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4 minutes ago, Maogrim said:

I don't get the amount of aggression these things bring out in you that you just can't help yourself and question my and other's intellectual capacities. I'm sure you're a great guy to know in private, but on these forums you sometimes come across as quite the opposite. 

Maybe I should put up a 

****MitGas-triggering content warning****

whenever I post something that's too left fot you too handle.

I'm simply allergic to a lack of common sense.

Doesn't have anything to do with left and right. Yes, politically I'm middle-right but that is irrelevant to these topics mostly. Please re-read my above post as I've added to it but you're "sad" the new trailer portrays Marines (or the empire) as great (or not the horrible clusterbeep it is) after GW acknowledges the Imperium isn't great. A) Give them some time to act on this, B) the trailer was done by others, not GW directly, C) narratively it makes sense, D) the trailer is a tiny part of the whole thing, you judge the whole story from a single trailer that should convey a heroic tone.

And I'm sorry, I do no wish to see "my" warhammer change - let storytellers tell their story. If some right-wing nut uses it for some ****** reasoning or idolization, that's not the the original story's fault. GW very often let you know that the Imperium is a horrible place. I don't know how anyone could have any other view of it unless he can't understand.

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3 minutes ago, Ratboy genius said:

@KingBrodd @Enoby 
can you guys do something about this maogrim and mitgas are clearly constantly antagonizing each other and having to read this drivel constitutes psychic assault in some territories. 

All good now, we're done I think :) 

"Psychic Assault"... as Tzeentch and Lumineth, that's very fitting. I feel honored.

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45 minutes ago, Ratboy genius said:

@KingBrodd @Enoby 
can you guys do something about this maogrim and mitgas are clearly constantly antagonizing each other and having to read this drivel constitutes psychic assault in some territories. 

I don't think that 'constantly antagonizing each other' is a very fair distribution of blame in this particular case. And you may count that as 'whining' if you wish 😂

But I think @MitGas and I have said our respective pieces on the matter. Sorry for bothering you. 

@Ragest Which cows are you referring to? There are some in AOS, and of course I'd hope for Mountain Spirits. 😅

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6 minutes ago, Maogrim said:

I don't think that 'constantly antagonizing each other' is a very fair distribution of blame in this particular case. And you may count that as 'whining' if you wish 😂

But I think @MitGas and I have said our respective pieces on the matter. Sorry for bothering you. 

@Ragest Which cows are you referring to? There are some in AOS, and of course I'd hope for Mountain Spirits. 😅

Hashut obviously.

A massive flaming bull with a massive flaming bull grin.

Your mountain spirit like your archmage doesn't smile.  They even gave it a silly neck to try and stretch out his face into a smile, but no.

See.. Elves... all the toys and still miserable.

Whereas Chaos - always smiling.

Always killing each other - smiling, you lot, reading lots, making sure your cutlery is arranged in straight lines and eating pot noodles... not smiling.

And Chaos Dwarfs, the smilley-esy of the lot.

Even when they got Bretts'd, we still grinned and said yep'd.


Anyway... did someone say Chaos Dwarfs? :D

Edited by Kaleb Daark
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7 minutes ago, Kaleb Daark said:

Hashut obviously.

A massive flaming bull with a massive flaming bull grin.

Your mountain spirit like your archmage doesn't smile.  They even gave it a silly neck to try and stretch out his face into a smile, but no.

See.. Elves... all the toys and still miserable.

Whereas Chaos - always smiling.

Always killing each other - smiling, you lot, reading lots, making sure your cutlery is arranged in straight lines and eating pot noodles... not smiling.

And Chaos Dwarfs, the smilley-esy of the lot.

Even when they got Bretts'd, we still grinned and said yep'd.


Anyway... did someone say Chaos Dwarfs? :D


I don't know man, is smiling even physically possible with teeth such as these?! They don't look particularly happy to me..

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17 minutes ago, Kaleb Daark said:



Anyway... did someone say Chaos Dwarfs? :D

I hope they come back in some capacity. Digging through my mini dregs recently I found 20 old metal chaos dwarves from the 80's that I painted up on a whim to use as Duergar (deep dwarves) in a D&D game. Be cool to actually field an army of them. 

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2 hours ago, Public Universal Duardin said:

But, @Kaleb Daark you're framing it wrong. GW hasn't apologised that they made the Imperium fascist, they instead told in no unclear terms that Imperium is not something positive, or worthy of praise. It's a wildly different framing, and I don't feel your examples are applicable - surely nobody wants GW to apologise for the Imperium? People just want GW to not glorify it, especially if they are themselves painfully aware that the hobby has some nasty people who definitely don't understand that the Imperium isn't something to want to emulate "irl".

I won't push this thread further from...well, ok, we don't have any rumours, but either way, I won't delve on this too long. I'll just show my disapproval on you framing transgender identity as something laughable. Not cool, man. Not cool.

M'colleague... As a follower of the shorter big hatted persuasion I humbly respect your views and opinions.

However, I must add that on a rather shallow and superficial level I'm really not getting into the whole metaphysical deeper existential meaning of it all beyond it being building painting and pushing toy soldiers across a table.

The only thing I was framing was that it's fantasy, scifi, make believe, escapism, call it what you will.

I love me some tom and Jerry and Bugs bunny, but even I know that were I to clout myself around the head with a frying pan my face won't be the shape of, or sporting a depression of said pan.

Naturally, as a non smoker I have yet to hide a stick of acme dynamite in a comedy cigar and suffer the comedy consequences, but I think I'd be safe in saying that it's not going to explode in mirthful fashion and leave me with little twittering birds flying round my head.


In this manner and with this lack of understanding I do struggle with some of the deeper conversations on this thread other than I got no chaos dwarfs - which I get entirely.

Now, M'colleague @Maogrim what is a pointy ear I can understand as elfs, now they love a bit of philosophy and debating, and to be truthful, elf and dwarf verbal jousting is a lovely thing, my knife eared tall fella bredrin does make me smile it has to be said, he truly is the pointy sanitised sparkly clean and scented mirror to the cheese chomping rag wearing @Skreech Verminking in his ardent love of all thing ever tall and silly looking.

Bear in mind I have to smile for his as he, being an elf is incapable of smiling - must be elf botox magic or something. But you know... elfs innit.

You can't look up to them or else you just get a sore neck - I know, I knew a elfs plastic shover, and he was tall as well. hard work talking to the man, so it was, and he never smiled either. 

Now, onto the important matter of pushing plastic toys across a table... 

Did someone mention Chaos Dwarfs? :D

Edited by Kaleb Daark
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14 minutes ago, Maogrim said:


I don't know man, is smiling even physically possible with teeth such as these?! They don't look particularly happy to me..

You even have a picture of us by your bedside table.

Please tell me you kneel down and wear some shoes on your knees and walk around wanting to be like us.

... We luv ya man!


You will also note that even out statues are grinning. Yup. happy chaos dwarfs.

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I understand about logistical issues causing delays and that product releases are hard to project out. However, an FAQ is literally only a digital release and is one of the very few things that GW can actually control so it's weird that there has been no comment at all about it. I am wondering if they are wanting to wait until they also do the Nurgle FAQ to drop the Winter FAQ. If that is the case, the delay of Nurgle would make sense as to why we haven't heard/seen anything.

Then again it could just be GW's wonderful lack of communication 🤷‍♂️

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Rumour engine full of Aeldari and Chaos Space Marines, now the Rumour thread full of Space Marine discourse... I feel my profile picture has doomed us all. 😨 
Okay deep breath, theres an old Dawi-Zharr image this thread is back on track 😇

Remember folks 40k exists entirely for us to make AOS kitbashes! And to convince me to make a demon army to play a game I don't care for, with friends that peer pressure me like in an early 90s Power Ranger PSA

Onto the points changes: I am very interested in the Archaon points increase as most people were saying 900 at least... so not that bad at 890. But there are rumours that his warscroll will be changing and it will be interesting to see if they over corrected. It is funny because I finally found a proxy that feels close enough to Dorghar for me to actually make a nice custom Archaon (Marduk the Tyrant not my favourite of Dungeons & Lasers: Dragons but the price is absolutely right). I am not the most competitive player so I do not know how badly most of these increases were needed and none of them directly impact any of my lists. I do like the Gotrek change and it seems like they want to get the Greater Demons close to the same point cost, making me suspect that Bloodthirsters are going to need a big boost in power and points when their book drops. Good luck GW in trying to balance all four Greater Demons though. But most of all I am excited that this hints that we might actually get the FAQs sooner rather than later. 

Edited by Neverchosen
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10 minutes ago, Kaleb Daark said:

You even have a picture of us by your bedside table.

Please tell me you kneel down and wear some shoes on your knees and walk around wanting to be like us.

... We luv ya man!


You will also note that even out statues are grinning. Yup. happy chaos dwarfs.

I'm not sure whether your previous post covertly accused me of virtue-signallig but it's probably me being too serious again. I'll be a good sport about it and take it as a compliment. 😅

As to the part about wearing shoes on knees and pretending to be a dwarf.. Wanna see my favourite piece of Warhammer artwork ever released? Behold:


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16 minutes ago, BaylorCorvette said:

I understand about logistical issues causing delays and that product releases are hard to project out. However, an FAQ is literally only a digital release and is one of the very few things that GW can actually control so it's weird that there has been no comment at all about it. I am wondering if they are wanting to wait until they also do the Nurgle FAQ to drop the Winter FAQ. If that is the case, the delay of Nurgle would make sense as to why we haven't heard/seen anything.

Then again it could just be GW's wonderful lack of communication 🤷‍♂️

There’s a worldwide shortage of FAQs. All the answers are stuck on a boat from china

Edited by PrimeElectrid
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49 minutes ago, Iksdee said:

AdventEngine 15 Dec15 Content




I'm hoping this has something to do with Fyreslayers. We're REALLY due for more models (and not just one on foot battlebox hero). I know about the battlebox rumours, but if it's just one model per army it'll be pretty disappointing for both Idoneth and Fyreslayers.

I hope they properly support the armies that need expansion first (Idoneth, Fyreslayers, Ironjawz, all ranges with resin, etc.) before they add too many new armies again. Chaos Duardin could be cool, but there are already 2 (3 if you include CoS) pretty neglected Duardin ranges out there which deserve a lot better than being forgotten or getting souped.

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