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The Rumour Thread

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1 minute ago, Shankelton said:

Im so sold on the rumor engines for Beasts so far. 

I gotta get the lead out and finish my 6000 points of ogors, and get ready for these boyz! Words can't describe how much this release is hitting what I want so far.

Hyped for you mate.

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7 minutes ago, KingBrodd said:

I dont believe they are their own faction, @Whitefang even hinted at them being part of the Orruk Warclans, which personally I think is a fantastic idea!!

Oh!, I understand from him that the new boyz are a new faction with a big relation with classic orcs and goblins.

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20 minutes ago, Public Universal Duardin said:

I still can't get over "The Cruel Boyz", as it just doesn't fit current naming conventions. Sounds more like a name for an unit instead of faction. Honestly, the name of the boxset, 'Dominion', sounds imho waaaaay cooler than the proposed mean lads.

The hook is pretty awesome - although it may be a red herring, at least it will fuel some grotbag scuttler rumours for a few weeks heheh.

If the business with nails and jabbing trophies on nails holds, cruel certainly isn't a bad choice of words. Or Krool I suppose.
Kroolboy Swamplords.

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21 minutes ago, Nezzhil said:

Oh!, I understand from him that the new boyz are a new faction with a big relation with classic orcs and goblins.

my drift from the new faction rumors that its a brand new army that will get its own battletome, and it isn't part of Orruk Warclans or at least i don't think what ever this army is coming out is going to be Warclanz 3.0

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Careful now, GW can be stingy when it comes to Keywords, somethings that are clearly Grots don't have the Grot keyword, a person that clearly a Daemon prince is not, and certain pink beastmen can't even get the Gor or Brayherd keyword put on them like their similar blue cousins do.

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9 minutes ago, novakai said:

Careful now, GW can be stingy when it comes to Keywords, somethings that are clearly Grots don't have the Grot keyword, a person that clearly a Daemon prince is not, and certain pink beastmen can't even get the Gor or Brayherd keyword put on them like their similar blue cousins do.

When you say stingy, you mean stupid right? ... Just clearing this up 😜

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2 hours ago, Nezzhil said:

Oh!, I understand from him that the new boyz are a new faction with a big relation with classic orcs and goblins.


2 hours ago, novakai said:

my drift from the new faction rumors that its a brand new army that will get its own battletome, and it isn't part of Orruk Warclans or at least i don't think what ever this army is coming out is going to be Warclanz 3.0

Oh it very well could be it's own Faction!! I love Whitefangs readings as it leads to discussions such as these. 

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3 hours ago, Aelfric said:

Your post made me wonder if the Scuttlers may be part of this faction.  Mires and bogs often produce gases - methane etc.  Maybe they use some type of marsh gas to inflate the skin from a giant bogsquig creature to take to the air. 

With wolf-riders, they'd become one of the fastest armies in the game! 😍

Dreaming aside, I feel like I'm watching a puzzle with a crucial piece missing - how to reconcile classic Orcs and Goblins, the lanky Mega-Gargant worshippers posited to be the new army and Steppe Hobgobbos with the teaser's swampy menace? I'm sure everything will make sense when it's revealed, but right now I feel like I'm going mad from trying to figure the theme out LOL!

3 hours ago, Indecisive said:

If the business with nails and jabbing trophies on nails holds, cruel certainly isn't a bad choice of words. Or Krool I suppose.
Kroolboy Swamplords.

See, that name may be a joke but it's something I'd expect haha! It's dumb to nitpick something that isn't even revealed, but I just wish there's gonna be something more to the name than Kruel Boyz. Otherwise I wonder why they didn't name Lumineth "Arrogant Guys", Soulblight "Dead Dudes" and Sons of Behemat "Tall Chums"!

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5 hours ago, JustAsPlanned said:

As long as it’s “Krool Boyz” not “Cruel Boyz” then I’m good. Orkish dialect and grammar is one of the best things in this setting, GW. It must not be disregarded or disrespected.

I think Krool/Krul Boyz is fine, but definitely not the faction name. It's probably the name of their basic Boyz type unit, GW loves variations on that naming scheme for Orks. Ardboyz, Morboyz, Skarboyz, Boar boyz, Arrer Boyz, Madboyz, Oddboyz, Beastsnagga Boyz, etc..

Definitely a classic naming scheme.

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Having read some of the darker parts of Warhammer's lore for greenskins, one would have to shudder at the thought of what an orc would have to do to earn the title of "cruel" from their fellows.

Perhaps they deprive their foe of a meaningful fight? Relying instead on the anarchistic and barbaric methods of tactful diplomacy? Or, Gorkamorka forbid, they treat goblins with respect and offer them companionship on the same level as one of the boys? Stories abound of the Kruel boyz' horrifying methods of determining their leaders, electing them through "democratic processes" and base their skills not on size and brutality, but mental acuity and vision for,  I shudder to even type this out, a more peaceful tomorrow.

Truly, even the Gods of Chaos fear what lies in the dank swamps and mires of the Mortal Realms...

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10 minutes ago, KriticalKhan said:

Having read some of the darker parts of Warhammer's lore for greenskins, one would have to shudder at the thought of what an orc would have to do to earn the title of "cruel" from their fellows.

Perhaps they deprive their foe of a meaningful fight? Relying instead on the anarchistic and barbaric methods of tactful diplomacy? Or, Gorkamorka forbid, they treat goblins with respect and offer them companionship on the same level as one of the boys? Stories abound of the Kruel boyz' horrifying methods of determining their leaders, electing them through "democratic processes" and base their skills not on size and brutality, but mental acuity and vision for,  I shudder to even type this out, a more peaceful tomorrow.

Truly, even the Gods of Chaos fear what lies in the dank swamps and mires of the Mortal Realms...

I recon the Kruel Boyz are gunna be the more kunninly brutal kind of Orruk using the swamp to their advantage and sneaking around using ambush tactics 

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I really hope the new army doesn’t magically bring their natural habitat with them. Please no magic swamps traveling with the army, like the eathersea of everwinter. 
spores of dying greenskins infesting the land could be nice though. We already saw some nice lore about the botanical nature of greenskins. 


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31 minutes ago, KriticalKhan said:

Having read some of the darker parts of Warhammer's lore for greenskins, one would have to shudder at the thought of what an orc would have to do to earn the title of "cruel" from their fellows.

Perhaps they deprive their foe of a meaningful fight? Relying instead on the anarchistic and barbaric methods of tactful diplomacy? Or, Gorkamorka forbid, they treat goblins with respect and offer them companionship on the same level as one of the boys? Stories abound of the Kruel boyz' horrifying methods of determining their leaders, electing them through "democratic processes" and base their skills not on size and brutality, but mental acuity and vision for,  I shudder to even type this out, a more peaceful tomorrow.

Truly, even the Gods of Chaos fear what lies in the dank swamps and mires of the Mortal Realms...

Best post this week, well done!! 😂😂🤣😂

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28 minutes ago, elfhead said:

I really hope the new army doesn’t magically bring their natural habitat with them. Please no magic swamps traveling with the army, like the eathersea of everwinter. 
spores of dying greenskins infesting the land could be nice though. We already saw some nice lore about the botanical nature of greenskins. 

them bringing the swamp with them does explain basing choices conveniently though

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16 hours ago, SunStorm said:

Is that stuff that has been seen first hand? Nearly all of those points are things previously mentioned in this thread, so could well just be a summery of what we've seen mentioned in this thread already. 


it has been mentioned before here since that video already was analyzed here a couple days ago

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