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Warhammer - The Old World

Gareth 🍄

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I'm very worried about the base size right now. I was one of the few that claimed that the game needs a base size equivalente to the round bases to be succesful and the rumour is very bad.


On other point, the Pegasus base seems yo be on the good direction (40x70) and It seems yo be the AoS heavy cavalry size


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They already have supply chain issues. I cannot believe they'd try to keep an old kit in production when they have a newer version of the exact same thing. I can though see them doing made to orde runs of the older kits in order to appeal to the midhanmer fans. 

TK and Brets (and O&G) are an edge case as the only way to bring them back are to redesign them, or reprint the old kits. I can see why they'd do the latter, though i was personally hoping for a mix. I'm sure we will get that eventually though.

i posted a list many pages back of which AoS ranges were basically ready to go in TOW, and I stand by that. I'm sure luminetg will proxy for high elves, soulblight are vampire counts, and there is literally no reason not to use the new saurus or chaos warriors.

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Lumineth core troops can stand in for their high elf equivalents but I wouldn't say most of the heroes do that well, and I wonder if a load of sentinels and wardens next to loads of white lions and seaguard would be a bit weird because of the aesthetic and scale differences.

I'd say they're one of the armies that have a use case for having old (or updated) spearmen/archers/silver helms/bolt throwers available alongside the AOS equivalents, though high elves are probably also not high on the priority list given the Old World's apparent narrative focus

They do have a lot of recently-retired elite unit kits they can just bring back

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4 hours ago, Bosskelot said:

What is the new wolf rider kit like in terms of options? Can you construct them without shields or only bows?

You can make each one have a bow or spear and there's like 10 head options iirc. 

It's a fantastic kit, really is. 

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6 hours ago, Nezzhil said:

I'm very worried about the base size right now. I was one of the few that claimed that the game needs a base size equivalente to the round bases to be succesful and the rumour is very bad.


On other point, the Pegasus base seems yo be on the good direction (40x70) and It seems yo be the AoS heavy cavalry size


I know that at this point we should probably stop beating the dead horse (:P) of us mainly getting old kits rereleased, but I just absolutely love the Bretonnian range. If someone told me these Pegasus Knights/Knights Errant they have shown were new kits I probably would have believed them (barring the relative lack of fine detail in some spots/the probably not very nice assembly process).

I will absolutely get some of these, either for a dedicated Old World army or to give some "knightly" feeling units to my Greywater army (although I think these would be a good army for me to finally try my hand at a non-dingy/industrial and brighter colour scheme).

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6 minutes ago, Asbestress said:

I know that at this point we should probably stop beating the dead horse (:P) of us mainly getting old kits rereleased, but I just absolutely love the Bretonnian range. If someone told me these Pegasus Knights/Knights Errant they have shown were new kits I probably would have believed them (barring the relative lack of fine detail in some spots/the probably not very nice assembly process).

I will absolutely get some of these, either for a dedicated Old World army or to give some "knightly" feeling units to my Greywater army (although I think these would be a good army for me to finally try my hand at a non-dingy/industrial and brighter colour scheme).

Similarly, I think it's actually pretty nice that the old Empire range might stick around in TOW in addition to the new Dawnbringer models we are getting. That way, if you want puffy sleeves and feathered hats in your AoS army, they are easy to source.

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I have like 3 tinfoilhat theories about Old world currently, or should I say how gw will handle the release:

1. We have only seen like actual 10 percent of everything they have planned rules and models wise

2. It will only be some forgeworld side project that will get releases luckily every second month. (aeronautica, middle earth etc)

3. It was going to be 3rd "core" system/game but some problems with logistics or something else customers don't know about, made them change plans aka sell old models and upgrade sprues, though this is like rumour at this point in time.

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Old models might always have been part of the plan. Lets not forget Old models are still sold under AoS and seem to do perfectly fine. Plus some removed armies had only recently had updates -a good chunk of Tomb Kings have models that would easily stand up well today. 


Another reason is likely that the more GW has focused on Old World the more they've been asked if specific classic models will come back. So part of it could be that GW has seen a lot of requested demand for those old models and might have accelerated the release of some armies by releasing more old models into them. 

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20 hours ago, Segersgia said:

So, we now have some confirmation as to what old miniatures we’ll see resold.

- The Green Knight

- Knights of the Realm/Knights Errant (dual kit)

- Bretonnian peasants

- Bretonnian peasant archers

- Field Trebuchet

- Pegasus Knights

- Goblin Wolf Riders (sneakily hiding in the front)

I think it was on Twitter that when asked if the Green Knight would get a new model, GW answered "quite positively". So I would remove him from that list as we are about to get an updated model. :) The Goblin Wolf Riders as well, as we have a newer version now. I think they are on the photo just because the newer models haven't been produced at the time of the photoshoot. 

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20 minutes ago, Sir Grimm said:

I think it was on Twitter that when asked if the Green Knight would get a new model, GW answered "quite positively". So I would remove him from that list as we are about to get an updated model. :) The Goblin Wolf Riders as well, as we have a newer version now. I think they are on the photo just because the newer models haven't been produced at the time of the photoshoot. 

I think we'll get a pretty good view of what GW has planned for TOW in less than two weeks from now. Warhammerfest has a confirmed slot for both Horus Heresy and The Old World on Sunday at 2pm, odds are whatever reveals and teasers we get during said event will blow every conspiracy we currently have out of the water. Until this occurs, I'm going to get back to studying for my Human Anatomy exam.

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42 minutes ago, Twisted Firaun said:

I think we'll get a pretty good view of what GW has planned for TOW in less than two weeks from now. Warhammerfest has a confirmed slot for both Horus Heresy and The Old World on Sunday at 2pm, odds are whatever reveals and teasers we get during said event will blow every conspiracy we currently have out of the water. Until this occurs, I'm going to get back to studying for my Human Anatomy exam.

In other words, come on folks, let's make as much use as we can of the next 2 weeks for outrageous rumour mongering and wishlisting!

They gotta bring back dwarf artillery surely? It a certainty!

And snotling pump wagons!

Edited by EntMan
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1 minute ago, EntMan said:

In other words, come on folks, let's make as much use as we can of the next 2 weeks for outrageous rumour mongering and wishlisting!

They gotta being back dwarf artillery surely? It a certainty!

And snotling pump wagons!

Tomb guard, the sphinx kit, necropolis knights, Chorfs…. The list goes on and on and on!!!!

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1 hour ago, Sir Grimm said:

I think it was on Twitter that when asked if the Green Knight would get a new model, GW answered "quite positively". So I would remove him from that list as we are about to get an updated model. :) The Goblin Wolf Riders as well, as we have a newer version now. I think they are on the photo just because the newer models haven't been produced at the time of the photoshoot. 

Could I have a source for that? Nice if true.

Studio models for the Snarlfangs were probably already painted and ready for production at the the these photos were taken, probably just a case of "AoS and TOW teams don't coordinate" thing.

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10 minutes ago, The Lost Sigmarite said:

You think the Snarlfangs can fit in TOW ? They're not too big compared to the old goblin wolf riders ? 

Old Goblin Wolf Rider base size was 25x50 squares, Snarlfangs are on 35x60 ovals. With square base sizes rising across the board I wouldn't find it impossible for them to fit.

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19 hours ago, Chikout said:

This makes me worried. There are quite a lot of kits that have come out in AoS that are just resculpts of old units. I worry that the official version of this game is going to ignore them. We will see the new Chaos warriors or new Saurus warriors in official Old World books? I suspect not. This isnt a big problem. So long as base sizes are appropriate people can sub in whatever models they like. But what about minis like the the black coach or the new cold ones? The new versions of these kits are much bigger than the old ones. When they get round to doing vampire counts are they going to use the new black coach kit?  Surely they wouldn't put out the old one again....

I think it's just a matter of being visually consistent. They won't use AoS models for photos in books or the initial promotional material, but they'll make easy to use them in terms of rules/base size. Your guess is as good as mine, but that's my bet.

Edited by Jator
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20 hours ago, Chikout said:

This makes me worried. There are quite a lot of kits that have come out in AoS that are just resculpts of old units. I worry that the official version of this game is going to ignore them. We will see the new Chaos warriors or new Saurus warriors in official Old World books? I suspect not. This isnt a big problem. So long as base sizes are appropriate people can sub in whatever models they like. But what about minis like the the black coach or the new cold ones? The new versions of these kits are much bigger than the old ones. When they get round to doing vampire counts are they going to use the new black coach kit?  Surely they wouldn't put out the old one again....

Why would they sell again the old Chaos Warrior sculpts. There are new ones, which are just the same mini, but better sculpted and more dynamic. They will not put the old Chaos Warrior in new Warhammer  "The old world" boxes. Same for the Saurus warriors and etc. If and when there is a chaos armybook / list for Warhammer the old world. It will have the new daemon prince, knights, warriors and etc in it. It makes zero sense to use the old outdated models for exactlty the same unit with the same name. Unless they want that people talk about Warhammer the old world as the game with the ugly mini's.

Edit: It seems more plausible that they will add to the boxes of resculpts as i.e the Chaos warriors "These miniatures can be used for Age of Sigmar and Warhammer "The Old World"."

Edited by Tonhel
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Things that have been talked about in the Rumour thread and are worth mentioning here: 


I think it bodes well to see TOW there!  Now I'm more confident about a release at the end of this year
There's also this rumour shared by @Public Universal Duardin:

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1 hour ago, The Lost Sigmarite said:

You think the Snarlfangs can fit in TOW ? They're not too big compared to the old goblin wolf riders ? 

They're quite the step up in size. Not quite double but definitely much bigger. And I know I keep saying it but it's an amazing kit! So much props to the artists here!!! It sucks that it's not getting the attention because even though, imo, their rules aren't even bad they're just crushed by squigs rules which are also imo a bit over the top. 

If you've been on the fence about the kit, pick it up. It's a great one. 

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Don't know if anybody else posted this, but The Honest Wargamer also talked about how the starter would be Brettonia and Tomb Kings. He also said he was gonna check to see if they would all be new models or if they would have some old ones in the box as well.

Makes a lot more sense then the Human and Orcs rumors, but either way hope we will see it at the next event.

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