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Everything posted by Rhivan

  1. I am quite excited for the Anvilgard Start Collecting myself and plan to grab at least one. I can finally start preparing for Cities of Sigmar
  2. I think the models have potential. They have things I don't like about them but things I really like about them. The foot soldiers I'm the most hesitant on but I think I can fix them in a way I like. The Cavalry I'm sold on. I'm really loving the different Undead horses we are getting in general. The Mini-Ghasts I really like and want to play with (but I'm doing a headswap & making them lose a set of arms) Overall I'm cautiously excited.
  3. So I'm writing the initial stages for my Free City. It's admittedly very much in a WIP state (First Draft) but I thought I'd post it and see what you guys think of it so far. Nagganar ~~~~~~~~~~~ Realm: Shyrish (Formerly) Currently: Flying Size: Metropolis Inhabitants: Aelves and Humans Factions: Darkling Covens, Freeguild, Daughters of Khaine, ??? History: Nagganar was originally a city situated in Shyish. Settled in mountains remote and cold, but rich in minerals both precious and magical in nature. When scions of Slaanesh invaded the realm of death some found the aeleven city and began to lay siege. While Nagganar was well armed and armored the chaos hosts were numberless and covered the entire mountain range destroying everything in their wake. The inhabitants desperate to escape their doom bid their sorcerresses and mages to find some way for them to escape. Lest their souls be anguish for eternity, and escape they did. The Mages of Nagganar devised a scheme to rip their very mountain to the skies. Since than Nagganar has soared throughout the skies aiding various factions against chaos. While not always successful in saving the lands of those people, there are many new towns, villages, and cities that orbit the mountain. Physical Description: I want to talk about this as I've had fun imagining how the city looks although I have very little in the ability to write or describe it. I imagine the top of the mountian to be a sprawling metropolis of aelven architecture with a massive tower crowning the top of the mountain, while on the underside of the mountain there are stalactite esque towers (that are connected by massive bridges that crisscross between the spires) that climb down to reach the earth with ballista and other weapons of war addorning them ready for war. The tower that crowns the mountain also is the lowest raching stalactite, and has a drawbridge or ramp like structure that can be lowered to deploy Nagganar's armies or it's traders with it's fellow groundbound cities. Now orbiting Nagganar and connected by great bridges are cities and lands that have been connected to the mountain over time. These will be primarily human cities, but I like the idea of having daughters of khaine temples and other structures here as well. Colors: Black, Purple, & Gold are the primary scheme of the Elves of Nagganar however many of the different cities that orbit Nagganar have an additional color to represent their former kingdoms & homes. ~~~~~~~~~~~ I decided to embrace the High Fantasy nature of Age of Sigmar, and make my city fly. A reason for this is I can now just insert my city into any narrative I'd like with "Well my City flies so they are here now". One thing I've been considering but haven't decided on is having Nagganar raid different cities, lands or factions for food, or plunder. I'm not 100% sure on the direction I'm going to take the city yet though so it's up for grabs.
  4. Not a model update, but with Cities of Sigmar being announced I'll be buying the book and properly building these models for an army now. This should be fun
  5. Cities of Sigmar. I've always really liked the Empire & Elves and this is probably one of my best bets to actually play with some of my favorite models (and convert up a ton)
  6. That Syll'eske Sigvald is simply... Magnficient! He captures the original model's style to a T. It's fantastic how well he turned out. I have to ask are you using an Avatar of Khaine Torso on him? I don't recognize the shoulders.
  7. Depends on the models. Avatar of Khaiine & Morghasts are gonna be Talos Pain Engines, Vargheists will be Grotesques. The Blackguard conversions are the heralds of my Harlequin army, Executioners are my Incubi, and my Dreadspears are going to be my Wracks
  8. Well Black Library just released a novel for Neferata & Vampires. That plus Warcry having what is probably/hopefully the Von Carstein/Vampire symbol we'll be getting some Soulblight stuff soon (but that is my simple wishlisting) https://www.blacklibrary.com/all-products/obsidian-2019.html?utm_source=BlackLibrary.com&utm_campaign=bf5a6f00b3-BL_1st_April_Obsidian&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_781f7c7929-bf5a6f00b3-122588009
  9. Wait but I thought the Beastmen skull faction was for Beastmen... they haven't shown all the factions after all. EDIT: Nevermind rewatched the original Warcry trailer. The generic Barbs have that. /sob
  10. Alright so another small update with no painting. (It's honestly the norm...) My newly converted Khaine. I'm very proud of him.
  11. You know dude I really enjoy seeing your work. Your conversions (not applicable here) as well as what you paint is always enjoyable to look at! Keep up the good work! As for your still to do pile... good luck man you'll need it
  12. So you know how I said I'd do some daughters of khaine stuff? I technically didn't lie... But I'm far more focused on something else As I've said before I mainly play 40k and I decided to branch out into Harlequins and theme them as my Dreadlord/Archon's special forces and well... they certainly look like it I hope you guys enjoy it! As for the daughters of khaine I did make one Melusai as a test model to see how well the Executioner torsos mesh with them. I honestly like the results although iffy on the ponytail.
  13. Lol, That is advice I'm sure to follow in the future. Thanks man. (what would you recommend for stripping) A pile of greenstuff and the Knight of Shrouds helmet. I'm honestly dissapointed with myself that I didn't convert the model more so will probably buy another for that reason. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Anyway I have some plans coming up. Daughters of Khaine will eventually begin being worked on, I'm playing with some ideas of mixing an Avatar of Khaine with a Morghast as well as some other bits and see how that goes, as well as some more conversions based off of my Blackguard that I think I'll be using as Sisters of Slaughter. On another note would people be interested in WIPS I have for 40k that could loosely fit here (like Dark Eldar Raiders or my Feudal Techpriest I cooked up. I'd make sure to have those be fewer and further between but I thought I'd ask. (Mainly because of how proud I am of the Ice on the raider)
  14. I'm really enjoying the looks of everything. I'm a huge fan of the gloomspite release and it's cool to see what direction everyone is taking with it. The Mountain King just looks fun, and would be something I'd love to see on the table. (Not on the topic of the mountain king but I can't wait to see the Knights)
  15. Once Malerion elves drop I'm absolutely going to be playing with them. The Dark Elves & Malekith really to capture a lot of what I like aesthetically in Warhammer. Plus the death theme of my elves seems to be largely aesthetic barring a few major examples. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ So I don't have any new models I've kept playing with painting so that is the update you'll see. I'm really liking how I paint ice. Like a lot. As for the dark metal I have two main ways I've been painting it and this is the newer way I'm testing. For the infantry I'm actually disappointing how the paint job turned out. I like the idea as what I really want is (Metallic) Black Armor with golden trim with purple cloth. Problem is I have no earthly clue how to paint in general (i'm picking things up) but atm have no idea how to edge highlight effectively and well it made me do a poor paintjob on probably my favorite Blackguard If you guys have any tips or tricks on painting & highlighting I'd GREATLY appreciate them. Otherwise lemme know what you think I'd really appreciate some comments & criticisms on this one. EDIT: I'm also unsure what color to paint the spear shaft. Gold doesn't seem right for it. (I'm totally willing to change aspects of my scheme to look better too)
  16. Thank you! I really appreciate every comment I can get as I love hearing what people think of my army ☺️If you'd like we can PM and bounce some ideas back n forth between each other to get a good idea of what you'd like to do, as I have tons of conversions saved as well as ideas I can't use because of my theme & fluff. Plus I just enjoy talking about converting. Speaking of which some projects I have planned in the future. 1.) Some armored models based off my Blackguard conversions but running (they'll be used either as Bladeghasts or Sister's of Slaughter depending on the AoS army I choose to play...), as well as some Dreadblade Harrow Conversions using the same style. Some Avatar of Khaine conversions that'll be mixed with my morghast above. Should be fun! (I also have a Battleforce Daughters of Khaine I'll be slowly playing with along the way) EDIT: Out of curiosity, what realm does everyone think my army should be from? I plan on having a very Naggarond esque realm for them. Ice & Death are going to be pretty consistent themes in my army so I'm kinda torn between Ulgu and Shyish
  17. Minor update. I'm slowly dragging myself out of my hiatus from modeling I've put myself in with a conversion and a painted model. The latter is not done yet but posting this helps motivate me
  18. Ah yes I too love the scene of Slaanesh being trapped in a non-consensual bondage hate f#$% scenario after she vored the Elven race and their gods are currently trying to get her to regurgitate them onto them. (If this is too much I can remove this)
  19. Well since this was revealed I've been looking at spider options (since we probably aren't getting a new spider kit) and honestly I think the old one can work if people are willing to put the effort in as I found this on google. It seems with a hobby knife, careful clipping & some greenstuff the current models can look quite good. Pair them with the new riders for the Squig Knights and I think we have some really cool options to play with.
  20. That Thundertree Cavalry dude is gorgeous! I kinda wanna make one now as I really like it... Also if you are looking for something to use it as if all else he's probably the size of a Demigryph Knight right? We;; since we can't see the details it's a GW inspired reveal right We'll see how awesome they are soon TM. From what I can see though I think they will look great. The Tree revenant hands are great on actual revenants.
  21. Well I finally got the Wrack body I needed to create my Dreadspear conversion. This is the proof of concept and I'll be making 4 more soon, but I thought I'd update with this first.
  22. I know they were similar but for some reason I couldn't see the metal leg armor. I thought I saw the boots. RIP my vision lol That is fair, using the bits you have is always a good reason I did notice the Lion Lord did have them though so differentiating them is a good decision. Are you willing to share what you plan on working on in the future? Like ideas or plans?
  23. I really do like your Lion Rangers. They are using Shadow Warrior legs correct? That's the only thing on them I'm iffy on (of what they are). Overall great conversion there :) The new legs do work, although I'm curious as to why you wouldn't use Dragon Prince or Drakespawn Legs, do you just not want the armored skirt part?
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