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The Spelleater Curse is legit. Gonna be some sad-faced Treelords not getting their D6 wounds back due to that. The Bloodthirster battalion is pretty neat and the Khorgorath buff alleviates somewhat my concern over mediocre warscrolls not getting any shine. Cautiously optimistic.

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Yeah, these abilities look extremely powerful. That Council of Blood battalion is crazy good too (point cost depending, of course). Factoring in the buffed warscrolls too, Khorne is going to be terrifying. The priest abilities pretty much remove the disadvantage of not having access to spells either!

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6 hours ago, PJetski said:

Blood Tithe is insanely powerful. Being able to charge in your hero phase and then use abilities that let you attack in the hero phase is going to be an amazing combo.

Relentless Fury is really good, too.

No, better even: you can charge in your opponents fase. So you can basically move, run and charge.

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15 hours ago, Auticus said:

Well considering the Blood Reavers are wearing what appears to be light armor, them having NO SAVE AT ALL seems kind of contradicting to the model's appearance.

I agree. And also let's not forget that the save in AOS also represents toughness. Bloodletters, Crypt Horrors et al, get a 5+ save and they aren't wearing a stitch! So I think the idea of blood crazed, musclebound brutes wearing helmets and armoured trousers getting a 6+ save is absolutely fine.

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6 hours ago, swarmofseals said:

Yeah, these abilities look extremely powerful. That Council of Blood battalion is crazy good too (point cost depending, of course). Factoring in the buffed warscrolls too, Khorne is going to be terrifying. The priest abilities pretty much remove the disadvantage of not having access to spells either!


I can see how Death could be a hard opponent for Khorne as Blood Tithe needs the Khorne player to eradicate units to give bonuses - Death with their ward save and regenerating units could actually be a viable answer to lock them down.

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Bit more on the Kharadrin now that I have the White Dwarf, it seems that they will compensate for their lack of magic and prayers by getting a unique mechanic. To quote the article:

"As the Code is the basis of all Kharadron society, we also used it as the basis of their traits. Instead of getting a single trait like most other factions, you choose your army's interpretation of the Kharadron code from a trio of lists -giving you an Article, an Amendment and a Footnote-, which allows you to interpret the Code to your preferences. But if you want to theme your army around one of the major skyports, we created bespoke rules for them. To make up for their loss of flexibility of choosing your own interpretations, you get a small bonus -such as the traditionalists of Barak-Thryng being allowed a special artefact named the Grudgehammer, or the peerless aeronauts of Barak-Zilfin gaining bonuses to their skyvessels."

Customizable army-wide rules? This is just getting better and better!

They're also talking about how they're putting hobby advice back into the books. Painting, weathering, sub-assembly and basing tips. Talk about a blast from the past.

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4 hours ago, Teletomas said:


I can see how Death could be a hard opponent for Khorne as Blood Tithe needs the Khorne player to eradicate units to give bonuses - Death with their ward save and regenerating units could actually be a viable answer to lock them down.

Blood Tithe is basically a free extra rule replacing the completely useless Unpredictable Destruction, so I dont think it will make much difference, except Khorne players can manage when theyll get their bonuses by focusing on units etc 

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44 minutes ago, Bjarni St. said:

The difference is you can bring Warp-Lightning Cannons with Unpredictable Destruction. It remains to be seen whether BoK have any reach. Without it I don't have high hopes.

Bleurgh! Good point but this is exactly why factions should benefit from more and better allegiance rules than the Grand Alliances, in return for giving up a broader selection of unit choices. Im happy to stick with my good old unreliable Skullcannon and enjoy those juicy new prayers and tithe bonuses!

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