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I like both those Necromunda models a lot. The Krieg Mester would be a very easy port over to AoS. 

The trouble with AoS reveals is that the next preorder is definitely the new books so gw might not want to show anything new until those books are out. 

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15 minutes ago, PrimeElectrid said:

The irony of this comment after 40k gets a dual box, beast snaggas box, kill team, scenery, necromunda and battle sisters kits, while since Dominion release AoS has had scenery and a single Blood Bowl miniature.

Necromunda isn’t 40k, is made by an entirely different studio, and god knows when these models will actually come out. And the rules for these models have been around for like, 2 years now. 

Edited by Still-young
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9 minutes ago, PrimeElectrid said:

The irony of this comment after 40k gets a dual box, beast snaggas box, kill team, scenery, necromunda and battle sisters kits, while since Dominion release AoS has had scenery and a single Blood Bowl miniature.

It's almost like there is a wide and varied player base, some who only play one game, some who play many. 

I'm sure 40k players feel the same sometimes, especially in the past 18 months when AoS has had a huge amount of new stuff. 

Would I like the new stormcast and warclans books and models sooner? 

Absolutely. However waiting a few extra weeks isn't going to hurt. It's meant I've had time to almost finish painting Dominion and I'm sure everyone has some backlog to do. 

Plus we've had 3 new starter sets, repackaged endless spells, new paint sets and scenery. 

They may not be sexy releases to us but they are needed. 

And we know the new stuff is right around the corner, we don't have much longer to wait. 


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Good news everyone! The 40k article for today seems to be for the… codex… cover. Jeez, they’re really just throwing anything out and making an article for it, aren’t they?

But either way, it means that the new model for today is probably gonna be AoS! Hype!

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6 minutes ago, PrimeElectrid said:

House delaque got models 3 weeks ago and they are now showing off more necromunda models to come before they release any of the AoS stuff they’ve been previewing for the last 3 months is my point.

Let alone that aos side games. When was the last Warcry or underworlds release?

It's all swings and roundabouts. In the first half of the year AoS had a big Slaanesh release, a big Lumineth release,  the whole Soulblight army, three campaign books a bunch of campaign related minis and about a dozen discount boxes. There was also cursed city and 4 Underworlds warbands, the last of which was just 2 months ago. 

In that same time frame 40k got a few more marines, a few more Necrons and half a sisters release. 

Also the first previews of the new battletomes was on July 3rd. That's a month and a half ago, not 3. 

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+++ MOD HAT +++

Any chance of a bit less bitterness because GW have previewed something that isn't AoS?  Appreciate everyone is after new books and models to drop, but some of the comments don't really show us off in a great light.

I'll agree that those Necro models will make awesome freeguild characters 😉

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I'm just over here living for the release of the Stormcast and Warclans Battletomes (and models, though I imagine they'll be spread out.)

While I assume warscroll cards will be released alongside the Battletomes, I don't think anything has actually been said one way or the other with regards to that.

Also, what are the odds Warclans actually get some endless spells, and both factions get a terrain piece? There's a lot of stuff still yet to be confirmed or denied about what's coming.

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42 minutes ago, OkayestDM said:

I'm just over here living for the release of the Stormcast and Warclans Battletomes (and models, though I imagine they'll be spread out.)

While I assume warscroll cards will be released alongside the Battletomes, I don't think anything has actually been said one way or the other with regards to that.

Also, what are the odds Warclans actually get some endless spells, and both factions get a terrain piece? There's a lot of stuff still yet to be confirmed or denied about what's coming.

I think it'll be safe money on the books being released in both standard and ltd edition versions, with warscroll card packs for each faction, possibly some dice for each faction. 

As to what miniatures are released alongside the books, that's up in the air. If they go off the order that they showed them, it'd be the multipart kits right? With Chariot for SCE and troggoth for KB? I imagine with so much to release they'll not do it in one big go, so expect the Vulture monster and the dragons to come later, if I was to guess anyway. 

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If they do it like 40k we'll get the Chariot/Knight-Judicator and Troggoth/Killbow and 1-2 other things together with the Battletomes with the rest coming in the next few weeks

For example it took 3 weeks to get most of the SM/Necron stuff out. Space Marines got a bit more delayed as some kits only got released as their Supplement got released but that shouldn't happen with us. Also there where 2 kits from both sides released 5 months after their codex with Kill Team but I'm pretty sure that wasn't planned to take that long and as they where connected to Kill Team than shouldn't happen to us except they wanna do something similar with Warcry which I can't relly see them doing.

Edited by Matrindur
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No complaints from me on these models they are fantastic. I also think with the right skills the Jagerkin would make a great AOS model as well but would involve a lot more conversion skills depending on the lore and technology available to your army. I feel like replacing the helmet, rifle, base ammo box, and potentially replace the arm or make it a little more steam punk.  Honestly, I think that together the would make a nice alternative to the ven Densts... but why anyone would not take the best duo in AOS is beyond me. 

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8 minutes ago, Neverchosen said:

No complaints from me on these models they are fantastic. I also think with the right skills the Jagerkin would make a great AOS model as well but would involve a lot more conversion skills depending on the lore and technology available to your army. I feel like replacing the helmet, rifle, base ammo box, and potentially replace the arm or make it a little more steam punk.  Honestly, I think that together the would make a nice alternative to the ven Densts... but why anyone would not take the best duo in AOS is beyond me. 

I’m one of the few people who honestly loves the “side” factions of Necromunda, and I agree with this statement 100%. It’s also nice to feel vindicated, as a few months back I said that GW would eventually make models for all the hanger ons and alliances (I’m hoping for House Catallus or the Promethium Guild, those would make some sweet Tzeentch flavored Dark-Mech conversions).

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15 minutes ago, Loyal Son of Khemri said:

I’m one of the few people who honestly loves the “side” factions of Necromunda, and I agree with this statement 100%. It’s also nice to feel vindicated, as a few months back I said that GW would eventually make models for all the hanger ons and alliances (I’m hoping for House Catallus or the Promethium Guild, those would make some sweet Tzeentch flavored Dark-Mech conversions).

I have told all my 40k playing friends that I would 100 percent play a Dark Mechanicus army no questions asked. Even if I hated the models I would just paint up some admech and kitbash them with my S2D bits (although I think I will take a cue from your post and also look at some Necromunda gangs). Then I would toss in a big Chaos Knight to get me to 2000 points. 😇

But back to AOS I feel we will get a reveal later today. I am hoping for something Kruelboyz related but I am not holding my breath. We have had mixed messages on wether we have seen the whole range but we do know that there is some Stormcast yet to be revealed. So I feel it is a toss up regarding Kruelboyz. 😨

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1 minute ago, Neverchosen said:

I have told all my 40k playing friends that I will 100 percent play a Dark Mechanicus army no questions asked. Even if I hated the models I would just paint up some admech and kitbash them with my S2D bits. Then I would toss in a big Chaos Knight to get me to 2000 points. 😇

But back to AOS I feel we will get a reveal later today. I am hoping for something Kruelboyz related but I am not holding my breath. We have had mixed messages on wether we have seen the whole range but we do know that there is some Stormcast yet to be revealed. So I feel it is a toss up regarding Kruelboyz. 😨

They sent Monday's summary email. I don't expect any more news today

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