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I'm honestly kind of wondering if similar to the possibility of Dwarf soup we've got Dark Elf soup coming, combining Idoneth, DoK and the Dark Eldar Cities kits. Har Kuron is specifically mentioned in the video and that seems like a reasonable way to start uniting them.

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17 minutes ago, mojojojo101 said:

So I play both DoK and Nighthaunt so I'm pretty happy with a battlebox. The new DoK hero looks cool but I doubt will see play, the crossbows are cool just probably not how I want to play Nighthaunt but the new NH hero... love him.

Very excited for the prospect of a NH book but the total opposite for DoK; the current book is so good and I can't see how it doesn't end up worse (although I noticed a lot of people felt that about Ironjawz update as well).


As for shipping issues... I get it, it's somewhat unavoidable but their reaction to it has still been pretty lackluster. I still think there is plenty of stuff they could've done that wouldn't have required shipping stuff half way across the world. Just off the top of my head; they could have put out a whole load of short stories exploring some factions/characters reactions to the events of Broken Realms. They could even have spent more than an afternoon on that winter FAQ.

What part of her rules or stats (which we haven't seen yet) do you base your assessment of her estimated play time on? She looks cool enough, and if the box isn't ridiculusly overpriced and her rules are good she'll surely see play. She just needs to be a viable alternative to Hag/Slaughter Queens.

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2 hours ago, Whitefang said:

Well if the problem is still the container, then they probably didn't order enough boxes to stuff AoS products on the ship. XD

I suppose my point, though admittedly sarcastic, is that I have a very hard time believing shipping issues are the problem. That’s not to say shipping issues don’t exist in the world, of course they do, just that the evidence suggests that’s not the problem here. 

When shipping was the issue for 40k codexes, GW made sure to tell everyone the codexes were delayed. If shipping was the issue with Idoneth battletome, etc, why wouldn’t GW show the cover and say it’s been held up and is coming soon? 

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8 minutes ago, Austin said:

I suppose my point, though admittedly sarcastic, is that I have a very hard time believing shipping issues are the problem. That’s not to say shipping issues don’t exist in the world, of course they do, just that the evidence suggests that’s not the problem here. 

When shipping was the issue for 40k codexes, GW made sure to tell everyone the codexes were delayed. If shipping was the issue with Idoneth battletome, etc, why wouldn’t GW show the cover and say it’s been held up and is coming soon? 

I think you might be decyphering his sarcasm here. ;)

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27 minutes ago, Maogrim said:

What part of her rules or stats (which we haven't seen yet) do you base your assessment of her estimated play time on? She looks cool enough, and if the box isn't ridiculusly overpriced and her rules are good she'll surely see play. She just needs to be a viable alternative to Hag/Slaughter Queens.

Admittedly I'm probably being overly cynical, but I tend to be pretty wary of small, fragile melee heroes. We'll see though hopefully she brings something interesting to the table.

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7 minutes ago, mojojojo101 said:

Admittedly I'm probably being overly cynical, but I tend to be pretty wary of small, fragile melee heroes. We'll see though hopefully she brings something interesting to the table.

Yeah, I get that though. If it had to be another melee foot hero I personally was hoping for an a stealthy assassin type character. To go along the Shadowstalkers, for example. The Scinari Loreseeker is pretty cool in that regard. 

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It is a little hard to imagine her coming with a better support buff than wychbrew, or the sort of combat punch you'd want to consider running her given the infantry Slaughter Queen already exists and never sees play, but hey, I'm open to being surprised.  If she heralds a 3.0 book somewhere down the line it's all up in the air anyway.

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7 hours ago, Gothmaug said:

AND its a ranged model, a rarity in death factions. 

I got to say, I hit a home run for once with a GW battlebox. I have the entire Nighthaunt line, except 4 units, and three of them are in the new battlebox PLUS 2 new units (hero and crossbowmen) AND they threw in the Alternate sculpt Sprit Torment hero "Crawlocke the jailor" instead of the standard model. I assume its because he's on the same sprue as the chainghasts, but its still a nice touch. 

And my friend plays DoK, so I have someone to split the box with, Gotta say, even thought he overall preview was lacking, I personally made out like a bandit for once. 




This makes me think GW may as well start doing "bundle boxes" where we can pick and choose what we need... not only does it help them move different stock around, but WE aren't stuck with having to figure out how to get the new hero for our army without paying for units we already have too many of.

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6 hours ago, Ragest said:

Imagine being in 2022 and having the ability to make digital books to solve any logistic issues.

Isn't a major plot point in 40k the banning of certain technologies like networked artificial intelligence... maybe make all imperium books physical and let all Chaos, Xenos and AOS armies get digital books 🤩 

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Gotta say, the reveal is hilarious. IDK vs FS box just came out, one hero per side and nothing more to the disappointment of the people keen for naked dwarf variety. One hero per side, that's all to expect people began to rationalize and accept.

Then comes the next box and oh, hero and unit new for one side. Could've added a new unit to the previous box all along but nah. Nighthaunt gets it instead.
Not that I am upset about new Nighthaunt, just not the highest priority for a new unit. It's funny to see that last box almost immediately one-upped.

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1 hour ago, Indecisive said:


Then comes the next box and oh, hero and unit new for one side. Could've added a new unit to the previous box all along but nah. Nighthaunt gets it instead.
Not that I am upset about new Nighthaunt, just not the highest priority for a new unit. It's funny to see that last box almost immediately one-upped.

I have a feeling it because of popularity and that Nighthaunt is actually pretty popular army in the community despite it lackluster ruleset. So army that sold well in the past are more likely to get bigger updates to ranges.

I wouldn’t be surprise if they get more stuff judging by some unsolved rumor engines

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8 hours ago, Austin said:

I suppose my point, though admittedly sarcastic, is that I have a very hard time believing shipping issues are the problem. That’s not to say shipping issues don’t exist in the world, of course they do, just that the evidence suggests that’s not the problem here. 

When shipping was the issue for 40k codexes, GW made sure to tell everyone the codexes were delayed. If shipping was the issue with Idoneth battletome, etc, why wouldn’t GW show the cover and say it’s been held up and is coming soon? 

The obvious difference being they had announced the 40k books in a road map that immediately got derailed, which I'm pretty sure immediately put them off doing more, again. The did cop to the maggotkin book being delayed post announcement too AFAIK. 

Which I guess is why the preview was completely devoid of any books for anyone. 

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6 hours ago, Nighthaunt Noob said:

Surprised no one has mentioned this but does anyone else think the Scriptor Mortis seems to take some design cues from the Mourngul? I wonder if there's any chance of a plastic Mourngul or something like it in the future to give Nighthaunt a monster.

Now a plastic Mournghul would have been a very good addition to Nighthaunt.

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6 hours ago, novakai said:

I have a feeling it because of popularity and that Nighthaunt is actually pretty popular army in the community despite it lackluster ruleset. So army that sold well in the past are more likely to get bigger updates to ranges.

I wouldn’t be surprise if they get more stuff judging by some unsolved rumor engines

I would guess that GW probably went all-out in the design phase for Nighthaunt and has a billion unreleased sculpts for units still on file which they chose not to put into production during their first wave. Same for Lumineth, actually.

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44 minutes ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

I would guess that GW probably went all-out in the design phase for Nighthaunt and has a billion unreleased sculpts for units still on file which they chose not to put into production during their first wave. Same for Lumineth, actually.

Given their time-tables, that seems reasonable. Tyrion wave etc. for Lumineth is probably also just ready to launch, while they first have do design a giant crab for the Idoneth. So that takes longer, even though people are really into crabby errr… Duinclaw?

Edited by Rachmani
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Honestly with how they’ve been flooding UnderWorlds with pets and jumped right on the crab memes I wouldn’t be surprised if Deepkin crabs are in the near future. They already knew pets were big just with how much people loved Gryph-hounds and the Ochtar familiars and now even the new Deepkin hero has a little eel friend. 

They know what we want. ;) 

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54 minutes ago, Baron Klatz said:

Honestly with how they’ve been flooding UnderWorlds with pets and jumped right on the crab memes I wouldn’t be surprised if Deepkin crabs are in the near future. They already knew pets were big just with how much people loved Gryph-hounds and the Ochtar familiars and now even the new Deepkin hero has a little eel friend. 

They know what we want. ;) 

I admit I have put a box of Chaos Familiars in both of my purchases from the main GW site (Finecast, but honestly not that bad).

Sadly discontinued, but I have made quite a few animals and familiars from helmet ornamets of Bretonnian, Empire and Demigryph knights, as well as the High Elf griffin rider.

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1 hour ago, Baron Klatz said:

Honestly with how they’ve been flooding UnderWorlds with pets and jumped right on the crab memes I wouldn’t be surprised if Deepkin crabs are in the near future. They already knew pets were big just with how much people loved Gryph-hounds and the Ochtar familiars and now even the new Deepkin hero has a little eel friend. 

They know what we want. ;) 

Hehe I see what you did there ;)

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Well that was surprising-  didn't expect another battle box [which seems pretty packed?] and a new kit is great but the absence of battle tomes is very strange. I did read elsewhere someone saying that GW are more badly hit by covid etc than people realise, might explain it. The 40k releases seem really screwed up as well, even if they are more numerous. 

Plus side- our worries about dwarf soup have yet to materialise.

I do really like that eldar corsair..

But I'd really love some new dwarfs/squats.. hopefully this year.. 

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1 hour ago, Baron Klatz said:

Honestly with how they’ve been flooding UnderWorlds with pets and jumped right on the crab memes I wouldn’t be surprised if Deepkin crabs are in the near future. They already knew pets were big just with how much people loved Gryph-hounds and the Ochtar familiars and now even the new Deepkin hero has a little eel friend. 

They know what we want. ;) 

I believe it’s also what the studio wants. Stuff like the underworld pets, nurglings and Genestealer familiars are the sculptors just having a little bit of fun with their work and that’s why they tend to look so good

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1 hour ago, silverstu said:

Well that was surprising-  didn't expect another battle box [which seems pretty packed?] and a new kit is great but the absence of battle tomes is very strange. I did read elsewhere someone saying that GW are more badly hit by covid etc than people realise, might explain it. The 40k releases seem really screwed up as well, even if they are more numerous. 



I think that GW should start to deeply think about digital battletomes/codices as the main way to release new rules, leaving the paper versions (of which I'm an enthusiastic collector, don't get me wrong) as more collectors' oriented items.

I imagine an app to handle all of that, let's call it "General's Compendium +" in two versions: 40k and AoS.

subscribing monthly/yearly to the app, you'll get access to all the rules, battletomes, campaign and updates of that specific system plus the access to the armylist builder.

An app to rule them all.

No more issues with paper, easy to bring with you all around the tournaments/gaming clubs/etc, more environmental friendly, rules are immediately updated with faqs/errata/general updates etc.

Then, as said before, you change the approach to physical books, making them more hobby/fluff/lore oriented.


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16 minutes ago, HollowHills said:

I'm sure we will get a crab or crabs for the Deepkin at some point. I'm just not sure it's going to be this soon. 

Like someone mentioned with Nighthaunt above, I'm sure there are a ton of Deepkin designs that didn't make it into the launch but are kept on file for future. 

Definitely. I dunno about the designers and they obviously are far more creative than I could hope to be, but designing and creating underwater Aevles and Sea Creatures would be far easier for me than different Gheist monsters and creatures.

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