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55 minutes ago, Snorri Nelriksson said:

For the courtiers, they could do something like Gobbapalooza\cities "command group" and make a plastic full court "unit".

Are this type of units necessary for the game? 

They are a bit teddious to use because they have a lot going on. Diferent profiles,  diferents spells, auras, etc...

I can understand this type of units in a game that tries to simulate war, but AoS already passed that line long time ago.

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4 minutes ago, Beliman said:

Are this type of units necessary for the game? 

They are a bit teddious to use because they have a lot going on. Diferent profiles,  diferents spells, auras, etc...

I can understand this type of units in a game that tries to simulate war, but AoS already passed that line long time ago.

From a collecting standpoint they're pretty great, the new Space Marine box is £40 and effectively contains 3 character models and 2 other marines for less than the price of 2 modern clamshell releases.

Likewise the Gobbapalooza is £35 for 5 of the best models in the range, instead of each being released as a separate character for £19+. True in matched play you can only run all 5 together which can add to the confusion but with all the additional rules you have to deal with anyway for running multiple units and characters, we're well passed that steepest part of that learning curve.

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6 minutes ago, Beliman said:

Are this type of units necessary for the game? 

They are a bit teddious to use because they have a lot going on. Diferent profiles,  diferents spells, auras, etc...

I can understand this type of units in a game that tries to simulate war, but AoS already passed that line long time ago.

It's probably the most annoying way to go. If they're linked, you have to deal with what you mentioned, but if they can be taken separately, you have to buy the entire squad for the single unit you want.

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7 hours ago, Ejecutor said:

A series of devastating earthquakes has ravaged the Gnarlwood as something stirs deep below the forest surface. 


Good to see this plot-line is still going. They’ve been building on the Gnarlwoods getting ready to burst with strange energies and twisted creatures shambling out of it through several systems now including Soulbound.

I wonder if that’s the reason they jumped to Andtor in UnderWorlds so soon because nobody’s gonna want to be underneath the meat forests in the very close future?

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30 minutes ago, Beliman said:

Are this type of units necessary for the game? 

They are a bit teddious to use because they have a lot going on. Diferent profiles,  diferents spells, auras, etc...

I can understand this type of units in a game that tries to simulate war, but AoS already passed that line long time ago.

Maybe they are not the best playing wise, but for painters/ collectors they are super. Specially if you consider they are all heroes that are not sell separately for 30 € each.

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55 minutes ago, Vasshpit said:

Damn rats.... 😉

Could be. Would be a nice way to thread out their refresh if it’s both new high-tech Skryre units besieging Aqsha & Ghur Moulder Skaven blown up by the built up digestive magic they tampered with and got twisted into new mutated forms.

Would also like to see Clans Pestilens get those giant red ticks as monster units they unleashed thanks to taking samples from Kragnos:

”> As the Battle of Excelsis raged around them, these skulking killers slipped through the carnage in search of their quarry. Kragnos was pulverising a Sigmarite chapel with his oversized mace when they came upon him. His sheer size and manic fury was almost enough to make them turn tail and flee. Recalling the warpstone riches Ikbite had promised them, however, the Shushbik assassins crept up on the rampaging Drogrukh and, with their daggers, clipped a pawful of his mattered fur. Reacting with terrifying speed, Kragnos instantly whipped about and squashed three skaven under his hooves. The surviving assassins fled in terror, clutching their prize.

> An unbearably smug Ikbite was proved correct in his assumptions when Pestilens plague-brewers added this 'Hair of the Earthquake' to their malefic concoctions. As they did so, the ground beneath Blight City began to tremble and splinter. Great fissures opened in the earth, spilling forth a tide of daemonic, rat-faced blood-ticks that swept across the city, plunging into the many gnawholes that dotted the skaven capital. Thus was unleashed the ninth of the Thirteen Great Plagues.”


Edit: oh and a small release for Clans Eshin to show them helping Belakor to try and take Ulgu from Morathi-Khaine & Malerion.

That way the 4 in AoS4 could be for the 4 great clans.

Edited by Baron Klatz
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Ok guys since we've seen the last (39th) model in the 40 years of Warhammer countdown today, next Wednesday we are getting a reveal of an iconic model of WHFB/TOW spearheading the big Warhammer Day reveal three days later. I think a new version of The Green Knight or Settra the Imperishable is inbound. 

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53 minutes ago, Baron Klatz said:

A series of devastating earthquakes has ravaged the Gnarlwood as something stirs deep below the forest surface. 


Good to see this plot-line is still going. They’ve been building on the Gnarlwoods getting ready to burst with strange energies and twisted creatures shambling out of it through several systems now including Soulbound.

I wonder if that’s the reason they jumped to Andtor in UnderWorlds so soon because nobody’s gonna want to be underneath the meat forests in the very close future?

It’s funny because I’m pretty sure nobody has wanted to be there since shortly after Sundered Fate made the godforsaken meat trees show up in every box. I hate those things. 

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2 hours ago, Baron Klatz said:

A series of devastating earthquakes has ravaged the Gnarlwood as something stirs deep below the forest surface. 


Good to see this plot-line is still going. They’ve been building on the Gnarlwoods getting ready to burst with strange energies and twisted creatures shambling out of it through several systems now including Soulbound.

I wonder if that’s the reason they jumped to Andtor in UnderWorlds so soon because nobody’s gonna want to be underneath the meat forests in the very close future?

Underworlds has changed location every two starter sets since the beginning. It is faster now because they put out two boxes a year. It doesn't necessarily mean anything to with the lore. This is actually the first time they haven't changed realm. 

Edited by Chikout
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8 hours ago, Ejecutor said:

Maybe they are not the best playing wise, but for painters/ collectors they are super. Specially if you consider they are all heroes that are not sell separately for 30 € each.

I know, I know. But I'm talking specifically about the rules.

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7 hours ago, Sir Grimm said:

Ok guys since we've seen the last (39th) model in the 40 years of Warhammer countdown today, next Wednesday we are getting a reveal of an iconic model of WHFB/TOW spearheading the big Warhammer Day reveal three days later. I think a new version of The Green Knight or Settra the Imperishable is inbound. 

I've also speculated about this possibility, but there's nothing certain about it unless you have better info than me?

Have to be honest, Green Knight and Settra would both feel like a letdown to me, as they would be for a super niche revival of a defunct game. IMO, the only kind of models that could attempt to celebrate warhammer in its entirety would be something Chaos, as it is present in all 3(4 if you count HH) Of the settings we know and love - perhaps an alternate sculpt for Belakor, or a foot version of Archaon, or Harry the Hammer with options to make him into a 40k character, or a random daemon thing...

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2 minutes ago, DoctorPerils said:

I've also speculated about this possibility, but there's nothing certain about it unless you have better info than me?

Have to be honest, Green Knight and Settra would both feel like a letdown to me, as they would be for a super niche revival of a defunct game. IMO, the only kind of models that could attempt to celebrate warhammer in its entirety would be something Chaos, as it is present in all 3(4 if you count HH) Of the settings we know and love - perhaps an alternate sculpt for Belakor, or a foot version of Archaon, or Harry the Hammer with options to make him into a 40k character, or a random daemon thing...

Chaos is present in all the settings, as are Dwarves.

Just sayin'.

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If its something new Chaos sounds likely but if it isn't I think the two most likely candidates are the new Terminators or something from the new Cities of Sigmar range.
The Terminator would represent Space Marines as their best selling range, be one of the most liked units of 40k and represent both old Marines and new Primaris.
The Cities of Sigmar model (Probably one of the Steelhelms or Tahlia Vedra) would represent the first humans released during AoS (which is a pretty big deal) and would also connect to the feeling of one of the Old Worlds launch factions in Brettonia. And since it seems like this whole 40 years of Warhammer countdown would have originally connected to a launch announcement of the Old World before Legions Imperialis was delayed that would fit.
It would also make sense if its a reveal of an Old World model as a teaser for Warhammer day on the Saturday after in the same way Klonk was the teaser model for Nova

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4 hours ago, EntMan said:

Chaos is present in all the settings, as are Dwarves.

Just sayin'.

Has White Dwarf or Bugman appeared yet? I'd say either one of those would be an iconic 40yr model if it wasn't Harry the Hammer.. Edit: White Dwarf has been shown.. I doubt Bugman will appear .. mo idea really... someone on Bolter mentioned the models are chronological -th eScreamer Killer released this year so 40 th might be next years release?

Edited by silverstu
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16 hours ago, EonChao said:

Not really, his source has been pretty accurate for 40k and Heresy. I think the only notable thing that he got wrong was a Black Templar Ancient (a conversion by one of the sculptors who worked on the new Primaris Templars that was included in the Codex photo sections was assumed to be a new model by his source) and updated Chaos Marine Bikes (which I could believe are ready to go but waiting for the right window).

Those weren't his leaks. They were posted on Bolter and Chainsword and he just regurgitated them.

There's a reason his "Primarch rumours" are lambasted and memed. He's been wrong about TOW dates. There's a number of 30k things he's been wrong about. His "40k 10th launch will be Angels of Death themed" turned out wrong as well, I'll give him credit for being accurate about a fair amount of stuff, but that's largely been things which weren't super far away from a reveal. 

If it's something no more a few months away he's usually good for it. Any longer and it gets so-so. 


Edited by Clan's Cynic
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To be fair to Valrak, anything past a couple of months isnt set in stone and can end up moved around all over the place or even cancelled entirely, thats why i was surprised at how accurate that big 40k leak ended up being but even that had things slightly wrong, i suspect based on production problems or whatever behind the scenes.

Like, Hastings saw Angron years before he came out in the end but he got knocked back a few times.

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According to one of my friends who was visiting Warhammer World this week, many stormcast boxes including sacrosanct chamber, balista and raptors had a tag "buy it before it disappear" (he wrote me in French so it is maybe not the exact translation, maybe "buy it before it's too late") so it could be signs of an end of production. 

It is weird that the sacrosanct chamber is also in rework, means a LOTS of boxes and the sacrosancts are pretty new so don't really know what to do with those informations....

Maybe it is nothing relevant but I think it worth the post 

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30 minutes ago, Clan's Cynic said:

The monsta-killaz have grown on me. Still not my fav but I do like them much more than when I first saw them. 

I just love the Kruleboyz design so much! The sculptor(s) behind the line killed it!!! 

I thoroughly hope they keep the same artists for any further gitmob expansions as well as I'm %99.9 sure they did the grots. 

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And after FeC we finally have more photos of Bretonnian pegasus lord:

>Sadly I don't have the rider. I suspect a hero model just given the amount of bling on the pegasus though. No real indication from the saddle area as to what it might look like.

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CDN media

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