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On 8/18/2018 at 2:27 AM, Praecautus said:

Latest roll models is about spider fang grots...

Well, I don't want to be that guy, but keen eyes viewers will notice that those grots have 6 limbs while the silver tower scuttlings have distinctly 8 limbs which would suggest insectoid rather than arachnoid.


Tinfoil Hat time, perhaps they're thinking about some crazy insect based chaos grot thing. There were hobgoblins that served the Chaos Dwarves backs in the day, so there is precedent if they wanted to explore that idea.

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4 minutes ago, froo said:

Well, I don't want to be that guy, but keen eyes viewers will notice that those grots have 6 limbs while the silver tower scuttlings have distinctly 8 limbs which would suggest insectoid rather than arachnoid.


Tinfoil Hat time, perhaps they're thinking about some crazy insect based chaos grot thing. There were hobgoblins that served the Chaos Dwarves backs in the day, so there is precedent if they wanted to explore that idea.

or they where just lazy and didn't want to draw an extra pair of hands

29 minutes ago, Elmir said:

I'm very well aware of how GW doesn't want to show anything too soon... I was however hoping to see a bit more of one of the flagship games for an event that actually has a pretty steep price tag on it (compared to lots of other wargame conventions around here). The last version in the UK had a good balance between AoS (with the soulwars release), adeptus titanicus, imperial knights, blood bowl,... previews. 

Now, it's completely focused on the scifi side of GW, with 2 tiny little teasers for anything AoS related. When they charge €30 euro plus parking fee for an event, it would actually be nice if it's slightly more balanced, even if  it means looking a bit further into the future. They even have previews of sisters of battle stuff that aren't even coming in a year from now, so I'm not sure how well that argument holds up. 

I'll see what it's like tomorrow. Looking at GD will be cool, hopefully I can have a fun chat with one of the designers and painters of GW, but in the future, I really do hope they balance things out better. I'd be equally annoyed if I were a 40k fan and didn't get to see any new model because all the models being showed were AoS. 

Well actually 40k player did complain that the last Warhammer fest had a lack 40k content reveals and that  it was all AoS soul wars, I remember Chapter Master Valrak felt disappointed by it when he went there as well a few others. 

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Because of the spread of games and factions someone will always be disappointed; or if not that at least not as interested and fired up. When there's nothing you want or what you want was already leaked earlier you might not have as much heart into a reveal event as some others. 

Sometimes you just have to filter out the negative viewpoints and accept them for what they are and not let them taint your own impression of events. 



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4 hours ago, Bloodmaster said:

Or they could say something at nova next week. Nevertheless, the next few months won't be bleak, with or without destruction. There are so many new toys coming, that there isn't enough time to handle a fraction of what is worth to get your hands on. 

I'm glad people are getting things they want.  As a destruction player GW has gotten some dice and malign sorcery money from me.

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2 hours ago, Raviv said:

Do you think the Nightvault might be Slaanesh prison? The teaser included some purple vines and stuff.

Nope.  Moonclan Grots used to be Night Goblins.  This is obviously a reference to where they keep their most rare and precious fungus.

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1 hour ago, froo said:

Well, I don't want to be that guy, but keen eyes viewers will notice that those grots have 6 limbs while the silver tower scuttlings have distinctly 8 limbs which would suggest insectoid rather than arachnoid.


Tinfoil Hat time, perhaps they're thinking about some crazy insect based chaos grot thing. There were hobgoblins that served the Chaos Dwarves backs in the day, so there is precedent if they wanted to explore that idea.

6 limbs look a lot more aesthetically pleasing to the eyes*, so I wouldn't be surprised if those are simply an updated scuttlings look.

Scuttlings are also completely absent from the rules right now (i.e: they're not in the app. Correct me if I am wrong)

*Subjective opinion is subjective, and I am arachnophobic so eight limbs will always give me a sense of "wrongness" ;) so don't take my word for it, but I figured I'd bring up the possibility.

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10 hours ago, LLV said:

Just read some of the comments. Yeah my bad. I was told literally that grots would be shown today. As I said above something got changed for some reason. So yeah my bad and apologies, but I’m only passing on stuff I’ve been told, and as I’ve said previously the schedule has been changing a lot. Interesting they showed a beast an spell though, so maybe we will see them squeezed in this year after all.


Nothing  to apologise for mate, and please never stop sharing what you've heard! 

Yeah I think it's quite plausible that they did the switch BECAUSE of the heavy rumours... when they have NOVA right next week it's an easy switch. We shall see! 

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It is extremely plausible that they intended speed freeks to be the big Nova reveal but changed things up after the leaks. There is definitely more to come this autumn.

We have 17 preorder weeks before the Christmas cut off. 

So we have

Kill team/ rogue trader- 2 weeks

Orks- 4 weeks

Underworlds -1 week

Middle Earth -1 week

Christmas bundles 2- weeks

Necromunda/ bloodbowl / Titanicus sharing a week with other releases. (we had Cawdor and aos minis  at the same time)

That leaves 7 weeks unaccounted for. 

Plenty of time for a major aos release but probably not two. 

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7 hours ago, Skabnoze said:

Nope.  Moonclan Grots used to be Night Goblins.  This is obviously a reference to where they keep their most rare and precious fungus.

A Nighthaunt vs. Grots Underworld starter would be super cool ?

Edited by pseudonyme
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2 hours ago, Stealth_Hobo said:

Genestealer Cults for WH40k in November most likely.

I'd wager Genestealer Cults for next week considering that they just released the combined Genestealer and Spacewolves boxed set this week. Was surprised they didn't do wolves and Stealers codex in the same week, but a one week wait isn't unreasonable. That would make sense as then it just leaves orks in Orktober and means they don't leave Stealers sitting there twiddling their claws/tentacles/fingers/appendages 


There's also AT stuff to come - Warhounds, Reavers and weapon packs. Though as each one of those is basically a single box that might well get released alongside other products unless they do all three in one go. 

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1 hour ago, Overread said:

Was surprised they didn't do wolves and Stealers codex in the same week, but a one week wait isn't unreasonable. That would make sense as then it just leaves orks in Orktober and means they don't leave Stealers sitting there twiddling their claws/tentacles/fingers/appendages 


1 hour ago, michu said:

No, GW already said that GSC are giong to be released after Orks.

 I am surprised GW keeps making important releases for 40k and holding back AoS considering 2017 has already been the year of 40k and very few AoS releases happened. I was expecting 2018 to be (almost) fully AoS and instead the second half it seems we are getting very few things (now it looks like Darkoath is being pushed back due to change of schedule again) compared to 40k. I am not complaining about everything GW did this year (which it as been great), just a bit disappointed as I was expecting more consideration for AoS.



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11 hours ago, Overread said:

Because of the spread of games and factions someone will always be disappointed; or if not that at least not as interested and fired up. When there's nothing you want or what you want was already leaked earlier you might not have as much heart into a reveal event as some others. 

Sometimes you just have to filter out the negative viewpoints and accept them for what they are and not let them taint your own impression of events. 



This. As someone who has followed GW since the early nineties there has never been an equilibrium at events. Never mind the fact that the volume of releases for both Fantasy and 40k and Specialist Games is now is utterly staggering in comparison.  GW have never been even close to being as prodigious as they are now.  You're getting in a quarter now what you would have expected in nearly a year around the early 2000's.

What I will say though is that there seems to be a real absence of reasons to actually go to the event. All reveals up online within minutes at higher fidelity than you'd get to see in the flesh. No demos or dioramas. They were always the reason to go to Games Day etc. Or indeed any Warganmes Show like Salute etc. I would have thought even more so now given that the internet makes trades shows basically obsolete, even loss-making. And as far as I'm aware, there's no unique mini for the event anymore either. That seems a shame.

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We know the first half of 2018 was going to be 40K heavy because GW said they'd release ALL codex within a year or so, clearly  this is going to overshoot some. That said 2019 really needs to be a strong year for Sigmar now that 2.0 is out and GW really needs to build on the power of that launch.

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It's important to realise that if you give an addict more of their drug they rarely if ever ask for less ;)

Also the way Warhammer and 40K are setup its possible for some to end up with long periods where nothing interests them; or more correctly where the armies they can afford to play (time and money) don't get updates, but other cool stuff does. It's why sometimes running one or two armies can be beneficial as it helps spread out the lag time between interesting things. 

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1 hour ago, GeneralZero said:

Guys, drop back to earth!!! Did we got in only 7 month for AoS: nurgle, LoN, DoK, ID, AoS 2, SCE 2, NH, Magic? ho lalalala so few things for AoS!!

I'm just hopping that we get so few things in the next 6 month....

I m gonna quote myself:

"I am not complaining about everything GW did this year (which it as been great), just a bit disappointed as I was expecting more consideration for AoS." 

So mine was just a singular expression of light disappointment toward what I see as a dispartity in consideration toward the two systems. I know we had a lot of releases but 40k too and comparing to last year AoS and 40k releases the ratio is still in favour of 40k (40k had its factions almost all updated while we were getting shadespire and now they are still updating while we get some new stuff) .

That said LONG LIVE GW AND AOS and may them live long and prosper!!!!! 

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