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What is your favorite realm concept and why?

What is your favorite realm concept?  

86 members have voted

  1. 1. What is your favorite realm concept?

    • Ghur
    • Ghyran
    • Shyish
    • Ulgu
    • Hyish
    • Aqshy
    • Chamon
    • Azyr
    • Chaos

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Simple question, but with warcry really showing the realm differences in models I thought I would ask. What is your favorite realm? I said concept because not all of them are fully explored yet, but a good portion is.  Maybe explain why  is it your favorite realm too?

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I gave my vote to Chamon. 

In terms of concept, Chamon is the most surreal and high fantasy. Its described as many floating planes. It also has the most dynamic terrain with potential to completely tramute. Best example being what happened to form The Spiral Crux. 

Of course not all realms have been fleshed out evenly, but we can still compare concepts.

What has been fleshed out makes other realms feel like flat-earths. 

Shyish would be my close second and also maybe less flat-earthy. The concept of subrealms coalencing from faith is great. 


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Hysh because I like the logical nature behind it that gives rise to landscapes very different to our own.

Ghyran would be my second because I like nature themes and enjoy the ideas they’ve managed to invent in it so far.

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Shyish. A land saturated by the power of death that (until recently) wasn’t notably worse in a lot of ways than most other realms. Settlements, cultures, ecosystems, the lot. 

The afterlife stuff was fun too, played around with an uncanny blend of ‘this is where souls go’ and ‘this is an actual place you could theoretically take a Kharadron airship to’.

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I like all of the realm concepts, but if I would have to rank them up:

1.  Ghur, Shyish, Ghyran 

2. Hysh (When we will finally learn more about it? My army is from Hysh and I want to know more), Chamon

3. Ulgu, Aqshy (Aqshy is so low because it's a bit overdone and I'm tired of it)

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Tough choice!

I really like quite a few of them. The Realm of Chaos is obviously a classic, but it maybe is a bit too dangerous to have proper adventuring potential.

I picked Ulgu as the top one, as I really like the idea of swirling shadows, and mist shrouded lands. However I'd rank Ghyran and Aqshay almost as highly, since fiery volcanic mountains and burnign deserts are awesome, and I love jungle shrouded lands, and the idea of nature being in the ascendant.

I'm less fussed about the others. Ghur seems cool, and I think Chamon has interesting potential, although I don't feel as though I quite have a handle on it.

I'm less fussed about Azyr, since its the most civlised and sigmarite of the realms, which isn't that interesting really. I'm not so keen on Shyish either, since I've never quite got the way its afterlife pocket planes work. How are they connected? How do they get from one to another? Can you just set up shop in any underworld, or are only the oldest ones, where fewer new souls are heading habitable? etc.

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Chamon. At first glance you might think it is a table top painted with lots of metallic paint. For me, Chamon conjures of images of alchemy, of strange and rare transmutative substances. In a land ripe with such material you would expect the flora and fauna to be exotic and strangely transformed. This imagery fits well with Tzeentch, my favourite Chaos god. Tzeentch brings its lovely blues, pinks and lilacs. If I ever get around to making a second table it will be a shattered dominion Chamon one. I have already squirrelled away a box of Deathworld Forest terrain for this purpose.

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I actually forgot to include what my own favorite realm is in the opening post!

My favorite realm is a tie between ghur and Ghyran. I like both of them because I can really imagine any landscape fitting into these two settings. Call me basic, but my favorite fantasy settings are Cities,  forests and oceans, and these places are ideal in fitting into these realms. Rolling forests dotted with villages and settlements battling against enemies and native Fauna, creating a living out there... everything a suburb boy like me can think about when driving alone viewing the scenery on the job or going to school. Giant tank sized monsters rife for hunting and killing... perfect fantasy fuel.


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At the risk of derailing a little bit:

I'm mostly wondering why there isn't a realm of ice/frost etc.... 
there's a few miniatures that would fit well (like BCR) and would be a nice excuse to use more snow effects on bases. 
Obviously you can still for various chaos realms and shyish.... Snow wouldn't be out of place in most of the other realms either. 
But you know.... we have life/death, shadow/light, beasts/metal,  chaos/heavens, and poor fire is left without a partner.  

Back on topic.
I think I like Shadow most of all. It's all mysterious. 

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1 hour ago, Inquisitorsz said:

I'm mostly wondering why there isn't a realm of ice/frost etc.... 

Realms are based on the winds of magic. Lore of Ice was a minor school of magic, so who's to say there isn't a small cube of ice that's floating around in space.

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Aqshy, simply because I have a whole back story for my Khorne army set there. I created an area called the Brass Forges where my army is based. They plunder the area and build great towers of skulls to Khorne.  I even came up with some Time of War rules too where the Brass Forges could potentially explode, dealing mortal wounds to nearby units.

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Ghur, because any army theme can be improved by '...and they hunt monsters' :D. I might be biased, that's what I did here:

Basically any faction can be made more savage and it's an extremely fun thing to explore. And large monsters are absolutely crucial for a proper fantasy army feel. Obviously.

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For me it is also Ghur. Obviously as a Destruction player. But I really like the lore. A realm where everything and everyone is constantly fighting for survival, even the land itself:


A traveller might seek refuge in a cave one night and emerge the next morning to find the horizon has changed, the landmarks having slid slightly, but discernibly, out of position. Here, the mountain moves in search of ice with which to armour its flanks, just as the open plain grinds the mountain’s edge to sharp gravel, the better to protect its crust from the feet of those who seek to traverse it. The river conquers the hills, gradually carving them apart with the rocks it has ripped from the high peaks. The hills shiver free those forests that seek to take root upon them with avalanches of rubble and burrows of root-gnawing stonelings. In places the weatherbeaten bones and ribcages of gargants and vast saurian monsters litter the lands, used as frameworks for everything from bivouacs to primitive townships.

Doesn't this sound wonderful? 😄 

10 hours ago, Inquisitorsz said:

I'm mostly wondering why there isn't a realm of ice/frost etc.... 
there's a few miniatures that would fit well (like BCR) and would be a nice excuse to use more snow effects on bases. 
Obviously you can still for various chaos realms and shyish.... Snow wouldn't be out of place in most of the other realms either. 
But you know.... we have life/death, shadow/light, beasts/metal,  chaos/heavens, and poor fire is left without a partner.  

I don't know where I read this, but I recall that Ghur also has snowy/icy regions. 

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"...constantly giving birth."  That's all I'll say.

Ok, ok, I'll explain myself a bit.  I chose Ghyran and that is part of a quote about what can happen at the Realm's Edge in Ghyran.  If you consider the implications of that statement, I think it has to be the single most GrimDark thing GW has ever written. 

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