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The Rumour Thread

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I'm really hoping the seeming betrayal of Sigmar is a red herring and Morathi instead just sweeps the rug from Malerion and makes a play to be the Ulgu supremo, doesn't seem likely at all but let's see though... exciting times either way!

Edited by Mirbeau
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2 hours ago, Icegoat said:

Why do I get the feeling this heralds the end of the age of men in order factions. Aos true identity i think has been revealed a land of aelf and duardin and orruk with no humans in sight except those turned by sigmar or chaos. I think this herald the ends of the cities of sigmar and begins the empires of the aelves. It looks like the last few remaining freeguild kits will be going soon. 

Absolute rubbish.

morathi will try to attain godhood and that attempt will cost £125.

Slaanesh will finally hopefully finally break free if his followers can stump up another  £125

teclis will be in denial that any pointy eared bint can have an ego bigger than his and release an endless spell combo of massive trousers and a huge hat to block out anything thats not his ego... you too can have this power for £125


Malerion will facepalm himself and come out of hiding with his not the other two elves and rejoice that he’s probably got even more primordial smug magic on the go than the other two combined... he will need your £125 to break free of his realm Though.

nagash will unleash his tedious bone reapers with new osseus silliness for a tithe of 125bones, which will be promptly picked up and eaten by the mega gargant Osimus Bone gnawer ... at £125


Sigmar and archaon will have a word with each other after sigmar realises that the pointy ears have actually been using a spy-cam on him since they gave him the leisure centre where the stormcast could train and kill each other without dying.

both will realise that if you need a job done right you cant trust anything thats not a human or dead.  They will combine forces and release the beat the rest and then each other battleforce for free cities, stormcast and very fit and athletic nomadic gym bunnies comprising a total of 125 models.

the latter will show the former that they too can have buff bodies if they archaon it up and ditch the silly troosers and feathery hats.

they will of course be replaced by very fit and healthy athletic humans who secretly always wanted to be a lumberjack and wear big troosers.

Duardin will ally with the Legion at the shared  insult of a disrespectfully worn big hat.

see... humans are safe,  Freefolk humans are  safe, with new health promoting opportunities and potentially lots of new and exciting elves to kill.  Potentially up to 125 of them.

Whereby order is restored in the nerdosphere.

simples. :)

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@zilberfrid Looks like Artwork that was new in the current battletome. I would check the page but I sold my army few days ago :/

Talking about the new book: How many of the StD players have assembled the new named Hero multiple times already by accident and now have multiples of them around ;) ?

I have to admit that I am cautious about Narrative Campaign books. Especially PA felt rushed and like it invalidated itself with the drop of the new edition. Meanwhile, I really enjoyed Malign Portents on the other side, while the Wrath of the Everchosen felt for myself like an unnecessary moneygrab as it came directly behind the new tome...I don´t know what to expect

Narrative Wise, there is quite room for them. I like the current dynamic of story telling, it makes AoS feel like a living world.

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4 hours ago, Enoby said:

It's curious there are no Slaanesh rules in this book, considering Shadow and Pain comes with a Slaanesh hero - in PA, the formula was always that a faction got new rules if it had a model in the relevant boxset.

I wouldn't be a bit surprised if the events of Morathi don't lead to a chaos centric Broken Realms book entitled "Slaanesh."

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46 minutes ago, novakai said:

HMM i wonder if something is going to happen on Halloween like a surprise reveal just because the last two heralds where horror base


I would absolutely love if they did a cheeky reveal or even flat out announcement. I've always felt it odd that its Year of the Rat ( I know it bleeds into next year) but they didnt do anything for Skaven. Not even a single store promotional model!! Come on GW we dont just need promotional Primaris Marines.

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I heard rumours about boxes with these new battallions,and dont seem be false when every boxes would cost 105€ only stormcast is 109 so it is veeery rare see how those battaliins have the same money cost if it isnt because they gonna be a bundle each.


Myself hope be true because if it have a discount i gona buy for sure the black dragon

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46 minutes ago, OkayestDM said:

I wouldn't be a bit surprised if the events of Morathi don't lead to a chaos centric Broken Realms book entitled "Slaanesh."

A mortal slaanesh offering with lord on snake and slaangors and more mortally-ness like the warband that was released.

that would be splendid.

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Just watched the trailer, the music, the story hints has made me excited. Considering it appears slaanesh is not in this book, I think we are getting a broken realms titled as slaanesh, as was mentioned before in the thread. I think when Slaanesh breaks out we are getting the mortal release, perhaps with his broken realm book. 

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Slaanesh doesn't have to break free though. A Chaos God tearing at hte chains - causing huge issues between Shadow and Light Realms works just as well for Chaos. Who knows perhaps the Dark Prince finds it a benefit! If he can cause great calamities and yet is also hidden from the other Chaos Gods Slaanesh might work it to remain entrapped in a place where Slaanesh is basically safe. So long as a trickle of control and influence gets out of the prison the Great Prince could give command to the legions and rise against the other Gods with almost impunity. 


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28 minutes ago, Kaleb Daark said:

A mortal slaanesh offering with lord on snake and slaangors and more mortally-ness like the warband that was released.

that would be splendid.

A spiritual successor to the lord on titty-snake???


Be still my beating heart :D

10 minutes ago, Overread said:

Slaanesh doesn't have to break free though. A Chaos God tearing at hte chains - causing huge issues between Shadow and Light Realms works just as well for Chaos. Who knows perhaps the Dark Prince finds it a benefit! If he can cause great calamities and yet is also hidden from the other Chaos Gods Slaanesh might work it to remain entrapped in a place where Slaanesh is basically safe. So long as a trickle of control and influence gets out of the prison the Great Prince could give command to the legions and rise against the other Gods with almost impunity. 


Doesn't Hysh serve as sort of the Sun for the mortal realms? If Slaanesh starts to loosen and pull at the chains that hold him and therefore put pressure on the stuff that attaches Ulgu to Hysh through Ugl-Hysh it could start messing with the balance of light and dark in the realms. Could actually work as an interesting way to change the balance of power across all the mortal realms and set off AoS 3.0 in the same way the Necroquake set up AoS 2.0.

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4 minutes ago, mojojojo101 said:

A spiritual successor to the lord on titty-snake???


Be still my beating heart :D

Doesn't Hysh serve as sort of the Sun for the mortal realms? If Slaanesh starts to loosen and pull at the chains that hold him and therefore put pressure on the stuff that attaches Ulgu to Hysh through Ugl-Hysh it could start messing with the balance of light and dark in the realms. Could actually work as an interesting way to change the balance of power across all the mortal realms and set off AoS 3.0 in the same way the Necroquake set up AoS 2.0.

indeed :)

Now... you say that, it was said i think in the slaanesh tome that he’s been chipping away at the chains and replacing them with spectral chains to make them appear unbroken so to speak-   What if he’s actually used his power to make them believe that he’s still captive when in fact he’s been free for some time And as you say, has been entertaining himself at their expense?

Edited by Kaleb Daark
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   From "Enter the Broken Realms" article: "This is an exciting moment for Warhammer Age of Sigmar, with lore that pushes the storyline forward, updated rules, and plenty of new models on the horizon." I am not a native speaker/reader :D, but I think that means more than just a few entirely new models along the books, not only bundles of already existing ones for new batallions?

   Can we hope for at least 10 new models/sculpts? (How many is plenty?;)) Now that we know more than a couple new minis are coming, do you guys have any ideas what they could be? I'm excited to see what every faction is getting :).

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