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The Rumour Thread

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5 hours ago, Ogregut said:

There were never any Malerion rumours, just lots of wishlisting. 

That is kinda dishonest. multiple leaks said Malerion in Q3 2022 or moved to Q1 2023. Furthermore he was in Broken realm story arc twice I think. One time with Morathi and the other one when he was hiring Skaven assassins. 

also the newest underworlds setting is in Ulgu and there is rumored KT for Malerion Aelves. 

simply wrong.

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9 minutes ago, Feii said:

That is kinda dishonest. multiple leaks said Malerion in Q3 2022 or moved to Q1 2023. Furthermore he was in Broken realm story arc twice I think. One time with Morathi and the other one when he was hiring Skaven assassins. 

also the newest underworlds setting is in Ulgu and there is rumored KT for Malerion Aelves. 

simply wrong.

No, we don't have any rumour from a respectable source that say something about Malerion release. If you can find one rumour that say something about Malerion and it doesn't have fake content like the Beast of Chaos big release in November, the Ossiarch's archers in January or something like that we can start talking about Malerion's rumours.

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3 minutes ago, Nezzhil said:

No, we don't have any rumour from a respectable source that say something about Malerion release. If you can find one rumour that say something about Malerion and it doesn't have fake content like the Beast of Chaos big release in November, the Ossiarch's archers in January or something like that we can start talking about Malerion's rumours.

Respectable rumour source sounds like an oxymoron.


what does it mean, peer reviewed rumour authors? Touch the grass.



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6 minutes ago, Nezzhil said:

No, we don't have any rumour from a respectable source that say something about Malerion release. If you can find one rumour that say something about Malerion and it doesn't have fake content like the Beast of Chaos big release in November, the Ossiarch's archers in January or something like that we can start talking about Malerion's rumours.

Underworld Rumour posted here, though it just mentions Malerion Aelves warband in the box se comming Q2, not an actual army release.

Correctly guessed the Pirate warband, and specifically called out the monkey before it was shown.

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Just going to point out that GW never show anything that isn't due out in the next 3 months.  We also have Adepticon at the end of March when I highly suspect we'll have another preview.  Just because we've not seen something doesn't necessarily mean we won't see it 😉

I do understand the frustration at no sign of any battletomes (as many of you know, I have quite a number of Nighthaunt!)

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8 minutes ago, Feii said:

Respectable rumour source sounds like an oxymoron.


what does it mean, peer reviewed rumour authors? Touch the grass.



Respectable rumour:

- It doesn't come from an anon.

- The content has some logic, it is not like 5 big releases in 6 months.

- It is not a crazy 10 years roadmap.

- It doesn't refer to the company's feelings.


5 minutes ago, Horizons said:

Underworld Rumour posted here, though it just mentions Malerion Aelves warband in the box se comming Q2, not an actual army release.

Correctly guessed the Pirate warband, and specifically called out the monkey before it was shown.

The original source said Ulgu Aelfs.

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30 minutes ago, Feii said:

That is kinda dishonest. multiple leaks said Malerion in Q3 2022 or moved to Q1 2023. Furthermore he was in Broken realm story arc twice I think. One time with Morathi and the other one when he was hiring Skaven assassins. 

also the newest underworlds setting is in Ulgu and there is rumored KT for Malerion Aelves. 

simply wrong.

Mentions in stories does not equal rumours. Also Whitefang liked my post saying there are no Malerion rumours, only wishlisting. 

Every rumour of a Malerion army has come from reddit or 4chan and quickly proven false as they can't get right the next release let alone a year into the future. 

Even if there is an underworld warband of shadow elves it does not mean a full army will follow soon after, just ask everyone waiting for the Kurothi. 


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2 hours ago, Clan's Cynic said:

Glad I didn't stay up.

What's worse? Having a Battletome souped, or having no Battletome at all? Hmmm...

No battletome is worse. Historically its the actual sign an army is getting squatted. Being souped means they see value in keeping the army around.

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2 hours ago, Clan's Cynic said:

You don't get much more comical than giving Nighthaunt a new unit immediately after giving Fyreslayers... a new Hero model.

AND its a ranged model, a rarity in death factions. 

I got to say, I hit a home run for once with a GW battlebox. I have the entire Nighthaunt line, except 4 units, and three of them are in the new battlebox PLUS 2 new units (hero and crossbowmen) AND they threw in the Alternate sculpt Sprit Torment hero "Crawlocke the jailor" instead of the standard model. I assume its because he's on the same sprue as the chainghasts, but its still a nice touch. 

And my friend plays DoK, so I have someone to split the box with, Gotta say, even thought he overall preview was lacking, I personally made out like a bandit for once. 




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I just read an article that there is a paper crisis in Europe, wouldn't be shocked it it was in china too?

I did like the new crossbow ghosts. But I also feel bad for idoneth and fire dwarfs that only got a hero (this far).

I think it's funny for Warhammer community was promoting the preview so much. 

I guess it would have felt more impressive if all the eldar releases was showed off here.


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So as allways nothing for dwarfs lol


A army with 7 years and only 2 boxes of units as fyreslayers got his battlebox with nothing new,but a new army as nighaunt with 10+ kits got his battlebox with new units.

Also fyreslayers got deleted and is umplayable with new scrolls but where is our new book to try fix us?nothing.

I know some dont want a soup of dwarfs,but is better get a soup than this: nothing  new for dwarfs and only mediocre scrolls,i would be happier with my soup of dwarfs than play with actual fs scrolls and without hope of the tome incoming

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Wow I was so far off with my guesses and I even reigned them in until the last minute. Is it not a two day event, or was the thursday/friday thing to accommodate different time zones? Either way I am glad I didn't stay up for it. 

AOS: We are at least getting two new heroes and a new unit. Also two of my favourite armies are getting a shared box. I wish that a new crossbow unit had gone to Fyreslayers over Nighthaunt, but I will not complain at an army getting a useful new unit. I really like the new heroes even though the millimetre thin plastic on the whip and the withered quill's thin arms and ectoplasm produce some hobby anxiety in me. I think the crossbow wielders look great and any complaints I see seem to forget that Nighthaunt are the best looking range in the game and that they'd probably be the coolest looking unit in any other army but are just a bit samey here. Shocked we didn't get at least one tome shown... I still have a friend waiting to pull the trigger on Duardin but he will only do so if they get souped. 

Horus Heresy: Yeah, cool I guess... another big bloodthister? So was that box leak actually fake? Like we got a potato cam response a day early for the Avatar of Khaine but not this box? But still I am up for a big ol' demon and it always makes me happy when we can easily proxy 40k things into aos. I much prefer it to the regular Bloodthister but not as much as Skarbrand. 

Kill team: I like the pirate... to the suprise of no one. Is it coming in a boxset with chaos or are they just getting a warband ala warcry? Either way cool looking model and if I get the Chaos Eldar box it might find it's way onto the team if do not lean heavily into Harlequins... which is impossible because the only thing better than pirates are The Pirates of Penzance https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q2j90qg_5_w still feels like a rather small reveal. I guess we will see the rest of the unit on monday?

Necromunda: So Madmax rules? Thats pretty cool, is it going to come with model support? I think this is a pretty big and fun announcement but leaving the hive city feels like a big move considering how much the titular setting defined the game's lore and aesthetic. Still I would love to get into this system but it seems like a difficult game to get into. 

WH+ : Like the aesthetic of Inquistor... will not subscribe for it.

40k: Don't know why the Lumineth Zenith Temple gets so much attention in 40k? Yeah I like all these reveals. I don't love the paintscheme on the bikes but they are cool models. The Avatar and the skull dude are also pretty cool. Overall I am liking the eldar range, which is shocking as they were my least favourite 40k army until now. Best preview out of the bunch but also the one with the least surprises. Which I think brings up a valid point, with the 40k mega leak I am still interested in seeing the new models. So give us information about what is coming and I will still be excited to see it.

Overall: a good preview for 40k and a strange one for everything else. I like everything shown off but I am upset that we are now essentially in the dark regarding AOS going forward. The two models showcased in the New Year preview are now known and we have nothing official on the horizon except later than expected battletomes. Necromunda interests me the most of all the reveals but I know that I will not get into it. Like Blood bowl none of my friends are interested in having fun they just want big armies and mainstream rules... 😵


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4 hours ago, Magnusaur said:

The frustration with no new battletomes makes perfect sense to me, though I take the avalanche of battleboxes to mean that GW is willing to work their way quickly through army updates, (hopefully) leaving armies in a better place. I know people in the RPG publishing industry who are looking at major delays in book shipments from China. Maybe something similar is happening here?

Fyreslayers got updated and all were only nerfs huge getting a army from 7\10 to 3\10 and umplayable

If they wont release new tomes along the new nerfed scrolls i preffer they dont update nothing.

Im sooooooo happy that one of my 4 armys be vampires and i hope dont get new tome in all this edition neither new scrolls.....

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11 minutes ago, madmac said:

Mysteriously, all these paper and shipping issues don't seem to be impacting 40K much. A few small delays here and there, but they're still getting a steady stream of Codexes.

Codexes could have been printed a year ago. I feel GW is having some horrid supply issues, and what we're seeing for AoS model releases and announcements is whatever happens to trickle in on a slow boat from China. I don't think this is what they had planned for their big 3rd edition launch. But GW, has a nasty habit of holding all their cards close to their chests and not telling their customers what's going on. A single post of "Hey guys, supply chains are a mess, we'll be releasing what we can over the next 6-8 months, but can't really predict exactly what will arrive when" would go a long way to placating the player base. 

Hell even if it was a bald faced lie, it would make us feel better :)


Edited by Gothmaug
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