced, I suspected GW would introduce this kind of rank system with it. Maybe when 4th rolls around they will finally work up the courage to make it universal.

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16 hours ago, Baron Klatz said:

Can’t show leak pics here but some chaos warriors battletome pics are up of their unit section and we got to see Belakor’s Legionaries facing frontward.

They look a lot like the Freeguild dudes at the bottom left of the War of the Sky Portals art:


Chaos Legionnaires being Traitor Freeguild makes a lot of sense if they're supposed to be a unit associated with Be'lakor, what with the whole scheming and manipulation angle rather than having too big of a standing army of barbarians the way Archaon does.

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1 hour ago, HollowHills said:

If someone tells you that you aren't allowed to count spears as swords then they aren't worth playing to begin with. 


Sp every tournament, If been partaking in.

thankfully the tournament organizer knows nothing about the looks pf spears against hand weapons.

even if he would I’m not even certain he could see them.

i usually play over a 100 clanrats, all with moxed weapons in each unit.

it looks amazing but looking for the correct weapon is a paint in the butt

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7 hours ago, Dingding123 said:

Spears really deserve some manner of compensation, because I'd still really hope the Galletian reach rules would stick around like they're the good idea that they are.  Either that or just make all respective warscrolls' melee attack profiles the same regardless of weapon used for them; why not?

It's the first rule in a long time that makes the game more simple.

As a connoisseur of Sword YouTube, I do love when games make spears useful and distinct from standard "hand weapons". However, I also bloody hate:

- Measuring ranges of 1" and 2" for blobs of models

- how the difference between a 25 and 32mm base is an actual, measurable effect on unit balance

Maybe the solution is to measure melee ranges in terms of "how many models can you fight through" rather than inches, with most models with bases bigger than 40mm gain a keywork like "hulk" and count as 2 models for this purpose, and behemoths count as 3.

You're still referencing weapon reach and each model's base size (or a rough equivalent), but at least it's all just a simple visual check - you don't have to break out the rulers and do conversions from metric to imperial!

Edited by acr0ssth3p0nd
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It was discussed on here ages ago that weapon ranges should be changed into "ranks" that can roll attacks. t's not a flawless system, but it would certainly speed things up.

Have a universal rule where (if there's a choice between spears and hand-weapons) spears allow you to fight with 1 additional rank. 

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3 minutes ago, KarrWolves said:

Big leaks on The Honest Wargamer stream: anyone has any idea where that comes from? I can't watch the stream but I'm curious to look at the leaks

well, they are literally pictures of the book so I suppose some shop with books who opened one a bit earlier

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15 hours ago, Baron Klatz said:


I expect plenty of time in Ghur still with enough sites on the map to 4 more seasons. I’d guess a season in the Gutfort next to introduce a Ogor release and give a focus on siege stuff(warmachine, scouts) before going elsewhere and eventually hoping over to Lendu for a foreign conquest in sinister lands.

If they had a Seasons of War set in and around the Great Gutfort I would lose my mind. Its for all intents and purposes an Ogor city and one we havent explored yet. Id love to see it fleshed out and an Ogor release to compliment it would be...chefs kiss.

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8 minutes ago, Mnil said:

Whole GHB is already leaked. Scenarios are fine but points jokeesh

I dislike the new "no teleport" scenario just as much as I always disliked the "no reserve" ones :/

EDIT: Oh and there's even a scenario where you score points for destroying VETERAN units, making them even more of a liability

Edited by Marcvs
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5 hours ago, yukishiro1 said:

Especially not one that requires you to make two measurements just for that check

Will you actually make any measurement? For me the rule is bases touching or almost touching, if you can't get them together due to the models' shapes and that is good enough.

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Ballista up 10 points
Alarith Stonemage down 10
Lyrior Uthralle down 15
Myari's Purifiers down 10
Scinari Cathallar DOWN 35 (yes you read that right)
Rune of Petrification down 35
Sanctum of Amyntok down 10

New Character: Scinari Enlightener, single leader 160 points, no other details listed

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4 minutes ago, Enoby said:

I do really wonder why Lumineth have gotten bigger points decreases than Slaanesh...

Where are Slaanesh points ? Can't find them...

1 minute ago, KarrWolves said:

That's the new points from the upcoming Battletome most likely.

Not sure... The upcoming BT is for Automn, so... maybe october or the end of september but not before. I'm not sure GHB give points correpsonding to new warsrolls coming 3 or 4 months later... But maybe you're right ^^

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