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Everything posted by Davariel

  1. This is a gorgeous looking army, you've done an absolutely wonderful job of capturing both the natural and magical aspects of the Sylvaneth in one paint scheme! I also wouldn't use gloss varnish on the beetle. Mostly because I'd be afraid it would look too bright and shiny, and distract from Alarielle herself (who should probably be the focal point of the model).
  2. Whoa - seriously gorgeous colour scheme you've got going here! There are so many different colour schemes out there for Sylvaneth and they all look great, but I think this has to be one of my favourites! I can't wait to see what you come up with next
  3. If Nurgle gets a new battletome it would have to be accompanied by a major model release. Both Khorne and Tzeentch have a decent selection of mortal units. Nurgle Rotbringers? Not so much. The faction has lots of character models, but in terms of units they've got... Blightkings. That's literally it! So a Nurgle tome would pretty much have to include 4-5 new mortal units just to be on par with the other new books, and a new GUO to fit with the new plastic greater daemons. Possibly new Beasts of Nurgle too, if not a few other things as well. That puts it well into big release territory - so probably not something we're likely to see for a while yet...
  4. I think they look great (and perfectly hoplite like) as is! Flowing capes could work too but I don't think they need them at all. Another factor worth considering might be how "elite" these guys are and what unit they're supposed to represent. If they're just lowly marauders then definitely leave the capes off, but if they're mighty warriors who'll be your counts-as chosen you might want to give the capes a go, for instance.
  5. Always good to see another elf army - not too many of them around these days! Your choice of colours is excellent, the bright green and yellow gives the army a lovely summery feel. Do you have any pics of the dragon? From what I can see it looks fantastic, and I would love to get a closer look
  6. @Hagen Thanks mate! Those Marienburgers are absolutely phenomenal... without a doubt the best looking Mordheim miniatures I've ever seen!!! You wouldn't happen to be a professional sculptor by any chance? Your stuff looks better than what most miniature companies sell!
  7. The Stormcast in that Shadespire artwork is hilarious. His shoulder armour looks like it's about four times the width of his head Maybe his eyes are so wide because he's lost all feeling in his arms...?
  8. There's so much incredible stuff in this thread that I feel a little shy posting my own humble WIPs but here goes: “Pirates? What d’ye be askin’ about pirates for, lad? If them navy lads hear ye saying such things they’ll be haulin’ you off to meet the rope, don’t ye know? “Hm? Not frightened? Fine. I can tell ye about pirates. Sail the seas of Ghur as long as I have and ye’ll learn plenty of things them high and mighty Azyrites don’t tell you. Lean in close, boy. I don’t want to be overheard by one o’ them damned Witch Hunters. “Ain’t just Chaos that infests the Seafangs. Don’t know how them pirates did it, but they survived the long dark before his great golden gloriousness deigned to show hisself. No, no, you’re gettin’ the wrong idea, boy. They ain’t fallen to Chaos. Just the opposite. Them scoundrels’ll fight anyone who crosses their bows; merchants, daemons, Stormcast, it don’t matter to them. They live how they want – no law, no rule, no gods, none of it. Nothin’ matters to ‘em, save what they can take with a pistol and keep with a cutlass. “Oh, plenty have tried to stop ‘em. But them pirate lads is like quicksilver in your hands, see? Anyone gets close they cut and run, off to another hideaway. Must be hundreds of islands in the Seafangs, and not even the dark gods could hold ‘em all. Thing is, Sigmar likes his ships big with lots of cannon, but them pirates is smart – they use fast little things, ships ye’ll never catch, ships that’ll be on yer before ye can blink. Why in blazes do ye think Sigmar’s Navy has so many ships patrollin’ the trade routes? “Careful, lad. I see that glint in yer eye. Might sound better than living ‘ere under the eyes of the Witch Hunters, but it’s a hard life, and make no mistake… them pirates is cruel. Vicious. Sail out into the realm o’ beasts and ye’d do well to always keep one eye on the horizon…” - overheard in a tavern by the Excelsis docks I actually first built a Mordheim pirate warband about six years ago - built and painted in about a week, they had no mould lines removed, thick, flat paintjobs and were pretty much just stock Empire Militia. So naturally I wanted to go back and redo them in a way that not only looked better but also actually looked like pirates! Since my decision to do so came at the same time as AoS28 was starting up I thought they'd fit in well here. My greenstuff skills aren't amazing but I'm happy with how they're shaping up. Here's the ship's second mate on the left and a slightly overweight crewman on the right: More ambitious than the rest of the crew was the Captain - I had an image of a "gentleman pirate" in my head that required a fair bit of green stuff work to achieve. Lots of pics of this guy since the angles of the model make him fairly difficult to photograph: That's about all for now. There are another four crewmen in the early stages of painting but beyond that I'm going to need to buy some flagellants for more suitably ragged bodies and some pistoliers for more, well, pistols
  9. Sounds about right. After all, it's a well known Warhammer fact that the mounts always do more damage than the riders
  10. I think Tyrion was mentioned as being blind now, with Teclis as his eyes - which would point to this being a teaser for the light aelves. On the other hand, it was always Malekith who wore a metal mask in the World-that-was... it would be a nice touch if we saw the use of masks among his new shadowy followers as a way of honouring that. The Silver Tower mistweaver - who seems to be one of the shadowkin? - wore a 40k Eldar style mask too... Either way it seems that there's something going on with the aelves here. Been waiting for this ever since we got passed over during the End Times
  11. @CentralKarma I like the idea of it but as others have mentioned it could cause balance problems. It's a fun idea though, and I'm sure you could do something with it. You could just make the option narrative play only, or perhaps make a unit taken as dogs of war cost double its points in matched play (those pesky mercenaries demand to be paid well...), or impose strict restrictions on who can take mercenaries and what units can be taken. Of course what would be really cool would be a new battletome devoted to mercenaries of the realms designed to be used with other armies like this... that's a bit beyond the scope of this thread though!
  12. I actually think focusing on Gilles rather than Louen would be the way to go if you're looking for a "legendary king" background figure. Not only is he the founder of Bretonnia and seemingly immortal, but his fate in the End Times was left very ambiguous (mostly because like many other plot threads it seemed to be forgotten... ). IIRC he and Abhorash were last mentioned as leading the last of the Brets and Blood Knights to defend a place that might even survive the end of the world... or something to that effect! Needless to say it seems possible - or even likely - he could still be around in the Age of Sigmar. I think he'd work well as a background figure along the lines of Settra in the Tomb Kings project or Ushoran to the Flesh-Eaters, better than Louen anyway. Much as I love Louen's character and model, he met a fairly definite end and was generally tied to Bretonnia's present rather than being connected to the kingdom's very essence like Gilles. Going that route, you could come up with some cool stories where Gilles wanders the realms as the Green Knight. In the darkest times of the Age of Chaos he appears to those in need, riding out of the mists and shadows on a steed whose eyes glow with mystical power. The poor souls abandoned by their gods and left at the mercy of Chaos can only stare at this unexpected salvation as he shields them from their foes without a thought for his own safety. His sword gleams with holy light and his eyes hold only cold contempt as he cuts down those who would wreak harm upon the realms of men until none remain. Then, as soon as the battle is done, he vanishes into the mists from whence he came, inspiring countless others to follow his example... Okay, I'm the one getting inspired now
  13. As someone whose first warhammer love was Bretonnia I would be overjoyed to see this happen A great opportunity here (background-wise) would be to explore the lives of the "regular humans" often asked about. Unlike the Tomb Kings (who have a fairly unique society that could be brought forward into AoS relatively unchanged) I think a Bretonnian tome might work by looking at human society more broadly, using their generic fantasy status as a template for a variety of kingdoms (perhaps with their own quirks like Sylvaneth Wargroves or Stormcast Chambers?) rather than trying to come up with a "New Bretonnia". You could do a lot of interesting stuff with this - perhaps even looking at some of the people who were left behind when Sigmar abandoned the realms and using that as a starting point to explore some of the questions raised by the End Times (and never really given the treatment they deserved) regarding honour, faith and identity... Just my few humble thoughts, anyway. Looking forward to see what you do with this project!
  14. The rumour pic is clearly a battered and dinged old frying pan, part of the dark reimagining of the halflings! Forced to endure centuries without regular meals during the age of chaos they've become ravenous creatures with an insatiable hunger, driving them to slaughter and cook whatever they find...
  15. So much awesome work in this thread so far! Might have to join in considering how this project appeals to all the stuff I love about this hobby. Just started redoing an old warband of Mordheim pirates, seems they'll be finding their way to the mortal realms...
  16. Those eagles. My God, those eagles are beautiful. I have no idea what possible use I could have for them but now I really want to come up with one! The rest of this weird release where scouts are just as armoured as heavy cavalry is worth it just for those and the gryph-hounds.
  17. I'd be less disappointed by the fact that we're getting yet another Stormcast release if these new guys didn't look so much like kitbashes of existing models... The gryph-hounds are completely awesome though, and long overdue. Curious to see what these other creatures mentioned are like!
  18. That mistweaver conversion is inspired! Amazing how much better she looks with an actual face rather than the 40k-style mask. Your conversions and painting are both stellar, and I love how original your army is. Can't wait to see where this goes next.
  19. Whoa, that LoC is craaaaazy nice! Chaos has already had more fantastic models released for AoS than anyone else, but this is just on another level entirely. What am I saying, I don't even play Chaos...
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