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43 minutes ago, Beliman said:

Imo, the Age of Darkness box is a cheap option compared to the old HH kits. Of course it's expensive (crazy expensive), but we come from an era that only 3D prints, limited boxes or recasts could build an army.

The new box is seen as an oportunity to play a good game. HH background is awesome, characters are charismatic and some of them have rules and models, core and faction rules are simplified from HH1.0 but still have alot of flavour and quality (even if there are some things that I don't like, I can see the work behind this rules and it makes sense in this type of games).

I can understand all dislikes of Marines vs Marines, but if you give a chance to see what is behind all this marines, the game has a lot going on and the Lore is good enough for a wargame.

Btw, HH main problem is their small community. It's still a niche game for the majority of wargamers. Time will tell if this second edition can turn around this issue.

I will at some point start,

but I definitely missed my chance to preorder.😂

God, people are fast when it comes down to a new system

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20 hours ago, Ogregut said:

What was the date on the repackaged dryads?

If memory serves it was the back end of June. If so we could see the Sylvaneth and Skaven battletomes announced either tonight or more likely next Sunday. 

With HH being a 2 week pre order tonights announcment is likely to be small, maybe a made to order week. 

Some woodies would be welcome tho, I've almost painted all of my backlog of them and need some dragonflies!! 

July 23 was the repack date

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10 hours ago, Jetlife said:

That’s a good point. Hopefully, 3.0 is bringing all Battletomes up to date and the rules changes can slow down.  I’m hoping just for some range refreshes then. I do think they will drop more armies because I know a huge part of their sales are from people just collecting new stuff.  I also heard a rumor that new models for warhammer plus subscribers will be more exciting to get people to sign up

My ideal progression for battletome releases would be to update everything to 3rd edition, and then to have a year or so where everyone just gets to play with up-to-date rules. That was a huge miss for me in 2nd: As soon as the last book dropped and everyone was finally in a pretty good place rules-wise, 3rd came along and broke everything again.

It's not like they couldn't onky do campaign books and introduce new factions during the last year of an edition. Or sprinkle a few minor model releases around. Personally, I like the 3rd edition rules. I would like to experience a metagame where all armies are fully up to 3rd edition standards at least for a bit.

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13 minutes ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

That was a huge miss for me in 2nd: As soon as the last book dropped and everyone was finally in a pretty good place rules-wise, 3rd came along and broke everything again.

Not sure about that. I still remember the "2.5 edition" label.

Some armies couldn't kill a megagargant in less than two turns (the game ended in the first turn).

There was some tournaments that used house rules (or banned units or even armies) because it was a crazy. And I'm talking about 70+ player tournaments...

2.0 had a lot of good things, but something weird happened between 2020 and 2021 that made the game worst.

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12 hours ago, Mutton said:

The marketing storm to HH has drawn a wide net. People I know who don't even play 40k are interested in it. I'M potentially interested in it.

But see if $300 boxes don't soon become the norm from what were once $170 ones. And it isn't COVID doing it.

I'm not into that particular box - not a fan of marines, but if you offered me a similar sized box for, say the new Leagues of Votann or a new Dwarf force for AoS I would snap it up in a heartbeat. I usually try and buy in bundles these days to get discount -usually through Darksphere. I rarely buy just a single box/model so its the sort of deal I'd go for anyway. Giving you a sizeable army to begin with isn't a deal breaker, an HH box looks to be very good value for money which I'd love to see for factions I love. I'm really hoping for a LoV army box  for example and if they raised the price but added more models I wouldn't be put off. 

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5 hours ago, Beliman said:

Of course it's expensive (crazy expensive), but we come from an era that only 3D prints, limited boxes or recasts could build an army.

This will lead to...

5 hours ago, Beliman said:

Btw, HH main problem is their small community. It's still a niche game for the majority of wargamers. Time will tell if this second edition can turn around this issue.

In the main game as well. "It's a luxury hobby! If they can't afford it they shouldn't play!" (Not quoting you) ignores the fact that this game lives and dies on the availability of a game. I mean the models are nice usually but almost no one here has not went looking for a better rule set only to find one but with too few players to justify. Warhammer can and will become the same kind of ghost town if prices continue this way. Just a bunch of whales playing the same game against the same guy over and over because nobody can afford to keep up let alone start from scratch. 

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17 hours ago, Mutton said:

I've heard a rumor that the huge financial success of the Horus Heresy relaunch will help GW realize that they can hike their box prices to $300, make ungodly profit, and then slowly drain the amount of actual product in said boxes over time.

Oh no wait, that's not a rumor, just the inevitable.

Its $300 for a 2000 point army, core rule book, and templates. It also a legal 2000pt army in traditional 40k.

I WISH more AOS boxes were of this value/convenience to get started. Its the best value box since Dominion or Indomitus. 

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1 hour ago, Landohammer said:

Its $300 for a 2000 point army, core rule book, and templates. It also a legal 2000pt army in traditional 40k.

I WISH more AOS boxes were of this value/convenience to get started. Its the best value box since Dominion or Indomitus. 

I'm sure it's a legal 40k army, but is it even remotely viable? I'm seeing a bunch of Tactical marines, a couple of Captains, ten Terminators, a Dreadnought and a tank.

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On 6/4/2022 at 6:10 PM, HollowHills said:

What's the deal with Kurnothi? They got a warband 3 years ago, are mentioned in lore semi often and a short story recently.

Kurnothi Vs New BoC at the end of 3rd maybe.

Despite getting squatted Gitmob have also been showing up, in underworlds through rippas snarlfangs and they were mentioned several times during broken realms stories.

Could be hints at new armies or just leaving their options open. I for one really want gitmob to be back, especially after how great the rippas snarlfangs models are.

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6 minutes ago, Ganigumo said:

Despite getting squatted Gitmob have also been showing up, in underworlds through rippas snarlfangs and they were mentioned several times during broken realms stories.

Could be hints at new armies or just leaving their options open. I for one really want gitmob to be back, especially after how great the rippas snarlfangs models are.

Amen to that. Love the Snarlfangs


Give us a new wolf rider kit that can be built with bows or spears. Maybe new chariots as well, but really just a new wolf rider kit would make my heart sing. 


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6 minutes ago, Plinketts Mawtribes said:

I'm sure it's a legal 40k army, but is it even remotely viable? I'm seeing a bunch of Tactical marines, a couple of Captains, ten Terminators, a Dreadnought and a tank.

Hard to say. Competitive 40k is in a rough place at the moment. Nids and two other factions are absolutely destroying the field. We are talking 65%+ win rates sustained over many weeks. (some approached 85%+ prior to nerfs, but remain high)

But if you are playing casual thursday nights vs an actual adult, its an absolutely fine list for space marines. It fills your troop tax nicely, and terminators/dreadnoughts are still their best units. 

Again tho, the appeal isn't for top tier players. Its the fact that a new player can buy a single box and be ready to go at 2000pts for a reasonable cost. 

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8 minutes ago, SunStorm said:

Amen to that. Love the Snarlfangs


Give us a new wolf rider kit that can be built with bows or spears. Maybe new chariots as well, but really just a new wolf rider kit would make my heart sing. 


Maybe Oathmark's goblin wolf riders work for you?


Review here https://www.chaosbunker.de/en/2020/04/16/review-oathmark-goblin-wolf-riders/ 15 for £25


Edited by zilberfrid
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14 minutes ago, zilberfrid said:

Maybe Oathmark's goblin wolf riders work for you?


Review here https://www.chaosbunker.de/en/2020/04/16/review-oathmark-goblin-wolf-riders/ 15 for £25


I did have a look around for alternatives, including those, but the sculpts don't seem to hold up or fit the AoS aesthetic. 

I did get a sprue of some plastic goblins from Shieldwolf as a test, but they also don't hold up alongside the WHU sculpts. 

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ooh god a modern wolf rider army would have me throwing my meagre pennies at GW so hard :D

I think 2000pts would be pushing it for that heresy box, and it would be super boring to play with, essentially being a blob of the blandest objective holders and a mediocre deathstar, it definitely needs expansion to work, the main game starters have much more characterful and varied minis in them even if they are push fits, id much rather have half as many troops but unique sculpts personally.

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There always the argument between multipose vs monopose model. People have not exactly been thrill by the GW mainline going more monopose kits in recent time.

19 minutes ago, Noserenda said:

ooh god a modern wolf rider army would have me throwing my meagre pennies at GW so hard :D

I think 2000pts would be pushing it for that heresy box, and it would be super boring to play with, essentially being a blob of the blandest objective holders and a mediocre deathstar, it definitely needs expansion to work, the main game starters have much more characterful and varied minis in them even if they are push fits, id much rather have half as many troops but unique sculpts personally.

it the customisation and weapon options that the big draw. I mean those bland objective holder have been selling well either way. 

Edited by novakai
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9 hours ago, Beliman said:

Age of Darkness box is a cheap option compared to the old HH kits. Of course it's expensive (crazy expensive), but we come from an era that only 3D prints, limited boxes or recasts could build an army.

That's just GW artificially bloating the cost of HH. It's a game specifically targeted to those who have deeper pockets and are willing to dish out the dollars for no other reason than the perceived value of these plastic kits. They could sell everything at half the price and still be making profit.

No one else thinks it's insane that you have to pay $40 for little special weapons to equip to your $80 tactical squad? Truly, WTF.

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1 minute ago, Mutton said:

That's just GW artificially bloating the cost of HH. It's a game specifically targeted to those who have deeper pockets and are willing to dish out the dollars for no other reason than the perceived value of these plastic kits. They could sell everything at half the price and still be making profit.

No one else thinks it's insane that you have to pay $40 for little special weapons to equip to your $80 tactical squad? Truly, WTF.

Wait its $40 for a weapon upgrade kit!?

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7 minutes ago, Mutton said:

That's just GW artificially bloating the cost of HH. It's a game specifically targeted to those who have deeper pockets and are willing to dish out the dollars for no other reason than the perceived value of these plastic kits. They could sell everything at half the price and still be making profit.

No one else thinks it's insane that you have to pay $40 for little special weapons to equip to your $80 tactical squad? Truly, WTF.

From what I heard, it isn’t for full squad (you can have a full squad if you want) but it work like 40K where you can have a few soldiers equip it in a squad. It so that people don’t have to buy multiple of boxes to get all the weapon options like regular 40K with WYSIWYG

and your getting a lot of weapon for 40

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36 minutes ago, Noserenda said:

I think 2000pts would be pushing it for that heresy box, and it would be super boring to play with, essentially being a blob of the blandest objective holders and a mediocre deathstar, it definitely needs expansion to work, the main game starters have much more characterful and varied minis in them even if they are push fits, id much rather have half as many troops but unique sculpts personally.

Of course you are limited. but not as you think. Everyone can play with Pride of the Legion and full veterans instead of basic troops (note: they are really powerful in this edition), but what about when you chose a legion (factions)? just a few examples:

  • A Sons of Horus Army can still use Long March (Rite of War) to ambush with their Terminators and a bonus to movement for all other troops.
  • Night Lords can use the Terror Tactics to play the first two turns as Night Fighting and all Sargeants gain Fear for an army that wants to cause a lot of Fear checks.
  • Decapitation Strike (Ravenguard) gives you a juicy objective in killing the enemy warlord: Slay the warlord give you +2VP and all your troops have shrouded and rerolls to kill Heroes.

I can keep going, but what I'm saying is that with the same box, you can still have diferent gameplays. You will have to chose what kidn of strategy are you going to use because the rules change your units behaviour. 

Btw, a box of 20 weapons or a few vehicles will drastically change your gameplay.

7 minutes ago, Mutton said:

That's just GW artificially bloating the cost of HH. It's a game specifically targeted to those who have deeper pockets and are willing to dish out the dollars for no other reason than the perceived value of these plastic kits. They could sell everything at half the price and still be making profit.

No one else thinks it's insane that you have to pay $40 for little special weapons to equip to your $80 tactical squad? Truly, WTF.

Completely agree. The main cost for a 2000 AoS army is around 450-500€ (a bit more for some armies, a bit less for others). For war40k it's around 600 to 700€. I'm curious to see how much it cost for HH to build a 2000-3000 army with all this new plastic kits. 

1 minute ago, novakai said:

From what I heard, it isn’t for full squad (you can have a full squad if you want) but it work like 40K where you can have a few soldiers equip it in a squad. It so that people don’t have to buy multiple of boxes to get all the weapon options like regular 40K

and your getting a lot of weapon for 40

Yes. You have 20 Heavy weapons to build 2/ 4 diferent type of troops or 40 special weapons to build 4/ 8 diferent units. Or combine this weapons with diferent type of units if that's your thing.

Don't get me wrong, it's still really expensive.

Edited by Beliman
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5 minutes ago, Beliman said:


Completely agree. The main cost for a 2000 AoS army is around 450-500€ (a bit more for some armies, a bit less for others). For war40k it's around 600 to 700€. I'm curious to see how much it cost for HH to build a 2000-3000 army with all this new plastic kits. 

Yes. You have 20 Heavy weapons to build 2/ 4 diferent type of troops or 40 special weapons to build 4/ 8 diferent units. Or combine this weapons with diferent type of units if that's your thing.

It probably largely depends on what legion you want to go play. Like the one that favours Dreadnoughts and tanks are probably cheaper. Legion like White Scars where currently their Legion preferred units are still in FW are defined more expensive as for now. 

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Edit: I didn't understand your post, sorry!
Yes, completely! But there isn't any discount for units, just only for some equipments!

Btw, the main thing that will make your army really expensive (points wise) are the units that you want to use and/or their upgrades.An army using the Armoured Spearhead (doesn't matter what Legion you play) will have 4 or 5 tanks that cost 180-250p each (and 100-150€ btw...) as your basic transport. Anotehr example is that your special troops can be really expensive with one box of weapons (200-250p to 400-450p). 

Old answer: But remember that you still have Pride of the Legion (subfaction that can be taken by all legions) that allows to build an elite army (Veterans instead of tactical squads). Some Legions are going tobe a bit better than others (eg.: -1 to STR when you are hit means a lot more when your basic  troop are hardened veterans.

White Scars can still give to all your troops the Outlfank rule (ambush), imagine something like Lurid Haze but for all your units than can score. Not as competitive as other Legions (maybe) but you can still surprise your enemy when your Veterans come from behind enemy lines with rerolls to Hit and bonus to charge.

Edited by Beliman
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7 minutes ago, Neverchosen said:

So Malerion's Aelves are coming soon?:

Yes I know someone will rain my parade and mention how that style of glove belongs to some Dark Eldar or ties to a rumour of this or that army... but let me have this 😤

Didnt think i would ever say this.

Vampirates ! ! !

Edited by Iksdee
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