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9 minutes ago, KingBrodd said:

Sadly it probably will be. That or the teased Eldar character.

I swear I saw this image on the article as well?!

If I remember rightly, someone on Reddit admitted to faking it. The word Umbraneth was never actually in the article, just in the image that made the rounds. 

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This is the first post with 'Umbraneth' found on it on TGA:

Which is same (sans an unnecessary circle) as in this Goonhammer article:

Who are the Umbraneth? – Sprues & Brews (spruesandbrews.com)

Same as the image as I had sent to my friends (which is obvious, as I saw it on TGA). It is impossible to find any other picture^1 with this 'leak', something that would be highly plausible with a community this large and starved for leaks.

What have we learned from this?

Well, nothing of real importance.

But we can now conclude Umbraneth was indeed a fake.

And that either me and @KingBrodd have come from an alternate Earth where GW did accidentally leak Umbraneth...or, the human mind is prone to forget details and add new ones, especially with social stresses like 'everyone' agreeing this was something legit, until eventually the muddled memory of 'I saw Jator post an image of Umbraneth on WarCom to TGA' turned into 'I saw Umbraneth on WarCom'.

[1] Only the same image with the same glare reposted.

Edited by Public Universal Duardin
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On 12/31/2021 at 11:56 AM, Noserenda said:

So you are saying Colonialism is fine when used against subhuman heathens? Sounds familiar...

I dont think these things were laughed out by the writers, because i dont think the writers are actually arseholes (Because generally they arent) they just didnt have the outside perspective to see where it was all going, and seeing as if im right its cost the company time and money that only reinforces the importance of it.

Its not about hope either, repeatedly going over just how grimderp suicidal the whole thing is is wasting word count that could be used for literally anything else like talking about how the different Order factions organise or support their crusades which is sorely lacking imho.

Hell, a two page spread describing different ways of moving the floaty rocks instead of just raw manpower? Wind spirits, clanking steam wagons, harnessed hydras, Ironclads etc etc the potential is pretty limitless.

I'm saying these "Important questions" are the equivalent of the Helen Lovejoy's "Oh won't somebody please think of the children". 

You are trivialising these issues by applying them to a Fantasy setting which is entirely divorced from our real world history. If you seriously compare Chaos Tribes to Native Americans or Saracens (or insert any culture that bore the brunt of Colonialism, Crusades, Jihads etc.) then that says more about you then it does about the setting. 

I'm sorry for the bluntness but this is something I seriously take issue with.

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26 minutes ago, SeanMaguire1991 said:

I'm saying these "Important questions" are the equivalent of the Helen Lovejoy's "Oh won't somebody please think of the children". 

You are trivialising these issues by applying them to a Fantasy setting which is entirely divorced from our real world history. If you seriously compare Chaos Tribes to Native Americans or Saracens (or insert any culture that bore the brunt of Colonialism, Crusades, Jihads etc.) then that says more about you then it does about the setting. 

I'm sorry for the bluntness but this is something I seriously take issue with.

*snort* i could very much say the same but i dont think that would be particularly productive, i mean if you dont think parallels and allegory exist or could be harmful there isnt much point in talking about it is there?

If you want to sling mud though, it was you bringing up Chaos tribes, when the AoS team have made it fairly clear there is a lot more out there, in this months white dwarf even. I think you leaping to that conclusion might say a lot more about you than it does the setting eh?

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While I personally find discussion about historical allegory and following implications fascinating, first I would like to humbly suggest to @SeanMaguire1991 and @Noserenda to leave out phrases like 'says more about you than'. This should not be the space for low-key attacks on the character of another person, except he's outright stating harmful sexist, racist etc stuff.

Now, on to the topic: I think asking whether 'Dawnbringer Crusades' is somewhat ideoligically tied to Christian crusades is valid. Fantasy games and their lore are texts and insofar do not develop out of thin air; they are inevitably influenced by the author's / authors' knowledge about history. Even if an author says 'Yeah, no, that's not what I meant' they can and should still be subject to critical literary analysis. Especially today where authors have the possibility to influence heavily how their texts are perceived; e.g. the Harry Potter series, whose author has constantly tried to retrospectively paint the story more diverse and inclusive than the text itself accounts for. 

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42 minutes ago, Maogrim said:

While I personally find discussion about historical allegory and following implications fascinating, first I would like to humbly suggest to @SeanMaguire1991 and @Noserenda to leave out phrases like 'says more about you than'. This should not be the space for low-key attacks on the character of another person, except he's outright stating harmful sexist, racist etc stuff.

Now, on to the topic: I think asking whether 'Dawnbringer Crusades' is somewhat ideoligically tied to Christian crusades is valid. Fantasy games and their lore are texts and insofar do not develop out of thin air; they are inevitably influenced by the author's / authors' knowledge about history. Even if an author says 'Yeah, no, that's not what I meant' they can and should still be subject to critical literary analysis. Especially today where authors have the possibility to influence heavily how their texts are perceived; e.g. the Harry Potter series, whose author has constantly tried to retrospectively paint the story more diverse and inclusive than the text itself accounts for. 

Agreed, warhammer is also a franchise which has always been steeped in historical allegory, social and political commentary and satire. While this has mostly been for the good, the extensive use of fantasy counterpart cultures in all three games carries with it a lot of orientalist tropes. 

Now this was most pronounced in WFB, while 40k has gradually made itself more generic over the years. AoS has clearly set out to be more of a generic fantasy from the start, and ditch a lot of the more one to one historical equivalences, but they are still hard baked into a lot of the pop cultural ideas which underpin those factions. 

even if the writers throw up their hands and say "We didn't mean any of that" it doesn't matter, all art is a dialogue with the issues of the time in which it's written. 

i tend to prefer settings that are aware of the issues they are touching on and explore them in an informed manner, even if that ends up being challenging in one way or another. That shows more maturity than trying to file enough seriel numbers off tropes that the issues can be ignored, or worse being so uninformed that you don't see the connection between reality and fantasy, an uncritically reinforce tropes you aren't even aware of. 

GW used to be really good at satire. I think these days executive meddling doesn't really let the writers go all in on it. Creating by committee is one of the surest ways to lose touch with the meaning behind the stuff you are writing.

I suspect this is what is happening here. They are using the term "Crusade" because at this point they're using it so much in 40k that they just consider it a warhammer trope, and aren't really stopping to consider real world implications explore the themes in a deeper or more critical manner.

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I think some words are just words after so many years. Sure the term "Crusade" or similar terms have a historical origin but some of those terms just refer so the action itself more then the historical meaning behind them imo. I think it would be too much of a hassle to create new words to try and explain it in a fantasy setting without using those terms.

I'm actually hyped about the new Maugan Ra model. I loved the last Howling Banshees and Jain Zar release and looking forward to this one and maybe some new Dark Reapers.


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Hey all, I'm gonna bite the bullet and spread some rumours that I overheard whilst meeting up with some old uni coursemates over the Christmas period.

Please note I have no idea if these are even Warhammer related as the person didn't directly say "Warhammer" or "Age of Sigmar" but some of the descriptions made my ears ****** up at the pub, you'll see what I mean I hope. 

Also I don't know the person very well so I was eavesdropping whilst also trying to remain part of a different convo so I missed a lot of the details, but I remember their end of year project being a collection of Zbrush sculpts of various monsters.

Anyway so they were talking about projects they were working on and the person was asked if they had sculpted any cool monsters recently. Here are the bits I heard:

- "Lava lobber" made me think orc/gobbo siege weapon, but since they were talking about monsters probably something different.

- "Spite King" something about big wings and I'm sure i heard "behemoth" used... or maybe it was just "moth" idk.

- Some kind of big corrupted monster with horns with a stone shard (herdstone maybe) impaled through it's chest, I didn't catch a name for that one.

- "(blank) the Twisted" can't remember the name but described as a beast wizard with overgrown horns and hooves so much that he can't walk and has to be carried around in a big bird nest type thing.

And that's all I heard! Again please take with a huge grain of salt as Warhammer was not directly mentioned. Just the mention of "lobber" made me listen in as a Gloomspite collecter.

Also if anyone knows better and can stop me from getting my hopes up please do!

Either way I'm looking forward to whatever this project they're working on turns out to be as it sounded pretty cool.

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3 hours ago, Iksdee said:

I think some words are just words after so many years. Sure the term "Crusade" or similar terms have a historical origin but some of those terms just refer so the action itself more then the historical meaning behind them imo. I think it would be too much of a hassle to create new words to try and explain it in a fantasy setting without using those terms.


Of course creating new words would be too hard and possibly confusing. On the other hand there's plenty of words with a much less problematic origin (especially when used to identify a colonisation push to civilise the barbarians) than "crusade". The Dawnbringer War/Conflict/Advance/Expansion/Conquest/Invasion would convey the concept perfectly fine imho

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59 minutes ago, Hawke said:

Hey all, I'm gonna bite the bullet and spread some rumours that I overheard whilst meeting up with some old uni coursemates over the Christmas period.

Please note I have no idea if these are even Warhammer related as the person didn't directly say "Warhammer" or "Age of Sigmar" but some of the descriptions made my ears ****** up at the pub, you'll see what I mean I hope. 

Also I don't know the person very well so I was eavesdropping whilst also trying to remain part of a different convo so I missed a lot of the details, but I remember their end of year project being a collection of Zbrush sculpts of various monsters.

Anyway so they were talking about projects they were working on and the person was asked if they had sculpted any cool monsters recently. Here are the bits I heard:

- "Lava lobber" made me think orc/gobbo siege weapon, but since they were talking about monsters probably something different.

- "Spite King" something about big wings and I'm sure i heard "behemoth" used... or maybe it was just "moth" idk.

- Some kind of big corrupted monster with horns with a stone shard (herdstone maybe) impaled through it's chest, I didn't catch a name for that one.

- "(blank) the Twisted" can't remember the name but described as a beast wizard with overgrown horns and hooves so much that he can't walk and has to be carried around in a big bird nest type thing.

And that's all I heard! Again please take with a huge grain of salt as Warhammer was not directly mentioned. Just the mention of "lobber" made me listen in as a Gloomspite collecter.

Also if anyone knows better and can stop me from getting my hopes up please do!

Either way I'm looking forward to whatever this project they're working on turns out to be as it sounded pretty cool.

Sounds very interesting!! I'll take it with a pinch of salt but I'll keep an eye out for anything that appears like the aforementioned. Especially for the Spite King which sounds very Sylvaneth and the Herd Stone Beast!!

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26 minutes ago, KingBrodd said:

Sounds very interesting!! I'll take it with a pinch of salt but I'll keep an eye out for anything that appears like the aforementioned. Especially for the Spite King which sounds very Sylvaneth and the Herd Stone Beast!!

Yeah it might just be that I've got AoS on the brain after all!

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1 hour ago, Hawke said:

Hey all, I'm gonna bite the bullet and spread some rumours that I overheard whilst meeting up with some old uni coursemates over the Christmas period.

Please note I have no idea if these are even Warhammer related as the person didn't directly say "Warhammer" or "Age of Sigmar" but some of the descriptions made my ears ****** up at the pub, you'll see what I mean I hope. 

Also I don't know the person very well so I was eavesdropping whilst also trying to remain part of a different convo so I missed a lot of the details, but I remember their end of year project being a collection of Zbrush sculpts of various monsters.

Anyway so they were talking about projects they were working on and the person was asked if they had sculpted any cool monsters recently. Here are the bits I heard:

- "Lava lobber" made me think orc/gobbo siege weapon, but since they were talking about monsters probably something different.

- "Spite King" something about big wings and I'm sure i heard "behemoth" used... or maybe it was just "moth" idk.

- Some kind of big corrupted monster with horns with a stone shard (herdstone maybe) impaled through it's chest, I didn't catch a name for that one.

- "(blank) the Twisted" can't remember the name but described as a beast wizard with overgrown horns and hooves so much that he can't walk and has to be carried around in a big bird nest type thing.

And that's all I heard! Again please take with a huge grain of salt as Warhammer was not directly mentioned. Just the mention of "lobber" made me listen in as a Gloomspite collecter.

Also if anyone knows better and can stop me from getting my hopes up please do!

Either way I'm looking forward to whatever this project they're working on turns out to be as it sounded pretty cool.

Lava lobber sounds more Fyreslayer to me(dwarfs had the goblobber in the older edition of whfb iirc).

Unless is a firebelly siege weapon...but idk.

Edited by Snorri Nelriksson
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1 hour ago, Hawke said:

Hey all, I'm gonna bite the bullet and spread some rumours that I overheard whilst meeting up with some old uni coursemates over the Christmas period.

Please note I have no idea if these are even Warhammer related as the person didn't directly say "Warhammer" or "Age of Sigmar" but some of the descriptions made my ears ****** up at the pub, you'll see what I mean I hope. 

Also I don't know the person very well so I was eavesdropping whilst also trying to remain part of a different convo so I missed a lot of the details, but I remember their end of year project being a collection of Zbrush sculpts of various monsters.

Anyway so they were talking about projects they were working on and the person was asked if they had sculpted any cool monsters recently. Here are the bits I heard:

- "Lava lobber" made me think orc/gobbo siege weapon, but since they were talking about monsters probably something different.

- "Spite King" something about big wings and I'm sure i heard "behemoth" used... or maybe it was just "moth" idk.

- Some kind of big corrupted monster with horns with a stone shard (herdstone maybe) impaled through it's chest, I didn't catch a name for that one.

- "(blank) the Twisted" can't remember the name but described as a beast wizard with overgrown horns and hooves so much that he can't walk and has to be carried around in a big bird nest type thing.

And that's all I heard! Again please take with a huge grain of salt as Warhammer was not directly mentioned. Just the mention of "lobber" made me listen in as a Gloomspite collecter.

Also if anyone knows better and can stop me from getting my hopes up please do!

Either way I'm looking forward to whatever this project they're working on turns out to be as it sounded pretty cool.

This sounds like fun.

Lava lobber could be a Fyreslayers warmachine mounted on a monster or something fun.

Spite King could be the new Nighthaunt model and they really need a behemoth.

Big corrupted monster could be anything imo.

Something the Twisted sounds Sylvaneth and they have an 3 year old battletome. Could be a new model + battletome release?

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28 minutes ago, Snorri Nelriksson said:

Lava lobber sounds more Fyreslayer to me(dwarfs had the goblobber in the older edition of whfb iirc).

Unless is a firebelly siege weapon...but idk.

Ah good point, I forgot dwarfs also use words like lobber, I was thinking big troll throwing lava but fyreslayers seems more likely what with the lava and all

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