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Destruction didn't get many models - only Ironjawz had new models, and that was a relatively small release.  The other releases (which were over 2 years ago now) were just books with no new models.  So Bonesplitterz and Beastclaw are still rocking the Finecast.

The really weird thing is the lack of GH Allegiance Abilities...Destruction have been almost entirely frozen out of that.  Gutbusters and Moonclan players would love to be in the position Brayherds were in a year ago, never mind that they might get a book on top of that (same with Nighthaunt).

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58 minutes ago, PlasticCraic said:

Destruction didn't get many models - only Ironjawz had new models, and that was a relatively small release.  The other releases (which were over 2 years ago now) were just books with no new models.  So Bonesplitterz and Beastclaw are still rocking the Finecast.

The really weird thing is the lack of GH Allegiance Abilities...Destruction have been almost entirely frozen out of that.  Gutbusters and Moonclan players would love to be in the position Brayherds were in a year ago, never mind that they might get a book on top of that (same with Nighthaunt).

Especially in combination with GW’s statement on not getting allegiance abilities in ghb17 possibly meaning an update was on its way. (Proved true for daughters of Khaine at least) 

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2 hours ago, PlasticCraic said:

only Ironjawz had new models, and that was a relatively small release

Pleonasm...lol . This probably the Battletome with the fewest entries ever.

So many things could be done with green skins. My old orcs catapults , orcs archers, night goblins,  flying nigh gob catapult, gob on wolves, orc ballista and so many other things are  waiting for you GW to do something green!

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1 hour ago, Kramer said:

Especially in combination with GW’s statement on not getting allegiance abilities in ghb17 possibly meaning an update was on its way. (Proved true for daughters of Khaine at least) 

The whole 'no GHB allegiance ability = a release soon'  confused me. Assuming that the rumours about warherds and Slaanesh are true, this would mean that three (inc. Nighthaunt) GHB armies got a release sooner/at the same time as one of the many Destruction armies that had nothing in the GHB. This, coupled with the fact that no battletome-less Destruction army was given a full spread in the CRB makes you wonder what they are planning.

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With just under a week until the next seminar hopefully that's enough time for a grot based teaser and depending on the size of the beastmen release we may still get something for the grots announced.

Though i'm trying not to get my hopes up this time haha.


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Always a challenge to try predicted the movement of a beast such as GW.

Ultimately they will have a 2-3 year look ahead for production of new product. Re-runs they can fit into the production schedule as capacity allows (and all the issues we have seen with this in recent years).

However books and rules are something that can be managed on a much shorter lead cycle, and they can use that to do a number of things. Gauge interest in an army by improving their rules to see if people's interest (even in old models) is re-ignited, start a conversation/beta test the rules directions of planned army release, Draw a line under an army by giving them rules in the GHB when they have no intent on doing anything with them in the near future, or simply add some more diversity in what is supported.

So given all that, GHB rules in and of themselves are not a great tool for prediction (based on inclusion or otherwise). In the larger context we have Slaanesh, Darkoath and Moonclan which have been repeatedly rumoured, With a new set of rumours concerning the Beastmen (wether or not roled into a Darkoath Faction remains to be seen... personnally I think its a possibility)

All we can do, is what we've always done... get carried up in it and go along for the ride - place the odd bet on the outcome here and there... As that's as close to knowing the future as we are ever going to get.

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18 hours ago, Redmanphill said:


You got a giant turtle, more than a lot of armies got.


Oh don't get me wrong I love the turtle and am quite happy with what we got, I was just saying it would have been cool if there was some kind of crab in the first wave and that it would be cool to have one in the second wave if there is one. Even if there's not one in it if it happens I think I'll be happy either way tbh.

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46 minutes ago, Enoby said:

The whole 'no GHB allegiance ability = a release soon'  confused me. Assuming that the rumours about warherds and Slaanesh are true, this would mean that three (inc. Nighthaunt) GHB armies got a release sooner/at the same time as one of the many Destruction armies that had nothing in the GHB. This, coupled with the fact that no battletome-less Destruction army was given a full spread in the CRB makes you wonder what they are planning.

Yeah, it was a weird out of character statement anyway. They never before or since (as far as i'm aware) made any statements like that over upcoming releases unless very very close. (nurgle, legions of Nagash, Daughters of Khaine are the only ones I can think of, that the statement could have pointed towards.)


Any rumour mongers/inside knowledge peepz in the thread that have some background info on this? 

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22 minutes ago, Mayple said:

Could the "suspicious goats" poster be a potential brayherd shadespire warband instead of a full release? We know new warbands are incoming, so that might be what that is aimed at. Darkoath/beastmen would make sense too.

Don’t be so mean! With your logic you! 


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4 hours ago, Dirtnaps said:

Oh don't get me wrong I love the turtle and am quite happy with what we got, I was just saying it would have been cool if there was some kind of crab in the first wave and that it would be cool to have one in the second wave if there is one. Even if there's not one in it if it happens I think I'll be happy either way tbh.

I know its not gw, but these crabs are cool nonetless. Could use them as a merwyrm.


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1 hour ago, Mayple said:

Could the "suspicious goats" poster be a potential brayherd shadespire warband instead of a full release? We know new warbands are incoming, so that might be what that is aimed at. Darkoath/beastmen would make sense too.



I said it too many times but if they make a Brayherd/Beastmen faction for Shadespire I ll start play shadespire, end of the story!! 


Yes it make sense a combined Darkoatg release but as the rumors say they are not gonna release more models for them they might very well just do a flash release like last year s 40k releases where all the races got updated to the rules but no models came out. 

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22 hours ago, scrubyandwells said:

Thanks for listening!

Just for reference, it wasn't Ben (GW staff can't talk about future releases), it was those up-to-no-good rumormongers here on TGA. :)

It is generally a good podcast and listen.  Silly me that tidbit was at the end of your podcast which I made it through to  and I got it wrong :P   Please keep talking about Sylvaneth :D

For those old enough to remember Confrontation by Rackham the "Wood elves" weren't elves and trees but elves and bugs.  I tossed all my old catalogs  years ago but I wonder if we'll see anything from that range mimicked in any future Sylvaneth releases.

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2 hours ago, Mayple said:

Could the "suspicious goats" poster be a potential brayherd shadespire warband instead of a full release? We know new warbands are incoming, so that might be what that is aimed at. Darkoath/beastmen would make sense too.

The suspicious goats poster could mean about as much as the preposterous rat men poster (ie. nothing much, so far).  Or the heavy preponderance of duardin-related posters.  I'm trying really hard to just enjoy the posters without hanging release schedule hopes upon them.

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49 minutes ago, amysrevenge said:

The suspicious goats poster could mean about as much as the preposterous rat men poster (ie. nothing much, so far).  Or the heavy preponderance of duardin-related posters.  I'm trying really hard to just enjoy the posters without hanging release schedule hopes upon them.

That was my first thought, too, but the pre-ratmen parts of that poster read more as an advertisement of beastmen than anything else. I now see more parallels between the goats and the "ratmen" poster in terms of promising some beastmen love (not that way...) than anything else.

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Sorry for the rubbish image, but that recent rumour engine may be the back of Fulgrim's tail (image from Slaves to Darkness). The colour image shares a more clear resemblance. 




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Adding in extra photo
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2 hours ago, amysrevenge said:

The suspicious goats poster could mean about as much as the preposterous rat men poster (ie. nothing much, so far).  Or the heavy preponderance of duardin-related posters.  I'm trying really hard to just enjoy the posters without hanging release schedule hopes upon them.

There is a lot of nonsense being leaked as well. Its quite tiresome to be honest.

Edited by Kugane
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