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I'm really interested in seeing how they handle Stormcast going forward. After the middling response to the initial models, I don't think GW had a lot of time to pivot their design direction in time for 2e; the Sacrosanct feel like a natural expansion rather than a redesign. But 3e and the Thunderstrike models almost feel like a complete reboot, and many of those models feel more like replacements instead of additions (Vindictors and Liberators, Annihilators and the other Paladins, etc.)

I've heard some rumors that older units like Liberators are getting new models for 4e, which I initially thought was absurd until I remembered that it would be nine years since they had been released, and given GW's design-to-release timeline, by the time we get to 4e they could have been in-development eleven to twelve years ago. I don't think there's any scenario where they drop them entirely (at least, not for another twenty years) but the roster bloat is real and I don't see a way they can diversify some of these units when there are so many trying to fill the same battlefield roles.

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2 minutes ago, KriticalKhan said:

I'm really interested in seeing how they handle Stormcast going forward. After the middling response to the initial models, I don't think GW had a lot of time to pivot their design direction in time for 2e; the Sacrosanct feel like a natural expansion rather than a redesign. But 3e and the Thunderstrike models almost feel like a complete reboot, and many of those models feel more like replacements instead of additions (Vindictors and Liberators, Annihilators and the other Paladins, etc.)

I've heard some rumors that older units like Liberators are getting new models for 4e, which I initially thought was absurd until I remembered that it would be nine years since they had been released, and given GW's design-to-release timeline, by the time we get to 4e they could have been in-development eleven to twelve years ago. I don't think there's any scenario where they drop them entirely (at least, not for another twenty years) but the roster bloat is real and I don't see a way they can diversify some of these units when there are so many trying to fill the same battlefield roles.

They do have like 2 more chambers to open in the future.

I also guess they can keep making different armor type to fit whatever the narrative or new mechanic they are introducing in each edition

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2 minutes ago, Snorri Nelriksson said:

Adds chorfs on the side for the most industrial aos edition.



24 minutes ago, Beliman said:

Make it better: Kharadrons vs Skavens fleet. New rules about transporta and engineer.

Welcome to the Age of the Machine!

I would love a Chamon edition. Such a different setting from the current one.

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Yes the battle boxes CAN be for exsisting players but most people have fleshed out their army enough that they aren’t banking on a battlebox to complete it. 

I tend to find they are geared towards people who may have just started that army and could use some depth or someone ready to start a new army project. 

I’m sure there’s a hint of motivation on what armies they want to push sales of. In theory you sell a battlebox, then more people will circle back and buy other product from that army. Hence why we almost always see the starter armies offered every holiday season (Stormcast, Nighthaunt, Kruleboyz)



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4 hours ago, KriticalKhan said:

I'm really interested in seeing how they handle Stormcast going forward. After the middling response to the initial models, I don't think GW had a lot of time to pivot their design direction in time for 2e; the Sacrosanct feel like a natural expansion rather than a redesign. But 3e and the Thunderstrike models almost feel like a complete reboot, and many of those models feel more like replacements instead of additions (Vindictors and Liberators, Annihilators and the other Paladins, etc.)

I've heard some rumors that older units like Liberators are getting new models for 4e, which I initially thought was absurd until I remembered that it would be nine years since they had been released, and given GW's design-to-release timeline, by the time we get to 4e they could have been in-development eleven to twelve years ago. I don't think there's any scenario where they drop them entirely (at least, not for another twenty years) but the roster bloat is real and I don't see a way they can diversify some of these units when there are so many trying to fill the same battlefield roles.

I think the best case for players would be to condense warscrolls and merge some of the Stormcast options.  We already haven redeemers as a group name for Vindictors, Sequitors and Liberators. Merge the warscrolls, discontinue the oldest option and let people run them if they like the models, like how you can run phoenix guard as black guard.

You can do the same for Paladins, maybe keep shield armed ones as a separate sheet, but otherwise it's just the same. 

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I would love to pick up Kroak in the battleforce. Rather, I worry that he will be accompanied by scores of Saurus (Temple) Guard to push a theme - and some old models.

As for 4th edition and new Stormcast, I wonder if the Thunderstrike keyword will be phased out to better blur the lines between different generations of Stormcast, similar to how the Primaris/Firstborn distinction looks to be going in 10th.

Definitely hoping for Skaven for the new edition. They're long overdue; incredible popular; one of the most original creations of GW; they are Chaos, meaning we've come full circle; they fit the profile for poster boy villain with lots of gribbly hordes to get stomped by the heroes, contrasted by big hulking brutes - all of which are easy to paint. Like Tyranids, they're the exact kind of army you would want to put into everybody's hands with readily available push-fit models and such.

And most importantly, they make for perfect offerings on the blood-slicked sacrificial altars of Sotek...


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7 hours ago, Ejecutor said:

Talking about center piece models and discount boxes. What would you expect in the CoS Vanguard box?

Maybe a full Castellite with Fusiliers, Ogor and Canon?

That would be a perfect addition to the armybox, but I would also be very happy with the cavalier marshall, 5 cavaliers and 10 steelhelms.

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It's a weird choice of words. Blow people out of the water? That doesn't really mean what he probably thinks it means.

"completely discredit someone or something by far surpassing them or exposing their flaws."

Why not 'blow people's minds'? Makes me think the word choice was a hint. We've had order v chaos, death and destruction. What about order v order, with stormcast v idoneth?

Maybe I'm just reading too much into it.

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