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1 minute ago, Grunbag said:

Last battletome from road map is still FEC ? Is that confirmed ? Cause I heard FEC BT is planned for 2024

It's not confirmed, but it is the only established faction without a tome that is left. Of course, there could be a surprise new faction out of nowhere or one of the factions that already have a battletome might get a second one this edition (Warclans update?).

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I've been wracking my brain about what the inspiration for the Freeguild Marshal's... unique face was. I mean, perhaps GW are just trying to diversify the style of faces they portray, but it's certainly unique:


Then I worked out what it was reminding me of: Dishonored. Not a specific character, but rather the general art style used for (most*) faces in the game. For example, here's Admiral Havelock from Dishonored:


Does anyone think it was the inspiration, or am I seeing things? I'd say it's the same for the Marshal on foot with the beard, but perhaps less obviously so.

*They didn't really use it for Emily, making her look generally normal, no Corvo in Dishonored 2.

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12 hours ago, EntMan said:

As I've said before, us Space Dwarf fans have been waiting for the definite Votann second wave since forever*, so don't go holding your breath.

It hasn't even been a year since the army set was released: I'd have been amazed if they got their second wave so quickly. I'd expect them to get it whenever their Codex gets released for 10th edition, and similarly for Cities to get their second wave when they get a new Battletome for 4th.

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3 minutes ago, JerekKruger said:

I've been wracking my brain about what the inspiration for the Freeguild Marshal's... unique face was. I mean, perhaps GW are just trying to diversify the style of faces they portray, but it's certainly unique:


Then I worked out what it was reminding me of: Dishonored. Not a specific character, but rather the general art style used for (most*) faces in the game. For example, here's Admiral Havelock from Dishonored:


Does anyone think it was the inspiration, or am I seeing things? I'd say it's the same for the Marshal on foot with the beard, but perhaps less obviously so.

*They didn't really use it for Emily, making her look generally normal, no Corvo in Dishonored 2.

Mini looks more like Prigoshin (definitely not the inspiration I bet) than the videogame character you've posted. I don't really see it there (and I haven't played the game) but could be that the stylized faces are similar overall. 

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2 hours ago, Lucentia said:

Also, if I recall correctly, the last segment of that roadmap is just 'winter,' which could still cover an early 2024 release window if it is the FEC tome.

The overall roadmap did say 2023. images(13).jpeg.50a108c47c3f0b96d3a7bb1663b6b1f6.jpeg

That said with the Legions delay it wouldn't surprise me if FeC of Dawnbringers 4 got delayed too. 

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It wouldn't surprise me if the FeC release pans out similarly to how the Slaves to Darkness release happened, army set in a couple/few months and then a full release sometime in January potentially. Would be great to get the full release this year but Winter 2023 is apparently a very tiny window.

Edited by SilentSentinel
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29 minutes ago, Chikout said:

The overall roadmap did say 2023. images(13).jpeg.50a108c47c3f0b96d3a7bb1663b6b1f6.jpeg

That said with the Legions delay it wouldn't surprise me if FeC of Dawnbringers 4 got delayed too. 

Last year's roadmap also did say winter 2022 for StD but the main release was in January 2023. The most likely scenario is FeC Launch Box in November-December and main release also in January-February 2024.

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On 8/26/2023 at 1:20 PM, The Lost Sigmarite said:

It's always a classic from GW to make the elites and characters bigger than the rank and file so they stand out more. It's just artistic license, it's been done since classical art. 

I mean maybe, but GW also has issues with AoS and scale. Just take a look at Idoneth archers vs swordsmen sometime.

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1 hour ago, Clan's Cynic said:

Also the Hormagaunt is the free mini if that's your thing.

Shame, I was hoping for something from Cities, probably a Steelhelm. They had a Nid recently.

Maybe they'll do Cities look after to coincide with the full release.

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3 hours ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

It's not confirmed, but it is the only established faction without a tome that is left. Of course, there could be a surprise new faction out of nowhere or one of the factions that already have a battletome might get a second one this edition (Warclans update?).


3 hours ago, Lucentia said:

Also, if I recall correctly, the last segment of that roadmap is just 'winter,' which could still cover an early 2024 release window if it is the FEC tome.

At this point I'm actually leaning a bit towards warclans, with FEC being featured in a different dawnbringers book and/or getting one of these launch boxes.
Feels like the bonesplitterz squatting might be sooner than later, even if I don't want it to happen.
Could be an Ironjawz book specifically too.

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Just now, Chikout said:

What's this for. It doesn't look like a sculpted base so probably not cities. Is it a pet for the named Ironjawz character or a sign that we're getting a Gloomspite warcry warband? 

It is part of the new Orruk hero. It seems it is a blacksmith Ironjawz hero

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Behold Klonk, bringer of the Age of the Squig!


This crotchety critter has a hardened brow that looks like an overgrown pompadour. Cursed at birth with a permanent headache, being repeatedly battered over the head is the only source of relief for this little beast – but you’ll have to wait and see who is delivering the thumps until the NOVA Open 2023 Preview. 

I already love him

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7 minutes ago, Ganigumo said:

There's rumors of a troll regiment of renown right? Maybe its a troll thumping on its head.
Could be 40k too.

It was leaked on the description of the Big Boss video by error. It is part of the Ironjawz named hero

Edited by Nezzhil
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