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3 hours ago, Chikout said:


Will this be the look of the new model? 


I would have preferred a Wayne England or issue 90/Heroquest cover look, but this is still nice.

I know it's downright impossible in this day and age, but it'd be great if the miniature didn't get revealed until people were able to open the pages of the actual magazine.

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21 minutes ago, Nezzhil said:

We are gonna have more soups instead of splitting armies. While Workshop use physical books of factions as launch references for update factions the number is limited to the production of books.

Which other factions are gonna get souped then?

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4 hours ago, Chikout said:


Will this be the look of the new model? 

"Who is this white-bearded wanderer? From whence does he come, that all duardin peoples recognise and know him? And where does he go when his act of charity is done...?"
"Masters of stone and metal and makers of intricate machines they are..."
"Under the stewardship of their ancestors will they prosper..."
"He will remind them of the old ways..."
"... and he will guide them towards the new."


'Father', the duardin grunted
'You remember...?' said the Maker
'Then I fear you've the advantage on me. The ages have taken so much...'
'I'm no sure what to call you? now you're here', said the Maker 'You've worn so many names. Not least the one by which I once named you.'
'You know my name'
The Maker smiled. 'Aye. I suppose I do, And so do they,.. The duardin have become strong through their trials. As I had always trusted that they would. But they have also become divided. It's time for them to feel my hand again, to remake that which was once whole. But we duardin aren't so quick to forgive a wrong done to us, and the wrong I did to them was great indeed. The centuries that have passed since the Age of Myth have been too long and bloody for them to follow me again, and Grimnir is not ready to return. There's only one thing they all share in common, one duardin who can unite them all.'
Grombrindal sighed and picked up his axe. 'Best make a start then, hadn't I?'


Edited by cofaxest
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I could see a future edition (Not this one) where they look to completely redefine how they "present" factions/lore/art etc. 

For example. An edition where a unit Battlescroll comes with the kit and is available for free as a PDF online (and available to buy in physical decks) and then published books consolidated factions based around race, culture, fitting and focused more on lore, art, collecting/modelling/painting. Funnily enough, they could go as extreme as going back to a single large Grand Alliance book and then card decks for each faction. If the desire to print Battlescrolls in Battletomes goes away that's a lots of pages of printed material. 

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9 minutes ago, Snarff said:

Which other factions are gonna get souped then?


Potential soups
StD+Chaos duardins+Beasts

Potential split inside one book(more distinct subfaction)
Soulblight(Flesh eater can be part of the book prob 50/50)

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18 minutes ago, Snarff said:

Which other factions are gonna get souped then?

-eth people: Sylvaneth, Idoneth, Lumineth, DoK, Malerioneth

Colors of Chaos: Slaanesh, Khorne, Tzeentch, Nurgle, Slaves2Darkness.

That would take down a lot of battletomes and to be honest, most of them had a coalesced mechanic in 2.0, so most people will already have units for them.

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Think this is a clear indication that Kharadon will now have canons that fire out Fyreslayers. Just airships everywhere with little angry slayers being launched down on the heads of their enemies.

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27 minutes ago, Ragest said:

Is funny to see people getting angry because maybe the dwarfs are being souped and, at the same time, hoping for elves to merge.


My Aelf merging comment was more of an ironic one, since its very possible for 4 separate Aelf factions to exist but apparently not for 2 Duardin factions.

My hope is nobody gets souped and everybody gets fleshed out.

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41 minutes ago, cofaxest said:


Potential soups
StD+Chaos duardins+Beasts

Potential split inside one book(more distinct subfaction)
Soulblight(Flesh eater can be part of the book prob 50/50)

Who would the Bonereapers be splitting? There’s less than 20 bloody models! 

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1 hour ago, Scáthborn said:

I feel like this is exactly what coalition should be used for. Keep the armies separate but have the potential of teaming up somewhat as a sub-faction like how Cities of Sigmar do it, or if you were to have the returned Grombrindal in either army.

The Kharadron already have the sub faction for "we're dispossessed in skyships" just fiction up an equivalent for the Dispossessed standalone and the Fyerslayers book

I'd also like to politely demand/request the option to still have Dispossessed and Free Cities team up; someone on here mentioned the ghyranite duardin Root Kings a minute ago and theyve lived in the back of my head ever since. 

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48 minutes ago, cofaxest said:


Potential soups
StD+Chaos duardins+Beasts

Potential split inside one book(more distinct subfaction)
Soulblight(Flesh eater can be part of the book prob 50/50)

If idoneth get merged with any other aelven faction that'd be so dumb, their whole identity is built around not being part of the new aelven pantheon. Also skaven aren't a soup book, the clans are very clearly subfactions, same with lumineth and their temples. This whole thing comes from order having so many BTs in comparison to death and destruction. Chaos is in a good spot imo.

Assuming bonesplitterz are gone, then KB and IJ get their own books, one ogor book for now, we'll see after their next release what state they're in. Maybe frazzlegitz get a book and take some current GSG stuff with them. There's the potential for a new faction too, either silent people or drogrukh(kragnos)

For death we have nighthaunt, OBR and FEC which should all stay as they are. I think there's potential of soulblight splitting, should skeletons or zombies get their own range. And also I'm always hoping for a vampire coast book one day.

Order doesn't need to combine any battletomes, yes it has a lot but combining them would just cause problems. We'll have to see if malerion's ulguroth aelf legions get their own BT or are lumped in with DoK, either could work I think.

I do think it's possible that S2D splits into chaos legions and chaos tribes, should beasts of chaos actually get squatted.

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48 minutes ago, Beliman said:

Colors of Chaos: Slaanesh, Khorne, Tzeentch, Nurgle, Slaves2Darkness.

Holy moly now that would be one big book. With all the cultist units S2D has got to be the second biggest faction already and all the rest are already pretty big. Souping them together would be... catastrophic haha. I'm down for it though, put all my factions together so I only need to worry about one book update per edition. Sounds perfect.

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I see nothing on that cover that suggest souping. There is also zero reason to merge the dwarf factions. The dwarfs in CoS are in danger as they will be moved to TOW in a couple of months, when their Arcane journal is released. But souping KS and FS, that seems extremely unlikely. Things like that would start AoS  4th with a negative buzz. I can't imagine they would do that.

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1 minute ago, Pizzaprez said:

The Kharadron already have the sub faction for "we're dispossessed in skyships" just fiction up an equivalent for the Dispossessed standalone and the Fyerslayers book

I'd also like to politely demand/request the option to still have Dispossessed and Free Cities team up; someone on here mentioned the ghyranite duardin Root Kings a minute ago and theyve lived in the back of my head ever since. 

Would love to see some official root king minis, would(wood?) be perfect as a warcry warband. There's also weirder stuff like the Valay (squid mer-duardin) which would be cool to see

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1 hour ago, cofaxest said:


Potential soups
StD+Chaos duardins+Beasts

Potential split inside one book(more distinct subfaction)
Soulblight(Flesh eater can be part of the book prob 50/50)

Potential desoup

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1 minute ago, Tonhel said:

I see nothing on that cover that suggest souping. There is also zero reason to merge the dwarf factions. The dwarfs in CoS are in danger as they will be moved to TOW in a couple of months, when their Arcane journal is released. But souping KS and FS, that seems extremely unlikely. Things like that would start AoS  4th with a negative buzz. I can't imagine they would do that.

I also can't imagine GW would want to sell us less of their overpriced army books either tbh

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1 hour ago, cofaxest said:


Potential soups
StD+Chaos duardins+Beasts

Potential split inside one book(more distinct subfaction)
Soulblight(Flesh eater can be part of the book prob 50/50)

Lumineth are definitelty not a souped book.

Sylvaneth and Kurnothi are one in the same there was never going to be a Kurnothi Battletome.

DOK and Umbraneth are definitely being put together as one in my opinion. Idoneth are so different they never will be souped.

Duardin Soup. Not happening.

STD and Beasts maaaaaybe but Chaos Duardin as well? Not a chance. Either its STD and Beasts or STD and CD not all 3.

Soulblight and FEC being one book also never happening.


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If the ironjawz expansion tells us anything it's that soup is no longer a reason not to give model support to an army. 

I know they thematically look very different, but I'm quite taken by the idea of allowing my slayers to use KO assault vehicles. Will definitely shake up the slow castle build.

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8 minutes ago, Jagged Red Lines said:

If the ironjawz expansion tells us anything it's that soup is no longer a reason not to give model support to an army. 

I know they thematically look very different, but I'm quite taken by the idea of allowing my slayers to use KO assault vehicles. Will definitely shake up the slow castle build.

I definitely think they should work on more fluffy coalition rules for stuff like that, you can work it into subfactions for cities too. Maybe in the format of an army of renown they could give us a big waagh type army list that lets you pick from the KO and FS army lists but then replaces all the battle traits with new ones.

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3 minutes ago, Nezzhil said:

If you think GW is not souping, then wait for the Grey Knights codex.

Comparing GK or DW or Inquistion, or any other faction of the Imperium, to two separete factions is just wrong 

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