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Everything posted by Rhivan

  1. Wow, I'm glad you updated because if you hadn't I never would've seen this! Your army is absolutely stunning. Since you've completed more of your army would you be willing to post more pictures of individual units?
  2. Thank you! Anyway I forgot I had another thing ready a while ago so I'll just post him with a new picture with the Bleakswords hope you guys like him! (he's also the tiniest bit of a hint for a new model range I'll be poaching from...)
  3. Well. I found this log about an hour ago thanks to google images (your stormcast elves caught my eye) and now you've updated. So welcome back! I'm really enjoying all that you've done here and look forward to what other random things you post here.
  4. Thank you so much for the kind words! I am sorry for taking so long to respond. As for the names I think the Dark Eternals or the Shadowed Eternals may become a name for one of my units now thanks Well sorry for the wait guys. I really need to hype myself back into the hobby (I've done a little bit as you may see hints of work on my table in the 3rd picture low quality as it is. Now I've made some Wyches for Kill-team but as I'm pretty sure my love of armor has come through and affected the conversions for these models. I think they could pass as Bleakswords personally (and I love them) Please forgive the weapon variance in them though as it was again made for 40k's killteam.
  5. So I've been looking at the Blood Coven box, and now it is missing. Does anyone know anything about that?
  6. Your army looks absolutely stunning the conversions are fantastic, and I love the blue you've done.
  7. These look fantastic! I'm really enjoying your chaos conversions. The Elven ones, and the new Slaanesh Stormcast are my favorite.
  8. I'll probably be using them as Blackguard considering I have a bunch of executioners above. I'd like to be able to play Age of Sigmar with them sometime
  9. Well it's been a long time since I've last posted here, and it's not the same thing that I posted before but I have some death elves (I plan on having spirit hosts fly around these guys).
  10. So I finished the other squad of 5 Hope you guys like it! I gave one guy a shield simply to see how it looks and him walking forward halberd ready was too cool for me not to use.
  11. I can easily glue the sheathes on since they are from the High elf and dark elf kits. I'll paint everything first. thanks for the suggestion. These guys are using Coldone/Drakespawn Knight torsos, although I'm currently working on the other 5, and because I didn't have another set of Cold One Knight Torsos I'm borrowing some from the Dreadlord kit.
  12. So I got some new conversions for everyone to look at and I can assure you all you've never seen anything like them . I have 5 more to build and they are all not quite done yet as I plan on putting some spirit hosts flying around them as well. So I tried to make these guys look almost like a royal guard or battlemages, I'm really hoping it comes through for these guys. (I also may start trying to write fluff for my AoS army and post it here. While all of these guys already have fluff in the works for 40k most of it can actually be translated to AoS so you can look forward to that coming in the future ) Tell me what you guys think, I'm really looking forward to reading everyone's opinions EDIT: Think I should add sword sheathes to them? I have quite a few.
  13. So the Luminarch + Screaming Bell sounds awesome, but I understand why that is on the backburner. As for the deepkin thralls will you be putting the SoS helms on them? (another thing you could do is paint their bare torso in the same metal you do the rest of their armor, and mention how beautifully crafted their armor is to match the elven body. Just a thought though) Anyway looks like your plate is pretty full, and thanks for telling us As for the Melusai I really do like them the gold and white style of your scheme works really well with them. Although the blue is new (it looks good, it pops a bit and stands a little on it's own in the scheme?)
  14. I may have to look at Lahimian medium then as your shrine of khaine looks lovely Kitbashing for your Leaders is always a ton of fun, and I'm glad you finally got to do so! As for names Ritter Skit the Quick popped into my head.
  15. I'd love to keep em coming but I'm facing the teensy tiny problem that I can't get more Executioners. As I plan on using their heads for a lot of things (That and Shadow Warrior heads, need lots of them too) so currently I have tons of plans and perhaps half the models/bits necessary to carry them out lol. The Wych Cult conversions are something I'm really happy with! Especially since they were made outta spare parts (except for the hoods but it fit too well not to give them hoods, I just need to get more now (Heads are my worst enemy, or lack thereof)) as for what they are supposed to be... They are kinda filling a limbo for me in 40k (which is what I primarily play because of my LGS and friends) but I'm open to suggestions for what they could be in AoS since I WANT to get into AoS. (As for more pics they are on my painting list so when I start doing them I'll post some extra pics) Thanks man! I'm really happy with how the executioners came out. They are the first models I've painted and I'm really proud of em!
  16. So I finished painting my first ever models a month back (the Executioners), and since I was on TGA I thought I might as well show the update as well as some of the other stuff I've done. Also Kramer sorry for never responding to you but thank you and I agree the legs make the models flow so much better.
  17. This is all beautifully done, not to mention inspiring. I really do love looking at the progress you've made on this log and I can't wait to see what you are gonna do next (speaking of which any plans you have that you wanna share? ) Edit: I wanna add that I love what you did to the bleakswords, I find them a really dull looking unit normally but with a simple headswap and a great paint job you have me interested in the model now
  18. Hello everyone so I'm primarily a 40k player with an avid interest in fantasy and by proxy AoS (but my friends got into 40k so...) and I've been trying to make a lot of my models backwards compatible and the three factions I'm interested in (in AoS) are Death, Dark Elves, and Free peoples so I'll be trying to make as much of my 40k models backwards compatible. But I think I have some cool conversions you may enjoy So first and foremost the images I shared so long ago here I'll reupload. I'll probably be using these as Varghesits if/when I get my Death army working. EDIT: I added a above conversion to the front page as that'll make my posts more eyecatching That's why you'll see this guy again later. Now if I uploaded everything properly you should see my Executioner / Incubi conversions I'd love feedback and everyone's thoughts and I'll try to post everything I view as compatible, and if everyone is okay with it I'll try and squeak in models that I just find too cool not to share if you'd like.
  19. I'm so sorry for double posting but I have no clue how to edit or post pictures like the rest of you I'm sorry
  20. So I just got into Age of Sigmar yesterday (I've been playing 40k for almost a year now) (My local GW shop is doing an AoS Path to Glory) and well I saw this thread and I'd like to hesitantly sign up for this and here are the conversions I've done for my Warband so far (Now these are only like my 3rd conversion so please excuse the bad greenstuffing, but I'm pretty proud of it nonetheless) Now the conversions are Vargheists, but I wanted them to retain parts of their humanity, and as such they have armor, weapons, and masks to cover their horribly disfigured faces they were once so proud of. If anyone is curious to the bits I've used I used from the Talos, Morghast, Vargheist, and Stormcast Vanguard Raptors I'd love to know what you guys think IMG_20170430_101141.webp IMG_20170430_101218.webp IMG_20170430_101244.webp
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