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Everything posted by Vagard

  1. Sorry if the info have already been said but where can we see the spearhead game between those 2 wrestlers? Has it already happened? is there a rebroadcast?
  2. I think about a more "generic" hero that can buff battlelines, we often get on in starting box
  3. I would add a 4th hero in the skaven side, either a buffer hero like the kruleboyz belcha banna or a classic rat hero on foot like the killaboss on foot. Who is the big boy? 🤔
  4. And there's even less indication of a special spearhead launchbox. It would be extremely dumb to not explicitely mention it in the spearhead article. The fact that they are calling it "launch box" in a #newAoS article (which is directly related to the v4) is a proof that they are talking about the v4 launch box. And as some forum users mentionned it, they already did the same for 40k so no doubt at all : there will be 2 spearhead boxes for ScE and maybe the same for skavens. Otherwise they would have specify in the article that the spearhead lauch box will be a different one from the v4 launch box.
  5. Do you mean that when GW talks about the "lanch box" here, it is not the AoS v4 lauch box but a special spearhead launch box? The incoming launch box provides everything you need to play with a friend, including two complete Spearhead forces, terrain, a double-sided board with printed objectives, and the packs of cards that really make this mode tick. You’ll also get a beautiful hardcover book that includes everything you need to play – the core rules, the Spearhead battlepack, and the rules for every Spearhead force in the game – so you can start playing with your existing collections immediately. To me it is clear that they are talking about the v4 launch box as their did not really insist on a special spearhead one And it makes sens to appeal new players by telling them "hey, you can directly play a balanced game with special rules for small armies with this "all included box" and then add more units to play the matched play 2k pts"
  6. Based on the fact that GW told us that there will be 2 playable spearheads in the starter box, and also based on the comparison between ScE dominion roaster and ScE spearhead, we have 3 options : - Either the launch box is not the same as the starting box (as dominion was) and in the launch box we will not have terrains but more minis instead - There is only one launch box / starting box and we will just have less minis than Dominion - There is only one launch box / starting box and we will get as much minis as Dominion but the spearheads included will not take into account all the minis included in the box. To me the most plausible option is the 1st
  7. Not enough dynamic to me, but still better that the old ones
  8. I think that this kind of information would have already been said if so. But to be sure maybe wait until the relase in june/july to avoid bad surprises
  9. https://www.warhammer-community.com/2024/04/24/heres-how-battlepacks-battleplans-and-the-generals-handbook-work-in-newaos/ For next week : Next, we’ll be taking a look at some of the Battle Tactics that you’ll be trying to score in the new edition of Age of Sigmar. Those of you itching to learn about Spearhead and Path to Glory – stay tuned in the coming weeks!
  10. We’ll be revealing another new miniature on Monday, and learning more about battleplans, the General’s Handbook, and the battle tactics of the new edition.
  11. First 40k faction focus was may the 2nd so we might have our starting next week. For now we have 24 factions in the game (including BoC) so if like 40k we have one faction focus a day begginig next monday, we will have enough to last the whole month until june. Leviathan preorder was june the 10th so the schredule could work Btw, this week's article(s) is about battleplans, battle tactics and general handbook
  12. That's what.... snipers do? We did not see the point cost yet, but we can see 5hp at 5+ save, even a nurgling can kill that The thing that can be overpowered can be his order to jezzails. That could be OP depending the restriction on the number of jezzails in the unit, the warscroll itself etc
  13. jezzails are the new manskewers boltboyz
  14. It is litteraly his only purpose, thank the horned rat he does the job well It's like if you complain about a sorcerer because he can cast spells
  15. I don't understand why reducing the power of shooting in the game is incompatible with the castelite formation? Maybe the rule will change to allow castelite units to still shoot while in combat if they did not move this turn by the way.
  16. Sad that 2 reclusians out of 3 have exactly the same pose by the way, darkoath lore before skaven lore hahahahaha https://www.warhammer-community.com/2024/04/18/dont-listen-to-sigmar-the-darkoath-are-more-than-just-mindless-chaos-marauders/
  17. Actually this is not very nice from GW to keep posting images with squatted minis but they are technically playable until 2025 so still part of the game for now... But yes, too soon indeed (and too frequent)
  18. The rule is about the fact that the medusa's look turn people in stone/crystal (because fancier) when you see through her eyes. It is more lore accurate to turn a small human into glass than a gargant. GW didn't want to give a buff related to the ease to touch a big target but the ability to turn into glass small and weak creatures easier than big ones.
  19. Control have already been explained : the control points are for each minis, so if a unit of 10 minis with a control point value of 2 is on an objective, they worth 20 control points and you will need more than that to take the objective back. Regarding rend, I don't see how it can change, we've seen that il will be way more difficult to stack +1 save as many iterations have gone so I guess it will be more difficult to reduce ennemi's rend but it will work the same as now otherwise
  20. Seems like we enter the era of Rend here
  21. https://www.warhammer-community.com/2024/04/15/the-ruination-chamber-opens-the-reclusians-are-the-most-battle-hardened-stormcast-eternals-yet/
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