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1 hour ago, KingBrodd said:

Newest Rumour Engine could be Tyranids? Or possibly new Sylvaneth bugs!?


Definitelly not a Tyranid, unless its a completely new Tyranid that goes against the design of all other tyranids.

Tyranid designs are not that slim and thats missing a lot of chitin to be a tyranid claw.

It could be a sylvaneth thing? I dunno. Im just sure its not a Tyranid, unless its a complete different design.

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2 hours ago, novakai said:

My opinion I do think the armies that got a random hero model in BR Kragnos and Belekor have a high chance of getting more models down the line ( maybe with the exception of Slaanesh and the twins being held back from the last tome for narrative reason). Nighthaunt, Seraphon, and Sylvaneath. At least in Seraphon case, it is a bit a waste to finally give them Kroak and it not leading them to finally some new sculpts in the end. nighthaunt they have mention a few time during soul war that they wanted to design more of them.

We know Necrons got a huge release after Psychic Awakening, did any other armies that got support in that event get more releases? I feel like Dark Eldar and Adepta Sororitas did but I am not sure if Sisters of Battle count as their special Psychic Awakening character is even part of their army as I do not directly follow 40k and it is packed with an Eldar?

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7 minutes ago, Neverchosen said:

We know Necrons got a huge release after Psychic Awakening, did any other armies that got support in that event get more releases? I feel like Dark Eldar and Adepta Sororitas did but I am not sure if Sisters of Battle count as their special Psychic Awakening character is even part of their army as I do not directly follow 40k and it is packed with an Eldar?

Both are sisters of battle characters. 


Other armies in psychic awakening to get characters were orks, thousand sons, chaos space Marines, Marines, Tau, elves of course, and admech got a wave 

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39 minutes ago, Ratboy genius said:

Both are sisters of battle characters. 


Other armies in psychic awakening to get characters were orks, thousand sons, chaos space Marines, Marines, Tau, elves of course, and admech got a wave 

Okay, so far Necrons, Space Marines, Sisters of Battle, Dark Eldar and Orks all got expansions correct? I think we have yet to get releases for Tau, Admech, Eldar, Thousand Sons, or Chaos Space Marines for 9th edition?

Either way I feel like getting a release in a mega crossover like Broken Realms or Psychic Awakening does not preclude an army from getting an update... if anything it seems to indicate a renewed focus on the army. Of course there is a bit of apples and oranges in terms of sales for 40k and AOS so maybe Broken Realms and Psychic Awakening had different marketing purposes. 

Edited by Neverchosen
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12 minutes ago, Neverchosen said:

Okay, so far Necrons, Space Marines, Sisters of Battle, Dark Eldar and Orks all got expansions correct?  

Dark eldar no unless you count the refresh on drazhar and incubi as expansions. 


Tau admech are not likely to get a significant expansion.  Chaos space Marines are likely. I don't think psychic awakening indicates any sort of renewed focus for the army, same with broken realms.

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2 hours ago, Enoby said:

Everyone in my gaming group who have played Khorne (4 people) have quit because of their battletome and how bad it feels.

I understand why people like it, but personally I think it's my least favourite tome. 

I haven't gotten to that point with my Khorne boys yet, though I have been focusing more on my SCE this year.

To me, it seems there are tomes that set the curve and expand what AoS on the whole can do, and there are tomes that just play catch up. The 2019 Khorne book was just playing catch up to a meta state that was already going out of date. And to be fair, it has its tricks, but the warscrolls are too pitiful to take advantage of them fully.

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2 hours ago, silverstu said:

Yeah I'm thinking something flying so maybe Sylvaneth air cav? 

This is just cementing my ideas for an Arachnid* themed Sylvaneth force with Hopper Bugs!!

1 hour ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

Oh no! If Sylvaneth start leaning more into their insect theme I might have to start buying in.

I'm with ya mate!! 


*Arachnids as in the Bugs from Starship Troopers.

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14 minutes ago, Neverchosen said:

Okay, so far Necrons, Space Marines, Sisters of Battle, Dark Eldar and Orks all got expansions correct? I think we have yet to get releases for Tau, Admech, Eldar, Thousand Sons, or Chaos Space Marines for 9th edition?

Either way I feel like getting a release in a mega crossover like Broken Realms or Psychic Awakening does not preclude an army from getting an update... if anything it seems to indicate a renewed focus on the army. Of course there is a bit of apples and oranges in terms of sales for 40k and AOS so maybe Broken Realms and Psychic Awakening had different marketing purposes. 

There's not really a pattern between Psychic Awakening and 9th ed releases. But there is a pattern in that every full Codex in 9th ed has had at least 1 new figure for it. Drukhari got a new Lelith, Ad Mech got the new Marshal, Grey Knights get Castellan Crowe, Thousand Sons go the new sorcerer, Death Guard the Lord of Virulence, Custodes the Blade Champion and Genestealers the Saboteur. Everyone else (Space Marines, Necrons, Orks and Sororitas) got multiple releases.


With Maggotkin getting a new sorcerer I would imagine we'll see the same for AoS, some lines getting a few new units and characters, the others get one new character. And honestly whilst not ideal it's something at least

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Thanks everyone for some of the clarification of 9th editions relationship to Psychic Awakening and how it may relate to broken realms. 

Also fo convincing me to hold off on Warcy for the time being, I will wait for battleforces and if I miss the initial release I can pick up the warbands later. Even if the terrain is exclusive I do not have the most space for it all. I still may pick it up but I will hold off to see what is in line for Battleforces and the price of Stormcast Dragons before settling on anything. I still wish they'd drop the production error versions at a discount 😅

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Some thoughts about what to expect from future releases in terms of miniatures:

There are currently 24 factions in AoS. In 2019, GW have shown that if they want to, they can just about release a battletome per month. Over the whole of 2nd edition, there were about 10 large model waves for AoS. I think these numbers are indicative of what GW is able and willing to push out.

The numbers alone tell us that we need to get comfortable with certain army books not coming with substantial model releases if we want to live in a world where most armies have 3rd edition battletomes in a reasonable amount of time. We should absolutely not be surprised if we see several armies with large ranges that just get a token hero with their battletome release. What Nurgle is getting this time around is absolutely not surprising: Given a frequency of about 3-4 large model waves per year, it would have been a surprise if Nurgle got anything more than a little treat. We already had 5 large waves this year: Hedonites, Lumineth, Soulblight, Stormcast and Orruks.

I think the next battletome could feasibly go both ways. But once we get the next big release wave, we should probably expect at least two minimal releases. That is to say: Probably a dual box which updates two battletomes and comes with a hero each. Maybe that lava and water thing.

The good news is that there is probably enough room to update the sculpts of all the armies that most need it and still introduce Umbraneth, Chorfs and a new Destruction faction before 4th edition. So if your favourite army with a lot of old sculpts has to wait a while for their new battletome, that might actually be a good sign.

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4 hours ago, Enoby said:

Everyone in my gaming group who have played Khorne (4 people) have quit because of their battletome and how bad it feels.

I understand why people like it, but personally I think it's my least favourite tome. 

The trouble with Khorne is the warscrolls mostly suck, so you basically have to run STD units as your main force to be competitive, with the Khorne units basically just heroes + min battleline. 

The overall faction rules are solid. Blood tithe is the best-designed allegiance ability in the game. Easy to understand, easy to use, but it has a tremendous skill ceiling because you have so many options and it can be used in so many weird and interesting ways since you can use it in your opponent's hero phase too. 

My fear is that when they update it they'll gut the allegiance ability and we'll end up with something possibly stronger but much blander and less interesting than we have now.


Edited by yukishiro1
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18 minutes ago, MitGas said:

Whatever it is, it instantly reminds me of a mantis… 

The little hook at the end of that insect leg made me think of a beetle more than a mantis. Because I don't think it's a claw.

Also, I came across this when googling "mantis feet" so now you all have to look at it, too:



Edited by Neil Arthur Hotep
Edited for people who don't like bugs
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1 hour ago, Ratboy genius said:

Dark eldar no unless you count the refresh on drazhar and incubi as expansions. 


Tau admech are not likely to get a significant expansion.  Chaos space Marines are likely. I don't think psychic awakening indicates any sort of renewed focus for the army, same with broken realms.

Well PA main purpose was to give Primaris characters to the unique chapter because they didn’t have any at the time and any other named hero (except chaos got Sorceror guy might be because they couldn’t fit him in Vigilius) that they wanted to upgrade into plastic. Ad Mech got a model wave like LRL did in BR so they did get something. 

the only reason I think BR was different was that they made centerpieces and larger models for AoS but fewer armies got models overall. Especially in the last book. I don’t think Kroak being a big model was just a stand alone release and that they where working in other stuff related to him in a bundle. Sylvaneath getting a second hero was surprising in BR and I feel like the also a reason for it. Nighthaunt I just added because of a few string of rumor engines that came up and me remembering they said they where planning to do more Nighthaunt 3 years ago. Belekor well there two new warband for S2D so big bets are there I guess.

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51 minutes ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

Some thoughts about what to expect from future releases in terms of miniatures:

There are currently 24 factions in AoS. In 2019, GW have shown that if they want to, they can just about release a battletome per month. Over the whole of 2nd edition, there were about 10 large model waves for AoS. I think these numbers are indicative of what GW is able and willing to push out.

The numbers alone tell us that we need to get comfortable with certain army books not coming with substantial model releases if we want to live in a world where most armies have 3rd edition battletomes in a reasonable amount of time. We should absolutely not be surprised if we see several armies with large ranges that just get a token hero with their battletome release. What Nurgle is getting this time around is absolutely not surprising: Given a frequency of about 3-4 large model waves per year, it would have been a surprise if Nurgle got anything more than a little treat. We already had 5 large waves this year: Hedonites, Lumineth, Soulblight, Stormcast and Orruks.

I think the next battletome could feasibly go both ways. But once we get the next big release wave, we should probably expect at least two minimal releases. That is to say: Probably a dual box which updates two battletomes and comes with a hero each. Maybe that lava and water thing.

The good news is that there is probably enough room to update the sculpts of all the armies that most need it and still introduce Umbraneth, Chorfs and a new Destruction faction before 4th edition. So if your favourite army with a lot of old sculpts has to wait a while for their new battletome, that might actually be a good sign.

the next release is probably the Christmas AoS release that has happen pretty consistently every year (If global shipping permits it). I think Slaanesh was suppose to been the Christmas release last year but it got delayed to February I believe because of lockdown. After that it probably a boxset like Carrion Empire/ Aether war coming out the next month afterwards.

granted like AoS 2.0 I wouldn’t be surprise if not all 24 armies get a 3.0 tomes especially those 4 that came out before Dominion set like what happen to Nurgle and IDK.

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Oh no, Sylvaneth is lore-wise one of my favourite Order armies, if they get expanded I might have to pull the trigger on them. My poor wallet though 😥

However, I just can't see Sylvaneth being next in line to getting a new battletome. There is still so many armies that desperately need buffs or new models. Although any BoC fan should brace to never getting any further love, just like Beastmen in Fantasy rarely did.

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2 hours ago, EonChao said:

There's not really a pattern between Psychic Awakening and 9th ed releases. But there is a pattern in that every full Codex in 9th ed has had at least 1 new figure for it. Drukhari got a new Lelith, Ad Mech got the new Marshal, Grey Knights get Castellan Crowe, Thousand Sons go the new sorcerer, Death Guard the Lord of Virulence, Custodes the Blade Champion and Genestealers the Saboteur. Everyone else (Space Marines, Necrons, Orks and Sororitas) got multiple releases.


With Maggotkin getting a new sorcerer I would imagine we'll see the same for AoS, some lines getting a few new units and characters, the others get one new character. And honestly whilst not ideal it's something at least

Exactly. The only Faction I could see not getting anything but a Battletome is the Sons of Behemat. Unless they update the Mancrusher I could see it being a Tome release only. Fingers crossed for that update!!

1 hour ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

Some thoughts about what to expect from future releases in terms of miniatures:

There are currently 24 factions in AoS. In 2019, GW have shown that if they want to, they can just about release a battletome per month. Over the whole of 2nd edition, there were about 10 large model waves for AoS. I think these numbers are indicative of what GW is able and willing to push out.

The numbers alone tell us that we need to get comfortable with certain army books not coming with substantial model releases if we want to live in a world where most armies have 3rd edition battletomes in a reasonable amount of time. We should absolutely not be surprised if we see several armies with large ranges that just get a token hero with their battletome release. What Nurgle is getting this time around is absolutely not surprising: Given a frequency of about 3-4 large model waves per year, it would have been a surprise if Nurgle got anything more than a little treat. We already had 5 large waves this year: Hedonites, Lumineth, Soulblight, Stormcast and Orruks.

I think the next battletome could feasibly go both ways. But once we get the next big release wave, we should probably expect at least two minimal releases. That is to say: Probably a dual box which updates two battletomes and comes with a hero each. Maybe that lava and water thing.

The good news is that there is probably enough room to update the sculpts of all the armies that most need it and still introduce Umbraneth, Chorfs and a new Destruction faction before 4th edition. So if your favourite army with a lot of old sculpts has to wait a while for their new battletome, that might actually be a good sign.

Completely agree mate. I'd rather wait and see Skaven, Seraphon, Beasts of Chaos and Mawtribes updated.

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