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4 minutes ago, dmorley21 said:

Thank you - this makes sense. The release of a system will always generate a lot of buzz.

Back to AoS rumors: my track record with sources is mixed, but I’ve heard Seraphon, Cities, Nighthaunt, Deepkin, Fyreslayers, and Orruk Warclans are being targeted for changes other than points adjustments with the upcoming battlescroll. I’m no Whitefang, so these are nowhere near confirmed! Just what I’ve heard. 

I'm generally dubious of any rumors that indicate big balance changes less than six months away from a new edition release.

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12 minutes ago, madmac said:

I'm generally dubious of any rumors that indicate big balance changes less than six months away from a new edition release.

Fair but historically the summer and winter battlescrolls are always the biggest.

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14 minutes ago, dmorley21 said:

Thank you - this makes sense. The release of a system will always generate a lot of buzz.

Back to AoS rumors: my track record with sources is mixed, but I’ve heard Seraphon, Cities, Nighthaunt, Deepkin, Fyreslayers, and Orruk Warclans are being targeted for changes other than points adjustments with the upcoming battlescroll. I’m no Whitefang, so these are nowhere near confirmed! Just what I’ve heard. 

hopping for:

seraphon: kroak only cas cast his spell 3 times like always was. coalesced changed to -1 wound. bites changed to only need 1 model at 1" to whole unit do his bites.

slayers: 2" to troops range.

idoneth: need whole book, cant be fixed with simple faq.

orruks: some nerf to soup list.

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1 hour ago, Thalassic Monstrosity said:

Could it be possible the Morai-heg model is for 40k instead? She's the progenitor of both the Howling Banshees (unlikely, it's a pretty new kit) and the Croneswords the Ynnari are trying to collect. 

Whitefang was quite clear that it was about AoS

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1 hour ago, dmorley21 said:

Thank you - this makes sense. The release of a system will always generate a lot of buzz.

Back to AoS rumors: my track record with sources is mixed, but I’ve heard Seraphon, Cities, Nighthaunt, Deepkin, Fyreslayers, and Orruk Warclans are being targeted for changes other than points adjustments with the upcoming battlescroll. I’m no Whitefang, so these are nowhere near confirmed! Just what I’ve heard. 

Deepkin are probably just removing universal exploding 6s from Fuethan Shivers and moving them to melee only. 

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1 hour ago, madmac said:

I'm generally dubious of any rumors that indicate big balance changes less than six months away from a new edition release.

If I remember it correctly, they took off all faction specific tactics in 40k six months before 10th

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3 hours ago, dmorley21 said:


Ya I play cities a bit and they feel like they need some help. Maybe just better battle tactics?

Still waiting for them to show up in a tournament winning list  on woehammer so I can figure out a list lol.

Edited by RyantheFett
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4 hours ago, Ejecutor said:

WF reacting doesn't mean it would be imminent. It could be in the next preview or 8 months. Mandrake seems imminent on the other hand. Night Lords need their paring for Kill Team, and Mandrakes has been the long-term rumour for that.

I agree about Dawnbringers 6. Hopefully, they release a roadmap so we can shed some light on future releases.

How are we going to db 6.  5s not even a sure thing and only rumored because arks got a Surprise 5th book.  

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3 hours ago, RyantheFett said:

Ya I play cities a bit and they feel like they need some help. Maybe just better battle tactics?

Still waiting for them to show up in a tournament winning list  on woehammer so I can figure out a list lol.

I‘ve had great success with cities. :) (Only 20 Fusiliers)

I did even beat a tournament Belthanos list.



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4 hours ago, RyantheFett said:

Ya I play cities a bit and they feel like they need some help. Maybe just better battle tactics?

Still waiting for them to show up in a tournament winning list  on woehammer so I can figure out a list lol.

I fear that it is more likely that we see nerfs to Cities shooting instead. Maybe by making the Alchemite mortal wounds spell melee only.

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15 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

Imo Command Corpses would be nerfed.

The 3d3 heal is pretty hefty. I played against OBR recently and was reminded of all the restrictions they have on healing. Meanwhile, Command Corps healing is just "3d3 healing, split it however you like, go nuts". Maybe they should just make it "pick three different units, heal 1d3".

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22 minutes ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

The 3d3 heal is pretty hefty. I played against OBR recently and was reminded of all the restrictions they have on healing. Meanwhile, Command Corps healing is just "3d3 healing, split it however you like, go nuts". Maybe they should just make it "pick three different units, heal 1d3".

That’s partially because our best recursion has eaten multiple nerfs- The Gothizzar Harvester caught like, 5 at one time with its rewrite and had to get dropped about 50-60 points to ever see the light of day again. 

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18 hours ago, SG Warhound said:

New 4th edition rumours



Plague Censer

Rat Swarms

Giant Rats

Gutter Runners







Rat Ogors



new warlock

new warlord

new verminlord

new artillery

new behemoth

new wolfrats


+++ MOD EDIT +++ Removed inappropriate language from post

Love this if its the case.

What Skaven need in a relaunch is a core identity of models that people can confidently purchase and begin collecting. Lots of cool flavor like Plague rats and ninja rats can come with new waves!

Consider me on cloud 9 if this comes true 

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10 minutes ago, ScionOfOssia said:

That’s partially because our best recursion has eaten multiple nerfs- The Gothizzar Harvester caught like, 5 at one time with its rewrite and had to get dropped about 50-60 points to ever see the light of day again. 

Gothizzar problem is that the concept doesn't work with the slain models Core rules. People used the previous skill breaking how the game works because the Gothizzar rule didn't say how the slain rule works with that ability. So GW to fix that wrote the last one that seems bad but It is the only funcional interpretation of the concept idea of the model.

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8 hours ago, dmorley21 said:

Thank you - this makes sense. The release of a system will always generate a lot of buzz.

Back to AoS rumors: my track record with sources is mixed, but I’ve heard Seraphon, Cities, Nighthaunt, Deepkin, Fyreslayers, and Orruk Warclans are being targeted for changes other than points adjustments with the upcoming battlescroll. I’m no Whitefang, so these are nowhere near confirmed! Just what I’ve heard. 

I have a gut feeing that the slaven might get rule changes as well.

while probably not major rule changes, I could see the screening bell loosing its 3+ bodyguard save and -1 to hit ability against combat attacks.

5 hours ago, RyantheFett said:

Ya I play cities a bit and they feel like they need some help. Maybe just better battle tactics?

Still waiting for them to show up in a tournament winning list  on woehammer so I can figure out a list lol.

Some units really need some help the dwarfs and elves are a candidate. As for humans, I think they probably meed a merf on their shooting.

i’d love to see a change on return fire, where it can only be used against the unit that shot at them.

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8 hours ago, madmac said:

I'm generally dubious of any rumors that indicate big balance changes less than six months away from a new edition release.

I'm pretty sure we've had, in the past, quite sizeable updates to armies just weeks before their new battletomes came out, so I think there are predcedents. And boy, do SOME armies need a little leg up, even if for only a few months...

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Cant take out of my head the possibility of clan Eshin not getting any new miniatures in the near future. Like, man, I just want a unit of 10-20 guys in the style of Skittershank's clawpack, is that too much to ask?

Come on GW, just stop selling the garbage ninja monkeys and remodel them, come ooooooooooon

Also, 40k did have big balance changes on the last breaths of 9th. 

Edited by Garrac
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7 minutes ago, Skreech Verminking said:

I have a gut feeing that the slaven might get rule changes as well.

while probably not major rule changes, I could see the screening bell loosing its 3+ bodyguard save and -1 to hit ability against combat attacks.

Some units really need some help the dwarfs and elves are a candidate. As for humans, I think they probably meed a merf on their shooting.

i’d love to see a change on return fire, where it can only be used against the unit that shot at them.

Definitely agree that dwarves could get a bit of a buff. Allowing Irondrakes to get their better shooting profile if they received the movement order (like Fusiliers already do) would be an obvious one.

As for return fire: Currently, the Fusilier list has an interesting character as an anti-shooting shooting list. But it already has bad match ups against high-wound melee list that can charge early. I feel like changing return fire in the way you suggest would make the list a lot worse against shooting lists (which could just shoot at things they out-range), leaving it kinda weak all around. Which I don't know if that is the goal. The damage of Cities shooting is already not that high by the current standard and requires a good amount of build investment.


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11 hours ago, KingBrodd said:

The difference is when Bloodbowl, Necromunda, Horus etc get posted  the entire thread doesnt get derailed for hours if not days at a time.

(I'm responding to you, but this is really just a general comment on this moderation discussion, and not actually targeted at you)

I don't really feel like this thread CAN be derailed. When there's actual AOS stuff to talk about, it dominates the thread. When there isn't AOS stuff to talk about we have the same half dozen AOS comments over and over, its no wonder conversation drifts to something else in the meantime. 

Honestly, its always frustrating to me to see a good conversation halted out of some need to keep communication in rigid categories. Telling people not to talk about TOH (a game deeply connected to AOS thematically, historically and through models) so the thread can be clear for the same 5 people to post the same 5 things over and over again when there's nothing else to talk about is just really weird. Why limit good conversation?

Thats my input. 

Edited by GhostShark
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26 minutes ago, GhostShark said:

I don't really feel like this thread CAN be derailed. When there's actual AOS stuff to talk about, it dominates the thread. When there isn't AOS stuff to talk about we have the same half dozen AOS comments over and over, its no wonder conversation drifts to something else in the meantime. 

Honestly, its always frustrating to me to see a good conversation halted out of some need to keep communication in rigid categories. Telling people not to talk about TOH (a game deeply connected to AOS thematically, historically and through models) so the thread can be clear for the same 5 people to post the same 5 things over and over again when there's nothing else to talk about is just really weird. Why limit good conversation?

Imho most of the good ToW posts are the first few. After that it starts drifting in magical wishlisting wonderland. And lets be honest, if we start chatting about things without substance we always get a nudge to talk about rumours again. Lets all just be nice to the mods/admins.

ToW uses models we all know and love from WHFB and AoS. So i dont care about ToW talk that much as long as its about the models and not get deep into the lore aspects.

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8 minutes ago, Flippy said:

Isn’t that true for AoS as well?

Yes that is true. That is what i meant with the next sentence :). Just want to add that this is an AoS community first and some offtopic talk can be expected. We also have a ToW thread that seems to be really popular and some stuff can be talked about over there too. Dont see the harm in what @KingBrodd said.

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9 minutes ago, Gitzdee said:

Yes that is true. That is what i meant with the next sentence :). Just want to add that this is an AoS community first and some offtopic talk can be expected. We also have a ToW thread that seems to be really popular and some stuff can be talked about over there too. Dont see the harm in what @KingBrodd said.

He said that we weren't allow to brainstorm / mention in this thread about the potential model preview of today, because it would be for TOW. Which is imo bizar, as the exception doesn't count for Blood Bowl and even 30k/40k mentioned in the same thread.

Anway rumours have it, that this will be the model previewed today. I can imagine pure AoS players would also be happy if this is re-released again. Beautiful set.


Edited by Tonhel
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