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3 minutes ago, EntMan said:

For 40k they'll be Spacecast Eternals for sure.

But I'm also hoping for Kroot. There's a few Kroot rumour engines to be resolved, and they had a recentish Kill Team so that means new stuff is more likely to be main 40k.

(Yes, I know I'm being unrealistic, but allow me hope)

10th Edition 40k Roadmap Released! -

T'au Codex is coming next Spring after a (reportedly) large Dark Angels release.

If (I'm 100% sure we will be getting at least a 2-3 kit Kroot release) we are getting both DA and Kroot, I could see DA coming early Spring and Kroot at the end just before CSM.

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7 minutes ago, EntMan said:

For 40k they'll be Spacecast Eternals for sure.

But I'm also hoping for Kroot. There's a few Kroot rumour engines to be resolved, and they had a recentish Kill Team so that means new stuff is more likely to be main 40k.

(Yes, I know I'm being unrealistic, but allow me hope)

I'm a massive Kroot fan. I even helped start a 7th edition fan codex to update the 5th edition Kompletely Kroot one! 8th edition happened and it died a death unfortunately!🤣

I remember seeing a diesel punk looking Kroot force . Looked absolutely amazing

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11 minutes ago, CDM said:

What's everyone thoughts for the preview. We've got FEC and Ironjawz incoming . 40k will bespace marines I bet ( I don't mind the release of the poster boys for a new edition but I  can't be doing with the host gushing over them and the wet knickers. Didn't want it taking up 50% of the overall time!) But what else is there. What did the Warcry and underworlds timelines hint at?


Here we go again:


  • Full Space Marine range, maybe Admech and Necron single minis


  • Big Ironjawz reveals, Troggoth, maybe FeC tease?


  • Cities vs Orruks (100% baseless guesswork, please GW let my constant tip of a CoS Warband happen at one of these previews)


  • Those 2 ogor REs, guessing plastic Maneaters (if they don't come with Dawnbringers)

Horus Heresy

  • Big box with Mark III, Dreadnought, new generic Characters

The Old World

  • Plastic Bretonnian Pegasus and plastic TK equivalent character, maybe the rumoured SC/Vanguard style boxes

Blood Bowl

  • High Elves or Chaos Dwarfs (please) / Surprise Amazons/Norsca style team (Kislev? Tomb Kings? Cathay?)
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8 minutes ago, Asbestress said:

Here we go again:


  • Full Space Marine range, maybe Admech and Necron single minis


  • Big Ironjawz reveals, Troggoth, maybe FeC tease?


  • Cities vs Orruks (100% baseless guesswork, please GW let my constant tip of a CoS Warband happen at one of these previews)


  • Those 2 ogor REs, guessing plastic Maneaters (if they don't come with Dawnbringers)

Horus Heresy

  • Big box with Mark III, Dreadnought, new generic Characters

The Old World

  • Plastic Bretonnian Pegasus and plastic TK equivalent character, maybe the rumoured SC/Vanguard style boxes

Blood Bowl

  • High Elves or Chaos Dwarfs (please) / Surprise Amazons/Norsca style team (Kislev? Tomb Kings? Cathay?)

I see Knight @Asbestress's predictions for the future, and shall now add my own.


Space Marines full preview, new Ad-mech hero with a chance for an elite, Dark Angels exclusive nonsense.


Orruks! Hardboys and general Ironjawz expansion/upgrade (which includes the delinquent squig previewed yesterday). New Portal Troggoth for @KingBrodd. This will be followed by the FEC crusade kicking off, primarily showing off the new ghouls since they were leaked. Chaos Dwarfs in plastic.


Two war bands that'll be used as different sculpts for existing models.


the last destruction warband (ogres Milord!) followed by death and chaos teasers.

Horus Heresy

Plastic Assault Squad, Mark III upgrades, Mark II kit (hopefully), and a plastic Cerastus knight kit.


Bretonnian Pegasus Paladin, Tomb King hero unit, and a potential release date. Kislev teaser.

Blood Bow

New named character, followed by Chorf or Tomb Kings team. 

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18 minutes ago, Asbestress said:


  • Cities vs Orruks (100% baseless guesswork, please GW let my constant tip of a CoS Warband happen at one of these previews)

To be honest I've really lost interest in a Cities warband now we've seen the direction of travel and it's not likely to include Duardin or even less likely Aelves...

Edited by EntMan
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I am planning on not overhyping this time:
40k: Space Marines reveal will take up the bulk of the time,
AOS: Orruks and the rest of the Dawnbringer reveals
Underworld: A cool new Warband, for an army with too many releases already Slaves to Stormcast.
Warcry,: One warband and here is hoping it is for Maneaters or something new for Ogors.
Horus Heresy: Just when you thought we were done with space marines... maybe that leaked variant of the new Knight Titan
TOW: I am expecting something less revelatory for the specific models but rather a confirmation on the release date and some cool teases of Bretonnians vs Tombkings featuring key art. 
Blood Bowl: I am calling it now... something funny!

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31 minutes ago, EntMan said:

To be honest I've really lost interest in a Cities warband now we've seen the direction of travel and it's not likely to include Duardin or even less likely Aelves...

What about an order of Azyr warband that is a mix of men dwarf and elf?

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1 hour ago, CDM said:

What did the Warcry and underworlds timelines hint at?

Underworlds is a new core box, they haven't done an Order warband in a while and the next warband after the box is Destruction so expect Order vs whatever.

Warcry is likely either Ogors or Sylvaneth, my guess is Ogors.

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30 minutes ago, CDM said:

What about an order of Azyr warband that is a mix of men dwarf and elf?

Well that would super well received, but totally out of step with all the new Cities stuff we have now.

Ogre and some dogs are the most likely non humans I reckon now. 

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On 8/29/2023 at 1:20 PM, Jetlife said:

A Morghast hero would honestly be a really nice addition to OBR. Everything in that army has some other unit to power it up outside of the morghasts. Having a hero that can buff them could help them be included in more lists. 

Agreed. I have 12 morghasts, and I only play with them because of cool factor, not because they are particularly good. It would be nice for them to get a boost.

Edited by Sleboda
I can't type.
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10 minutes ago, Jagged Red Lines said:

Might be just my misplaced faith in Grimnir, but I feel like Fyreslayers might get something in the preview. Could be just underworlds/warcry, or something in dawnbringer. But my beardsense is tingling.

Honestly I'd love for them to get a warband for Warcry or Underworlds, it'd be a good way to show what direction they're thinking for them

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The rumored BB Team is the Vampire Team since a while. And, that rumour was reforced with the Wight Star Player with the color scheme of the classic Vampire team.

The HH model must be Rogal Dorn, they announced that a Primarch would be revealed at the next preview.

I'm not expecting any Winter releases preview because they usually do a second preview during november

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6 hours ago, EntMan said:

For 40k they'll be Spacecast Eternals for sure.

But I'm also hoping for Kroot. There's a few Kroot rumour engines to be resolved, and they had a recentish Kill Team so that means new stuff is more likely to be main 40k.

(Yes, I know I'm being unrealistic, but allow me hope)

My guess is that they are most likely doing the same as AoS with only one or two units coming out with each new book.  Of course I would love more kroot (and other non tau races!!)

As a lot of people pointed out the 3 or 4 rumor engines point towards kroot. Bit of a stretch, but could be a very large kroot hand with kroot like armor for the first. The others are pretty clear some type of kroot unit.

Of course take it with some salt since GW likes to reuse a lot of their stuff.







6 hours ago, Asbestress said:

If (I'm 100% sure we will be getting at least a 2-3 kit Kroot release) we are getting both DA and Kroot, I could see DA coming early Spring and Kroot at the end just before CSM.




Edited by RyantheFett
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I don’t think the 3rd one is Kroot- The Kroot rarely mark their stuff with symbols, and those don’t follow GW’s normal design for arrows either. Unless they’re both being fired at two overlapping angles by one weapon, most likely they’re in a holder, and arrows in a quiver (To the best of my knowledge and from what I saw on models) are stored with the fletchings outside the quiver and the point inside, meaning they’re most likely javelins or a similar projectile. 

I believe that, between the Morghast wing in today’s rumor engine and those symbols being dead ringers for Ossiarch runes, these may be our first look at the next wave of Ossiarchs or their Warcry Warband, with the predicted ranged Mortek not being Mortek Bowmen, but instead Mortek/Kavalos Javelineers. 

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29 minutes ago, ScionOfOssia said:

I don’t think the 3rd one is Kroot- The Kroot rarely mark their stuff with symbols, and those don’t follow GW’s normal design for arrows either. Unless they’re both being fired at two overlapping angles by one weapon, most likely they’re in a holder, and arrows in a quiver (To the best of my knowledge and from what I saw on models) are stored with the fletchings outside the quiver and the point inside, meaning they’re most likely javelins or a similar projectile. 

I believe that, between the Morghast wing in today’s rumor engine and those symbols being dead ringers for Ossiarch runes, these may be our first look at the next wave of Ossiarchs or their Warcry Warband, with the predicted ranged Mortek not being Mortek Bowmen, but instead Mortek/Kavalos Javelineers. 

Like I said all of those could be for anyone of their games. They reuse symbols and gear a lot and it makes a lot of these almost impossible to figure out lol.

The kroot do use those symbols on at least two of their weapons. The bowgun and the sword iirc, but I am pretty sure others have pointed out several factions in AoS use them as well so yaaaa.

Safe bet its another Primaris lieutenant!!!!

Edited by RyantheFett
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5 hours ago, Ganigumo said:

I bet warcry will be the boxed set. There's 4 warbands coming in fall, and two are supposed to be from a box set right?

At Warhammer Fest they said that the next "season" of Warcry wouldn't have the "vs boxsets" like Heart of Ghur - just individual releases.


As for my predictions:

  • 40k: Space Marines
  • AoS: Ironjawz (Dawnbringers: Book II)
  • Underworlds: Nurgle and... Fyreslayers
  • Warcry: Maneaters
  • Horus Heresy: MkIII and Deredeo
  • The Old World: Bretonnian and Tomb King heroes... in plastic!
  • Blood Bowl: ...new Tzeentch team...
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9 minutes ago, Beliman said:

More IF!! Common GW, we don't have enough of them!

Why not make another Praetor with a slightly diferent pose? 

But it makes sense. They changed the topic of the HH season to be more bounded on an event that was a conflict between IF and SoH instead the global war. It is a long term strategy to the survibality of the game.


EDIT: Old World would be the same. If someone is expecting a lot of kits for all the supported factions... be patient then.

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15 minutes ago, Nezzhil said:

But it makes sense. They changed the topic of the HH season to be more bounded on an event that was a conflict between IF and SoH instead the global war. It is a long term strategy to the survibality of the game.

I get that, it's just that Black Books already did the same without going all in for 2 armies.

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1 hour ago, Nezzhil said:

But it makes sense. They changed the topic of the HH season to be more bounded on an event that was a conflict between IF and SoH instead the global war. It is a long term strategy to the survibality of the game.


EDIT: Old World would be the same. If someone is expecting a lot of kits for all the supported factions... be patient then.

There's already a model for Rogal Dorn. I've seen Lorgar Ascended suggested as that has rules but no model yet. 

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