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Warhammer - The Old World

Gareth 🍄

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23 minutes ago, Clan's Cynic said:

I'm not surprised a small sect of people upset the game they celebrated being killed is back from the dead, no.

But please, many Age of Sigmar players were oftentimes just as bad for it.

Umm, I wonder why they would act like that 🤔... maybe because they were the subjects of toxicity from the WFB community, that got them embittered and toxic themselves ? Gaze into the abyss, the abyss stares back at you. This is bad, sad and stupid, but predictable. Still, I have seen many WFB toxic fans over the Internet, I've yet to see AoS ones. 

And so, being gatekept from WFB and harrassed by WFB players, some AoS players turned into gatekeeping AoS from WFB players wanting to join in...

You've become the very thing you swore to destroy Meme Generator - Imgflip


I've been booed and scorned by WFB players for playing AoS, and liking it and defending it on the internet, and that's why I remain on edge around Fantasy players, but I don't want to do on others what I've been done. Everyone is welcome in his branch of the hobby. 

Edited by The Lost Sigmarite
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1 hour ago, The Lost Sigmarite said:

Umm, I wonder why they would act like that 🤔... maybe because they were the subjects of toxicity from the WFB community, that got them embittered and toxic themselves ? Gaze into the abyss, the abyss stares back at you. This is bad, sad and stupid, but predictable. Still, I have seen many WFB toxic fans over the Internet, I've yet to see AoS ones. 

And so, being gatekept from WFB and harrassed by WFB players, some AoS players turned into gatekeeping AoS from WFB players wanting to join in...

You've become the very thing you swore to destroy Meme Generator - Imgflip


I've been booed and scorned by WFB players for playing AoS, and liking it and defending it on the internet, and that's why I remain on edge around Fantasy players, but I don't want to do on others what I've been done. Everyone is welcome in his branch of the hobby. 

 I'm sorry your experience around WFB sucked so much, @The Lost Sigmarite, I really do. But as entitled as you are to your hate, the Fantasy fans like me around here are probably not guilty of that and don't have to pay for it. 

As I perceive it, you are the one being toxic here, and breathing out the air out of the room with your strawmans and your disdain, if you really believe everyone is welcome in his branch of the hobby I'll politely ask you to reflect on your contributions on this thread, the one we have to share the joys and worries about the TOW project.

I hope you don't feel atacked for this, as I really don't harbor any bad feelings toward you, but not gonna lie, I find your contributions here rather annoying.

Edited by Jator
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2 hours ago, The Lost Sigmarite said:

What being called "Age of Sh**mar players" for 8 years does to mfs. Don't act like you didn't see it coming. The WHFB community always treated AoS players badly, don't expect the same AoS players to throw you flowers now that Old World is around the corner. Of course they're gonna feel scorned and resented.

Maybe if the way bigger sect of WHFB players that hate AoS for a living hadn't been a bunch of toxic gatekeepers since 2015, we wouldn't be in this situation. I'm all for entente and prosperity between communities, and it's sad when there's bad blood between some of us wargamers. Because it harms the hobby. But don't act like WHFB fans weren't the ones to have thrown the first stone. 

Oh c'mon, now this is getting ridiculous. I feel second-hand embarrassment reading this on TGA of all places.

Have there been people online who have torn AoS down and given it kindergarten-level nicknames? Yes. There's also people online who post hate speech for laughs. For my own sanity's sake, I don't want to view 'people online' as representing the whole of an entity, whatever that entity might be.

Hopefully you realise that some miserable person tearing AoS down is not representative of what a regular WHFB fan thinks of AoS. The, if I may be honest, juvenile and overly dramatic grandstanding at display here is pretty silly when one remembers this is a forum for plastic toys (painted and collected by adults!). Like, congratulations, you get to be snide because someone onetime drew a comparison with AoS to ******. Is...is that productive?


We're still talking about plastic toys, right?


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Yeah, honestly every point is fair here and I 100% get where Sigmarite is coming from. I’ve been a AoS >>>> Wfb advocate since it started and it does start to wear on you when you go to look at what you imagine is a friendly 8th edition thread conversation only to see them calling AoS players parasites that don’t have any real reason to play the game so should quit and play a real adult wargame.(not even paraphrasing)

Or one conversation I got into a week ago on Reddit with a dude adamant that GW is lying about AoS being a success, laughed at my “silly posts” when showing the icv stuff that AoS is the top fantasy wargame and just…man this kinda stuff is unpleasant:

Yeah they cannot admit they made a huge mistake.”

I can because I know they are crying and I know they are in trouble.”

Well I would not put it passed GW to fake their own success as a company their track record has been very bad. So other website saying stuff has a lot of traction and it’s more believable GW are the ones doing the dirty.”

Hehe you links are funny :). Yep that’s why they are bringing it back they are doing the only thing they can atm. But we will see it’s GW we are talking about. If it good and fun they will do well and slowly put this mess behind them.”

And by mess he means AoS.

But this is the last I’ll say about the subject. I fully think we need to move on and not bring anymore vitriol into the thread but instead actually discuss the topic and not the scum that inevitably sticks to it’s boots.

Good vibes people, there’s a game for everyone. :)

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We are NOT doing the whole AOS VS OLD WORLD insults here. 

We are not even going to start discussing it or arguing over it or debating it or anything. MOVE ON. Focus on the Old World topic and the news surrounding it and lets not rehash old grudges or past insults or whatever someone got insulted about on a facebook group or something. 
This is TGA. Lets aspire to keep our community positive and embrace the joy of having another source of awesome models to play with. 

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Just now, Neverchosen said:

Has anyone compiled a list of the current boxsets that will adapt directly to Old World?

I am contemplating between Beasts of Chaos and the Anvilguard Starter Set. Although I think the Greywater Fastness, Goblin and Skaven sets should all work fairly well?


I think the Soulblight vanguard set/start collecting should also work just fine in TOW, since it's mainly updated model kits of things that already existed in Fantasy.

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4 minutes ago, Neverchosen said:

Has anyone compiled a list of the current boxsets that will adapt directly to Old World?

I am contemplating between Beasts of Chaos and the Anvilguard Starter Set. Although I think the Greywater Fastness, Goblin and Skaven sets should all work fairly well?


About the skaven one: In theory, the Stormfiends were a latter creation during the End Times and shouldn't be on the Old World.But GW isn't past retconning stuff to sell more minis, so who knows.

All the other stuff you mentioned is perfect, I think.

Edited by Jator
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28 minutes ago, Twisted Firaun said:

I think the Soulblight vanguard set/start collecting should also work just fine in TOW, since it's mainly updated model kits of things that already existed in Fantasy.

I'm pretty happy then as with that + classic red-trimmed WHFB crypt ghouls and zombies box, I'll have a small Vampire Counts army ready*

*If I ever got the energy to actually paint them...

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Slaves to Darkness vanguard is also perfect useable for the old world. The Seraphon armybox on pre-order next week will probably also be perfect useable for Warhammer. 🙂

Edit: It's also funny that the last armybox (Slaves to Darkness) and the new one (Seraphon) are probably perfect useable for Warhammer.

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1 hour ago, Neverchosen said:

Has anyone compiled a list of the current boxsets that will adapt directly to Old World?

I am contemplating between Beasts of Chaos and the Anvilguard Starter Set. Although I think the Greywater Fastness, Goblin and Skaven sets should all work fairly well?


Everything Wanderers range should translate directly over, since anything left was introduced in 8th edition. Add Dryads, Treelord/Durthu, Branchwraith (Drycha) from Sylvaneth to round out what's left for the Wood Elves.

For the Dispossessed, the Ironbreakers, Hammerers and Longbeards should be fine. Gyrocopters/bombers and Irondrakes are a bit of an unknown just because they're vaguely 'modern' inventions in the lore, but don't have specific dates attached to them. It's not difficult to imagine GW just handwaving that as "modern in Dwarf-years" and saying they were around. The Warden King and Cogsmith represented Belegar and Grimm Burloksson respectively, so might not make the cut. Norgrimm's Rune Throng should be 'safe' but SC(!) Greywater Fastness is a bit of an unknown due to the above.

SC(!) Anvilguard should be fine. Basically everything Darkling Coven should be useable. Witch Elves/Sisters of Slaughter, Doomfire Warlocks and the Cauldron of Blood should make the cut over as well. It's funny much of the Dark Elf range survived the 'AoS Purge'. You could probably buy the Daughters of Khaine Vanguard box and sell the Melusai too.

Similarly, almost the entire Ogre line should translate back - except probably the Icebrow Hunter (and you could still proxy him as a... well, Hunter). Could probably use the plastic Tyrant too if you snipped the Stormcast helmet, so that's Vanguard: Ogor Mawtribes added to the pile. 

Start Collecting! Flesh-eater Courts and Vanguard: Beasts of Chaos is all from the Fantasy days, so add that to the list. 

Vanguard: Gloomspite Gitz is going to be a weird one. They have quite a bit of stuff which did technically exist in Fantasy, but since received AoS resculpts. Same deal with Soulblight.

Edited by Clan's Cynic
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1 hour ago, Jator said:

About the skaven one: In theory, the Stormfiends were a latter creation during the End Times and shouldn't be on the Old World.But GW isn't past retconning stuff to sell more minis, so who knows.

All the other stuff you mentioned is perfect, I think.

No idea if this is accurate, but I saw someone say that even the trebuchet from the latest Bretonnian model pictures should not yet have been invented at the point in time TOW takes place 

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56 minutes ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

No idea if this is accurate, but I saw someone say that even the trebuchet from the latest Bretonnian model pictures should not yet have been invented at the point in time TOW takes place 

I went and dug up my Bretonnia Army Book, and imho it's pretty vague whether 'the king' refers to A king or Louen himself. I think there's some leeway there.


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4 minutes ago, Mandzak-Miniatures said:

All this Bret stuff and the timeline are making me want to The Red Duke army.

I love that character!

A few years ago, when Age of Reckoning was canceled, the same company made a game called warhammer online: wrath of heroes. It was big brawl between 3 teams of 6 generic characters, but at some point they tried to milk the game with overpowered pay-to-win heroes, and the first one was the Res Duke. That ****** could kill 3 or 4 players alone.

The second special hero was Malus, but the game died a few weeks later of his release.

It was an aweful game but I had so much fun.

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So, we now have some confirmation as to what old miniatures we’ll see resold.

- The Green Knight

- Knights of the Realm/Knights Errant (dual kit)

- Bretonnian peasants

- Bretonnian peasant archers

- Field Trebuchet

- Pegasus Knights

- Goblin Wolf Riders (sneakily hiding in the front)

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57 minutes ago, Segersgia said:

So, we now have some confirmation as to what old miniatures we’ll see resold.

- The Green Knight

- Knights of the Realm/Knights Errant (dual kit)

- Bretonnian peasants

- Bretonnian peasant archers

- Field Trebuchet

- Pegasus Knights

- Goblin Wolf Riders (sneakily hiding in the front)

This makes me sad. Espcially since AoS already has new Wolf Riders...

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9 hours ago, JackStreicher said:

This makes me sad. Espcially since AoS already has new Wolf Riders...

This makes me worried. There are quite a lot of kits that have come out in AoS that are just resculpts of old units. I worry that the official version of this game is going to ignore them. We will see the new Chaos warriors or new Saurus warriors in official Old World books? I suspect not. This isnt a big problem. So long as base sizes are appropriate people can sub in whatever models they like. But what about minis like the the black coach or the new cold ones? The new versions of these kits are much bigger than the old ones. When they get round to doing vampire counts are they going to use the new black coach kit?  Surely they wouldn't put out the old one again....

Edited by Chikout
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It could just be that they weren’t sure if the new goblin wolf riders were going to have been released yet when the Bretonnia pictures were taken. 

I wouldn’t be surprised if they were looking around for models to have lined up against the newly painted Bretonnia and had the studio Orcs and Goblins army lying around, and didn’t really think about what models they were using. 

Saying that, cold one riders are a tricky one, I’m curious to see how they get around that one

Edited by Bolfrig Bearhide
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6 hours ago, Chikout said:

This makes me worried. There are quite a lot of kits that have come out in AoS that are just resculpts of old units. I worry that the official version of this game is going to ignore them. We will see the new Chaos warriors or new Saurus warriors in official Old World books? I suspect not. This isnt a big problem. So long as base sizes are appropriate people can sub in whatever models they like. But what about minis like the the black coach or the new cold ones. The new versions of these kits are much bigger than the old ones. When they get round to doing vampire counts are they going to use the new black coach kit?  Surely they wouldn't put out the old one again....

Some of the updated kits have to see use in TOW, right? It does not seem like it would make much economical sense to sell two versions of the same unit side by side when one is just the update of the other.

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