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How does everyone feel about the new AoS 3.0 release?

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35 minutes ago, BaylorCorvette said:

I am cautiously optimistic about 3.0. With 2.0 is was basically taking a game platform that was a joke and making a real game out of it. What 3.0 SHOULD be is taking what I feel is a fairly decent Core Rules and modifying them but not dramatically. For instance, we have a real problem with the shooting meta right now and there is a lot of mortal wounds from magic which usually requires line of site. A way to help tone it down without actually "nerfing" the warscrolls / abilities is to add in more scenery, create rules that block line of sight and perhaps adopt a mechanic similar to 40k when it comes to targeting Heroes. My fear is that if the rumors about charge reactions is true, it might end up making shooting even better in AoS, and frankly that is the last thing we need.

If there are charge reactions there could also be shooting reactions. Even if shooting becomes more powerful they can increase point cost of shooting units as needed (though I would prefer targetted warscroll changes)

Increasing player interactivity during opponent turns is a good idea - the game can be quite boring when you don't do anything for two turns in a row.

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I’m hoping the Path To Glory rewrite mimics 40K Crusade. I’d totally join a local PtG league.

One thing I’d really like 3.0 to do is relaunch the AoS fiction line. It has been fairly dormant since Josh Reynolds left and most of what has been released has felt kinda random and disconnected to the lore-at-large. A lot of potential series got canned (or at least the pace of release is so slow it feels that way); even though Realmgate Wars was kinda meh, at least it felt tied to the game as played. I’d like a return to that. 

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23 minutes ago, Televiper11 said:

I’m hoping the Path To Glory rewrite mimics 40K Crusade. I’d totally join a local PtG league.

One thing I’d really like 3.0 to do is relaunch the AoS fiction line. It has been fairly dormant since Josh Reynolds left and most of what has been released has felt kinda random and disconnected to the lore-at-large. A lot of potential series got canned (or at least the pace of release is so slow it feels that way); even though Realmgate Wars was kinda meh, at least it felt tied to the game as played. I’d like a return to that. 

It has been at that. Loosing Josh Reynolds was a big blow to the AoS lore. Its also been spread about badly- a leaflet here, a white dwarf story, random ebook. Other than the Gotrek books, we've had no real connected fiction series. Even then, the Gotrek stuff has been spread about badly that again, unless you collect every single format, its a job to read it as a connected series now.

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I'm not very optimistic about it. Battalions are definitely an issue right now but an easier fix would have just been to ban the egregious ones in matched play rather than throw the baby out with the bathwater.  Now instead of ad hoc balancing of battalions they have to absolutely nail warscroll balance, which they have proven to be less than spectacular at. I haven't actually read the Soulblight book yet but I haven't heard whether they redesigned behemoths like they should have.


EDIT: After quickly checking the Zombie Dragon Warscroll they in fact have not. D6 damage is still overvalued and move decreases far too much. Very disappointed.

Edited by Sinfullyvannila
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Excited for the lore updates and focus on Destruction. Of the four GAs Death was my least favorite and while 2.0 was cool i am glad to see someone else in the spotlight. I hope this means we can start losing some of out ancient resin like the Scuttleboss and Butcher.

Worried because GW seems to stumble a lot when it comes to Greenskins in 40k and AoS. Great models, great lore on the models, but in the narrative they fall flat. I am having flashbacks to Vigilus and Saga of the Beast. The BR spoilers for Kragnos haven't helped that. K wouldn't put it past GW if this "Age of Destruction" gets hijacked by Nagash or Malerion.

As far as gameplay goes I don't get to play much because of current events. It's hard to judge the health of the system currently when I haven't touched a battletome in over a year. I am not qualified to judge balance changes atm.

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If they soup up dwarves, it'll mean no models except maybe some overpriced heroes and destruction of the Kharadron identity.

New humans look to take religious fanaticism as their only identity.

Then we have mortal wound spam that seems the new theme.

New edition seems dead on arrival to me (edit, I mean it doesn't cater to any of my wishes, it'll probably sell to others).

Stormcast have improved in design though.

Edited by zilberfrid
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59 minutes ago, zilberfrid said:

If they soup up dwarves, it'll mean no models except maybe some overpriced heroes and destruction of the Kharadron identity.

I thought Valaya dwarves were mentioned?

What I am sensing is a come back of the old "extensive ranges". Coupled with more limited battalion influence, it might mean the end of the "spam X" armies. Something I would welcome very much!

In that sense, maybe some armies that were broken apart get re-united. Dwarves of all colors, better integration of goblins, kurnothi + WE, and so on. I personally would love for the option to field more specialized forces (e.g. a skyport or a lodge), or use "soup"/"great alliances".

I have read elsewhere (and evidence seems to support this) that originally AoS was planned as an ever releasing of small very thematic armies, which would get rotated over time (think FS). However, much like other plans from the Kirby era (responsible for End times, AoS 1, and other genius ideas), they seem to have changed. Hence AoS is at an awkward impass, with some factions coming from the old design (FS), others released according to the new paradigm (HE/lumineth), and the company unable to support as many factions effectively. Perhaps they were never planning on supporting AoS factions forever, hence the shifting paradigms in rules, and how dated some feel.

I welcome the change, if that's the case, and I hope we move to a new era of more diverse armies with better support. If this means soup, bring it!

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40 minutes ago, Greybeard86 said:

I thought Valaya dwarves were mentioned?

What I am sensing is a come back of the old "extensive ranges". Coupled with more limited battalion influence, it might mean the end of the "spam X" armies. Something I would welcome very much!

In that sense, maybe some armies that were broken apart get re-united. Dwarves of all colors, better integration of goblins, kurnothi + WE, and so on. I personally would love for the option to field more specialized forces (e.g. a skyport or a lodge), or use "soup"/"great alliances".

I have read elsewhere (and evidence seems to support this) that originally AoS was planned as an ever releasing of small very thematic armies, which would get rotated over time (think FS). However, much like other plans from the Kirby era (responsible for End times, AoS 1, and other genius ideas), they seem to have changed. Hence AoS is at an awkward impass, with some factions coming from the old design (FS), others released according to the new paradigm (HE/lumineth), and the company unable to support as many factions effectively. Perhaps they were never planning on supporting AoS factions forever, hence the shifting paradigms in rules, and how dated some feel.

I welcome the change, if that's the case, and I hope we move to a new era of more diverse armies with better support. If this means soup, bring it!

I don't recall any mention of Valaya in recent GW stuff. I harp about her constantly though.

The only thing Kharadron do not have that would round out their range are melee infantry and endless spells. Since Fyreslayers have those, I don't expect anything other than heroes as kits.

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GW's decision to not bring out new battle tomes to even out the game experience, might lead into further frustration for the old AND the new books. The 3rd edition changes just might blow off all of the books. And better this way, than just to effect SOME books, since that will caus massive frustration within the community and just incite players against each other.

But I then remeber it is GW, and I think that this scenario might acutally happen.

Ever wondered, what Warhammer Plus will be? I am pretty sure that a subscription via monthly paying will grant those people several advantage and it will increase the FOMO aspect further more. Just speculation, but subscribers could have access to limited miniature productions for "only fans".

Just saying...if you don't agree that's ok...but remember we're talking about GW here.

Edited by Battlefury
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I am "Cautiously Excited" as with every new edition that comes from a game system I play.  There is definitely the excitement for new rules, new lore and new ways to play but also not a fan when a new system inadvertently negatively impacts older battletomes. 

Also in the words of a famous soup shop owner..

"NO (dwarf) SOUP FOR YOU!" 

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I like soup armies because that's a way to preserve old armies from WHFB, but I'm not a fan for a combined Kharadons, Dispossesed and Fyreslayers dwarven army. As many says before me, the only thing they have in common, is belonging to the same race. There is no common aesthetic or lore. 

There is much more sense in combining Fyreslayers with Phoenix Temple (both fire themed) or Legion of Azgarh (Aqshy religious dwarfs) than Khardron Overlords.

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5 hours ago, Battlefury said:

GW's decision to not bring out new battle tomes to even out the game experience, might lead into further frustration for the old AND the new books. The 3rd edition changes just might blow off all of the books. And better this way, than just to effect SOME books, since that will caus massive frustration within the community and just incite players against each other.

But I then remeber it is GW, and I think that this scenario might acutally happen.

Ever wondered, what Warhammer Plus will be? I am pretty sure that a subscription via monthly paying will grant those people several advantage and it will increase the FOMO aspect further more. Just speculation, but subscribers could have access to limited miniature productions for "only fans".

Just saying...if you don't agree that's ok...but remember we're talking about GW here.

Who's wondering about warhammer plus? It's a streaming service. They spelled that out in black and white.

Also, GW paywalls rules but there's no possible way they could paywall a rule that's a streaming service bonus. What are they gonna do, give you a QR code you can scan with your TO to get a free reroll? No one will accept that. Any rules they try to distribute will be freely available all over the internet in minutes. This is one of the few things in this thread that ISN'T a possibility.

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20 minutes ago, Fred1245 said:


Who's wondering about warhammer plus? It's a streaming service. They spelled that out in black and white.

Also, GW paywalls rules but there's no possible way they could paywall a rule that's a streaming service bonus. What are they gonna do, give you a QR code you can scan with your TO to get a free reroll? No one will accept that. Any rules they try to distribute will be freely available all over the internet in minutes. This is one of the few things in this thread that ISN'T a possibility.

Plenty of people are wondering about it as the information they gave out was next to none. They said it was a streaming service and there would be ' subscriber benefits' and thats about it. Its quite possible they will use the service to paywall new rules, but what he said was that could offer subscribers exclusive miniatures,  which is more than likely knowing GW. Would take much for them to have rules for some exclusive miniature that power gamers then feel they 'must have'.

25 minutes ago, Fred1245 said:

Any rules they try to distribute will be freely available all over the internet in minutes

What, exactly like new battletomes, new warscrolls or the newest GHB? These are often leaked days before release and yet people still buy them. Warscrolls often sell out on preoder day, yet they are all freely available online.

There is no way they can make and film enough quality content to keep a streaming service running 24/7 for an entire year with out finding other rewards & services to throw in there that will encourage people to keep paying for it. Exclusive rules and models are already a big thing in games and this would be another opportunity for them to sell them under FOMO.

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22 hours ago, PJetski said:

If there are charge reactions there could also be shooting reactions. Even if shooting becomes more powerful they can increase point cost of shooting units as needed (though I would prefer targetted warscroll changes)

Increasing player interactivity during opponent turns is a good idea - the game can be quite boring when you don't do anything for two turns in a row.

My melee armies would love that, spend a CP to hunker down (-1 to hit), raise shields (+1 save) or run to the sound of gunfire (run/charge) would even things out quite a bit. 

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1 hour ago, Vaporlocke said:

My melee armies would love that, spend a CP to hunker down (-1 to hit), raise shields (+1 save) or run to the sound of gunfire (run/charge) would even things out quite a bit. 

And then Lumineth doubles the cost of all CP's and shoots you anyway (neither +1 to save or -1 to hit matter).

Edited by zilberfrid
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Answering OP I'm moderately hyped for AoS 3E. I quit in 1E because the game balance was a disaster and I only play competitively. I've lost interest in 40K because on top of the usual GW Balance Trainwreck the game is just way too complex and takes too long to play. There are also too many "Gotcha" mechanics, unless you have a very good memory or make a document for every army (which I do) then it's just a nightmare.

AoS on the other hand has simpler Core Rules (although 40K isn't that complex either) and the BattleTomes are typically WAY simpler with even LRL not coming close to 40K armies in terms of complexity. Removing Battalions from Matched Play (a strong rumor) would be an amazing change since it's one less thing to balance and to keep track of during play.

If AoS 3.0 just brings in some generic Battalions, pushes elite armies (to speed up play), and provides more drawbacks to the Double Turn it's in a great place. I'd love to see Artefacts/CTs move to Points and capped by something while generic Command Abilities give more interaction during the enemy turn. Really the game needs very few tweaks and most balance issues seem to relate to Battalions otherwise more matchups would be doable.

Hopefully they start dropping some previews in June and the unboxing video.

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Neutral leaning worried.

I like where the game is. We don't really need a new Edition.

But it is time of alignment for a new edition is here. It doesn't feel like 40K 5th into 6th or 6th into 7th, but 8th into 9th. Every army got a book, we've had a killer story event in Broken Realms. We're getting new sculpts for old models (some only available for five minutes). GW has earned their update and subsequent bonus.

What has me worried is my opinion on 40K's 9th Edition. I hate the way they wrote the Core Rulebook. It seems like there are too many words baked into each blurb, it's not written in step by step order, and Advanced Rules are thrown smack into the middle of Core Rules.

Example: The first paragraph on charges: We say select an eligible unit, then describe what is an eligible or ineligible unit, then a very obvious statement (paraphrase; If you have no units you want to charge, move on to the next phase), then a sentence that skips to the very end of the phase. Then even more stipulations to what can charge, then "Progress to the next step", and then we go on to how to do a charge.

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8 hours ago, RuneBrush said:

Preview is confirmed for this Saturday @ 6pm BST

So I know I shouldn't, but I've looking at the Soul Wars boxset on the GW site again, and hoping that we get something similar again for AoS 3.0. As minimum I hope in the preview to see 50-60 models, the core book, and some war scrolls. Not fussed about rulers or dice, or even a starter book (although I do like these). And of course, core rules. Not even bothered about an Indomitus-type set, just Soul Wars boxset for AoS 3.0 (and as widely available as Soul Wars was).

Anything less than that will set the hares running I think as we all expect a price tag of £125 minimum this time around.

That's me being optimistic by the way. 😆

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17 hours ago, zilberfrid said:

And then Lumineth doubles the cost of all CP's and shoots you anyway (neither +1 to save or -1 to hit matter).

Yes, yes, we're all aware that LRL is super duper special and doesn't care about rules, but that still leaves option three to use against them. 

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15 hours ago, Mcthew said:

So I know I shouldn't, but I've looking at the Soul Wars boxset on the GW site again, and hoping that we get something similar again for AoS 3.0. As minimum I hope in the preview to see 50-60 models, the core book, and some war scrolls. Not fussed about rulers or dice, or even a starter book (although I do like these). And of course, core rules. Not even bothered about an Indomitus-type set, just Soul Wars boxset for AoS 3.0 (and as widely available as Soul Wars was).

Anything less than that will set the hares running I think as we all expect a price tag of £125 minimum this time around.

That's me being optimistic by the way. 😆

Going to be interesting to see what drops on Saturday.  Like you say there's the option of a classic "starter" style box (Soul Wars-esq) or a hobbyist two army box like Indomitus.  I can actually see justification for both of them, so can't make a call!  Reckon you're right with whatever appears be at the £125 price point.

6 minutes ago, AaronWilson said:

Do you think we will get a new GHB alongside the core rules on release? 

I'm wondering if we may see something mirror what 40k does now, where the handbook basically consists of matched/organised play rules and the narrative/casual play bits get released in the form of Path to Glory books.  When 9th ed 40k dropped, they released a new Chapter Approved book, so wouldn't be surprised to get something.

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